Wild Hearts. It's a bit like Walmart Monster Hunter. Not as much content, depth or polish in the areas it shares with Monster Hunter, but it has some interesting ideas folded in. There is a system for building crude bases in any given region and placing various traps and similar contraptions during combat.
It has a fun weapon class called claw blade, which feels like being in Attack on Titan. You build up your combo meter with basic ground and aerial combos, then you can plant a wire onto a monster. This enables you to orbit around the monster in the air, diving in and out of range for attacking and dodging. The duration that the wire will remain attached for depends on how much you build your combo meter up prior to going airborne, dive-spamming and successful monster attacks against you also draining the remaining time. If you land enough successful attacks during the wired combo, you can perform a finisher for a last big chunk of damage.
Weapons seem like they have synergies with the little things you can build during monster battles, too. Placing three boxes next to a monster, climbing them and plunging into it with the claw blade lets you begin a wired combo with a decent duration even without building the combo meter up beforehand (granted, not as long as manually building the meter, but long enough for a full combo so long as you don't get hit or mash buttons too much). There is quite a bit of flashiness to all the weapons, but they feel shallow compared to Monster Hunter movesets. They're still fun to play around with, thanks to the supporting contraptions.
I'm only playing it because I got a free code for some Xbox PC games subscription. I think it's normally $70 (USD) and I would definitely not recommend paying that much for it.
Rimworld. I always go back to it from time to time.
I have become obsessed with modding Skyrim. Currently working on a bound guns mod, with summonable guns that scale in damage with your conjuration skill. It's crazy to me that at the high end of things you have people who have become extremely knowledgeable in art, math, and programming just so they can include sexy ladies with jiggling tits in every game they play, yet it's probably brought them very little economic opportunity.
>>69686>I'm only playing it because I got a free code for some Xbox PC games subscription. I think it's normally $70 (USD) and I would definitely not recommend paying that much for it.I have never bought software in my life.
>>69690They are true heroes, the martyrs who'd made this strange world we find ourselves in just a little more tolerable
>>69690The last time I played skyrim on PC I had over 100 mods running. Now I'm innawoods and playing occasionally on a Nintendo Switch
Vanilla experience is still enjoyable, if obviously not as potent
>>69691I don't mind throwing a few bucks at a sale on occasion. This game has a lot of online features, so a pirated version might play out differently. Pretty gay how you only get "licenses" instead of ownership though, so the software jew always reserves the right to revoke access from you. I understand the reasoning for needing licenses for fishing, hunting, etc, but for video game keys?
>>69690Those jiggling tit armies are obviously the precursors to ai babes or android babes in their various forms
There is an Aussie guy who mods deep rock galactic and I play with him every time he makes a server, and draws big crowds, but he plays really rarely. Unfortunately the modding is not implemented well in dry, otherwise I'd do the same thing and the playerbasr would increase...
>>69696Love that game. Too bad new content is shelved for quite a long time. Think they said the next season starts in June. At least you can toggle the current stuff off.
>>69696*not implemented well in DRG
>>69697Its a good game. I don't know why it doesn't have more players. Aussie servers/games actually struggle to get filled at 8-9pm or something. Really no idea why
>>69696>>69702>I don't know why it doesn't have more players.>no female charactersYou lose all the coomers and autogynophiles by having no sex appeal in your game.
>maximum 4 players per serverEven Serious Sam from over two decades ago supported 16-player co-op.
>Dwarves only and they all look like old menTeenagers and 20-somethings don't want to play as this, they want to play as pretty boys like Arthas Menethil, not Muradin Bronzebeard. There's a reason Dwarves have always been among the least played races in WoW even among tanks.
>>69693Vanilla is rough. Maybe not the worst thing ever, but not something I would choose to play again.
>>69694I suppose if it's an online game, it can't be helped most of the time these days. It's not even necessarily about the expense, I just can't justify spending money on a digital item. I've always thought software had a weird business model. They're trying to sell work they already did, that anyone can now replicate. I suppose it's working in practice, but in theory it's very silly. I would not be against buying someone's game explicitly to support them, but that is functionally a donation.
>Pretty gay how you only get "licenses" instead of ownership thoughBecause it's a "service" now.
If you like Vampire Survivors, you should check Halls of Torment out. It doesn't have as much content, but it feels like it has more build depth. It feels somewhat like Diablo as well.
>>69711The Ark remake is a steaming pile of garbage, though it looks pretty I guess. Actually I didn't notice that it looked much better but checking it out now it does seem quite a bit better. The big problem is thats it still performs really badly.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnaszvSs7FAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eI1wZtl8j6Yhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnIy4alJW60But anyway it still got like 400k or 4mil sales or something... Its kind of disheartening to see gamers putting up with this bs.
I like the idea of free content, particularly written stuff, music and maybe video games too, but maybe less when it comes to video games because they seem less like passion projects?? And more of a thing made to sell?? Idk
Its the information age, a lot of stuff should be free. Making it such that you can set a 0$ price to buy something, like Bandcamp does, is the way to go imo. Though CURIOUSLY enough the torrenting scene seems to be dying - at least for pub/free trackers.
And interestingly content on e.g YT seems to be getting better. To become a YTer you need good video editing skills, the entry point is higher.
>>69704Actually good point, idk how my sex starved coombrain didn't catch that. Mods expand the playercount, to unlimited I think, but it generally stops letting players in after 15-16, and the guy I talked about had problems with starting a new level with more than 8 players, but once it started more could join.
I'm probably too interested in reading and writing to play video games much more now other than when I'm too high to think properly. Its probably GOOD that I'm being more productive!
>>69713> Vampire Survivors, you should check Halls of Torment I love that shit wtf, keep it away from me. Another good recent one is Ravenswatch. There are a few good ones it seems. I hate the ones without meta progression, I need my skinnerbox and bing wahoos
Cattails: Wildwood Story. It's an enjoyable stardew valley clone for girls where you play a cat and do cat stuff.
I enjoyed the previous game, Cattails: Become a Cat! immensely. This one honestly seems like more of the same. Maybe even not as good. But it's still a solid game.
>>69696I really like deep rock galactic but none of my friends want to play with me. I don't really enjoy playing with random people.
I guess I was late to the party. Everyone has played it and gotten bored already.
>>69716I have had that one wishlisted for awhile. Hope it goes on sale over Christmas. Gonna get it for a friend who wants it, too, if it does.
>>69722The couple people I knew stopped playing because of the new scorpion enemy, among other reasons. Told them they got nerfed a bit since they uninstalled, but they still don't seem keen on playing again.
>>69723There isn't much content and otherwise feels bare. Basically you just level up chars.
>>69726There's a certain joy in that.
>>69714>I like the idea of free content, particularly written stuff, music and maybe video games too, but maybe less when it comes to video games because they seem less like passion projects?? And more of a thing made to sell?I wouldn't say that. There are a lot of indie devs, who just want to make a cool game, but it's obviously much more involved than just music.
>Its the information age, a lot of stuff should be free. Making it such that you can set a 0$ price to buy something, like Bandcamp does, is the way to go imo. Yeah, I'm not saying they should
work for free, but digital media is unlike any other product or service. Clearly, I'm in the minority, but it's an off-the-wall, bonkers business model to me. They only need to make something one time and then they have an unlimited inventory of that product, so on a fundamental level what do they even have to sell? What are you paying for, their labor? No, they can't claim they're selling their labor, because they already did the work. If they were selling their labor then they would be working under commission, or would seek funding before working on anything. This would also mean they have no excuse to put a price tag on a digital-only game since they're not selling a product, they're selling their time. Customers pay for digital media solely out of good will or because they find it too inconvenient to circumvent artificial barriers. When you consider this, video games probably have no right being a 250-billion dollar industry. If they were merely being compensated for their labor, it would not be.
>Though CURIOUSLY enough the torrenting scene seems to be dying - at least for pub/free trackers. Largely due to private tracker faggot gatekeeping and zoomers being too scared to torrent probably, but also because a lot of the incentive for doing so is gone. Faster internet means there are less problems with DDL and streaming for example. You no longer need to worry about things like poor video quality or slow, unreliable downloads from a single source, that you would need to re-download if they shat out on you before they were finished.
>And interestingly content on e.g YT seems to be getting better.Maybe productionwise, but not contentwise.
>>69704>Teenagers and 20-somethings don't want to play as this, they want to play as pretty boys like Arthas Menethil, not Muradin Bronzebeard. There's a reason Dwarves have always been among the least played races in WoW even among tanks.I went from playing grug-tier characters with IRL friends in highschool to always playing draenei foids solo. There's no benefit to an ugly, masculine character if you're playing by yourself. Might as well look at blue alien ass
>>69704>>69734I like to dress female characters up and stuff, but in an MMO non-human male characters are usually what I play as. I played a Dwarf hunter in WOW, and one of the few things I liked about cata is that I could finally play as a Goblin. I briefly played PSO2 well before they released it in English, and even in a Jap game with crazy amounts of character customization, I ended up making a midget with a Seto Kaiba outfit and a big top hat. I think such characters have enough coolness and charm that I don't feel compelled to make a waifu. If it's a game like FFXI or FFXIV where every character looks like a super model it's hard to justify not playing as a catgirl though.
>>69734Heh, I did the same but now I feel I was correct to play grug characters as a kid. The proteus effect is real after all. If you play a female character it not be good for your health.
>>69733>Largely due to private tracker faggot gatekeeping and zoomers being too scared to torrent probablyI think this is the main thing. It's a cultural shift. Zoomers aren't just scared of torrenting (and frankly too technically illiterate to do it) they feel its immoral. Torrenting is still alive and well outside of the west and more and more I find myself using rutracker and other non english language sites.
>>69734I don't get why people try to say playing females in third-person games is proto-tranny behavior. Obviously trannies do it, but I'm pretty sure most men who make female characters think about it like this: if I'm going to be staring at an ass for hundreds of hours, it better be a shapely female ass. At least, that's my reasoning for it. I've played WoW and other games with character options like this since I was a kid and I'm still exclusively attracted to women (i.e. not mutilated faggots in dresses).
Tldr if you play as a girl in a game you'll be subconsciously influenced into seeing yourself as that character irl on some level. It's tranny sissy hypno and that's why you should always play a buff orc or something in games. Staring at toned man buns is a small price to pay to not be brainwashed into the troon pipeline.
>>69746>I've played WoW and other games with character options like this since I was a kidLet me guess, you played as a tranei or an agp elf?
>>69748>>69749That's a hyper-reductionist argument. Notice it tends to be only incels that convince themselves of being trannies?
>>69754Name calling is not an argument, transsister.
>>69755Who in the hell thinks this is a good look?
>>69748>kike psychology fiction>>69749Draenei, human, night elf, blood elf, troll. Other races I played as males because their women aren't hot.
>>69769yeah i'd rep up with her
>>69769I made a couple of those, but I like the male laugh and being a hunchback.
>>69773I liked the mc hammer dance heh.
>>69775Forgot about that. Actually a really good taunt for pvp heh.
>>69792>capcomI hope you pirated it heh.
Been playing warhammer: boltgun lately. It's been a while since I played one of those doom/ quake style games and I'm enjoying it
there is no bigger cuck and a lost man than a mod creator and a fandboy forum mod for a proprietary commercial videogame franchise doing it for free for decades
eventually xim walking on eggshells and censoring ximself & others for the publisher ((( ✡️🇮🇱🕍🕎 lawyers 🕎 🕍 🇮🇱 ✡️ ))) watching over xis shoulders at all times to not destroy xis life
>>69875take two interactive jews are absolutely brutal on those polaks and turks reverse engineering and piecing together game code from 22 years ago and of course gta6 leak posters
>>69875>>69876Speak English please.
>>69872Oh yeah, I bought that one earlier this year. I enjoyed it quite a bit but I dropped off after a while before beating it.
>>69878It took some effort but I understand what he's saying now
>>69875>there is no bigger cuck and a lost man than a mod creator and a fandboy forum mod for a proprietary commercial videogame franchise doing it for free for decadesThey do their work as an act of worship, free of the stain of selfhood
Any other good narrative-heavy games in the same vein as Ace Attorney or Layton? Ghost Trick really activated my almonds. I own Danganronpa 1 and 2, I installed the first one last night for the first time but I uninstalled it right away, fair or not I just didn't get a very good initial impression of it heh.
Someone recommended the Silver Case to me but apparently it's a VN in the truest sense of the word with zero agency on the player's part and I'm not sure I'm into that as much.
>>69933the coffin of andy and leyley
>>69935I laughed very hard when I read this post, I'm not sure why it just caught me off guard.
>>69931This. The cuck is the person who takes his passion for something and turns into into drudgery for the allmighty dollar.
>>69936your sister's womb is hyperborea!!!
>>69933There's one called hotel dusk, room 215 that is really good. It's a mystery type game like ace, maybe with more puzzle elements
>>69733>Yeah, I'm not saying they should work for free, but digital media is unlike any other product or service. Clearly, I'm in the minority, but it's an off-the-wall, bonkers business model to me. They only need to make something one time and then they have an unlimited inventory of that product, so on a fundamental level what do they even have to sell? What are you paying for, their labor? No, they can't claim they're selling their labor, because they already did the work. If they were selling their labor then they would be working under commission, or would seek funding before working on anything. This would also mean they have no excuse to put a price tag on a digital-only game since they're not selling a product, they're selling their time. Customers pay for digital media solely out of good will or because they find it too inconvenient to circumvent artificial barriers.If customers are paying out of good will knowing it supports an indie team/dev and not some soulless corporation then it's not a bonkers business model. Not everyone is an unemployed/poor misanthrope. Doujin market for example wouldn't be a thing if everyone in Japan just pirated despite how easy it is to do so. It's not like the indie devs get paid and then say "adios", throw away all their skills they've gained from their experience and decide to job-hop and become a firefighter or something instead of continuing to produce more games for their fanbase building further trust.
If you're arguing however that a more subscription-based or crowd-funding model like you see from Patreon or Twitch which are basically just donations would make more sense and that price tags may be too arbitrary then I'd agree.
>>70034>If you're arguing however that a more subscription-based or crowd-funding model like you see from Patreon or Twitch which are basically just donations would make more sense and that price tags may be too arbitrary then I'd agree.Yes, this is what I'm saying. It makes no sense to treat digital media as a product. You can't really sell items that don't physically exist. Trying to sell any kind of digital media is really not much different from trying to sell an NTF. When you buy digital it already is effectively the same as donating to someone's patreon or indiegogo, but it's more lucrative for them to pretend they're selling products. It might seems like it's just splitting hairs, but this is why soyciety thinks piracy is literal theft. It creates a crooked morality, where people go to bat for greedy bastards with predatory business practices, while in reality they should be thankful for the support they have, because they don't have a moral right to receive a dime. When people do complain about corporate abuse regarding digital media it's from the wrong angle. It's worse than, "I bought this product, so I should have the right to do what I want with it.", there should be total righteous indignation, because It's more like, "I am basically your donator, yet you decided to piss on my good will and loyal support".
Bethesda is fucking up the mod scene once again with an update to Skyrim that fucks compatibility with older mods and integrates a new Microsoft store. It's easy enough to circumvent, but it's going to create another rift within the mod scene when people start selling out. People are also going to be less permissive about allowing others to use their assets or scripts and such. The first time Bethesda tried this it completely flopped on PC, but console-niggers ate it up since it's practically their only way to use mods. One thing to note also is it's unclear if the money is even worth it, since so far there's no information about the cut Microsoft gives you. It was apparently 25% last time, but Microsoft can probably afford more than that. Depending on how many people are downloading it could be a lot of money for relatively little work. I suspect that even if it's paying well in the beginning, it's going to quickly reach a saturation point like on mobile, where there's so much of the same stuff on there, that most files you upload aren't going to receive significant attention.
>>69875Is this what you were trying to warn us about, my retarded friend? Well you're still not completely right and you miss the point of modding if you think it's done for the developers or even just for the enjoyment of other players. At least I can always RETVRN to Morrowind. OpenMW creates a lot of potential for Morrowind, and there's not shit Microsoft or Bethesda can do about it. Even if they try to shut it down in court, OpenMW can run independently of Morrowind. New assets just need to be created.
>>70120I don't see people selling out. They didn't the last time Todd tried this and now skyrim is a very very old game with a very entrenched community of fans. This move is universally deplored.
Starfield must be doing terrible for todd to pull this bullshit move. Trying to remonitize skyrim again is like trying to squeeze blood from a stone.
>>70122>They didn't the last time Todd tried this and now skyrim is a very very old game with a very entrenched community of fans. This move is universally deplored.For PC players. It might be hard to imagine, but only about 15% of Skyrim's sales comes from the PC market. A lot of people did sell out last time. A few popular mods were even removed from sites like Nexus and reuploaded as a "lite" version while they tried to sell the premium(original) version in the creation club. A lot of people straight up quit out of disgust, or because they were rightfully getting shit from everyone in the sphere.
>Trying to remonitize skyrim again is like trying to squeeze blood from a stone.You would think so, but every port sells well enough with virtually no effort on their part, and now they want modders to make their "DLC" for their walled-garden at no cost to themselves too, and console niggers will probably buy. Another problem is they already had a forced update for steam users, and it might cause serious problems with versioning just like the SE/AE divide already has. So if you make a mod that requires the script extender(the vast majority), you now have to consider who you want to make it compatible for. The less savvy are not going to have the idea to downgrade or pirate. Assuming no prior knowledge, someone who just bought a game on steam would reasonably assume that every mod is going to work on a fully updated version.
>>70123The only mod I can think of that was pulled from nexus was skyui. People just reposted it and the jewish developer ended up with egg on his face after it was all said and done.
Nobody is buying skyrim on console in current year. It's a 12 year old game. Console peasants aren't even aware it exists because it came out before they were born.
>>70124>The only mod I can think of that was pulled from nexus was skyui.The most infamous cases were SkyUI and Midas Magic, but they were far from the only ones. It's also not only a matter of taking mods down, but it creates poor incentives and distrust when a hobby is commercialized like I was getting at earlier. You create crap you don't want to for money and you start to see everyone as competition.
>Nobody is buying skyrim on console in current year. I wish I could say this was true.
>It's a 12 year old game. Console peasants aren't even aware it exists because it came out before they were born.Minecraft is also an old game with monetized mods that Microsoft successfully prints money with under their own market place. I hope you're right, but I think I'd be huffing copium to assume it's going to blow up in their faces.
I bought Skyrim™ on the Nintendo Switch® six months ago
>>70129To their credit they did a great job porting it. Besides the lack of mods there are only subtle visual discrepancies that I recall. Like I don't think you can change your character's height at all heh
>>70130>Like I don't think you can change your character's height at all hehI'm pretty sure this is the case for all vanilla versions of skyrim. Customization is really bad without the race menu mod.
Rogue trader is bretty gud
>>70205I've had multiple people try and get me to play this game and it just looks so gd boring. I have too many nice single player games to even consider playing something like that.
>>70205Multiplayer "games" are garbage.
>>70205I was gonna get this on special but screenshots and gameplay, knew it would get stale, and deleted it from my wishlist.
>>70205I had a lot of fun playing it for 12 hours or whatever, solo.
>>70205I have a lot of fun with it, but I only play it when people ask me to. Enemy variety is good. You just have to go to different biomes. As far as I know, it's still in early access and they're adding more stuff.
>>70344It's not modern art direction it's just blizzard. Blizzard is a bad company with shitty cartoony art. They exist to make models for porn animations.
>>70421Lol that looks obnoxious.
>>70421It was supposed to be wireless but I got kind of chinked. It's not wireless for PC. I just wanted something cheap to play little hope/the quarry. It feels good to use though
>>70465An Xbox One controller is the best option. I'm not an Xbox guy but their controller is good, and naturally because it's MIcrosoft it works well on PC. You get what you pay for n*gga
>>70615XBONE sucks and their left analog stick is in the wrong place. I'm dualshockin' it until the day I die.
>>70621Xbox does indeed suck. Can you believe that Microshit is actually selling people a previous gen console under a new name (the "Series S") for nearly the same price as their actual current gen Series X? The graphics card in the S is somewhere around the processing power of the seven year old PS4 Pro's (just looked it up, it's actually a little worse kek). They're being deliberately misleading with it, too; I hope it becomes common knowledge and they never recover from it heh
>>70625>Series S>Series XMicrosoft's naming conventions are so bad, I wouldn't even know what their latest console was if you didn't tell me. As if "360" and "One" wasn't bad enough. I wonder how many people got mixed up trying to distinguish between the original Xbox and the "Xbox one" when trying to give their grandchild a Christmas present or something.
>>70621I like dualsense controllers because they have a built-in mic. It's convenient for talking shit to randoms.
>>70631Yeah, I genuinely think they've done it on purpose. Nintendo is bad with that too.
"NEW Nintendo 3DS/2DS"
G-d I hate having to explain this sh*t to people over and over again heh
>>70421how much did you pay for that in AUD? does it have hall effect joysticks?
>>70640It was one of the cheapest I could find on ebay, "Wireless Pro For Nintendo Switch/Lite/OLED,Windows PC,iOS,Android Controller"
Doubt it has that effect thing
Getting anything nice for yourself this festive holiday season, m'fellas?
It's funny how the VR fad completely died, and FoKy was shilling Half Life Alyx non-stop here
>>71019It's sad, but VR is just too expensive and too much of a hassle to setup.
>>71019I just bought a new Gay Ming pc because my old (6 years, 1060 GTX etc.) one is genuinely f*cking up and I don't want to stick any more money into it rn. HL:A and Darktide (more like "Dorktide" lmfao) are the only two AAA games I really give a frick about though. Kind of a retarded investment buy it's been long enough since I'd upgraded heh
G-d I forgot how much bloatw*re they ship with these mf things. Windows 11 is cursed
>>71061>Windows 11 is cursedGood operating systems no longer exists, just like good browsers.
>>71061I can't think of a worse os honestly. Maybe one of the obscure meme os'es like react.
>>71061Use this to remove bloatware and telemetry/surveillance
https://github.com/builtbybel/BloatynosyDisable automatic updates so they are to be installed manually at your discretion instead of whenever Microsoft feels it wants to
https://beebom.com/how-stop-automatic-updates-windows-11/ (method 5 is best)
Make sure these are installed (or your CPU will run hot when playing video) because the idiots at Microsoft don't make these installed by default at least on Windows 10
VP9 video hardware acceleration codec
https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9N4D0MSMP0PTAV1 video hardware acceleration codec
https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9MVZQVXJBQ9VIf you don't see WebP thumbnails for WebP images in file explorer, install Google's WebP codec
https://storage.googleapis.com/downloads.webmproject.org/releases/webp/WebpCodecSetup.exe No.71067
I really dislike the "gaming" accoutrements to things like this. I honestly got a great deal for the specs but I wonder if it's worth it when I have the 'WASD" keys highlighted in a cringe way and the W key even has a little nib on it so I don't lose my place or something, it's really annoying. I don't want a computer that looks like a retarded sports car for heavens' sake.
(thanks for the help though lads, I appreciate it heh)
(it's an Acer Nitro for anyone wondering. Honestly I can hardly stand looking at it lmfoa, the hardware is really good though; it's unironically beautiful on the inside)
>>71068Play the new Ark on dat dere new pc
>>71064buy a mac
(((work in finance)))
buy a modernist white plaster box 5 mln property with large glass pane walls on the south side and high quality timber elements
never play videogames
forget videogames even exist
have a family and a dynasty
just so you don't have to use windong 11 walmart poo os extreme sir edition
or learn every bit of detail how unix shell works and lift weights in your living room, handpick refurbished compatible laptops and install arch linux btw which i use and basically forget that videogames exist because even if they work 60-75%+ of cases you are middle aged self improover career freak
just so you don't have to use windong 11 walmart poos os extreme sir edition anymore ever again, just work in positions where they give you a mac or soemthing
>>71229i seriously hate using windows there is something about that corporate win32appx frankenstein bad design decisions perpetual beta bargain bin quality ui that sucks life out of me every time i have crawl back to it to run illustrator or some chinese usb device driver program
>>71231microsoft and adobe '90s pc era' products are being consumed by increasing entropy of large c++ projects not going together well with 'Agile ways of working' it's almost humorous
>explorer.exe address bar or tabs glitching out is normal in oem windong 11 pro, goy, at least it's not straight up crashing No.71625
Just played the 2016 DOOM for the first time for a half hour today. Seems pretty good heh
What do you guys do with your old pc hardware? Feels like a waste to dump it.
>>71061Why did you get 11 anyway?
Honestly learning Linux might be an option for me because modern video games suck so bad. That was one thing stopping me from moving over.
>>71650Actually maybe I can't be assed.
>>71649Nothing. How old? Old hardware is practically useless, unless you just want to screw around with it for fun. There's just usually no use case for it that doesn't have a cheaper and better alternative. I just shelf all my crap, which is a bad habit. Not even starving African niggers would be grateful for receiving old dual core processors.
>>71650It just came with the PC I bought heh
>>71673It was also the third most expensive game ever made. It's all relative.
It cost 200m to make and earned 300m iirc. It's unlikely to sell much more now that it has such a bad reputation. A profit, but not a great one.
>>71676Fourth if you count the literal scam that is star citizen I guess.
>two more weeks kickstarter bros h-heh No.71683
>>71673The last game I got burned on was Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. I didn't want to wait for the crack/torrent so I bought it, it really sucked, like $90 down the drain. Thats the last AAA game I remember buying. Sometimes I'll buy the less popular and/or early release games like Valheim, though I kinda regret buying that really too but at least it was $25 or something.
>>71676Maybe gamepass makes up for it and they don't care though. I don't think there was any saving this game, but If I had to guess Microsoft probably forced a release deadline on them too.
>>71697It took them seven years to develop this turd because they jerked each other off trying to get the procedural generation to work for 5 of those years. Todd is absolutely obsessed with procedural generation despite it being a failure in every game they made since daggerfall.
Telling them up to hurry up and release the game is a very reasonable thing to ask after all that.
At this rate, by the time elder scrolls hammerfell comes out there will be people entering college who were born after Skyrim's release. That's how long starfield took.
https://www.balsagames.com/Behind the Dune is a bretty gud gaem... h-heh.
Probably the most accurate game adaptation of the book despite certain artistic licence with the characters.
>>71712What's even worse is they didn't even do a good job of the procedural generation. Like, if you look at daggerfall, a game from 1996, the dungeons are more interesting and unique. You go to a guildmaster in the mages guild or whatever, and you get a fetch quest. Go kill this guy or get that item. That sort of thing. You go to the dungeon, and it's a randomly generated layout built out of several "modules" that slot together like lego, and populated with level scaled random enemies. Maybe a certain level will have warriors and orcs, or bats and rats. The monsters are pulled from a list.
After doing these dungeons for awhile, you start to notice "oh I've seen this module before, there's lever behind the chair" but it still manages to be a lot better than starfield. In starfield you go to some barren desolate planet, get your randomly generated fetch quest, go to a procedurally generated dungeon... but then you show up and it's the exact same dungeon you were in last time with the same level scaled enemies and the same doodads and widgits scattered around.
How the hell do you spend 5 years on this with 4000+ employees and 200 million dollars and manage to make something worse than a game from 1996 made by like 2 guys?
>>71713Give me back my waifu you pathetic coomer
>>71725She's my concubine now. She obeys my voice.
>>71714>How the hell do you spend 5 years on this with 400+ employees and 200 million dollars and manage to make something worse than a game from 1996 made by like 2 guys?Three reasons: lack of standards and/or complacency by the people in charge, organizational bloat and a corporate work culture that doesn't reward good or at least sustained work (you make more money by job-hopping and/or being poached by other companies, which continuously disrupts multi-year projects requiring frequent onboarding from the turnover, instead of begging your current employer to give you a raise who will usually reject it or lowball you; this is different in Japan where you'll often work in the same company for the rest of your life so you may as well focus on getting raises). When you've already made it to the top, there's not much selection pressure to make you stay on top of your game and to make sure to autistically ensure everything's at the highest standards like when you were starting a business from scratch (instead you, as a board member or team lead, just do PR corporate babble to SAY you're doing everything at the highest standards to gyp big investors without actually walking the walk while getting blown by female assistants, mistresses and other hookers). I already said this before: when a company goes past 49 employees (which is the US legal definition of the maximum number of employees in a small business), it is no longer a business, it is an owner being arrogant thinking he can become a fief lord instead of just a wealthy business owner. The only time a business's output can successfully scale linearly to the number of employees is when all the commodities produced or resources extracted are the same and require little to no direction, e.g. textile industry, fast food chains, automotive assembly plants, coal miners, etc. In software and video games, you hit the law of diminishing returns much earlier because there's a point where cross-team communication becomes too unwieldly to navigate through the completion of a project. Why would you work hard when nigger cattle continue to empty their wallets for your shitty game? It's like asking why a woman should do her job well if all she has to do is doll up and show some cleavage to her male supervisor to get promotions. But since you're a braindead libtard you'll never ask the question why women should be allowed in the workplace in the first place, but that's another topic.
>How many people are on the development team and how long has the game [Morrowind] currently been in development?>We have around 40 developers total. Morrowind was in development for about 3 years. We started on the expansion packs last year right after finishing Morrowind – it took us about a year to make both expansions.https://web.archive.org/web/20040804044925/http://www.xboxcentral.net/features/51.html No.71734
>>71733>But since you're a braindead libtard you'll never ask the question why women should be allowed in the workplace in the first place, but that's another topic.That's just mean spirited anon.
>>71734That grinch doesn't work with her, he just is smiling in her front car-seat. (ear-to-ear)
>>71741I enjoyed it for what it was. It's a well made visual novel.
The gameplay is extremely minimal, but the world it portrays is interesting and you want to like the characters and hear more about them.
>>71741I didn't think the writing was very good, at least up until the point where I stopped playing. Great aesthetic and decent soundtrack though
>>71744Lol I skipped through the dialogue, it was reddit-tier, I just wanted to play the game. And the premise/intro was cringe, like bruh have you heard the expression "show, don't tell"? You don't tell us explicitly at the start of the game preaching to us that the setting is "dystopian", "corporations rule our lives, man" and blah blah blah, you show it (e.g. through the dialogue of characters throughout the game) and let us decide for ourselves.
>>71746>skipped the dialogue in a visual novelSounds like it wasn't the game for you anon.
>>71746>like bruh have you heard the expression "show, don't tell"?Thats called illiteracy.
>>71712> by the time elder scrolls hammerfell comes outHopefully it never actually ends up getting released. It just got out of "pre-production" a few months ago. In other words, they haven't even gotten started. If it ever does come out, most of us here will realistically be in our 40s. I was 21 when Skyrim came out. I would not be surprised if this is Bethesda's last game. The franchise is effectively dead to me either way.
>>71763I too hope it never gets released. Bethesda and Todd should fade away into history.
>>71915G-d I wish that wuz me heh
Bought Titanfall 2 for $5 because I heard it was good, what am I in for lads heh
i play rust for the scenery
Reading Master Duels reddit out of curiosity and as expected it's full of dumb retards with bad opinions. The game is unbearable right now, with combo decks that take 10 minutes to finish their turn, but these morons think the mid-range controls decks are the problem. It is good knowing that I do make them suffer merely by playing Labrynth.
>>71929All the reasonable, non-circlejerk opinions are downvoted and hidden until you expand them LMAO!
>>71768That game might make you an alco
>>71929Redditors are shockingly bad at video games. I was reading the reddit for rogue trader and most of them couldn't get past the tutorial.
>>72010I wanna be the nightmare how do I choose my stats

There's enough evidence out there that DirectX12 and Vulkan were a mistake for the video games industry. DirectX12 and Vulkan do not belong in video games unless ray tracing, which DX11 and OpenGL do not support out-of-the-box, is a major selling point of your game.
It takes over 1000 lines of code to draw a triangle in Vulkan:
https://github.com/SaschaWillems/Vulkan/blob/master/examples/triangle/triangle.cppIt takes just under 200 lines of code to draw a triangle in OpenGL 3.3:
https://learnopengl.com/code_viewer_gh.php?code=src/1.getting_started/2.1.hello_triangle/hello_triangle.cppIt does not surprise me at all that games in DirectX12 mode run like shit compared to DirectX11 mode despite both modes appearing visually identical. Requiring more lines of code not only means more time is required to write that code but also more cognitive load, maintenance and testing is required. I guarantee that the major video game companies could've saved a lot of money by not wasting their time making their games work on DX12 (or Vulkan) to instead focus on fixing bugs and further optimizing their DX11 builds.
>"An idiot admires complexity, a genius admires simplicity." - Terry Davishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0qmkQGqpM8Meanwhile you still have an endless amount of kool-aid drinkers on the internet with zero fact-based or even logic-based arguments to back up why they believe DirectX12 and Vulkan were a net positive for video games:
https://forums.guru3d.com/threads/have-low-level-apis-been-a-net-failure-so-far-seems-devs-are-struggling-with-them.448020/In hindsight what should've been done was DirectX12 instead being named DirectX11 Low-Level Mode (which obviously would go against Microsoft's marketing/shysterism) and Vulkan not being hyped up and advertised as a direct replacement for OpenGL. If video game companies were not pressured for marketing reasons to move onto supporting
The Next Big Thing™ (DirectX12 has a larger number than DirectX11 so it must be better) this wouldn't have been a problem. There are a few areas where Vulkan for example is a legitimate net positive, such as the open source project DXVK for Wine to translate DX9/DX10/DX11 to Vulkan which has proven to outperform the DirectX-to-OpenGL equivalent (WineD3D). But the common thread in which places you'll see real-world gains are that they are open source very-long-term-oriented projects. Video games are not open source nor are they long-term (in either development or maintenance), they are produced by short-term-job-hopping employees (at least in America) in very strict time frames to meet quarterly goals set by the clueless MBAs and bean counters in charge. If you half-ass your implementation in DX12 or Vulkan it will run shittier than the simpler DX11 or OpenGL implementation.
>>72242Are the specs really that similar? heh
>>722421. People buy Nintendos for Nintendo games.
2. Nintendo can have worse specs than their competition not only because their first-party games don't focus on realism stylistically (which requires more graphics processing) but also because their first-party developers only have to target one platform, which means no abstractions are necessary in their game engines. Code abstractions (so you can write game logic that is completely independent/ignorant about the actual hardware it needs to push data around in) can really slow down a game engine, like up to an order of magnitude more RAM and GPU TFLOPs needed than if it were coded "close to the metal." That's why the graphics of Twilight Princess (2006, Gamecube, a console with 40 MB of system RAM and 3 MB of VRAM) is arguably comparable to Oblivion at medium settings (2006, mulitple platforms, minimum PC requirements: 512 MB RAM and 128 MB of VRAM), and IMO better because the character model animations are fluid and detailed unlike Oblivion which has that low-attention-to-detail buggy jank characteristic of Bethesda. Of course this screws over third-party developers who abstract the hell out of their game engines (or use a third-party game engine like Unity or Unreal which are also inherently inefficient) so they work on multiple platforms with little to no tinkering required but Nintendo never really cared about third-party developers, Nintendo has the attitude that they're doing them a favor by allowing them to release games on their platform (although they've recently dropped the ball with the "EShop" which I can see is now littered with garbage AI art softcore hentai games, e.g.
https://www.nintendo.com/en-ca/store/products/anime-sexy-girl-puzzle-hentai-game-history-adventure-switch/ ) unlike Sony which even to this day has a reputation of trying to goad people to make games for their platform by sending free dev kits (read: indie developer Jonathan Blow's experience with Sony over his game
The Witness).
Never actually watched his stream, but this roast was pure kino and accurate reflects my feelings about speed running.
https://files.catbox.moe/ff8msg.mp4 No.72350
>>72349Very affordable, and more than you would need for any game on the market. Do gaymers still whine about GPU prices?
>>72349*Meant to write its good for me that I'm not so into gaming because I can read more instead
>>72350I just don't like any current AAA games or are interested in any upcoming ones. It seems Ark 2 has been shelved.
I hope someone makes a mod for Ravenswatch that replaces the nigger with Elsa.
>>72342Whose voice is that? He sounds obese. Is it Mr. Jersh Foxdicks?
>>72342>nobody is getting world records live at speedrunning eventsFat fuck talking out of his ass instead of researching or thinking critically for two seconds.
>>72505That almost never happens. They don't use optimal strategies during events, they take as few risks as possible. A record ends up being nothing but RNG the more optimized it becomes. It's as ridiculous as rolling a sack full of dice for 12 years and then soying out when you finally get the number you wanted. It doesn't even make him better at the game than any of the other people on the leader board he had a matching time with, it just makes him substantially more autistic for wasting 99-thousand more hours than they did trying to break the record.
>>72507He's even more wrong in that regard. Doesn't matter how narrow a skill speedrunning a certain game is (although, there are many common principles across different games that enable many speedrunners to achieve respectable times in more than one of them). It's still much more than just playing one convoluted game of Yahtzee with a tote of dice or winning the lottery. Not only does it necessitate memorization and reflex, but also ingenuity. Strategies for speedrunning don't just materialize out of nowhere. They are changing all the time because people are brainstorming and testing new ways to optimize routing.
Getting a world record at a speedrun event is astronomically more likely than having some random moron off the street pull one out of his ass through casual play due to various factors. It's like a trained pianist winning a competition against someone who only ever played a recorder in second grade and then having the loser cope by saying something like, "w-well, he was just lucky he hit all the notes at the right time..."
I agree that it's a pathetic skill to devote thousands of hours practicing, but it's still a skill nonetheless. All that video amounts to is fat-for-brains trying to punch up like he always does to overcome his own sad existence and lack of talent.
>>72508Sure, it's a "skill", but in records like that goldeneye level, gameplay isn't the deciding factor. No new strategies were cooked up, a lack of execution wasn't the problem, he just had to bang his head against the wall until he got the perfect RNG. At the time that video was made the skill ceiling had already been hit 15 years prior. Anyone could have tied with him and gotten a 00:53 with a minuscule fraction of the effort it took him to get a 00:52, which allegedly took 135K attempts. As far as "skill" is concerned here, It's not something he, or anyone else can replicate without relying on RNG(using known strategies), and since there's not a lot of competition for playing the world's worst gacha game it's not even proof of skill within his own niche hobby.
>>72561xcz me, dey akshualy say
>>72556Her bumps her bumps
Her lovely lady lumps
Played a lot of Palworld today. I like that they thought of letting you use the fake pokemon to automate production at your base. Only notable issue I have found so far is pathing. The monsters really struggle with any sort of significant elevation change. If a wild monster is standing on a bumpy ledge and you command one of your own to attack it, it will likely run into the ledge or back and forth. Same problem is even worse if you try setting up shop on a cliffside. I had been following this game for years and didn't have high expectations, but it's at least not as bad as I thought it would be.
>>72567I don't know if I would recommend it yet for the reasons you said (bugs, flaky developer). I first played it on gamepass and realized it hit enough of my personal desires for me to also buy it on steam. It very much has delivered on being Pokemon with guns even in the first day of early access. As a huge fan of Pokemon to this day, I'm contented with it.
As a side note, one other gripe I have about the game is how easy it is to entirely waste the pokeballs. It's very similar to Legends Arceus, but you have to be much more precise with the throws on this game. I missed 3 throws in a row that seemed to be directly on a monster, whereas either the ball hitbox/monster hitbox/both in Legends Arceus ensured that accuracy of throw was practically a non-factor (I'm talking from like two meters or less away).
>>72572>>72567This is gonna be flavour of the month for a while (because Scarlet and Violet were complete dogshit, and tbh it's good something has come along to make GameFreak worried, potentially), but the monsters suck.
There's no inspiration or lore or creativity behind them, they're just 'what if cat was big and yellow' or 'what if bird was made of grass'. At least each progressive generation of Pokemon designs have some story and lore as to their origins.
Plus, with the rumours Nintendo is now more heavily involved with GameFreak's development due to embarrassment, and the Switch 2 on the horizon, hopefully the next iteration of Pokemon games will look and play good.
>>72573I played all of Scarlet/Violet pre-DLC and played a lot of comp on gen 9 Showdown playlists and I don't hate the new Pokemon game much at all, save for glaring performance problems and some trainers looking like trannies. In fact, Scarlet/Violet made tons of QoL improvements otherwise.
>>72573I should've added, I don't like how the entire pokedex isn't included (although that was also a problem in Sword/Shield).
>>72573just play radical red or unbound.
>>72566Gonna check this out. DLing torrent, will play offline. I liked Digimon s1 and s2 when I was a kid/teen. Pokemon a little too. Also Zoids if thats relevant too heh, Zoids is such a shitty series in retrospect.
>>72581The torrents didn't work, blackscreened, give me a QRD if its fun if u want.
>>72584I heard that a community rep unironically advised people to let the game run for ten minutes if it kept blackscreening. Anyway, I'll let you know after I nap and play more.
Heard Cassette Beasts was good but I got the impression it could be troonware like Celeste or something heh
>>72592There is a fun RPG that is similar to Mario and Luigi called Ikenfell, and the developer eventually hired a troon that injected a bunch of LGBTQP bullshit into the dialogue. Even fucking pronouns. I still played it because I loved the gameplay, but a lot of the dialogue was difficult to stomach. Oh, and there was at least one boss soundtrack that was some nigger bitch doing a shitty rap posing as one of the characters. It has racemixing, too. The sister of the protagonist was dating a nigger.
>>72592I watched an lp of it. It looks fun honestly. Better than pokemon anyways, which isn't much of an accomplishment.
>>72593Death to the west. When I think about it, in Japan, traps practically only exist for comedy or as sex objects. I am envious of people who don't speak English.
>>72604Japsn has newhalfs which are roughly analogous to trannies. There's not many of them though.
Traps are a porn/hentai thing.
>>72621you're basically making the "transwomen are normal people, t-girls are pornstars" argument some libertarian would have made in 2009
it's the same shit
>>72638Nah, not saying that at all. "Traps" in japan are male crossdressers. They go home from work at the end of the day, have a beer with their bros, and then get home, put on a wig, and do gay shit in front of a camera. It's a fetish and they are cognizant of that.
"Transwomen" and newhalfs are mentally ill people who roleplay as a female in day to day life and really buy into the bullshit that they're secretly female souls in male bodies or whatever. They most definitely are not normal people. Almost every single one of them is involved in some sort of prostitution or programming gig because it's difficult for someone like that to function in normal society.
Playing world of warcraft on a private server again. It's been good so far, had a blast honestly.
>>72647There is a good one entering its last beta soon called Epoch. It's vanilla made with Wrath as a base and TBC talents. There will be tons of new quests, some new subzones and dungeons, new and rebalanced gear, etc.
>>72647I wouldn't do that if I were you. Those kinds of games are deliberately designed to consume as much of your time as possible. You're no longer 20 so you have no excuse to not be able to recognize whether you're being exploited.
Read industry veteran and game designer Jonathan Blow.
Why Do They Want To Play?"I have a concern here," continued Blow. "My concern is that games designers of today lack discernment when we think about whether games are good or bad. If players play it and report they’re having fun, we say, 'hey that’s a good game.' If not, we say, 'they don’t understand it.'" Concluded Blow, "We don’t look at why they want to play. We have tools to keep players playing our game, but most fall into one category – scheduled rewards." Some examples of these "scheduled rewards" are collectibles, unlockables, achievements or advancing the story -- the player wants to beat the boss monster so they can see what happens to Joe when he walks through the next door. "Sometimes we take this really far," Blow noted. "MMOs are notorious for having relatively empty gameplay, but keeping players hooked with constant fake rewards – this creates 'the treadmill.' Rewards are a way of lying to the player so they feel good and continue to play the game." He noted some extreme examples of this, such as reported incidents of Chinese or Korean MMO players dying at the computer. He continued, "As long as players are hooked, it doesn’t matter how good the core gameplay is. As long as they want to get the nicer sword, they’ll still play the game, and as long as they play it’s all the same to us as designers – I’m sure at this point, people think I’m needlessly babbling on about this point. But I want to put forth this question – would they still play a game if it took out all the scheduled rewards?" "I’m not saying that that wouldn’t damage a game," added Blow. "It would damage almost any game. But if you strip it and just have the gameplay, does it fall below a certain threshold, is it still something people would want to play? We need to build that kind of discernment about the quality of play."
The WoW DrugHe clarified, "I’m not saying [rewards are] bad, I’m saying you can divide them into two categories – some are like foods that are naturally beneficial and can increase your life, but some are like drugs." Continued Blow, "As game designers, we don’t know how to make food, so we resort to drugs all the time. It shows in the discontent at the state of games – Radosh wanted food, but Halo 3 was just giving him cheap drugs." "The game industry is chasing bigger player base, and we’re exploiting them in an unethical way," Blow asserted. "We don’t see it as unethical because we refuse to stop and think about the magnitude of what we are doing. You can smoke, have fast food, and play World of Warcraft sometimes – when you talk about these things at a societal level, it becomes a societal problem." "The thing I want to get at is – I’m not trying to blame players here – what I am saying is, if you’re the CEO of McDonald's, you should not feel good about your job, you should feel ashamed. We don’t have that in the games business -- we don’t have that sense, because we feel like they’re 'just entertainment.' We don’t feel like we can do things we can be ashamed of yet," he added. Blow believes that according to WoW, the game's rules are its meaning of life. "The meaning of life in WoW is you’re some schmo that doesn’t have anything better to do than sit around pressing a button and killing imaginary monsters," he explained. "It doesn’t matter if you’re smart or how adept you are, it’s just how much time you sink in. You don’t need to do anything exceptional, you just need to run the treadmill like everyone else." "You don’t come away from WoW with that in your head, but that comes through subtly and subconsciously," Blow added. "It’s like advertising and brand identity. People identify with their activities – same thing with games, people are products of their origins and their environments. We’re giving them these environments and helping to determine what they’re going to be."
Natural Rewards"I say this kind of thing, and everybody’s like, 'whatever dude – you’re smoking something,'" said Blow. "I want to frame this; it’s a matter of scale. What I see as a primary challenge for mankind in this century is to understand and deal with the fact that despite these good enterprises -- human rights, safety, leisure time -- we do these at such a scale that we cannot help but have them affect the world, as with global warming, ozone holes, pollutants – we haven’t dealt with it yet." Carrying over the analogy, Blow said, "We don’t intend to harm players but we might be harming them. When tens of millions of people buy our game, we are pumping a mental substance into the mental environment – it’s a public mental health issue – it’s kind of scary, but it’s kind of cool because we have the power to shape humanity." He continued, "What I see right now is that we’re cultivating this style of gamer that just says 'I want more of that because it tastes delicious, and that’s all I know.'"
>>72649WoW is boring as hell imo. I feel practically the same way I do about it as I do Digimon/Pokemon/Zoids and even DBZ. It was fun when you were young and dumb but now you realize it has such little substance.
>>72654It sounds like you played WoW wrong. I specifically played WoW for the world pvp which was the apex in all of gaming. If you have a boring soul and pursue boring deeds then you receive boredom
>>72648Epoch huh? I'll have to check it out. I'm playing on Turtle which is a vanilla plus server. It's quite fun, there's lots of new quests and stuff and the people on the server are very human.
Right now I'm exercising my anglo/jewish instincts and hoarding gold I made exploiting the auction house heh.
>>72649Your opinion of my choice in video games means nothing to me. If you have a problem with WoW don't play it. I also don't care what Jonathan Blowhard has to say about it.
>>72654I've rewatched DBZ as an adult and it's still the most awesome animated TV show ever made. I was completely correct as a child in my evaluation of it.
Pokemon is kinda lame but that's because the series has 0 originality. Every game is an identical clone of pokemon red for the gameboy. Pokemon red was kind of fun for what it was but I don't feel the need to play the same game a dozen more times.
>>72655World pvp while leveling is the pinnacle of the experience. When I don't feel like leveling another alt, there is a sharp decline in my playtime. Basically just raidlog every week and maybe crush some BGs or arenas. Feels good to shit on nerds and take their mobs and nodes and xp.
>>72657I leveled a warrior and rogue on twow a year or two ago.
>>72660Pokemon Stadium games and Snap.
>>72662Horde or alliance?
>>72655Oh I shoulda specified, I don't think I ever played pvp except for the battlegrounds, and this was during TBC. And for whatever reason (I'm Aussie) the servers were always really laggy in bgs. I still played them and had fun but it was really too laggy to have a proper experience.
>>72658I watched it as a young teen and I think later at about 25. I think I still liked it largely but its really slow.
Ok I tried Palworld. Caught the rolly fluffer and had him fight some mob that was too high lvl and he got incapacitated and is recovering in a bed it seems. Will play later maybe heh
>>72660That's the hit Pokemon game Pokemon Colosseum.
Oh. Wait. No.72673
>>72669That was a cool game though. Has a completely different vibe from the other games in the series. Nintendo somehow allowing a 3rd party to have so much freedom with their IP worked out very well.
>>72664warrior on horde and rogue on ally
>>72711(i thonk that the bottom left aluminum shack probly represents spatial still capture representing an italian cubist surrealist futurist visual scene far away mirage way of an optimistic shape of sort of a building facade twirling about in a warm a prairie wind olive trees growing all around which in that case is kind of neat, but i may be wrong)
>>72711>Microsoft Xbox>Not made by PajeetsSir...
>>72712Looks cool to me.
>>72714Almost makes me anxious lookin at it
>>72711>mfw the Xbox Series "S", which they're selling alongside the extremely phonetically similar Series "X", is literally 1/3rd as powerful as the Series X (it's slightly less powerful than a PS4 Pro even)>mfw Microsoft pressures developers to make their games playable on both of these ostensibly current gen consoles, assuring anyone whose bought a Series X that it will never reach near its full potentialWhat the FUCK did Microsoft mean by this?
>>72724That mod is a troon. Many such cases.
>>72718It may have been shortsighted of us as a group to have not tried to infiltrate 4chan tbh. I mean, we're all too old to truly care too much now but when we were more active and invested in all ways it would have been fun if we were to have become the "discord trannies" instead heh
I've had many similar unjust nonsense bans because the current transministration will just accept a lot of concurrent reports from actual shills and unhinged control freak lunatics with VPNs as consensus and evidence of rulebreaking that simply doesn't exist. Hell, there might be some kind of automatic process in place that simply responds negatively to multiple reports and bans the user on the receiving end.
>>72727>Hell, there might be some kind of automatic process in place that simply responds negatively to multiple reports and bans the user on the receiving end.I have a strong feeling this is the case. They've probably gone the youtube route where moderation is automatic and then sent to a queue for review(that no one looks at), rather than a manual review being necessary for a ban. To add to speculation, by the 2010s bans started to become significantly more frequent and moot alleged this was due to "better moderation tools". Also people still joke that "they do it for free", but they've been registered employees for nearly a decade now. I doubt hebrewyuki wants to pay a large team of people to moderate the site.
>>727274chan moderation is appointed by the government. Infiltration is impossible unless one were to join the FBI
>>72728>>72729Would be interesting to test this theory.
Anyone want to get up to some mischief? All we have to do is target innocuous posts we don't like and report them for the same thing a few times each and see what happens heh
Honestly if we documented it and proved semi-conclusively that such an apparatus were in place it would cause total destabilisation, and hopefully pressure them to address their moderation policies and restructure it entirely. Or at least we'll know we have the power to become unhinged control freak lunatics with VPNs ourselves and frick up whatever we want for whatever reason we want heh
>>72731I'd be down to test it, but how do we verify it? I don't think bans are made public by default. Do the offending posts usually get deleted?
It's also possible that people are getting banned just by triggering certain keywords. We already know they do this for a fact.
>>72733Thanh Don't escapee'suh bad-nasty sport massage, update the tree auto magically
>>72732>>72732>>72733Train batsman-boy-salonscaper so deeply that he's suckered up into becoming mussouri 0-comp politica in journal club
>>72732Yeah they're deleted, or have been in my case when I'd suspected such tactics were used against me.
>>72733This is potentially true-but in my case I know that there's no way I was doing anything remotely rulebreaking, controversial or containing any such content, which is what led me to suspect an automated process could be in play and perhaps is even an open secret in some circles. In Phantasm's case there could be a slight personal bias involved with a human (if trannies can be considered such a thing. LOL) mod, but there is the very real potential that it's a triggered, VPN-wielding civilian troonoid trying to arbitrate what is and isn't allowed in "their" thread or "their" board or whatever sad delusions of grandeur they might have.
>>72821Americans ruin everything.
>>72933Is it dev laziness
>>72934I would never even notice stuff like this if nobody pointed it out tbh.
Played Palworld a bit. It's ok, pretty much as-described. I think what it is is much better than any of the alternatives in its genre at this time so far as I'd seen. Hopefully the developer doesn't take the money and run but perhaps that's wishful thinking. It's a very small team that's en route to make half a billion dollars and it's only been a week since the game's come out. LOL
>>72986Nigga you make six figures, why would you be so (granted, it's in AUD, and everything there is also proportionally more expensive and taxes and)-erm, nevermind.
I only take home a pathetic $35,000 a year after taxes and I sometimes forget I have more purchasing power than a doctor in many other countries heh
>>72995effective tax rate is always lower than marginal tax rate. progressive income tax system means your income is taxed at lower rates first.
if his income is $120,000
0c for each dollar between $0 - $18,200 :
$019c for each dollar between $18,201 - $45,000 :
$5,09232.5c for each dollar between $45,001 - $120,000 :
$24,375thus total income tax = $0 + $5,092 + $24,375 =
$29,467from what i understand they pay medicare as a separate tax of 2% of total income, so $2400 + $29,467 =
$31867therefore his effective income tax rate is (31867/120000)*100% =
26.56% No.72999
>>72998Oh, makes sense I suppose
>>72998I just calculated it for the first time, it's slightly higher than this because I got a very slightl raise, so it's 28%. House prices and mortgages are unavoidably high here. Currently it's about 900 AUD a week.
It used to be about 700 AUD until the interest rates went up, because these people hate you.>>72995They've always been weird about Medicare which is actually starting to go away now with GPs requiring copayments.
>>73000>>73002Why are you STILL typing like a fucking 16 year old? what the fuck is wrong with you? are you in a 6 year regression episode? You're a fucking actual lolcow man, I bet you watch anime too, grow the fuck up already.
>>73002At this point they're just desecrating a corpse.
>>73104Grow up and do what though? There isn't much point being mindful of a career or honoring norms when everything's kind of gone to shit anyway. No reason to take things so seriously heh
>it's not like I'll be having a family counting on me any time soonAlso, I don't watch anything let alone anime.
>>73242I don't know because I'm not sure of the greater context, but I will say that any politician/leader that claims things will get so much better in X years (as long as they're given total unchecked control of course) as if things will remain in some sort of progressive stasis in accordance to their own exact wishes is idealistically naive at best and outright lying at worst. The character in the screenshot is right to be skeptical-but something tells me they're being made out to be pig-headed here if not outright villainous.
>>73104t. drug addict NEET
>>73269You're literally obsessed with SJW's/troons aren't you, you've been posting incessantly about them for 6 years now, sad shit.
>>73269Can't remember playing any marvel/cape game in the past decade. I think they are marketed to young adults. I like the MCU tho
>>73288Your problem starts and ends with facebook. You entered an sjw circlejerk and got upset there were sjws.
>>73288Delete your Facebook, stop watching cartoons and accept that jobs are shit, complaining never solves anything, I bet you'd ironically be all for anti SJW prograpanda in your tv shows though, you and those you are seething at are cut from the same cloth.
>>73290>Lay down and rot No thanks
>>73289Just picked any social media platform, this literally applies to all of them. Even 4chan. The only board where you can actually speak your mind is /pol/ these days,
and no one wants to go on /pol/ 24/7 No.73294
>>73292Then continue to seethe like a petulant child, makes no difference to me, just don't spam 4chon with how arsehurt you are all the time
>>73289>Your problem starts and ends with facebook. You entered an sjw circlejerk and got upset there were sjws.This. Delete all social media and you will find yourself happier. There's no point in arguing with retards, they will destroy themselves in time
>>73296His retard FOMO won't allow him to, he secretly loves seething at them, distracts him from his shitty wageslave life, reminder Phagtasm plays harry potter and pokemon games, he's not mature.
>>73297Other people have hobbies outside of fucking strangers they meet on grindr. Relax there, pal.
>>73299What hobbies do you refer to?
>>73302Things such as being a gaymer/internet politics enthusiast evidentially.
>>73304What kind of retard loser is going to go into this gaymer thread and whine about how gaymers still play video games? What kind of sad fuck must you be to whine about gaymerz whining about games on this dead board, with absolutely no self-awareness? It's alright to be a butthurt faggot, just don't spam 4chon with how arsehurt you are all the time.
>>73275> SJW's/troonsYou sound like you're defending them, why would you do that?
Don't give trollvid attention, let [redacted] deal with him
>>73311You are gay
>>73313Where did I defend them in my post
>>73314You are gay
>>73317You are gay
>>73297I am so mature, I switched to CoD and Madden recently
>>73337Those are both shit games
>>73354Based take
The DS was a step up by copying the SNES layout because of it
Morrowind's dice-roll mechanics are good and the only thing it needs is a tool tip to show your hit/dodge percent chance like Diablo.
>>73363People bitch about it but it honestly makes more sense than the oblivion system that came after. In oblivion your skill in a weapon affects the damage, so you get ridiculous situations like shooting someone with 40 arrows directly to the face and it not killing him.
In morrowind it's abstracted out like with a pnp rpg. You have to play pretend a bit.
Noticed a lot of people on nexus are super butthurt about OpenMW for very dumb reasons. It reminds me of when Skyrim SE came out and people were crying about how LE was losing modders. The fact is the old Morrowind engine is ancient 32bit ass, and OpenMW has a lot more potential. I was told the Morrowind scene was more mature than Skyrim, I was lied to.
>>73401A common problem I'd see with a lot of new players is also that they'd swing frantically and let their fatigue run out, which would plummet their accuracy and damage. They are not aware of the fact that the damage range on weapons is based on how long you hold the mouse down, not a random chance. Maybe they should have read the manual, but I think it's partly the game's fault for not explaining some of the mechanics very well in-game.
>>73359>>73397That's me.
I'm like 1 1/2 years into taking progress pics for fixing my forward head posture (realignment?) and would have little or nothing to actually show. It's a dumpster fire it's so hard to fix.
>>73411OpenMW is based. Played multiplayer with mods on it a long time ago and had a lot of fun.
>>73580Oh, I did-good observation because I noticed that pattern before and never would have considered using that. Today their post had a 130.xxx ip so I refrained though.
>>73594if you go to
https://4chon.me/mod.php?/IP/ can add a new ban, and do those steps (change ip input to 130.185.* )
i'll add a range ban right now, you'll see a on both that page added by me and on ban list
>>73600dubs confirm zelda is choncore
>>73600I'm not sure what you're envisioning, but It wouldn't be too difficult to remake them yourself tbh.
>>73604Tell me you don't understand the rigorous process of high standards game development and asset creation without telling me.
>>73605I do, but you said you wanted it to remain 2D and you could in fact just take assets from later games. Just remake the first game with Link's awakening assets, easy as that.
>>73611Notice how my complaints primarily involved gameplay and controller and not graphics? That would require a new tile-based engine and rewritten AI, not just a reskin (which already exists as a romhack in the form of "Zelda: Remastered" if you search on Youtube... the core gameplay still remains janky). And reusing assets is the opposite of high standards.
>>73600>>73612No one cares nerd