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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.66696[Last 50 Posts]

Let's learn how to draw, m'fellas.

Drawing is a meditative, cathartic activity in which we attempt to interpret the world around us, or create a world our very own with every line and every page.

Give it a try, it's never too late to learn something new!


Drawing Software:

Drawing Tablet:
Ebay, Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or any regional facsimile

Look for
Intuos 3 - PTZ-631W
Intuos 3 - PTZ-930
Intuos 4 - PTK-840
Intuos 5 - PTH-850

Traditional Drawing Tools for getting started:
Basic wood pencils
a Mechanical pencil
Bulk office paper
a Clipboard
a Ruler

Learning Resources:

Fun with a Pencil - Andrew Loomis

Ctrl+Paint.com Library - Matt Kohr

NKU Drawing Database - Marc Leone

Dynamic Sketching 1 - Peter Han

Dynamic Sketching 2 - Peter Han

Perspective for Comic Book Artists - David Chelsea

How to Draw (Perspective / Vehicle Design) - Scott Robertson


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Haven't had time for this hobby anymore. I've been trying 3D modeling lately, because it overlaps with other things I'd like to do, but hermetic nerds who have never spoken to another human in decades created blender, so it will take time to unravel its esoteric mysteries.


I feel the same way about GIMP. It has good features but it seems to want to do as many things differently as possible just for the sake of it, rather than because it'd be more user friendly or efficient. STEE was right about NERDS


Make a drawing board



There's less than 20 ips here and I'm three of them (work, parents' house, apartment). Maybe there could be outside demand or I could bring d/edu/ back-despite of what happened last time though, aha


fuck off


/loomis/ is completely dead I assume.


/loomis/ is a stupid name, it should've been /draw/


I abandoned it not long after the board owner transfer debacle.

There were boards called /art/ and /draw/ already I think, and /loomis/ usermogged both of them (with all due respect heh).


>I abandoned it not long after the board owner transfer debacle.
SAD! I wonder how that guy who was drawing princesses everyday is doing.


Oh shit, that takes me back. He left long before-I think he never found his way to .moe after .net go shut down, not sure that he "left" as such. That's a shame because he was showing pretty quick improvement all things considered.


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>whats that animation site on 4chan ic thats super light

also how to pose your motion correctly based on its dynamics, kinematics, like walks or swims or gaits and such
or keyframes


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bump, mentally disappointed


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nneed help for 600k quality and how to selectively decide it


Not bad, man. You need to try and make sure the shapes are consistent throughout the motion though; his arm further in the background in particular loses a lot of its solidity and consistency as it is brought behind his back. Maybe try using simple shapes for now, like tubes for arms, a sphere for the head and rectangles for the chest and hips so you can gauge your abilities in that area, animation unadulterated by clothing and other distracting details, and then start adding those things later as your consistency with simple things improves

You will need to put out a lot of highly polished work to attain a following that size. I'd say .01% of people who do art have anywhere near that number. I can't think of any off of the top of my head excluding people who'd made a popular multimedia product like a game or animation.



>>66849 what about positioning the arms and legs throughout the frames
Like the exact positions they should be relative to each other. And then how the body orients around.
What is this idea of polish then. Like the exact description.
Like if you are to translate the sales into the probably product


>I'd say .01% of people who do art have anywhere near that number.
1 in 10k? No way, no how.


Isolated to the "art community" I mean, which itself seems to be only one in a hundred from the general population if that-even smaller if you count "determined" artists. At least using my social circle of rapidly aging millenials and zoomers as a metric


I mean, this guy (https://twitter.com/thdark101) is a favorite of mine and he doesn't have a tenth of that following our new poster is seeking. You're probably right, even under those conditions, it might be that 1 in 100k could be a generous estimate heh


>>66858 well that 0.01% also dont lick boots and post stick figures so i guess things are done properly not like hollywood


I agree, in a world where as much media content is in control by hostile, mysterious "elites" as it is, the ability to create our own media as individuals and small teams is of far more importance than it will ever be given credit.


Ban the hagspammer


>>66877 i m not sure what you are saying
I just need something more systematic
And abstract
To try out quality control


What can i do to determine the right tweening between one keypose to another so it is realistic like in coordinates

Or the other way around, inferring the next frame based on the previous frame and the supposed motion
And the realistic properites and dynamics of the scne

As in the correct arcs and
The lines and volumes of the scene.


Like maybe just the joints and such

Especially dances

Also where can i find like
The most compelte motions reference
I only know this http://mocap.cs.cmu.edu/motcat.php?maincat=2
But it s a hassle to view
On phone

It dont evn play


It's timing. So one way to do would be to act it out and think about it. Do a motion and think in your head a second at a time. Divide the motions by 24 frames and then just go through the process of keyframes vs inbetweens.


Here's an old book that might help. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a more modern interpretation by now, though.



>>66918 timing is how long the frame lasts. What i am referring more is pose and spacing. Like during walks or dances, how much does the knee bent
Or how to make left leg and right arm goes in exavt tandem

Or to be exact, conveniently memorize it
Guess it
>do a motion
I think this is a fair sentence. But how do you even begin to "motion"
Since it is on paper
And not really your body and such

In real life you probaly can always cheat out a little... and generally perform most things.

But to "motion" it on paper... and realistically
Can you clue me?


>>66919 eh muybridge.
Fair enough.

I mean if i trace it i guess i will definitely get it, being so conveniently exact and straightforward...

But when the motion is slightly varied
Abit different
Disney cartoony

I dont think i ll be. And i do tried alot so eith a scene and get nothing so ...
I guess i dont have talent
And this is extra supplement for me.


If you think of it visually, spacing in animation is most often divided into halves


BUT! Not evenly like that all the time. Very often it's "halves-divided by halves" as the motion starts from nothing, picks up speed and then comes to a rest (slowing in/slowing out) . e.g.:

|1-|2--|3---|4------|5-------------|6--------------|7------|8---|9--|10-|11/12 (back to start of loop)

There's also timing on "thirds" for very fast movements and which operate on the same concept, but you divide your key frames into thirds (with-I think-the inbetweens still being divided into half)



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Not sure why I thought it'd be easier to type it out like that than just giving an example from the book heh


Ok i know this one. Problem is... i dont really see whats a "third" or "halves"
In a walk, run, gaits, dances especially.
Or it also dont explain how the body mechanics function like how the gait works. Or maybe in specifically, lines and volumes of the body. Or the supposed arc.
So you got like choices to solve this either in arcs, volumes, or lines.
>>66939 like this example
Sure it is coin and i think it is probably right but
I guess i just dont feel how it works for actual
Keyword here is Feel

Also it s mostly for cycles, dances, as linearly moving things and symetrical feels just "fine" to me.

I guess i need something thats actually about body mechanisms, dance; both a different topic but of similar complexity to me


How to plan for 600k or daily deviation
Or trending

Like how to define appeal for a canvas
And where to find the data
And how to turn the data



You have to understand how silly it is to (repeatedly) ask how to acquire/maintain over half a million followers on a website that has less than 20 users, few if any of whom have any conventional social media presence at all. If anyone here knew how to get that many people to follow them the Northwest Front would have been made real by now heh


This guy is WEIRD!


Well i just cant pass up the chance to learn something new. Useful.
Insane, indeed. Its a mad mad world, they say. So i am not going to be any different. Schizo is a special word i guess; since it means letting myself blending in, still end up singling me out. A special kind of irony, which i dont benefit anything being reminded of. But i guess thats just how life has been for the last few centuries, and even more. And anyone who tells you to toughen up or suck it up is actually the softest ones, like, literally. Which is probably, alot.


not as silly as not just banning the cunt though


your are a gay faget


Leave that French-or some other continental European country-art man alone...


shut up nerdo


Leave that supreme gentleman and scholar alone...


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..what the hells going on


Thread locked by crazy moron
So heres what i was typing before i notice the little locks you put on your old dementia, withering moma for her own "good", americanly, japanly, modernly


Pretty sure i thought you d "ahhh so thats what u mean"
Since this is not drawings boobs and tiddies only and putting ten of them in random positions dont make a right motion

Fuck understanding things, i guess.

The computer sure dont need crazy squiggly scribbles only to watch you lit like monkeys so,

How about solving this stick figure coordinations, independently here. Like a computer, tough guy, no need to show off your already retarded "life drawing wisdom" that dont even pass thru an AI or a 3d software


>crazy squiggly scribbles
>show off loser


berhenti pura-pura bodoh, cuma di thread ini aja ya


>>67061 glad you dont ask the AI to use slum language
Still lame though.
I got no IQ for that, remember? So what u talkin about?
No need to show your life drawing superiority

Your jittery hentai inbetweens is way off my fucking chart


Well you have to match my chart then

Last time i check, i can tell between a limp, and a dickbag and a professional marathon athlete.

And if you say nothing personal, "kid",
It isnt. And you are just fooling with me
Or hell, maybe you are a fool instead.
So mind your own seating, kid,
Or bump when you got some cells to spare

Braincells, that is
Or a cel, cel animation

Got it? Capiche?

Now back to your drawing board,
If you even got one, instead of this entire "board" where you chirp so vrivolously like you are warnerbros exec screaming at chuck jones


Or really, shit, just show off the toothpick sized inference i want from you
The big stuff confuses you anyway.



Sorry i am an artist going for BA, not professional mental illness actor agency.

Also this is a drawthread, i guess you dont have the hardwork to balls really really clinical problems. Pardon the troubles but this is pitiful. Not as horrible as /d/ at zzzchan i guess.
But close.


>not mentally ill
Pick one and only one.


There was one gogh and only one.


You qualify as retarded.


Being the star of your era does not pass you as the runaway mental patient like everyone else. But i honestly dont think arguing about how should a moustasche look so to be dramatically a gogh reincarnate will ever get you to work the two frames of counting i need you to do or revealing itself to me for free.


thread baru yang kamu buat langsung dihapus aja, dan kalo makin kacau, bisa kena ban. ya, tetap di thread ini aja. makasih


Your grammar is messy as hell.

Try using english instead. Translator is wasted on you.


All great artists are mentally ill.
Prove me wrong: you can't.


Maybe if you really stretch your definition. Most great artists were apex humans. As in they were both high in status and genetically gifted. Guys like Van Gogh are in the minority.


>whats that animation site on 4chan ic thats super light
If you want some ancient basic animation software, that's super light and barebones, there's easytoon.


You probably can only name egon and davinci and even the later one cannot be the homo you are just to sell his shit to the papacy so i guess you have like, a sick person, and then a homo, as a reference.

Maybe you should have focused on the math than this grueling historical nonsense.
No, it's


No what i mean is something on browser and it was on 4chan's ic but i forget the name


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Tried to make an animation parsing between two poses. For the record, this is more of a figure drawing exercise than something that's animation-specific (I'm more thinking about how to imagine the figure without reference than I am the animation mechanics themselves).

I give myself a time limit of about two/two and a half hours on these because I often do it as a group with some others. I should spend more time on it though so I can knead out the various issues that come up.


Are you thinking of /i/ rather than /ic//? It's their in-browser Oekaki program.


It almost look like the body expands
Hmmm, what is /i/
No i dont think it is the in browser thing

Its something someone recommended in one of the thread but then i forgot whats the name


your drawings are shit


That's not what you are mum said last nite faget heh xd



It's called "practice", retard.


Very true, it looks like that because it does! Not intentionally of course, but the legs get a little longer and shorter and so on as well. I just need to do this more-and maybe think about the animation timing as well instead of just doing even spacing. It's difficult because that's a thought process that can take a long time on its own. If I start the planning phase in advance of my group drawing session that might improve things.

Even to this day I'm mostly just practicing, but I do have pretty refined work in both figure drawing, illustration and animation elsewhere-I just can't post it. LOL heh

In the spirit of this thread I'll try and do more artwork with some meat on its bones that I don't have tied to personal accounts heh


Style looks familiar, like that one femcel artist. The inconsistencies in the lines suggest to me that this has been cropped from something rather than drawn for this thread. It's not a bad illustration though, for what it's worth heh.


There's no such thing as femcels. Any woman can get dick they're only fem-voycels.


>Even to this day I'm mostly just practicing, but I do have pretty refined work in both figure drawing, illustration and animation elsewhere-I just can't post it. LOL heh
Every time I see these comics I'm like, damn, that's literally HDV.


This is true, I shouldn't even play into that nonsense as a joke. Women, smh



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Girl on the left has a nice butt, but I think maybe the legs are too short. This thread makes me kind of want to draw again, but I can't dedicate myself to it seriously.


You're definitely right, they're much too short-should be about a full head length taller. I thought I fixed it, but I may have accidentally ctl-z'd their legs back into being short af after I'd free transformed them longer when my focus was on another one of the figures. JUST

I wouldn't worry about being seriously dedicated; I've kind of realized as I got older that I'm definitely not going to make it in the conventional sense, it's just an enjoyable activity to me more than anything else, now.

>it helps to eschew thoughts of being some incredible top .5% artist and just try and enjoy the process without too much cynicism about the results


>I dont care. I dont have talent anyway
How is animation frames can be /tobe inferred from the previous pose and the keyframe after that is then considered as physically correct

Or if doing it straight ahead, how is the interpolations are done based on the motions/sequence-to-be dynamics or intent


How to infer illustration/content/writing based on whats appealing or virality? Something original and not derivative, but then also surmounting enough value, calculatively

Like, what data and technique and analysis, conversion, successful art based on, basically.


I think I have found the money-making strategy you seek. Troon out and make globohomo art for corporations.


What I try (and failed in many areas) in the previous attempt is to simplify everything into basic shapes in my mind as I'm moving them. A torso is a cube, legs are cylinders, head is a sphere etc.; this in theory makes it easier to keep track of volumes/what the size of things should be from one frame to another. Also, use the relationship of key areas like the shoulder line, elbows, wrists, hands, knees, and bottom of feet to monitor the changing placement of details like the arms and legs.


There is a book called "How to Write for Animation" that explains the inner working of writing in the industry. It's very good, and has exercises, challenges and stuff like that based on concepts introduced in the book. It was very revealing in how that process works, which put simply is kind of like drawing with how you reverse engineer something of increasingly specific detail from something very basic and general.


>>67296 focus on the question
This is acceptable but it dont explain enough coordinate
>relationship of key area
Yes this. But i have never seen anything that expands on it. Like tandems or parallels. In general, abit more symbols or math would do for me.
>>67299 the one by jeffrey scott?


Or in actuality
I just want something free, and correct, also testable, for a tip.


Yeah Jeffrey Scott


More related to your earlier query on timing/spacing, but you could try "Timing for Animation"


Unlike Richard Williams' book it isn't exclusively about walk cycle animations but features other actions as well.


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I'm serious about this by the way. How does a person make money being a commercial artist? Probably the bulk of your commissions would come from corporations, not fetishists and this is the art standard of every start-up. It probably isn't too difficult to make a portfolio with a bunch of garbage like this and land some corporate contracts.


To be honest, most don't. There are many extremely good artists who are now, and who will for the foreseeable future, make their primary living with a regular job. There was a lot of FOMO to become a commercial artist in the early 2000s, that coupled with globalization making the competition world-wide it's not an easy field to get into for even those among us at near the top of their game.


Yea i know that book. I think it has enough of richard williams. Ok maybe i just need it to be a short and quick one pager how-to general solution for "animation". The whole book feels almost like a guide on how to use flash anyway

As in, the "spacing", is very inspecific and guessabout.
And i need something with more why and whats.
Maybe abit too much math, but well.
>>67316 not anon but i dont get my food service degree for free either so this conversation, is.




I dont get you.
This has been a very unpleasant waste of time. As of the other chans.


>To be honest, most don't.
I know that, but I what I'm saying is: For those who are doing commercial art for a living, what do they work on? And I imagine it's mostly soulless corporate work. If your goal is to make art your profession, that's where the demand seems to be.
>There was a lot of FOMO to become a commercial artist in the early 2000s, that coupled with globalization making the competition world-wide it's not an easy field to get into for even those among us at near the top of their game.
There was a lot of opportunity in the 2000s to turn hobbies into a career, and the ship had sailed by the time most of us realized. I've watched the vlogs of someone who used to do art for MTG, and it's sad that even really good artists who do work for billion-dollar companies are broke as shit. It's insane how art became so over-saturated that it's almost like being a McDonald's employee, there's an army of people that could replace you.


Is this what you're doing?


No, but that I've been attempting a similar work flow with far worse results. I don't know how everything looks so nice for these guys. I'll try to copy exactly what they do and mine will look fucked-up somewhere down the line for reasons I can't comprehend.


And by "no" I mean I'm not trying to make things 2D if that's what you're asking. I do model the exact same way by using turnabout images though.



no dipshit because you changed it up.


That's irrelevant to my problem, which is that the program is not behaving in the same way that they say it should. I'm not trying to "cut corners" I want things to move the way I want them to move. I'm sick of random jank fucking up my UI or vertices.


Not me btw.


When I have the time I think I'm going to read a book instead of bothering with online tutorials any longer, as from my experience they have substantially better information.


I do not have anything to show. Basic use of the program is a constant comedy of errors. Why won't my transformations work correctly? Well it's because I forgot to hit "apply transformations" earlier. Alright, but I'm pretty sure it worked without doing that before, so what's the problem? Well it turns out some things work differently in object mode and edit mode. But wait, it's not working correctly, because the origin is not where it's supposed to be, because you just have to know somehow that you need to "set origin to geometry" after you "apply transformations". There is no way to intuit use of this program. No other experience you've had in your life with apply here. You have to brute force your way into solving the hermit's riddles.


Why not switch to Maya then?
>1337x.to/torrent/5612355/Autodesk-Maya-v2024-x64-Pre-Cracked-CracksHash/ (read the comments for proper installation)
They didn't have any major UI change in the past decade anywhere near as dramatic as Blender 2.8+ (July 2019). All the UI tips and many of the tutorials for Blender made before July 2019 basically became obsolete.


Also use ChatGPT if you aren't already. e.g. ask "How do I do the box modeling approach in Maya where I start from a cube" and it should tell you the main steps and menu & keyboard shortcuts. Or to remind you basic shortcuts. Occasionally it can confidently bullshit you but I think it's more efficient to learn than trying to google shit or going through a (((book))) (lawl what kinda nerd who reads books these days). I think if you were to ask it Blender questions it might mix up <2.8 and 2.8+ shit.


Because blender isn't proprietary, has more formats, more plug-ins, ect. I just hope the learning curve is worth it.
No thanks. I know from trying to get it to do trigonometry that it will give you completely wrong answers more than "occasionally".


>why can't a language model that lacks a computational engine solve math equations
That's what WolframAlpha ($5/mo) is for.
>Because blender isn't proprietary
So? Everyone pirates Photoshop for example because GIMP is shit.
>has more formats, more plug-ins
And which do you need?


Using adobe products is like putting your balls in a vice, pretty unpleasant. I have no clue what people want from a digital paint program where they feel it's absolutely mandatory to use photoshop.


Hey, Faggot, Can you share those virtual ants in your pants? I'm not as rich as you and I live in a sewer.


>I have no clue what people want from a digital paint program where they feel it's absolutely mandatory to use photoshop.
Photoshop is an image editor which is what it excels at. It's definitely capable of painting too but I prefer to use a painting-focused program instead like Clip Studio Paint.
>Using adobe products is like putting your balls in a vice, pretty unpleasant.
They work well for me.
My general "workflow" as a hobbyist/amateur of simple animations:
Adobe Animate (formerly Adobe Flash): to do all the character/subject frames and flat coloring/shading, then export all frames as transparent PNGs
Adobe Photoshop: to add soft shading where I feel is necessary
Clip Studio Paint: to paint the backgrounds (with the character/subject layers on top)
Adobe After Effects: to add post-production effects mostly on the character/subject layers (e.g. blur, glow, edge highlights via alpha mattes, lens flare)

Countless TV cartoons and animated films were made in Adobe Flash. My Little Pony was made in Adobe Flash (with After Effects and Photoshop). You don't need something complicated like Toon Boom, OpenToonz or Retas Studio, or to throw in something like Maya into the pipeline if you don't need or want 3DCG.

The Japanese anime studio Science Saru is one of the few anime studios that use Adobe Flash (together with After Effects, and Clip Studio / Photoshop for backgrounds) as you can see from this video, all other anime studios use Retas Studio.
Heike Monogatari
Devilman Crybaby
Lu over the Wall
Ride Your Wave


Drawn out, but brief. Good to tell you're so eager to begin learning, let's see if I can scratch that itch. Differences in the time for educational exposure do not indicate advantage nor disadvantage, please persist however, if your fucking note-worthy exception couldn't seriously reflect that.


Ban this poster.



Looks like me except I don't pose like a GAY BOY!




You are sexy. No homo.


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10 minutes in Krita


I think probably just practicing drawing primitives from different angles is all you need to do in order to draw anything with some level of competence. R8 my hypothesis.


That might at least get you better at technical illustrations. Most people find that stuff boring. Part of the objective of art is to make it appealing or interesting. It would be too reductionist to say drawings are nothing more than primitives.


I believe I have gotten my bearing in Blender. Books didn't help this time. The guy who made that peach video actually has another very good character tutorial and nothing on my end has gone awry yet. We'll see what happens when I get to sculpting.

>It would be too reductionist to say drawings are nothing more than primitives.
It's more like my assumption is a lot of art mistakes come down to a poor understanding of the shape you're trying to convey, so drawing primitives from different angles is a good place to start. I don't think it's all you need to be an actually good artist, but it might be the most fundamental prerequisite. I remember drawabox was a fad for a while, but I've found courses like this are full of extraneous information that make you want to quit before you even start. They way over-emphasize line quality before you even being drawing anything for example.


Going fairly well.


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Parts of my model are not symmetrical, because for some reason tools will sometimes use a different level of strength on each side when I have axis symmetry enabled.
I see some of the lore baked into this image.


Just got to the part about retopology and it is depressing. You basically have to make another copy of your sculpted mesh by polymodeling over it.


Looking based and goblinpilled my friend


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Can anyone recommend a standalone device for drawing? I asked more than a year ago and someone suggested something but I'll look more into it now. Space is a problem for me, I want a device I can use in bed and put on a nearby shelf when not in use


Ms paint




>I just want a device I will bring with me to [x] or to use at [y] place in my living space that isn't normally conducive to drawing in the slightest

A lot of people think they're going to do this but they don't. If you're out and about you're not going to want to be drawing most of the time, and if you're in bed you're just going to fall asleep. Buy something appropriate for where you spend the great majority of your time-at home-and where you'll be most productive-at your desk.

My ipad/apple pencil collects dust while I use my 20 year old Intuos 3 (PTZ-930) almost every day, sitting at an Ikea table in my apartment living room. I have a smaller Intuos 3 (PTZ-631W) I put in a backpack and bring to work/my parents' house.

Focus on getting a table or desk surface that can accommodate your monitor, keyboard and tablet properly instead. I've seen retards use their tablet in their ever-shifting lap or off to the side like a computer mouse because the idea of having to exchange their current desk for one more conducive to a productive hobby and less conducive to displaying their anime figures scares them for some reason. Don't let that be you.


Yes thats the kind of thing I was thinking thanks

I'll see if I can get a cheap big tablet

I spend a lot of time in bed watching film actually, as well as browsing the net etc, but this is partly something I do to reverse my myopia and the net-browsing is much less efficient than using a desktop pc or even smartphone.

Maybe drawing might be too hard on my lap, thats a good point though... I don't know how I'll sitting and if it will give me bad posture etc.


>I'll see if I can get a cheap big tablet
That's the cheapest Android tablet I can find in Ausfalia that supports a pressure sensitive pen. Cheaper tablets do not support these kinds of pressure sensitive pens, they are just capacitive pens which are no better than drawing with a computer mouse, they are absolutely horrible trust me I've used them, you'd just be wasting your money.

If you really don't have the money then you should just be getting a USB drawing tablet for your PC. Maybe get something like this:

>reverse my myopia

Save up for PRK (LASIK can get you corneal flap problems if a broad slaps your face at any time in the future, as well as a higher risk of dry-eye problems, they cost the same but the only catch is PRK takes a little longer to recover) in India. I think it's cheaper to take a flight to India, get PRK done, then a flight back than to get PRK done in Ausfalia.


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The usb tablet might actually be a good idea but I'll have to think about it, it might be too awkward using it on my bed, which is the only place I can really draw right now. I was previously drawing in a book with a mechanical pencil and rubber.

I wouldn't get the eye surgery thing, my myopia is about 0.75-1 right now and if I keep at it I ~THINK~ I'll have perfect vision in 3-4 years, but its too early to guess that really by now.

My setup >>68526


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Think about getting an ergo-arm or perhaps a new desk entirely. This kind of desk setup is aesthetically pleasing but ultimately that's a superficial thing. The models and game system can go anywhere else and they'll look just as good. Get an Ikea table with just a little more girth instead, or-as I'm thinking of doing-get a work bench that can function as a standing desk (much more expensive, however I personally feel like sitting causes me to fall asleep [regards, Boomer] so the productivity gains will probably be worth it idk)


This guy makes me laugh because he's like "it's a great tablet but I don't like [catastrophic failure of a design flaw]." In every video. Your stroke lagging is actually extremely fucked up and a debilitating, aggravating problem.

The sooner people realize that every single youtube reviewer is a shill the better. For one thing, the fact of the matter is drawing on a screen tablet is fucked up for both your posture and your eyes, but worse yet it's actually functionally worse than a desktop tablet as well. Unlike most people who don't make their living leaving universally glowing video reviews for chinesium drawing tablets, I have the contextual information and experience to make that statement having owned and used both.


It's time to become a mouse chad.


My bedroom is small, I don't care that much about being doxxed bu I'd still generally rather not post pics of it. Its the bed or nothing for me at the moment. Though I need to put more time into my writing anyway. I was drawing on busses and trains, in my book, otherwise.


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I'd like to contribute, but I've put the modeling on the back-burner for now. I'll probably get started on it again in a month or so when I should have a lot of free time.


Do you'ns ever use those little wooden dudes that have jointed limbs u can use to create positions to draw? I got one hoping to get back into draw I ng a little.

I can't make heads or tails of many of the posts in this thread, I just like to doodle sometimes with paper and pen / pencil / marker. It seems the most sincere to get into it for the sake of the activity itself and not trying to achieve some fame or something quickly, but to each his own


They're okay (and thankfully inexpensive) but there are better options these days-at least if you have a second monitor. A 3D model mannequin on sketchfab.com or some of the poseable models they make in Japan (they're expensive though) for example. Are they called Figma or is that some other weeaboo sh*t? heh

Clip Studio Paint has an internal poseable 3D model a lot of people seem to like as well.


When I go to the dollar store I like posing them doing the nazi salute on the shelves heh



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How do you analogously determine refracted shapes on surface of the object, based on the background objects and refracting subject

like picrel here... like there are names like incidence ray and such but i am not completely sure nor have i seen some fullfledge 3d example of the subject
like the word "points where the ray hits theobjects", incidence ray, like, does all object emits ray everywhere or what?

anyway i thought this should have been fundamental, even in 3d.

or not. since it took some few decades(,centuries) for people to write a page of it. anyway, i cant seem to really, Draw it, unless with
really really specifically, correct, reference

which sounds more like uh



Theres nothing fundamentally wrong with tracing or other art tools.


>>69602 i suppose. i guess i just wanna know how to draw, correctly
not tracing


Ahmed Aldoori has pretty good tutorials on this subject. Just be careful not to get All*h Ackb*rred by him xddd


Link me, i cant seem to find anything related or even close


For the luls? Cant even take any of this seriously anymore. Not that it deserve that much either.


Rigid thinking and purity-seeking doesn't mesh well with artistic expression.


Says you the not-hyperrealist

Art has always been spitarsed by the muh-camera-eye, even if just for lulz and gigs


I tried defining how refraction should be painted, but i am not even sure how incident rays work
Or the entire refraction

Either way: aesthethic
Of the refraction
How do you define then

Maybe for big digits too


idk heh

No sense overthinking too much. You should make a twitter account where you post rapid gifs of you sketching stuff like >>66942. I think painting is kind of oversaturated anyway.


Well follow your passion really sinks in this time

Iwish i can just

Enjoy scribbling turd and make billions from turds

But nope


Fuck your kilts. I aint gonna put skirts with you lot.

But whatever

There were three kids
Two had problems.
With each others.


Plz draw gay furry porn and donate the money to 4chon dot me. Hdv needs to pay his jannies.


I think with the way things are going, following your passion is quite literally the only way an artist will be successful in [current year + 8]. It was already true that a small fraction of artists were paid for their work either through formal employment or as freelancers, now we're competing with computers too. smdh


>shut it ahmed
No the point is anon said i dont need to overthink my ass
When i am not and i am just following my passion

Theres nothing to think when theres nothing to explain it to begin with damit






dogi's the most talented artiste here ask her


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Good attempts fella. Consider getting a cheap clipboard and you can use plain old $12-a-ream office paper to practice on heh


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Suggest me things to draw that
Is 600k in total
In designs and renders
Its parameters and metrics

Like a list of them
And their measurements/market valuations of the product itself


Just log in to Twitter 5 times a day, look at the "what's trending" tab and try and pick something worth drawing from that


>>72332 hmm nice suggestion but i need something load bigger just for the listos
Not like 5 witchery magic unicorn things and such.

And hitting some million zero quota

Know how to? Basically a whole scene and such>>72332


You're starting to sound like you're just looking for an excuse not to try at this point, King. I've seen your art and I think you should just start putting yourself out there. Good things can't happen for you if you just keep asking the same questions over and over again instead of drawing, y'know?


Dogi you gotta be doing the carnivore diet. WE BELIEVE IN YOU! This girl just gave a glowing review of the carnivore diet and its going kinda viral and I thought of you. You can shock the world with your glow-up

I guess it might actually be a good idea to take it slow tho because I hear loose skin comes from shedding the weight too fast. And loose skin looks awful


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I think she's too far gone, she keeps getting fatter and fatter despite claiming she's changing her diet
e.g. >>63461


Good lord she looks like some dude who'd attend a 2009 blizzcon.


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You were being funny so i am just saying that i draw circles over and over and it dont count so it s getting confusing and since there are more zeroes in variety than what i ask so it seems safer to ask what should be, einstein.

The jews know better. Or hitler, so why am i going to do the beter thinking or tryig? Also i ll ask more about t is counted so unless you got more than smart remarks, it beter be worth my coins, ahmed. Regards, not-king


>some dude
That's because dog is a biological man and tranny.


Vagina-portal libfem art.


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The whole world is watching her


I want cookies


Guess we re on no proof basis huh


There was a cute 15 year old girl at my local Walmart. She was maybe 100 pounds at most

Five years later she has a hunched back, an extra 100 pounds at least, and her skin looks like aged leather. She's 20 going on 45

Meds, trump vaccine, only G-d knows what did this to her


Having a job did it.


100% sure it's the same person? heh


Does it matter?



Yes, 100%. I feel like I dodged a bullet. There seems to be a lot of beautiful young teenage girls in this town that hit the wall at 18


>Yes 100%
Uh. Is walmart your hang out spot?


I'm in Walmart rn AMA


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Posting really old stuff since I haven't really drawn much in awhile.


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From an old sketchbook


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The file size limit is killing me.


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Last ones for now.


Based towerchad

Pretty good control of the nuances of the media, drawing skills need work but obviously teachable.



Grotesque heh. Stick to furries.


I would like to get my eyes fixed before I start drawing again. I suspect I have an untreated astigmatism. I can't even drive at night anymore.


man, long time. i realize my energy decrease everytime i changes focus.

basically now i am trying to
a. draw well, like half a million click well
so need a precise calculation but also simplified in a sense of knowing the variables and what the drawing you project without being copious? in trend but also hip?
i guess i know fundamentald but good is advanced
b. animate shit in programmatic precision where we know F is equal to mass * accelerations, and then gravity is 9.8 m persec² so it is about motioning in the paper of which we already know the 3d space by grid but then it means to add more vector in additions to these ones in relevance to realism or at least believability
c. draw this all or somewhat see it upside down which is kinda gimmicky and i ve only seen it in a few books but it gotten very annoying in comparison to how i usually does it so but whatever i am just messin around

finallly in respective order if you are to answer practice or try it out blablab i d need to say could you be more specific or could you show any example especially in analytics and followed by proofings? like one of those scientific papers but id have to pick yours because they are all on MATLAB while i am barely on calculator, so you could say it s a less differential calculus and more on actual experience or logic comparatives, regards.


>>93808 you might call this skill but this is just unacceptably surreal.


somehow i did the upside down thing but now i need picture encyclopedia of everything or just how to deal with more complex subject with strange centrr of gravity like bikes and turned wheels, folded arms from below,upside down... so on.


Picture to follow. I need like... A lot of names. Or feel free to request me.


Whats with those yaoi proportions...



Ah pressed-chatta-chuseo-hamnida

What's a yaoi proportion
Is it a bisexual safe word thing


File: 1733022169523.webp Spoiler Image, 5.48 KB, 332x540, Screenshot_20241201_030147….webp

I drew this also eat shit gaylords


>Nanda korea
Gasp it actually works;you just need to feel it out. No need to practice, forget hardwork whatsoever, give up your life, pretend Romeo and Juliet got into your pants, changes nationality into some Melanesian cannibal, and pretentiously gets deported to low-key the most unsecured, invested SEAN country, replace one of the denizens eyes closed, make that ten, and you can even incite #wearepablo campaign while you, uh, feel it out.

It's true: it's designed to be, mind-blowing, anyway. Or just semitic. Anti, semitic.

>Holocaust? Ye kidding me. We done that, hands down.

>No tezuka. Kekw


The upside-down thing is just to unlock the perceptive ability to draw in a beginner, you are a bit more advanced than that. You mention wanting to draw vehicles a lot, you'll need to look into hard perspective


or rather maybe


which is all about vehicles and such heh


>begginer thing
Really? Well i cant even do it on most things correctly. Like it ruins my orientations. These two books are alright but it doesnt havd exactly the related specifics, but i do recall upsidedown is in a gimmicky niche while scott focuses on cars alot? Im looking on to the other one... But is there other things more, specific? Like this one is slanted despite the same floor ... The machines shape are becomes annoying. So on.

Thanks for the input


I tried/traced(owwwwwdeng) chibidoki and it became filian. It think its the dame person, genetically. Like, time travel.


Upside down accidents

Also what a long fucking arm


Its always gets very nervous. And with that massive white, unused, clean space.


literally didnt feel this one but ok


I guess smartness don't always rhyme with toughness. No wait, it should be, resilience. Yep.


The size is wrong again, gimme a breakkk


Need some mathemthically correct probvable method to animation especially walk cycles and sakugas that can actually measure if your motion is actually mathemathically correct in motion that your usual grandfather-eyeball method that is so hit and miss the japanese had to build an industry around themselves just to shit on everything else that is zzzchan or dangeru.us or any semblance on imageboard itself.

ill start: 9.8m/s going down is the gravity vector, and then the rest being F=m.a in directions and amount to be specified.


It smears on the fucking handle, it fucking smears on the-. I ve been washing waters in it and it kept -How DO I FUCKING REMOVE It. Oh great now it fucking drip. do I fucking look Arabian? Do I ride camel
for 50$ per minute? Do I? I even use pippete as a cover, IT USED PIPETTe As COVER
>If we are stars, I can, finely, only bore you to death.


See see it even fucking smear on the fucking handle. Are you fucking kidding me. Are you fucking kidding me. Giorgione don't even absorb paint. All those plastic fibers. I can't concentrate like this. Fuck you. Fuck arabs for being a fucking retard walking on their heads. Fuck Islam for walking on four. Fuck


It's mirra warudo.


...it's slanted. It's like he denied gravity itslef. At least the size is ok. And there's a million more things to upside down. Sigh

Oh I forgot to tell of rabies. Getting killed by dogs when you are white should be embarrassing. Ask the croc Diarhist. He had to frown at your comment first.



It's kalkulation ofc duh. Now who's the other one


You ever hit tanks with monkeywrench
I know. Whos that hardworking. You won't even be rewarded for the funny


guess thats why itd made easy. just pull, count. the rest. i dont think you deserve it.

or then, we have thomas. as good reminder how... unprepared, you all are. it too. or maybe just mostly it. sounding "pls wait pls wait" so on. lookd like good fucking show.


Are you a graffiti artist or something?


nice way of seeing it grandma. but it is not a wall.


"maybe it looks better in cleaner spce" "maybe it is to keep you from saving money" "maybe it is a message of'if you save so much for yourse-'"

Yea fuck you too


you can't draw


lets see your drawings then chud


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i drew a frogge

merry christmas 4chon!


don't be sad, apu, you've been good and santa will surely reward you with epic gifts


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I doubt it sadly.


>>94444 hi im 94443, we were in the same repeat class, so yeah, no shit, sherlock.
hows your raport? all blood?
merrycrust(urd)must(urd), santiago claudiaclausilica


Don't worry about it, it's probably the resident sperg who complains in every thread about how everything sucks.


i also complain about gabehment and courtians and courtheust but i ve never met this one

in short: ok


I meant he complains about the other users and their interests. He admits to hating this website, but comes here to complain about it every day anyway.


Wow, he sounds like a total loser. What kind of person would spend every single day doing that?

He must really lack self respect.


>>94481 k i just need more useful info but i guess everywhere the same irl or right by my house
>>94482 we re not the same person arent we. for starter i dont even care, but we could be. what would you lose? parkings?




need massive DLC


Why he upside down



Almost forgot about this site. The models are a lot better than they used to be heh


>thenotquestion: does it look ok?
technically he isnt
>>94605 yea i know that site. i stopped using it long time ago since it's not...v important anymore in comparison to many things...like, game sprite rips. also art tutorials tells you to generalize things so i make do and it's not wrong at all. also fengzhu dont do poses to do schools. or, just about everything else.

oh wait are you replying to me


Just bought some Copic markers fellas. They smell good. Almost too good. I'm dizzy heh


I'm gonna ask the pope the amount of Lego you swallowed. Or in case of Arabian oil magnate, guessing your alcoholic rate before you blow pipe.


shut the fuck up you skitzo retard


>>67132 hurtful comment but let me fix it: you can put artist in front of any word.

Meanwhile just be the scientific genius I ask you and not the dognoise translator you always rely on to Sound even mildly international.


>>94762 fuck you and your fat brain of internet drama. Try torrent maybe you faggot.


the pope fucked me with his latino bbc


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


imagine saying you always have great time, you have ten times everyone's wealth, you produced stars as babys like biebs and wests by calling "DAMAMADA" when you came out and you dont even pay taxes and you care/worry none of the legacy you leave because it does not matter anymore and let that be reality overnight. you'd be permanent asshole and liar all day long,till you die but it's not lie if it happens so just an asshole




>>94903 wow. King.


I'm so uninspired and I can't finish colouring unless the proportions and alignment is good.

Also what's some calculation to do to know enough spacings between lines and frames so a certain motions performs at least correctly like walks or dances? Basically giving enough weigh, recoils, so on so forth, balance, dynamics? It's a drawing too, but I guess it's based on three dimensional concept. In 3d space. Spacings, in general.


The closest approximation to a "calculation" I can think of is how animation spacing is often divided by halves into further halves, it's logical and looks good in practice depending on the motion.

>three keyframes which may be several dozen frames apart

>add breakdowns

slow-in, slow-out



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wow. hm, i think you got v closely to what i need. but how does this apply to maybe a whole thing like a whole person or even between squashes and sttetches of muscles and then the realism of a whole pose, scene

two things:
the arcs; and the flow? poses to poses? i guess the second one is more, on several things at once... like, it goes brtween object to object...

also assuming you have no guide of the motion other than memory and general consensus/assumption/guide so use physics like 9.8 of gravity, the weigh, and whatever makes the body walk in uh, rhythm? sheesh now thats alot but im p convinced it should be some straightforeward math but i dont know which....

assidtance is appreciated


That animation skipped leg day.


I don't get it, lol but ok I ll rephrase it. Basically
Is about the exact position or spacing of each limbs from head to toe, a to z positioned in accordance to time like image here being frame 1 to 9 and so how is leg a or forehand b is drawn/placed in the image while considering things like, balance, natural walking posture, weigh, character, which understandably, makes for like, ten or more variety of the same thing, but each to its own, say, emotion, identity, or the pattern whole itself.

Generally yeah, it's just about knowing where to draw each joint or vertices in the frame based on the motion it will be showing and it's physics/physicality. It's seems actually math or at least vector but I am just not very sure though this is definitely physics.


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Oops. Picture


There are good youtube channels that discuss animation at the mechanical level-I recommend this guy







close... but i kinda need like, the calculation, prediction, for the exact position of the limb drawings. based on the rest of thethings. not just the slowing or acceleratings. so like, limb A being at (x,y) at frame 1, at frame 9 (?,?), what is ?,? then. also at frame 2 to 8 each based on so.

also has to
> character
which translates to a few things/characters/acting/variations i suppose. but in general yeah, its about finding the d=V.t but on a single screen cap/1024*768 jpeg to explain it all. ok maybe i dont want that many footages anymore



bad allignment. how to even know.


what? picture and link dont go at once??


had to try it cuz i didn rmb


Hed chu edd za smear la,la,latte,lladlllrl,ladle, ladder, also matchasamurai is onigiri: all rice no cond,condeme, condemt, con, conditione, com,con, compliment.

In total I rotated, twice.
And after all those, months, years;I still can't see shit.


What do you call being unable to code a lot of things from if else to abs() or even * in programming? I m literally held back fr no reason.


I forgot to change public.


Assuming this image (or any from https://www.spriters-resource.com/mobile/fireemblemheroes/) is 3d objects(which they are) how would you redraw em in other directions, angles, maybe even upside down.
what are the technique would you employ, from perspective, to reflections, multiplying, what else is there to guide proportions and measures properly in any situations. but especially, on model.


Didn't notice this. What the hell.


Bro is sexy...


Everything you draw looks like something out of a horror movie. Absolutely revolting and disturbing. Activates one's animal sense of disgust and fear. There's something deeply wrong with you.


It's kinda polite so i ll take that as a, 6 out of 10.

meanwhile i could nt careless so you are free to, flip out your niptuck fanmade callcard or something.


So a keyframe animator usually plan and and then you can trace it mayb but nones here evidently or you are all just richard williams and i mean the guy who slap chris rock and wore red black spandex and throws out canadian slurs in nigerian accents. with chinese subs.


The formal process goes
Thumbnails (basically "planning" your keyframes)
"Extreme" Frames
You work essentially outside-in, drawing the most important frames in the scene (keyframes) and then smoothing them out with inbetweens usually spaced in either halves or thirds


>>95537 yes yes close, but the point is how these keyframes are drawn and the EXact, spacing of these images on the paper, if not the 3 dimensional space itself, and then actual motion of it, in adhrrence to the balance, acting, limps, realism, weigh... we can abandon flow because thats simpler but all the rest are somewhat a pack so how are they maybe, in a single multipage guide, like how a shoulder move to a walking hip, how much spacing, the direction. per frame. etc.


yawn. it judt domt rrprrsnt rnough as a basic????

like a torus as a cage for a... stool? so on.



Avid's classroom for intellectually stunted adults.







rent free


i could use nicer tips


what the fuck is this shit seriously LMAO


Schizo squiggles.


lmao at your mum maybe. and your million stroke sketch. or just stable diffusion pitiful chatgpt generated comment. Anyway, fuck you and your "elaborate" commentary. it's not even close to child worth english. as in, learn english, fagwad
>>95653 try googling "schizo squiggles" maybe. stupid cunt. lol. or just stick to your stable diffussion electrician job. heh, puss wad.


i wanna learn new skill but generally digital is very stressful to learn on. even though it's supposed to "hasten things" up.

of course no one here like >>95650 or >>95653
will know. since stablle diffusion is all typing and 3d is all shortcuts and asking for revisions. complex form is too much so they stick to memorizing anatomycal names..or just any nnames.


Ok, no more text. but it's really painful. are you camel riding expert sure this is actually genetically inherited and i just have, fold my belly? because the argument of "you lost it", is only supplied by a piece of IQ paper...of which has like...tons of argumentable variables. in counting one-two-three of world country ratings too. though the other seems easier but it seems like everything kinda lean there anyway,given the, little amount of benefit ever been. education. or just general personal hygene?


They all want to pound his ass...except that one guy.


hm, aint bad today. i got remembered to "keep the line direction". something like that. not like feng's "shadowing"... but almost. just less. too confusing to explain.maybe i ll getreligion if it finally works out. just to keep the arm. and once the arm gone. so does thereligion. easy like that.


>>95678 whats this non loomis shit. most pdf up there is black and white. are you sure you are in the right place? perhaps you need to graduate soon? or, should have, graduated?


the hand sunked in. at least the other limbs work out. sorta. by accident. its been months of "this". sigh


Megan fox has a beefy pu$$y.


she also has fucked up thumbs and is actively persuading her children to become trans, despite their very young ages, every one of her kids is trans

she's demonic and washed and walled, smashed, slammed, cringe, over and washed

her boyfriend machine gun Kelly is also a stupid little retard ugly fuck


She should have got thumb extension surgery in her teens.


so basically shes .... mentally backwards?


wahhhhhh-wahhhh whaaaaahhhhh h-He" "she" "i KNOW KAKa! SHE SAID Dora, dora, DORA Gong, Dora ane Gonggg waAAAAAAA" and everyone became mexican. cuban. uh. or is it spanish?


man if I were a celebrity or wealthy and in contact with a plastic surgeon I'd get every stupid retarded operation there is, id get two noses and fucking have my ears put on the front of my face, I'd really push the boundaries and freak people out, get right in their faces with it

red carpet walk with all of my what-the-fuck, moonwalk even


>>95781 ...what does that even fucking mean? how can you be wealthy and not incontact with plastic surgen??? are you fucking retarded? maybe before adding "details"or extend thumb you should just, add brain curvatures.. extend IQ... or in generally try getting a hi from megan. or kelly. that's if you can tell outside a jpg.
please just get the fuck out of 4chon or this thread mayb, in case you seriously mean to do serious questions. lel


welp. guess you just haveta. imagine a little bit more


bump this thrrad cuz i wanns do content thst brings 600k and i have the basics but not sure whatrlse to add


i think i worked it out but i havent checked with everything else...


What's like the correct justification for legnth,angle,direction of a line (eg.marked red) of the objects based on the object and the perspective so to, produce, a physically and mathemathicall correct, or at least, visually? like, this isnt correct. the arm positions. i suppose. so, systematically, how is this corrected based on, sufficient data?


also my orientation is ruined when its upside down... i wonder why.


Why's the thread so down here molder-vulgars


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i use AI and said john buscema and then joghn buscema marve lpublicity photo while looking at wikipedia. it definitely not has mind reading capacity as of yet. https://dezgo.com/text2image/sdxl

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