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 No.80149[Last 50 Posts]

This is the /comf-v/ vidya thread #4

>Low bit
>High bit

OST's welcome.

Wrap up and post some nostalgia based or comfy based video game materials ITT.


is https://gog-games.to/ legit? thinking about snagging Fallout 4


Is there a gayer gaymer than avid?



whats a good text only game?


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Not sure I like this logo, colours look too unsaturated and/or washed out? This is pretty exciting tho, about the play the torrent


Seems good, more quite like the first. My wired controller keeps disconnecting my Bluetooth headphones on and off. Maybe it's cos the controller is Bluetooth for xbox but not pc (I misread when I bought it)


You don't have a 3.5mm cable?


Probably do but I'm tempted to just buy another controller. I haven't seen one for under $20 tho on ebay or elsewhere. I don't want to pay much for one


how comes all the speedrunning events have trooned out?


Probably because they is autisms, vulnerable, validation-seeking Peter Pan syndrome having-ass niggas gnomesaiyan


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put it back


grow up



you have a small dick



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i remember growing up with my brother, we would share all games until our parents eventually bought each a thing of the same, that was until i started getting into computers, the last videogame i remember playing on my GBA SP was Super Mario Advanced, it wasn't that long ago, cleaning up my room 2 years ago, i found it and it was still working so i plugged it in and picked up on 3-3.
i heard that nintendo recently added a gba emulator to the switch, might give it a try.

there's so little chans allowed on my job wifi that it has taken me to look for all of this sites i never knew about.
yes i was banned from both lolcow and soyjak


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I love how they included his various forms into the lore.
Are they trying to heavily imply he's an ultra beast?


Those remakes are underrated. The SMB3 one is my favourite.


I don't like when people include stuff like that in romhacks. Seems tacky.


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what a sad, deranged little soy FAGGOT


Ikr, almost as queer as Avid


rent free


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That glare would drive me nuts. Get this:


People to say to apply it in a steamed up bathroom to avoid getting dust under. Not sure how you're supposed to avoid trapped bubbles, guess you're supposed to patiently press them with a credit card (hands would put too much force and risk damaging the screen) and guide them towards the edges.


fuck niggers


shut up jew


Shut up nigger.


Jonathan Blow on Windows 11 File Explorer


Windows is so bad at directory consistency yet Linux still manages to be worse.


I am content with these (don't really play gaems anymo).
Most vendors at least try to put stuff in these as advertised. ~/.local/share can be a catch-all for some, where ~/.local/state or ~/.cache would be better, but whatever.

I like being able to rename or remove these.

xdg-open and .desktop files and mimeapps.list are great as well.
Easy to add custom user level file handlers. (To tardwrangle Firefox to not overwrite the user mimeapps.list find the JSON file with it's hanlders list and clear it.)

All this shit is more good than in Windows and good for autistic neurodivergent people cuz of text files that can be copied between computers.


Game development (or proprietary software in general) for Linux isn't even possible because what's compiled for Ubuntu 22.04 will not run on Ubuntu 24.04. Linux expects all software to be open source so users will need to re-compile it or that there will always be a maintainer till the end of time to re-compile it for new distro versions. Whereas you can usually run Windows 95 games on Windows 11, and for the few times you can't you just use a wrapper like dxwnd, dgvoodoo2 or nglide ( https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Wrappers ).


i guess they could re-package them as appimages with the necessary deps, even unofficially (e.g. pirated games).
probably bit crazy to do or impossible work for like all versions of all proprietary software made for loonix in last 30 years.


AppImages were a failure at solving the unstable ABI problem of Linux, they're still too crash-prone. Linux libraries simply weren't designed to be statically linked or packaged.


Even if Linux somehow managed to get majority desktop OS marketshare in the future because Windows became so unbearably bad (e.g. impossible to sign in without Microsoft account, impossible to remove ads), games would still be compiled for Windows so that Linux users would run them through Wine/Proton because there's nothing to gain to compile for Linux due to its unstable ABI and distro fragmentation.


noone cares nerd


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The Beginner Bias in Game Critique

>When was the last time you saw a game get serious push back from critics for being too easy? How often do you find game critics defending against simplification? How often does IGN take bold stances against popular consensus on the basis of game design (not politics or whatever)? The answer to all these questions is very rarely or almost never. As of late I've found in a number of my reviews, both positive and negative, actually, that my thoughts and conclusions rarely line up with popular consensus. Perhaps I am merely an outlier, but I believe a huge part of this phenomenon is the heavy overwhelming bias in game critique towards beginner players.

Casuals and Dark Souls fans BTFO.


Didn't click, bet it's some soy-voiced pseud who is personally butthurt over sucking at generally easy games like Demon's Souls.


it always is, the only opinion anyone should care about is their own


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Best game I've played in the last five years.


cringe as fuck and reddit tier


Real talk why do you come in the video game thread if all you do is just have one word midwit brainlet answers to things?


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He does that in every thread, just don't give him the attention he craves, this site's his only source of human contact. More concerning is why did he stay up at 3AM in the morning in London just to post that.


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My reasons for liking them:
Ursa line is among my favourites, I love his lore of convergent evolution/the founder effect, and loved that they made him a special attacker because of the founder effect
I love his unique typing and I love spicy foods and the reference to drama
>Azumarill and Diggersby
I love the Huge Power ability, and have a soft spot for bunnies because of Jazz Jackrabbit
I love how he is the underdog in Johto and overlooked and loved dinosaurs as a kid, and loved gentle Sauropods
Lampreys are so cool and always wanted one as a kid because of how strange they are and love how he has no weaknesses because of his ability
Used to be cool how rare he was like a literal cryptid and I love deep dives into cryptids
I love that he literally gets so angry he dies, he reminds me of Guts from Berserk
I love reptiles and play bass
I love crows they are my favourite birds due to their intellect
I love deep dives into the deep ocean and love that he's a reference to how intelligent cephalopods are, I refuse to eat intelligent octopi and squid
Again I love deep ocean biology and giant isopods are adorable to me
I love that he's a reference to kaiju and hiveminds
Unironically the cleverest design in Pokemon in many years, I love sashimi and that the souls of the salmon die upstream and join him in a deep dive
Again another hivemind Pokemon who I seem to have a soft spot for, I love the biblical reference and that he is not your typical psuedolegendary and dragon. I also love that he becomes Kieran's mascot
He is a reference to goth and fantasy subcultures which I love
I love insects and the colour red, that's pretty much it
I love how relatable the little guy is, that is trying so hard to be appreciated but doesn't need to be because his lore makes him loveable, like an ugly duckling story


Link if you wanna piss off avid/like Pokemon and do it


midwit and brainlet imply the same thing dipshit


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I just went with my gut and didn't think too deeply about it. I probably should have swapped Lucario for Marshadow. It's interesting that I find about a quarter of your choices to be unappealing for one reason or another.


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Best one so far


>Someone else likes Bruxish
He reminds me of the rainbow flavour of Billabongs


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Clefable is definitely top 5 fairy types for me.
I wish Clefairy had been the series' mascot but you know how boys are, the series would've never taken off if the mascot was pink. Ash should've had one to appeal to girls too, then Pokemania would've been even bigger.

Also I always found it weird how when shinies came out, they never altered Pikachu's colour scheme and to this day it's just a little bit orange. It's the series' mascot, imagine if its shiny form was something even more striking, like blue and black like Umbreon's or something.


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They did give Pikachu costumes with unique moves once. Don't know how long they were transferable between games.


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Never use most of these types tbqh, nor have I played the newest game but the monkey and jellyfish from it seem cool


imagine posting as avid


I know, the real Avid would have said something gay.


nah thats my obsessed stalkers job


They weren't. They were exclusives to SM and USUM, which again is interesting considering he's the mascot.


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The monkey is a new Primeape evolution and the jellyfish is a convergent monster that resembles Tentacruel. Convergents are similar to regional forms, but considered separate species. The three they've added so far are a mushroom that looks like Tentacruel, an eel that looks like Dugtrio and a matcha monster that is similar to Sinistea.

They also have a new category called paradox monsters that were created by the main legendary of Scarlet & Violet and the wishes of researchers to discover ancestor or descendant species. They're basically hyper-aggressive and resemble existing species with either a prehistoric or futuristic twist.


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Trying out Pokemon for the first time


also afaik cosplay pikachus were gen 6 and related to contests. dont think they could be transferred to gen 7 and didnt try to add them with pkhex. i will try to remember to borrow one of the hacked 2ds i got for my brothers sometime and try.


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No wonder Windows 11 is a pile of shit with zero improvements from the previous

She gets paid twice as much as Phagtasm lmao


...are they really serving some shitty curry for lunch?


i hate women so much its unreal


Why do they keep making videos like this?


to flex on their facebook friends, comes from being starved of attention as a youth, be it from parents or peers, its textbook passive aggression


Life's not fair. Damn normies.


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Shrimp curry.




it's just funny seeing even the cafeteria food at microsoft is meant to appeal to indians. they should convert their offices into a delhi night market and designate some garden on premises for shitting while they're at it.


and hopefully the bitch who made that video gets gangraped just like she would in india.


Okay now tell us how you REALLY feel about curry.


hello saar microsoft tech jim my will help u today but first how old is youre family???


If she keeps nibbling on carbs all day she's gonna blow up pretty soon and it looks like she already has some heft.

Also trying to cut calories on a high carb or even moderate carb diet is hell. I tried it and got pretty shredded but I basically had an eating disorder the whole time. Like I was browsing food threads for 3 hours a day and writing lists of all the food I could eat when I finished my cut


>She gets paid twice as much as Phagtasm lmao
Today at work I had to call someone because they missed their appointment and they might genuinely die from their issue if I can't have a look at it.

But what she does is important too. She had like, three whole meetings today.


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>then I did some work on deep learning

ch. I & II not visited, well, she must be very privacy aware deleting the browser history or deep into the ch. III of the 700 page pdf book, good girl, so hard working & dedicated, i should send her money or immigrate from third world to work for microsoft, she'll marry me


cry about it manchild


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I can't wait for the AI bubble to pop, it's worse than NFTs because at least NFTs were relegated to the latest AAA games which I don't give a shit about or Twitter spam, whereas this AI cancer has spread in all tech


it's so shit that ANY verifiable crap text, image, video "human-information" post-2023 may have monetary value attached to it and will be locked behind paywals

why spend years reading conversations and creating an information site like https://c-faq.com/ when you can generate similarly sounding plausible gibberish site in 10 minutes and fill it with ads and SEO-poo it to the top

dey also got public forum spam where dey quote something replying existing posts with a plausible contextual gibberish linking adsites


i downloaded dolphin and psx and i downloaded need for speed carbon and devil may cry, i downloaded also shadow of the colossus but i deleted it because it was shit, i played it for roughly 30 seconds


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are you playing these games on your stupid fucking phone?


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Pokemon GSC and HGSS
Fire Emblem 7
Final Fantasy Crisis Core
Megaman Zero 4
Soma Bringer


Mega Man 2
Shining Force 2
Phantasy Star 4
Phantasy Star Online


HDV is like if your big brother were cool and played good video games instead of Fifa 06


Donkey Kong Country
Warcraft 3
Age of Empires 1
World of Warcraft

I was a big blizzard fan as a teen.


How was Phantasy Star Online back in the day?


Pokemon GSC
World of Warcraft
Warcraft 3
Diablo 2
Silent Hill 2


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HDV is like big brother. I agree.


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never played this is it good?


It's great.


TimeSplitters games are the same gunplay, but run a lot better.


what? i asked a simple question and you give me this retarded autistic response.


I was giving you another suggestion if you were interested in GoldenEye. TimeSplitters franchise had many of the same developers. Fuck, you sure are a projecting spastic.


Avid's still sexually frustrated that his Grindr date didn't show up for a "fok 'n sok by the telly" last night, he tends to either bring the sass out at overdrive and lash out at everyone or go on a meth binge every time this happens. It's best to just let him be and not respond to his attention-seeking posts


shut up leech nobody cares about you


i asked if GOLDENEYE was good not fucking timesplitters you autistic retard


>gets this assblasted from being recommended another game series with the same gunplay made by the same people that runs on sixth-gen instead of noframesdoe64
>"n-no ur the au-au-autistic wetawd"
And not only are you an autistic retard, you sound like you've been perpetually butthurt for years on end. Keep throwing tantrums on the internet over the most benign comments, dipshit. Hope one causes you an aneurysm soon enough.


next time stay on topic and address questions properly without getting distracted by your NPD

the request was simple yet you couldn't even follow it, i dont care about timesplitters


It was perfectly on-topic. You're just a diaper-shitting sped. Next time, keep your mouth and hands occupied with nigger dicks like you usually do instead of replying to me with your bitchy drivel, AIDS-ridden faggot.


I played a lot of timesplitters 2 on the ps2. It was annoying how limited you were with the map creation thing, you could only make a pretty small map when you could've made something much more fun if you could make more rooms/areas. The single player campaign mode was fun.


It wasn't that limited. I remember making a lot of cool maps to play on splitscreen with other people, utilizing the tools as far as they could be stretched. You could even make your own custom campaign maps with it (obviously nowhere close to robust as a full-fledged mission, but decent enough for its time). My favorite parts about those games were speedrunning campaign levels on hard, getting platinum trophies on as many arcade league scenarios as possible and splitscreen multiplayer since it had OK bot logic for its time. Those games would have been crazy if they were made for those arcade cabinets with networking and persistent user data tied to a physical card, had a login or something of those sorts. Unlocking everything on those games was a nice dopamine hit.


Should've elaborated that I don't think the map editors were limited because I made more arena shooter-style maps which took advantage of the layering feature. Also, I played 2 and FuturePerfect (3) on Xbox instead, so PS2 possibly had different constraints.


it wasnt on topic
>"never played it is it good"
>"TiMeSpLiTtErS gAmEs ArE tHe SaMe GuNpLaY, bUt RuN aLoT bEtTeR"

thats not on topic, you brought up and entirely different game (with an entirely different aesthetic and storyline)

you didnt answer the question, how hard is this for you to understand?

>"keep your mouth and hands occupied with nigger dicks like you usually do"

what is it with you and just randomly bringing up gay shit all the time?


>er-er-urm-umm it wasnt the exact same noframedoe64 game i said even if it was same developers and same gunplay and runs better so yeah off-topic
It's no wonder you haunt a dead board like 4chon. You're far dumber than you want to believe. You asked if GoldenEye was good, and I quite literally told you of a game that plays out the same yet runs superior, and in your meth-addled mind (while you're too focused on stroking and sucking nigger dicks once again), that's off-topic. Play GoldenEye, don't play GoldenEye, play any TimeSplitters, play no TimeSplitters, I don't give a fucking shit either way.

You're a worthless fucking gay retard and you sperg the fuck out at every single possibility of an opportunity (meaning you have meltdowns when it makes no fucking sense to, like now). Jesus fucking christ, what a disgustingly repellent moron. You literally cry in every thread you post in, ever. You lead an inescabaly pathetic life. I'd kill myself if I were you, but I'm sure you lack the dignity to do so lmfao.


bruh stop getting baited by incelvid let him have the last word


lol stay mad retard gay faggot


next time answer the question, ive played timesplitters, its shit


Then your question was answered before you asked it, faggot.


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Can I get a B in chat for based


Sounds like bullshit. Valve are just lesser-kikes compared to industry giga-kikes.


bad luck no fun


Still not using Steam. DRM only punishes the customer gracious enough to pay. The best compromise I can think of is for them to add a "DRM-Free" category on the game's store page list (the list that says Single-Player, Steam Leaderboards, Xbox Controllers, etc.). And by DRM-free that means one should be able to copy the downloaded game folder elsewhere and run the game without having Steam installed. If smaller companies / indie devs are afraid of piracy, they could make a DRM-free commitment after the first year of release (vast majority of sales are usually done in the first year). DRM doesn't prevent piracy, it only makes it a little harder to crack it, so it makes sense for lesser-known indie games due to a lower probability of a tech-savvy cracker from purchasing it to crack it, but single-player games from major companies will absolutely get cracked within the first week.


I found this: https://github.com/atom0s/Steamless
Don't know why crackers tend to be anti-piracy cucks these days though.


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why are modern western games like this


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who are these intended for? most young women don't own video game consoles or PCs. how is this profitable?

someone else made this comment:
>Nobody plays these games anyways. It's just some kind of complicated money laundering scheme like Hollywood movies. That's why they don't even care about sales, just straight to Game Pass.

i guess it's like how big "tech" companies are run, where they don't actually have to earn a profit, they just get paypigged by big investors (richest 1% own almost half of all global assets) and are all owned by vanguard and blockrock anyway. or movies being a better analogy, where same kind of goyslop somehow keeps being made even if it fails to return a profit time and time again


Looks pretty good honestly. Never really played Doom


This is awesome. Love the presentation, soundtrack and sound effects. I won't play it because I don't care about stocks (it has a lot of cool mini-games though). He really ought to try making a mystery, horror or detective game in this style as his next game.


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You can't even enjoy a children's game without Blackrock. Uh oh, ch-chudbros...


They (TPC) have multiple committees like that for every shade of rainbow fairy faggot and disgusting brown turdgoblin.


Had some Indian guy in my Dota 12v12 game and he wouldn't stop yapping.

- Oh god as I'm writing this he's in my game again




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Nu Pokemon is dead >>79046


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My IRL high school friend got mad at me in the group chat for clowning on this dumb shit. Even though it's genuinely misogynistic that they get real, pretty female models and they uglyify them.

Imagine being a model for a video game, having to sign an NDA, and they make you look horrendously ugly on purpose to appease a 'narrative consultancy firm.'


Seems like Indians are starting to infest Dota/12v12. Or SEA people. Idk who it is or what. But oh god. Be careful...!


They keep chattering and they have no idea what they're talking about, they're like kids and and I don't know how to deal with them and they're swarming...


I stopped playing because of beaners with high ping, low IQ and the expected shitskin temperament on US servers. Too bad they've been flooding into the country for decades and now I can't avoid them even in rural White America anymore. Brazilians and Peruvians were the absolute worst of the worst. I have heard Philippinos are similarly cancerous in your region, which would not shock me if it is true since they're mystery meat rape babies as well.


>Have insta that doesn't reveal my identity.
>Pajeet adds me
>No gf in profile description
>Instantly block them w/no hesitation


I cannot find the clip anywhere on youtube, but the summer games fest ended up with some smug bulldyke going on a rant about how great diversity is, and if you don't like it then she invites you to fight her IRL, which I would be more than happy to do if not for the legal system. It's like teasing a caged animal. The degree of uppitiness soyciety allows foids to get away with is unreal.


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Yeah. Posted this on /vg/



The curry wasn't worth it

Could've added that line


lol, let me know if you get banned for racism. i was banned the first half of this week for that.

wonder how much they pay for commentating. back when i cared about dota a lot, it felt like a lot of the people they hired had no clue how to play the game neither at high ladder or tourneys (like that blonde scandinavian lady, forget her name).


when this guy started streaming serious matches, he was actually really good (consistently immortal placement in solo queue). still miss his trolling videos, though. very therapeutic after playing a day of agitating matches with ESL brownoids.


lol CLQ, he was great.


Pretty sure I read his thing where he said he was being too toxic or otherwise encouraging too much toxicity so he called it quits. Which is funny because that's obviously what he was doing. But yes.

I was thinking about some idea, I think someone said that announcers always go mad. Because that's kind of what they're doing - they're being alarming.

I worked in telemarketing in 2006 when I was 16, for 6 months. My team was fun but it did get draining. Because you are just talking and talking. In like 2011 I got a job for a telemarketing charity and I lasted like 3 days because it was so boring, I quit in the middle of the day. Even though I needed money.


yes, his streamer name was Road to Reformation. i dont think he even streams anymore, though. he would get a lot of bad teammates even in divine/immortal, but usually didnt flame them at all and only lightly when he did. he got very insecure about being toxic, which is sad because clq videos are probably the funniest dota content.

did customer service at a call center and it sucks because most people calling in were unbelievably retarded. kinda don't care that it's outsourced to india now. at the same time, it's completely useless to call for assistance now. last call i made, i was being redirected between 5 different dotheads for over an hour for one very simple question regarding a warranty.


I wish I could find the unedited clip, but it's probably getting taken down constantly.


Hope she accepts an organized fight offer from another woman and gets bloodied (obviously won't happen, the cunt is a pussy).

Also, reaction channels suck ass. I know you said you tried to find a raw clip so I am not complaining about you, but that guy is a fucking loser too lol. Nothing of value added by him flapping his gums. Feels like I'm back in 2015, given how banal his commentary is. The part that did me in was when he said he had to "do a lap" around his 8x8 cuckroom to express how flabbergasted he was.


I think it's just how it is that there are these bottom-feeders (reaction video makers).

She reminds me of one particular leftist Western Oriented Gentleman woman I met at uni who I had the hots for and wanted to bang. She prolly would've I just didn't push her. She ran up to me after a history unit on fascism and asked why I said I like Hitler.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet.


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The chinese devs behind Based Legend Wukong have exposed how Sweet Baby operates. It's an extortion scheme where you hire their DEI consultancy for 7 million dollars (lmfao) or get attacked mercilessly by the cartel of judengaminpresse, players such as Kotaku. It's like how the Mafia operates with "protection money" and the like heh


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I've been going down this rabbit hole of thinking about him, JP and Chris/Good Looking Loser. Chris sounds so much like CLQ, it actually sounds at time like they could be the same person. Both highly intelligent and skilled at their profession/thing.



I watched all that. Pretty funny.


you are gay


hypnospace outlaw is a jidf grooming tool. flagging the imaginary people for copyright infringement over some retarded cartoon fish and seeing them cry about free speech makes me lol.


>I bought Mullet Madjack for a hyperactive zoomer friend of mine and he 100% it in two days heh. I knew he'd like it because he was an Ultrakill fan
he might like this too https://store.steampowered.com/app/2595540/UBERSLAUGHTER/



There is a demo for this game on Steam. Played it for a couple hours and had a lot of fun.


missed opportunity not to add multiplayer (deathmatch, team deathmatch and capture the flag) to that game


One of the passive perks you can find enables friendly fire so you can have ghetto 4 player deathmatches.


This looks like an autistic parody of the genre (he genuinely might).

Zoomers smdh


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Looks cool might play


speedrunning nigas be like


a shitty gzdoom skulltag pk3 asset mess circa 2010 but in unity is a commercial videogame genre now huh


half-life-themed open world survival slop. actually looks cool, though, especially traveling by train.


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i can't wait til this drops


what are you copping?


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what i bought so far





just weeb and buttrock listener trash


you truly are a mindless autistic faggot


youre playing weeb trash, youre a beta, play chad games nerd


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big bang theory simulator


the only weeb game there is the touhou one (all the other moonrune shit is dlc for it) and the only "buttrock" game is duke nukem, hence you're a mindless autistic faggot


all of the games are shif lol, you dont see that theyre shit though because YOU are shit, beta's cant chad lel


you have bad taste it is ok little guy



i dont know, seems more your thing, i mean who is the one bringing up cuck/fag shit all the time? its not me


you posted a soylent simulator a little bit ago. do you have dementia?


it was one of
soy games i posted, i was taking the piss


your excessive piss intake isnt a video game


what are you talking about? taking the piss is a british term meaning to make fun of


yeah yeah i didnt ask what you wash soy down with


i dont drink soylent


right, you drink piss and eat tofu


no i dont


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downloading the arma 2 complete collection along with the original dayz mod, hopefully the servers arent a ghosttown


walking sim


ive already requested a refund, every server was empty on the official server list and the server i tried to load into from

got stuck at the waiting for host screen

i think im going to instead snag need for speed heat


if you want to play walking sim, why not just play standalone walking sim? they have updated it quite a bit.


because ive read its quite resource heavy, i like running games comfortably, even if i can run it and i could, i like having the overkill aspect when it comes to playing games, for this reason i usually play relatively old video games, if i were to decide to start playing more modern games id probably just get a ps5


Playing Fallout 3, accidentally started the Pittsburgh DLC questline, it fucking sucks ass.

I may play Fallout 4 next cos apparently it's meant to be worse than New Vegas and I don't want to play something good then bad.


Who was in the wrong here?


wait til you play mothership zeta, that DLC is horrific


The more I think about it, the guy playing the game was. Chibi is mogging this guy. The other two on the couch also fail to provide much commentary, so the dead air effectively gives Chibi the stage. The guy playing was also too much of a wuss to kick him from the couch before the run started.


i like the running joke saying they both trooned out. as far as i know chibi has only gotten sjw hair and caveman gave up speedrunning.


Chibi was part of a cuck harem, and they kicked him out.


both of them

it was also chibi's birthday that day, which makes that exchange even more cringe inducing

also tomba is a pretty based platformer ngl, i remember back in the day the demo for it was long as fuck, that was the only way i could play it, used to play through it at least once a week


scuffed steam paypal cart exploit allows you to resurrect unlisted games, also allows people to spawn old counterstrike items



i actually kinda want to do that to grab some old games that got delisted like benbo quest. guessing i will get banned or something if i do.


theyre tracking it so you probably will, someone got banned until 2040 lol


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AAA devs have let themselves go


and i thought ESO's 105gb install was hefty


Literally how heh


DEI hires can't into


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it would be hilarious to me if this was the case


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I need to get back into that game sometime. Mining gives me carpal tunnel though. I went autistic for a week or two and got to 92 or 93.


ive always somewhat hated runescape, it has this feeling of 'just hurry up' to it that i honestly cant stand, i really dont have the patience for it


i dont know what you mean, it felt like a glorified clicker game to me. i mean i still probably played it as much as i did wow and pokemon, but i think it was even more tedious than those games. do you mean "just hurry up" as in competing with other people, because i can see that. i think my mining rank was about 70,000 lower when i last played osrs, but now i will probably never be top 10k or something for max mining rank (and i don't care to hit 99, let alone hit max xp for mining).


>do you mean "just hurry up" as in competing with other people,

no, the game itself just feels very slow


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>AI Generated Mario Kart Gameplay


>AI Generated Fallout Gameplay


kek, i think the 'no violence' aspect of the AI ruined what this video could have been


thoughts on fractal multiplayer maps?


Sik to doogrimeoren tlinep, bro!


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>playing based Wizardry remake
>my Thief gets poisoned and dies
>pay 400gp to resurrect him
>resurrection fails and he turns to ash (one more chance to resurrect from this state for 1000gp)
>grind for an hour, another character gets paralyzed by a trap (would be 500gp to cure him so I have to leave him catatonic for now)
>finally get 1000gp and hand it over to the temple
>resurrection fails and the character dies permanently
>Elf Priest still paralyzed
>turn game off
Gen X gamers had it tough ngl


Not gaming but there is a new anime adaptation called Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon and it's basically Wizardry with a cooking twist. A party of people keep trying to progress through a mega-dungeon created by an insane wizard and one of the tactics they adopt is to try preparing food using monsters they kill and herbs they collect within the dungeon in order to save inventory space (it doesn't actually use game terminology like a lot of fantasy anime, though, which is preferable) and not have to return to town. I'm almost positive it's based on Wizardry because there was some early art by the creator where she labeled the rough character designs with class names from Wizardry (e.g. the main character is a Lord).

I hadn't read the manga prior to watching it and I was skeptical because it was produced with Netflix money, but it's probably the best "Netflix Original" anime yet. But yeah, the Wizardry games are a trip. The Japanese love that series. I like the one where you play as the original bad guy. It's brutal. I think it was 4. Can't remember. That remake looks pretty good, might have to pick it up on a sale.


I'm enjoying it but I've also party wiped at level 1 like 3 times, it's very punishing with merciless RNG but pretty satisfying as well.

I read Dungeon Meshi in its entirety in about a week shortly after watching the first episode of the anime which I think was a month of so ago. It's honestly the best anime/manga "thing" I've seen in many years, I had pretty low expectations initially but I was consistently entertained.


>my characters are in the level 5-6 range again
I am growing stronger heh


have you tried ultima?


I like Ultima Exodus on the nes a lot. I never played any others in the series though.


Ultima 4 through 7 are good games.


360 marketplace rolled out the final update to its end-of-service sale, adding a grand total of 0 games to the discounted titles list (speculated that 7 activision titles quietly added at the end of june were meant for July 16th instead). they did bring back some older shirt designs you can buy and the original 360 dashboard (for use on the newer consoles, not the 360 itself lol, lmao).


I wish I could have played Ultima online at its peak.


its just a background as far as i have seen


there's a video if you scroll down that shows what you get, im not going to lie, its a very lackluster offering from one of the biggest companies on the planet


yeah, i was being sardonic. they hyped this final update to the sale as some big commemoration to celebrate the 360's life cycle, but it turns out they shit all over everyone who still cares about 360 and just want to push some merch. saw some people saying they plan to just hardmod their console with the money they would've spent on a good sale (there are a few decent things for less than 1USD, but it's pretty much all old capcom stuff that can be played some other way).

i wish i could at least use the blades theme again on 360. i never liked the weird shift to windows phone/windows 8 ui.


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bought 2 new 120mm case fans, hooked them up tried to start up my pc and i got a kernal error and i dont have a usb backup copy of windows 10


Japanese web design: weird, but it works. Here's why

>Japanese website design looks weird. But, they work just as well as other websites around the world. Why is that? I mean, they're information dense, cluttered, and some would even think they were teleported to the 1990s. Turns out, beneath the overwhelming user interface lies undeniable psychology. In this video, I cover why this "weird" design is necessary, why Japan can't just keep things simple, what a "gentle" user experience means, and how all of this impacts us.


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Also this. The vagina in the video was too polite with how she implied Western audiences "can't handle" this much information. Just admit it's meant to appeal to the lowest common denominator a la Idiocracy. Furthermore this extreme minimalism was not creating by the masses, but pushed onto the masses by the elites in corporate world. They all coalesced to extreme minimalism, not due to some clean aesthetic choice but to further stupidification.


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first one is like the script form of brutalism



logos now are seen more often in 16px favicon.ico or 32px square/roundel social media avatars which are physically tiny, than printed big somewhere in real life. the less detail the better for those use cases. the closer they fill that 1:1 ratio area the better.

the other thing is just a brag about being such a successful brand that is recognized by the closest thing to a geometric primitive (or merely the quirky name in no name serif), like microsoft logo basically being nothing but a square, they "own" the square shape (ok a combination of 4 of them stacked but whatever), like christians own a crisscross of 2 lines.

so they aim to legibility and objectivity of traffic signs for their signs instead of being a creative mural. they did it in 1920s and 1970s as well..

"classy" serif fonts on mass produced shit are finally seen as too tacky and corny wasp old money larp.

imagine being that retard staring at boring company logos and victimizing yourself lmoa



He's right, arial bold font is like the graphic design equivalent of calarts style heh

Also you make a good point but if true it's just another example of phonefags ruining everything.

Posted from my iphone x


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Oh wow so legible, I can definitely tell which program is which.


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what is the cause and solution to this?


All I can think of off the top are the basics (run recovery media and try different things in the command line since the regular tools are worthless, swap hardware out). I remember I was trying to figure out how to fix my damaged boot record for a couple hours because some retarded proprietary formatting tool started formatting the drive I was using it from and most of the information for Windows errors online essentially boils down to clueless idiots saying run sfc and chkdsk and start from a new install if those don't work. I eventually found an article about fixing MBR and it was quickly fixed afterward. It's amazing how the most commercially successful OS has such shit support.


download and boot into memtest86 on a usb stick, see if it can do one pass without errors


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kind of like it, just abbreviated names of the programs from the same collection.

but docks and application icons and drop shadows and transparency blur are overdesigned steve jobs dildo faggotry to make personal computer more of a video-game-like bingbingwahoo experience product ad platform for yuppie shareware "apps". branding anywhere in the ui is bloat.

give me only the the exact, hopefully functionally descriptive, name/category and path to the executable in an instant, no latency fuzzy-finder text selection list sorted by usage frequency on a gray background, to instantly launch applications in a boring grid splitting up the screen.
keeping it objectively boring, content itself (the media project, website, pdf, spreadsheet video, game etc.) is the king, the vindicator and nothing should get in the way of it.


ive tried booting up in safe mode from the menu by pressing f8 and it loops back to the screen again

ill have to get my friend to do this as i dont have another computer available


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google results in a nutshell


There's no shame in putting all your relevant files on another drive and reinstalling wangblows. Sometimes it's just better than troubleshooting for hours while getting nowhere.


I've never seen a component get fried by static in my life. Unless you're deliberately brushing your socks against the carpet while working on you're computer, I wouldn't bet on ESD being the culprit.


if you have two ram sticks try just one each to see if it boots


im going to leave it to a local IT shop to sort it out, im in no rush however the component which i believe to be at fault is a 2tb m2 ssd and replacing that will be expensive


SSDs just spontaneously shit themselves. I've never had an HDD fail on me, even after 15 years, but I've had 2 SSDs die in less than 3 years without any prior sign of there being an issue. One was a kingston and one was a samsung, so brand doesn't seem to be the factor either.


is there a way to fix them or is it a case of once theyre broken theyre broken?


I recommend buying the game and its DLC on sale, forewarning!


There is a cute Touhou fangame on Steam called Mystia's Izakaya. You spend daytime collecting and purchasing ingredients, then cook and serve patrons in the evening. The iconic Touhou characters occasionally appear as rare guests with specific preferences for what they like to eat and drink. The one thing I don't like is you can only save at the end of every shift. I'm not very far into it, thoughbeit. It still lends to short play sessions. I'd say a full day only takes 5-10 minutes to play through. Might get more complicated later with multiple locations and a broader selection of dishes to manage. I just remembered the music gets a bit repetitive too. Otherwise, it's a fun game to play in short spurts here and there.


just went ham on deep rock galactic elite dive with some randoms. sadly one was getting angry in chat and ragequit during phase 2. we beat all 3 missions, but would've been nice if i could have calmed him down and gotten him to stay. :'(


Kino game, isn't it. It was a good move for the devs to have this focus on teamwork, it's a very non or even anti-toxic game really. A big part of that is how helpful it is, in terms of morale but also simply that you tend to win quicker, when you revive fallen teammates.


I tried my hardest to keep the guy in the game. He started flaming me and I just said that I already drilled half the aquarq stones down, then the other two players started flaming him and saying he wasn't fulfilling his scout duties. I was trying to mediate between those guys while also trying to trigger the mule for phase 3. I don't care if the one guy was being mean to me for no reason, I know the game is hectic and it's hard to tell what is going on for some players.


I saw this on steam. It looks good.


Sometimes I try to basically ballhug another dude, like stick to him very closely, because it's a fun thing to do or try to do, but its also kinda hard because you almost always shooting different stuff or doing slightly different things. Thats just how the game is, though I guess it changes like during the dreadnaught bits or the other event stuff like the pipe maps.


>no male characters
>can't play as a male character
Instantly dropped.


Usually I think driller, engineer and gunner should stay together and scout should go ahead first to find nitra nodes and clear leeches.

I think gunner needs a utility buff or something, like two more ziplines and/or a small ammo bag that restores 25% to everyone.


rival presence is the worst drg mission type. i even did a bunch of setup as driller but my build was for clearing small robots so all i can really do is toss my c4 from my ceiling hole to get rid of the caretaker's shields then hope for teammates to kill the eye fast enough. i hate doing that mission but it's the first part of the lethal enemies assignment for unlocking haz5+.


I find the map where you have to set up the pipes to be consistently the most fun. But I get butthurt that the average person makes the most retarded pipe setups, like pipes that are longer than needed (inefficient for several reasons) or pipe paths that don't really come together (it tends to be easier if the pipe paths are in greater proximity).

I just don't find rival presence to be that fun. Though when I play with the guy who mods the game he makes the caretaker gigantic which is pretty funny. Also when you die on it you spin super fast its kinda funny.


if you play driller, you find that a lot. you also find engineers that don't understand they can make paths to wells that driller can't as easily. something annoying about wells lower than the platform is that it's very easy to dig a tunnel that's just slightly too steep. better just to be safe and drill meandering paths instead of direct routes sometimes. you can also just get terrible well spawns in general (though salvage mission equipment can also spawn in utterly shit spots, especially the second one). otherwise, i don't really hate the mission. i used to hate aquarqs a lot but i kinda like the urgent feeling of it now. sometimes you get neverending enemies on that, though.

escort can be fun and they recently updated it so there is a bit of variety in the phases. i think you still have two bug phases (1 and 3), but now there are three different core phases that will randomly be selected from for phase 2 and 4. the new possible core phase they added is the core targets one player at a time and creates a rock prison around him, expecting teammates to help dig him out before it kills him. the gay shit about escort is finding bonus events like korlok boss (another thing that can spawn in notoriously shitty spots) or core printer ones since bugs spawn more frequently until the heartstone is collected which doesn't give you time to safely do anything else besides collect nitra.

also it is possible to lose a mission if the only person in the escape pod gets pulled out by a stingtail. you don't take damage as far as i recall, but i guess bugs can still fuck with you in other ways.


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Enemy health bars don't belong in an action RPG. Hell if you really want to display damage points you still don't have to display enemy health bars, even an action MMORPG like MapleStory didn't and it worked fine. I don't get why people think breaking immersion is a good idea. Keep that nonsense in MOBAs and MMORPGs.

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