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what are some of ur fav animes?? i need some recommendations cuz im bored. my favs are azumanga, demon slayer, madoka and d4dj


I hear "Boku no Pico" is highly recommended.


anime is gay as fuck


>>78548 >>78548
I'm rewatching Nichijou rn ngl


Slime Taoshite 300-nen
Kono Healer Mendokusai


anime is essentially the bollywood movies of the animated medium


I remember there was some autist from 8chan's /r9k/ who was really into that. Think he might have been the bored owner. Was it you?


yes, that person there is the only person to watch that particular anime in the world, you can really tell how obsessed they are with it by their exuberant stating of the fact that its their favourite anime ever

>I'm rewatching Nichijou rn ngl

you can really tell their passion for this anime from their post and that, they HAVE to be the owner of the r9k 8chan board and that infact you shouldn't have to take meds in any capacity 🙂👍


Excel Saga


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I'm not going to "passionately" shill an anime to the 6 nerds on 4chon


the nietzsche jew fears the passionate shill


the shoulderlet turkroach fears the chaotic neetcel


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Frieren was very good overall. I would call the first half a 10 and the second half a 7.5


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Aura literally did nothing wrong.


I hope they don't ever focus on battles too much. I like the slow episodes where they're doing errands.


in fact, i r8 the whole thing 9/10. i would like to hear why you think the latter half is worse. it's fighting but it seems like it still tries to weave in old memories and other exposition.


I'm attempting to avoid spoiling the show for those still viewing. In short - I enjoyed the slow, meditative, slice-of-life aspect of the show. They lost this aspect and switched the show to generic action shounen. It feels like they didn't expect the show to be so popular and every episode after the new intro was a fast attempt to cash in


Oh, okay. I feel similarly. The episodes where they do mundane things and everyone recollects memories of Frieren's original party are great.

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