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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1729641592671.jpg 256.8 KB, 960x1440, p10240283_b_v8_ab.jpg

 No.91678[View All]

This is a designated thread for [redacted] to post celebrity pop culture garbage because of constantly getting kicked off of lolcows.farm/ot celebricow threads and whatever else. Will [redacted] blog?-yeah probably not but whatever. [CONTAINMENT THREAD]
250 posts and 150 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1736314015524.webm 3.97 MB, 1138x640, the challenge.webm


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Celebrities I've tried to message with no response.

Taylor Swift ✔️
Machine gun Kelly ✔️
Megan fox ✔️

People who've blocked me:

I didn't even interact with her.


It's especially weird to get blocked by someone you literally never interacted with ever.


I don't have an account and it says the same thing. You're crazy.


Oh. Okay. She deleted it.






Asmongold said something that wasn't strictly positive about Elon Musk and Tony Stark took away his Twitter cuckmark.


The scam man lying about being a top POE player is a hilarious start to the year.


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This is the qween's bedroom, chud. >>90573 is h'what you're looking for


*sharts in ur eye socket*


Apparently the surviving WKUK guys released the full series on DVD again at some point, but censored some words and removed full sketches. Sam had a big "FAQ" (see: rant) about it on leddit. Someone defended him saying those who are critical can just watch the deleted sketches on JewTube, but that doesn't fix the problem that such people likely are passionate fans of WKUK willing to paypig and merely don't like the evergrowing sanitization of past entertainment. They can't be faulted for refusing to buy an inferior product. Censorship is the last behavior that should receive positive reinforcement, in comedy no less.


Trevor would be disappointed by the censorship. There should be an unrated uncensored version available.


File: 1737079605388.mp4 199.58 KB, 320x320, take on me.mp4


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very cute

only slightly cute


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I am a celebrity. You absolute mongoloid, troglodyte nigger, retard, cattle, glow nigger.


Spotting [redacted]s post in the wild.




A little old news by now but very based



File: 1740834297965.gif 3.71 MB, 600x820, 4chon dot me mod.gif

omg my jewish queen plz come live with me and my parents in a mist of fetid cat piss i want to devour your stool fresh from the source!!!

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