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 No.78548[Last 50 Posts]

what are some of ur fav animes?? i need some recommendations cuz im bored. my favs are azumanga, demon slayer, madoka and d4dj


I hear "Boku no Pico" is highly recommended.


anime is gay as fuck


>>78548 >>78548
I'm rewatching Nichijou rn ngl


Slime Taoshite 300-nen
Kono Healer Mendokusai


anime is essentially the bollywood movies of the animated medium


I remember there was some autist from 8chan's /r9k/ who was really into that. Think he might have been the bored owner. Was it you?


yes, that person there is the only person to watch that particular anime in the world, you can really tell how obsessed they are with it by their exuberant stating of the fact that its their favourite anime ever

>I'm rewatching Nichijou rn ngl

you can really tell their passion for this anime from their post and that, they HAVE to be the owner of the r9k 8chan board and that infact you shouldn't have to take meds in any capacity 🙂👍


Excel Saga


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I'm not going to "passionately" shill an anime to the 6 nerds on 4chon


the nietzsche jew fears the passionate shill


the shoulderlet turkroach fears the chaotic neetcel


Frieren was very good overall. I would call the first half a 10 and the second half a 7.5


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Aura literally did nothing wrong.


I hope they don't ever focus on battles too much. I like the slow episodes where they're doing errands.


in fact, i r8 the whole thing 9/10. i would like to hear why you think the latter half is worse. it's fighting but it seems like it still tries to weave in old memories and other exposition.


I'm attempting to avoid spoiling the show for those still viewing. In short - I enjoyed the slow, meditative, slice-of-life aspect of the show. They lost this aspect and switched the show to generic action shounen. It feels like they didn't expect the show to be so popular and every episode after the new intro was a fast attempt to cash in


Oh, okay. I feel similarly. The episodes where they do mundane things and everyone recollects memories of Frieren's original party are great.


Ranma ½
Galaxy Express 999
Parasyte: The Maxim
Armored Trooper VOTOMS
Rurouni Kenshin (not the remake)
Mononoke (not the Ghibli film)
Made in Abyss
Haibane Renmei
Elfen Lied
Ranking of Kings
Future Boy Conan
Dungeon Meshi
Cyber City Oedo 808
Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi (watch the dub, it has kino southern drawls)
Trinity Blood
Saiyuki: Journey to the West


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Dungeon Meshi is a 10/10 so far


H'where would I find dbz films to dl? Nothing from my qbittorent tracker things


Have you tried nyaa.si?


Everything on this anime stream website also has a direct download option. It's my current anime source



They are remaking Ranma 1/2, and that is a scary thing in 2024 considering its premise.


yep, it's gonna be a shitshow of troonery. i'm about a quarter of the way through the original and i like it a lot.


The fact all the troons I see, and I see at least one or two a day in person, think they look like some glossy anime girl when they actually look like goofy freaks with their unpleasant soy voice makes me laugh hard. LOL


Jahy-sama is a cute slice of life show. It's about the general of the demon lord army trying to get by in the real world after the demon realm was destroyed by a magical girl. Most of the time Jahy is small because demons derived their power from a huge mana crystal the magical girl destroyed, but she uses shards of the crystal to perform her duties working at an izakaya during the day.


I found the storyline quite relatable... the gay sex scenes were great, too!


I have aids btw


This was one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Dropped it on episode two. It's just low budget, zero effort pedobait


Not everything with little girls is pedobait. The lewdest thing this show has is sometimes her oversized shirt exposes her shoulder. I read probably 90 chapters of the manga and I wouldn't have stuck with it if it were what you say it is.


Aria is a nice anime


Hell Girl seems retarded. Think I'm six episodes in and it felt like I just watched one episode six times. Does anything ever happen besides high school kids selling their souls to Satan to have their bully killed on the spot? Every episode is basically introduce kid with problem -> kid goes to spooky website at midnight -> Hell Girl appears like Bloody Mary and explains the contract to them -> kid holds onto contract doll hoping to tolerate bullying instead of selling soul -> bullying gets worse and kid accepts the contract -> bully enters a trippy hallucination and gets tortured for a bit before being dragged to hell. It's way too formulaic to be enjoyable.


I dropped Hellgirl more than a decade ago after 3 episodes. Low quality, low effort slop


Record of Lodoss War is great. Deedlit is a fun character. Including cute elf girls drastically improves franchises that are already good (though I hear a lot of people don't like Rune Soldier compared to Record of Lodoss War, which is another series in the same universe). Dungeon Meshi and Frieren are other examples of this.


I read that episode 8 is where some actual plot starts developing and then another quarter or third of the show later some more plot dressing finally happens. Basically the last 4 episodes are when the plot is actually conveyed (allegedly, haven't checked myself and still haven't watched even just 1 episode since my original post regarding it).




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friendly reminder that anime is fucking shit


>t. blacked.com subscriber


anime watching regressive cringelard


Kanye West loves anime and blacked.com


>delirious word salad
Oh, didn't know you were getting fucked silly by black willies at this very moment. Sorry to interrupt. Carry on.


so fuck
literally obsessed with BBC


No need to clarify that you're obsessed with nigger dicks. We know.


yet the only one here who mentions them is you, textbook idiotic projection, you should be studied as an examination of extreme retardation


Nice projection. I know you'd like to forget all those posts you made with your name when you were stressed from not getting your fix for extended periods of time because they remind you of your dad's utter disappointment in his BBC slut son (can you even be considered male at this point when you wear miniskirts more often than not?). You keep telling yourself that you'll do right by your father, that you will never take another load of black sperm in your ass or mouth ever again. However, without fail, your on your knees and neck-deep in mandingo meat by evening.

It's okay, avid. We accept you. Well, not really, but it's fun to make fun of you for being such a tremendous buttfairy. Keep ridin', cowgirl.







Fucking nerd lol


prove it



Bocchi the Rock is a cute anime about an introverted girl forming a rock band with some other girls



Why do we not have Madoka Magicka flags? I need Homura


Kemonozume has some pretty cool animation. Same director also made a movie with a very similar style called Mind Game. Both are pretty trippy.


Kemonozume was genuinely good. I gave it an 8/10 on MyAnimeList™ two decades ago


I think the first thing I saw directed by this guy was Tatami Galaxy and it didn't interest me much. Only watched a couple episodes. I like the art style, but the romance plot is so boring. Second thing I saw was Mind Game, another romance plot, but it was actually great solely for the animation. The humor was alright, too. I think Ping Pong has the same director as both of those and Kemonozume, so I'm checking that out now. Watched the first episode and thought it was pretty good.


Rewatching Cyberpunk Edgerunners. Last time was around two years ago. Still a 10/10




Di Gi Charat Nyo is a great show. The original Akihabara ads are pretty funny too. Closest thing I can think of to this is Excel Saga.


Ping Pong is a nice, short little anime about table tennis. There isn't a big romance element in this like many other productions directed by Yuasa. Just two best friends trying to reach the top of the ping pong world.




Finished Rising of the Shield Hero in a couple days. It started off promising, but turned into generic isekaislop pretty quickly. It's mediocre in most ways. There is also a significant amount of CGI. Not quite as bad as the CGI in Overlord or Dorohedoro, but it still sticks out.


anime is shit and you should grow the fuck up


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minecraft movie




>Finished Rising of the Shield Hero in a couple days. It started off promising, but turned into generic isekaislop pretty quickly.
That's how 99% of them turn out. They lure you in with a good premise then free-fall into pure shit. Over the last few years, the only isekai manga I've read that turned out to be significantly better than I expected was Yajin Tensei.



Nigger erection licker


you dream about shit like that dont you, degenerate worm


It's not a dream, that's Avid's biography.






heres your you
you wish


my life is so happy and enjoyable that i autistically screech at everything on the chon when my arse and mouth arent stuffed with bbc


B e a u tiful


typing out gay shit again there fake avid? what did avid even do for you to go after him, for a few years nonetheless, i wouldnt be surprised if you had an avid shrine in your house, which makes it all the more hilarious because avid hung himself a couple years back


Avid is not hung


Rick and Morty the Anime is actually decent.

the 12 year anniversary of avid's original "I want a big fat cock" post is coming up... does anyone have screencaps of it? iirc it was on 4chon.net/r9k/ on October 15, 2012 and it was made by the real avid before his trip was leaked. the real avid is gay.

lmao pwned him again


Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin video game got an anime adaptation




Why can't more dubs be like Yu Yu Hakusho?



This is a recommendation not to watch something. I watched the OVA of Patalliro at the behest of Big Gay Andy awhile back and that shit was the gayest anime I've ever seen, even gayer than From the New World. Apparently the television series for it was the first boy love anime.

Some quadroon weeaboo I knew through Halo 3 told me to watch Saiyuki and she described it as boy love, so I didn't watch it for a long time until after I stopped talking to her. It's actually a decent anime and I don't recall seeing anything fruity (at least not in the ballpark of Patalliro).


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A cat is fine, too.


this is OP and everyone who watches anime


Strange, it looks just like you?


prove it


Proof is your reflection in the semen-stained vanity mirror pinned to your lingerie closet door.


this chick probably gives the most enthusiastic bjs


I own none of those things


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Master Keaton is a very good anime/manga. Think Monster but episodic. Largely European setting like Monster, with European characters and stories. Same artist as Monster, too. It's basically about a half-English half-Japanese ex-special forces guy obsessed with archeology and history but working for a strange insurance company. I guess it's maybe a dry series for some, but I really like it.


Love this retarded catgirl


Mardock Scramble. Three (nearly) movie-length OVAs about a young girl being saved from nearly dying to take vengeance upon her rapist. It has elements of Monogatari/Kaiji and GITS/Psycho-Pass. There is probably a better way to describe it. Has some faults, still like it overall anyway.


Oh, meant to compare it to Gungrave more than GITS and Psycho-Pass.


Dominion Tank Police is pretty good and this scene is great.





One-Outs is an interesting anime.


One Outs wore off on me the more I watched it. It's a baseball anime, but it's very much like Kaiji too. A very inferior version of Kaiji with no real stakes because the protagonist is a genius Mary Sue whom always accounts for every single variable and wins at everything. What made Kaiji good was how often he had his soul crushed. Seeing him crawl out of the pits of despair made his victories more enjoyable. One Outs doesn't have any emotional impact because you figure out pretty quickly that the main character can just pull infinite tricks out of his ass. It reminded me that there is another anime I've been hesitant to start called Kakegurui because I suspect it also won't approach Kaiji in quality. My first thought when I saw the characters was people probably only like it because it's Kaiji but with schoolgirls. Wonder if Ten and Akagi are well-written.


>My first thought when I saw the characters was people probably only like it because it's Kaiji but with schoolgirls
I only watched the first few episodes, but pretty much.


Damn. All-girl casts aren't a deal-breaker, but I don't like when they're used as a crutch.


I don't even want to see women in media.

So I watch dragonball z heh.


Hell's Paradise is pretty good so far (despite the main character being physically incapable of death in many situations, though still vulnerable in quite a few).


I gave in, I downloaded D2R.


It's looking kinda dead, despite claims of 40k concurrent players. I am regretting it so far.


E-erm, wrong thread...!!1 But anyway, I could install it and try playing with you sometime if you want, though I'm typically asleep or outside being autistic.


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If you haven't watched it glitter force/smile precure is rlllyyy good!! :3


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Just read this whole manga about a sociopathic transfer student, who tries to reform delinquents and ends up involved in gang wars. I doubt anyone here will care, but I'm going to spoil the ending. As the title suggests somebody kills the MC, which happens in the very last chapter. He gets betrayed by his most loyal ass-kisser as a matter of fact. The problem is it's a shitty abrupt ending after that. All we get to see is that the secondary protagonist ends his delinquent ways and settles down, but there is 0 chapters about the immediate aftermath. He could have and should have kept this story going a little longer, and I believe it could have been an excellent suspense manga, instead of a 32-chapter flash-in-the-pan with an underwhelming ending.


This would be like if Light died at first half of Death Note and we got a few ending chapters of a retired L reminiscing, with no further drama or exploration. I feel totally cucked.


It has come to my attention that a manga artist going by "Shiro Usazaki" is making a new manga at Jump, despite getting arrested for doing "indecent things with a middle-school girl" a few years ago. It got me thinking about how that would never happen in the West, unless you were maybe a member of certain protected classes. With that in mind, it strikes me that said artist claims to be a girl. A lot of mangaka will use a pseudonym and an avatar to represent themselves to maintain their privacy, but I genuinely wonder if this is a troon.


Unlikely. Not many troons in japan.


Never mind, I'm a tard and it was the writer that got arrested. Deleted a previous post that was also incorrect, but I blame these shitty MAL articles for wording things strangely.


To be fair to you, they didn't cancel the creator of Rurouni Kenshin (caught with a huge amount of CP, paid ~2000USD fine, no time behind bars), so it's sensible to assume the industry would happily welcome another pedo back.


I'm so sick of the western culture of moral panic over age gaps/pedophilia and corporate driven neopuritanism. I don't support doing "indecent things with middle school girls", whatever that extremely euphemistic statement implies, but I'm glad at least one country doesn't have a collective spergout over it constantly.


I was aware of that, and the guy who made Toriko too. It seems this guy, Tatsuya Matsuki, only got probation.
I've talked about this before, but it's never been that strange to me, because it was pretty common where I grew up in the 90s. People got together because their parents knew each other and such. My father was 23 and my mom was 15 when they started dating, and there was never any drama about this. Just about everyone in the city immigrated from rural Portugal around that time, so they didn't really have Anglo sensibilities. There's a major difference between "underage" and actual pedophilia, and I'm not going to change my stance just because the year is different. People like to pretend that society came to a consensus about a variety of topics after our greatest minds spent years having a philosophical debate in a grand amphitheatre or something, but that never happened.


I think the current outrage against consenting adults in "age gap" relationships being pedophilia is part of a slow creep toward demonizing all sex. That particular thing started with the #metoo movement and liberals deciding that sex between people of different ages had a "power gap" and is therefore amoral. The next logical conclusion to draw is that sex between a man and a woman has a similar power gap, and is thus "pedophilia".

It's absolutely absurd and does nothing but trivialize real sex abuse, and it is barely even the tip of the iceburg when it comes to the absurd moral panic around pedos. But, it's such a taboo thing that you can't even talk about it, which is why they get away with it. Calling someone a pedo is like a magical spell that makes them untouchable.


>because it was pretty common where I grew up in the 90s
My highschool years were in the 2000s and I completely avoided even looking at younger females because I thought it was pedophilia. Wouldn't date freshman in my senior year for example. Society had me completely brainwashed for some time


My highschool years were also in the 2000s, but it wasn't that taboo at least where I was. If a teenage girl went out with some 40 something guy it was considered weird (le sugar daddy) but between grades wasn't even really something I thought about.


Yeah, these days they think it's weird if a junior dates a freshman, but when I was in high school that was not uncommon. When I think about it, it kind of stands to reason. Boys mature slower and girls probably find a guy who can drive and make some money more appealing generally. If you're a first or second year student and you live in a suburban area that's not easily traversed by foot, as is common in the US, where the hell do you take a girl? You gonna ask your mom for rides?


this is OP and everyone ITT


There was a time when anime was good.


>Patlabor 2 Opening (1993)


>Memories (1995) Cannon Fodder clip


Magnetic Rose is by far the best segment in Memories imho, but the others are pretty good too. I wonder if there's ever been another auteur anthology film of its kind sinc,e or if all of the directors worth a salt over there have fuckin' died or something. The two anthologies I'm most familiar with is Robot Carnival (first anime I'd ever seen, irrc) and Memories which was spectacular but which I'd only seen for the first time about 2 years ago but I swear there's at least one or two more.


Just finished Dungeon Meshi. One of the best animes I've ever watched.


Yeah, it's really great. You should read it too. It's not terribly long.


Not really what you asked for, but Mind Game and Dead Leaves are pretty good artsy-fartsy movies.


Yeah, I finished off the manga after watching the anime. It did not disappoint. Extremely good, unpretentious story.


Are there any other animes/mangas that have the same vibe as Dungeon Meshi? I mean like, small group of heroes going down into a dark dungeon, like a dnd quest I guess.

I was thinking log horizon but it has this strange isekai/video game premise which is a bit offputting. I enjoyed that dungeon meshi was just a normal fantasy world with elves and hobbits and stuff.


Obvious ones off the top of my head are Sword World, though not necessarily about dungeoneering. Part of Grimgar kinda falls under that. Made in Abyss sorta does as well and I like it, but at the same time it feels kinda like an evil show. There's a lot of bad stuff that happens to cute things, especially as the series progresses. Slayers is another obvious DND-style setting. El-Hazard sort of, too. Only really obscure one I can think of that might fit the bill at the moment is Ozanari Dungeon.


Good suggestions. Never even heard of most of these but I'll check them all out. I did watch a bit of made in abyss but as you say it feels kind of icky. It's too brutal and I didn't like the shotacon fanservice.

Isn't sword world a japanese tabletop game?


Yes. Can't remember all the names, but it's basically Record of Lodoss War and a couple other self-contained series in the same continuity. Think one is called Rune Soldier/Knight and another is Crystania.


Ah I see. Thanks anon.


I think Dungeon Meshi is a unique groundbreaker I expect will inspire much in the future. No shows are comparable at present


azumanga is definitely not as favorable as Yotsubato. Which I really liked reading, only read it recently because I am binge crap like that and don't do anything until I know it's finished, kek.

BEM is very good show, especailly old one, combined with Mushishi perhaps and Monster which I have recently rewatched AGAIN! In fact, due to my mental issues for some reason the stupid music when Lunge is being strangled by Roberto keeps playing in my head since today's morning. I want to also mention another old classic from 2012 that came to my mind, Mirai Nikki is now completely forgotten show! Crazy, since it was popular back when it came out, oh and also Noucume, because I've been planing to read the light novel famous for its own season released.



i cried a lot


Turns to shit after the timeskip. Most disappointing manga I ever read.


>Getting deep on ANIME directing – LEGENDARY Director of Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor 2 and Urusei Yatsura, Mamoru Oshii – released his 4.5-hour master course on Anime and Film Directing.

Mamoru Oshii - Anime & Film Directing - Session (1.5 hrs)

Mamoru Oshii - Anime & Film Directing - Lecture (3 hrs)

Interview with Akira Toriyama's editor Kazuhiko Torishima (9 min)

>Akira Toriyama is really good at making up stuff on the spot while writing, he’s the kind of writer that does not plan for anything that happens and lets the story evolve “by itself”, often making choices based on a whim (the Super Saiyan transformation was created to not have to draw the black in the hair).

>Now, what is the best point of Toriyama’s manga? Definitely not the story or the characters, since both are rather standard as a shonen story (one could argue it is standard since he set the standard but let’s move on), his strong point is how he shows a fight.
>With Toriyama’s work fighting became a moving event in the page, characters were fluidly fighting while leading the reader’s eye to the right point in time. Let’s see why.
>The action is always clear and there isn’t a single moment where you need to reread the page to know what is going on and what the characters are doing.
>This is Toriyama’s gift: being able to tell the story of a fight in a really clean and interesting way.
https://www.quora.com/Is-Akira-Toriyama-a-great-storyteller/answer/Matteo-Arbia (included images to demonstrate the argument)

There's worldbuilding, and then there's this... (Made in Abyss) (31 mins)


>think to myself
>hmm why are inuyasha and ranma so similar in most ways?
>look up their creators
>inuyasha is literally just grimdark ranma by the same person


Inuyasha is great.


Not trying to imply I hate it by any measure. Maybe calling it "grimdark Ranma" is misleading and unfair, but I do think they share the many major themes. Ranma is a romcom with some action and Inuyasha is an action with some romcom.


Or maybe, Inuyasha is action-romance with some comedy is a better way to characterize it.


I didn't mean to imply you were implying anything. I just really like inuyasha heh.

It's otome. Chick flick. Girls are suppose to self insert as Kagome, and there's a plethora of men competing to get in her pantsu.

Still great though. First anime I ever watched.


why is she so cute bros


I just recently read and coomed to Princess Reicarnation
wtf why does she look so cute? I fucking hate CLAMP era drawings.


not for real wtf nigga I want to impregnate a white womab oooga oooga


mmm... tha smug......


I finished Angel Links again, big sadge...


What did you think of it?


It's a great watch, keeps a very similar atmosphere to Outlaw Star. Fun until the last few episodes then it's depressing, then it's uplifting, then it becomes very depressing.


Quite a roller coaster.


Yeah, you're so fucking funny, dude. Fuck off.


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You seem upset anon.


Pardon me sir, but can you not see the grave error you have made in replying to this post? I am but a trickster; a proverbial charlatan whose only purpose is to obtain a negative reaction from you. I took you for an intelligent man prior to this incident, but now I see that you're nothing more than a fool, to be so easily deceived by this insidious ploy. Perhaps this was a mere lapse in judgment on your part, but regardless I find it a moral imperative to set things right and inform you of the Machiavellian scheme that you fell victim to. Weaker minds will inevitably conclude that this was nothing more than a heated verbal exchange, but what if I were to inform you that I had no intention of having a civil discussion with you? My speech was just a means to an end, a brilliant subterfuge that was executed flawlessly, causing you to react with such anger and vitriol. It is a Faustian endeavor for a sense of power; an act of cunning where I hide in the lowest echelons of the internet to mire the normal functioning of an otherwise thriving community and make fools like yourself dance for my amusement. Perhaps someday, you will learn to recognize the idiosyncratic patterns used by people like myself and avoid falling for these underhanded tricks, but until then, I will look down on you with pity and bemused contempt. I've lied to you... a heinous and dishonest act, yes, but I did so with purpose. My goal, friend, was to get you to respond as though it were the God's honest truth. By doing so, I planed, successfully to put you in a bad mood... but why? Haha! That's the beauty of it. The purpose of my doing so was that it amuses me! It's a unique way of gaining a laughter at another's expense, I call it, Humorous Deception. And I'm afraid you've fallen prey to it! Yes, its true. You're not quite as quick-witted as you may think you are. Even now I'm laughing at you for the way you've lagged in catching on to my scheme, and others may very well have joined in my fun. you've been duped, sir, and its made you look quite the fool.


Too bad there isn't much wholesome art of Candy Store. Underrated character.


>Machiavellian scheme that you fell victim to
ad hominem
>Fautsian endeavor
out of context
>Humorous Deception
Random capital letters, unexplained sentence.
>And I'm afraid you've fallen prey to it
>prey to ??? missing subject elaborate
>My goal, friend, was to get you to respond as though it were the God's honest truth
respond to what?



You're the most retarded poster of all time. You need to die in a car accident.


Season 6 of Inuyasha really uses a lot of old animation via flashbacks. Some of the episodes also have long recaps. I can't remember what episode I saw up to on adult swim/toonami. I have never seen Final Act. Wonder if it's just a half-assed wrap-up, may read the manga after this to figure that out. Also, Sesshomaru is a cool character. Really liked the episodes about him and his small party. Even with one arm, he kicks everybody's ass including Inuyasha's. His design also seems a lot more thoughtful than Inuyasha.


Log Horizon has nice visuals but I'm feeling pretty damn lost with the plot. Like a lot of light novel adapted anime it feels like being dropped in the middle of a story without any context at all. Dozens of characters are thrown at you in the first couple eps and I can't remember any of their names or who they are suppose to be.


I've watched S1-3 and End of Evangelion so far. Need to watch S4 to 26 or w/e.


Inuyasha in a nutshell:
>Naraku gets his ass kicked
>Naraku runs away
Yeah it's reductive, but basically the problem with the series is it goes on and on for multiple seasons, yet it feels like it keeps retreading the same ground over and over without much of any real character advancement or plot. For Ranma that was fineEven though it started getting stale too, but for Inuyahsa, which is more of a "hero's journey" story, it is not. It doesn't benefit at all from most episodes having their own self-contained little stories that could be watched in any order, that don't contribute to the overall plot at all except for JEWEL SHARDS. Maybe the manga is better and it's mostly filler though.


It helps no one to be reductive.


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Is this supposed to be Toradora cosplay?


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This reminds me of the soyjaks getting excited and pointing at something.


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This song and sequence suck ass. This anime is shit.


I dropped that anime after episode 3 I believe



Kill la Kill was great. Been working through gainax/trigger animes. Ending was definitely rushed.


Once it gets to the aliens part it's shit.


Don't watch any of the FLCL sequels. They're all total garbage.


It got pretty silly, but the show didn't take itself seriously from the get go. I had fun watching it.

Watching Gurren Lagann right now. I've seen it before, but I don't think I ever finished it, and it was a long time ago. Not sure why because it's really good.


Gunbuster and Diebuster are alright


Gurren Lagann is good. Was forced to watch it and was glad for the experience



>It got pretty silly, but the show didn't take itself seriously from the get go.
I would need to re-watch it for an accurate analyses, but I disagree. It tried to have serious moments. It wasn't all jokes and nonsense 100% of the time like Bobobo or Cromartie High School. I remember feeling a bit disappointed about the latter half, and I suspect that they had their ideas tainted by fan feedback, since it was still being animated as it was airing.


File: 1740634542608-0.mp4 222.98 KB, 360x640, 27143701037.mp4

File: 1740634542608-1.mp4 203.69 KB, 324x640, 27422032395.mp4


Syncing these up to play at the same time is kinda trippy.

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