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 No.78548[View All]

what are some of ur fav animes?? i need some recommendations cuz im bored. my favs are azumanga, demon slayer, madoka and d4dj
143 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>think to myself
>hmm why are inuyasha and ranma so similar in most ways?
>look up their creators
>inuyasha is literally just grimdark ranma by the same person


Inuyasha is great.


Not trying to imply I hate it by any measure. Maybe calling it "grimdark Ranma" is misleading and unfair, but I do think they share the many major themes. Ranma is a romcom with some action and Inuyasha is an action with some romcom.


Or maybe, Inuyasha is action-romance with some comedy is a better way to characterize it.


I didn't mean to imply you were implying anything. I just really like inuyasha heh.

It's otome. Chick flick. Girls are suppose to self insert as Kagome, and there's a plethora of men competing to get in her pantsu.

Still great though. First anime I ever watched.


why is she so cute bros


I just recently read and coomed to Princess Reicarnation
wtf why does she look so cute? I fucking hate CLAMP era drawings.


not for real wtf nigga I want to impregnate a white womab oooga oooga


mmm... tha smug......


I finished Angel Links again, big sadge...


What did you think of it?


It's a great watch, keeps a very similar atmosphere to Outlaw Star. Fun until the last few episodes then it's depressing, then it's uplifting, then it becomes very depressing.


Quite a roller coaster.


Yeah, you're so fucking funny, dude. Fuck off.


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You seem upset anon.


Pardon me sir, but can you not see the grave error you have made in replying to this post? I am but a trickster; a proverbial charlatan whose only purpose is to obtain a negative reaction from you. I took you for an intelligent man prior to this incident, but now I see that you're nothing more than a fool, to be so easily deceived by this insidious ploy. Perhaps this was a mere lapse in judgment on your part, but regardless I find it a moral imperative to set things right and inform you of the Machiavellian scheme that you fell victim to. Weaker minds will inevitably conclude that this was nothing more than a heated verbal exchange, but what if I were to inform you that I had no intention of having a civil discussion with you? My speech was just a means to an end, a brilliant subterfuge that was executed flawlessly, causing you to react with such anger and vitriol. It is a Faustian endeavor for a sense of power; an act of cunning where I hide in the lowest echelons of the internet to mire the normal functioning of an otherwise thriving community and make fools like yourself dance for my amusement. Perhaps someday, you will learn to recognize the idiosyncratic patterns used by people like myself and avoid falling for these underhanded tricks, but until then, I will look down on you with pity and bemused contempt. I've lied to you... a heinous and dishonest act, yes, but I did so with purpose. My goal, friend, was to get you to respond as though it were the God's honest truth. By doing so, I planed, successfully to put you in a bad mood... but why? Haha! That's the beauty of it. The purpose of my doing so was that it amuses me! It's a unique way of gaining a laughter at another's expense, I call it, Humorous Deception. And I'm afraid you've fallen prey to it! Yes, its true. You're not quite as quick-witted as you may think you are. Even now I'm laughing at you for the way you've lagged in catching on to my scheme, and others may very well have joined in my fun. you've been duped, sir, and its made you look quite the fool.


Too bad there isn't much wholesome art of Candy Store. Underrated character.


>Machiavellian scheme that you fell victim to
ad hominem
>Fautsian endeavor
out of context
>Humorous Deception
Random capital letters, unexplained sentence.
>And I'm afraid you've fallen prey to it
>prey to ??? missing subject elaborate
>My goal, friend, was to get you to respond as though it were the God's honest truth
respond to what?



You're the most retarded poster of all time. You need to die in a car accident.


Season 6 of Inuyasha really uses a lot of old animation via flashbacks. Some of the episodes also have long recaps. I can't remember what episode I saw up to on adult swim/toonami. I have never seen Final Act. Wonder if it's just a half-assed wrap-up, may read the manga after this to figure that out. Also, Sesshomaru is a cool character. Really liked the episodes about him and his small party. Even with one arm, he kicks everybody's ass including Inuyasha's. His design also seems a lot more thoughtful than Inuyasha.


Log Horizon has nice visuals but I'm feeling pretty damn lost with the plot. Like a lot of light novel adapted anime it feels like being dropped in the middle of a story without any context at all. Dozens of characters are thrown at you in the first couple eps and I can't remember any of their names or who they are suppose to be.


I've watched S1-3 and End of Evangelion so far. Need to watch S4 to 26 or w/e.


Inuyasha in a nutshell:
>Naraku gets his ass kicked
>Naraku runs away
Yeah it's reductive, but basically the problem with the series is it goes on and on for multiple seasons, yet it feels like it keeps retreading the same ground over and over without much of any real character advancement or plot. For Ranma that was fineEven though it started getting stale too, but for Inuyahsa, which is more of a "hero's journey" story, it is not. It doesn't benefit at all from most episodes having their own self-contained little stories that could be watched in any order, that don't contribute to the overall plot at all except for JEWEL SHARDS. Maybe the manga is better and it's mostly filler though.


It helps no one to be reductive.


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Is this supposed to be Toradora cosplay?


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This reminds me of the soyjaks getting excited and pointing at something.


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This song and sequence suck ass. This anime is shit.


I dropped that anime after episode 3 I believe



Kill la Kill was great. Been working through gainax/trigger animes. Ending was definitely rushed.


Once it gets to the aliens part it's shit.


Don't watch any of the FLCL sequels. They're all total garbage.


It got pretty silly, but the show didn't take itself seriously from the get go. I had fun watching it.

Watching Gurren Lagann right now. I've seen it before, but I don't think I ever finished it, and it was a long time ago. Not sure why because it's really good.


Gunbuster and Diebuster are alright


Gurren Lagann is good. Was forced to watch it and was glad for the experience



>It got pretty silly, but the show didn't take itself seriously from the get go.
I would need to re-watch it for an accurate analyses, but I disagree. It tried to have serious moments. It wasn't all jokes and nonsense 100% of the time like Bobobo or Cromartie High School. I remember feeling a bit disappointed about the latter half, and I suspect that they had their ideas tainted by fan feedback, since it was still being animated as it was airing.


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Syncing these up to play at the same time is kinda trippy.

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