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 No.91678[Last 50 Posts]

This is a designated thread for [redacted] to post celebrity pop culture garbage because of constantly getting kicked off of lolcows.farm/ot celebricow threads and whatever else. Will [redacted] blog?-yeah probably not but whatever. [CONTAINMENT THREAD]



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Its not going to be the same. Time to ban evade.



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みんな!手を挙げて、[redacted] がVPNのIPアドレスを切り替えられるように、エネルギーとサポートを送ってくれ!


Don't bring Chris Lilley kino into this


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Chris Lilly is amazing and will be brought into everything. Thank you very much!






this is just a gay guy seething about women


Correct. That is phantasm and that's H'what he does.


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When [redacted] was convinced smiley was an elaborate skit and was trying to find the person behind the character creation. Finding out the reality is just a lot.

It's not just a phase mom, this is who smiley really is. :^)



just type their name you fucking pussy






Isn't that what cowniggers call xer?


call who? just say their name




chansey? you mean the bitch who posted on 4chon for about 6 months before you became obsessed and scared her off because she didn't want to fuck your inbred kike ass? Just like jenny, glittersnatch and co?

you skitso retard just leave this site, go post on the EDL forums where you belong kike


H'what in teh word salad is goin up in dis here bread?


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Smelly is a real human bean and it's not just a phase. This is who he really is. THIS IS WHO HE REALLY IS!


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That celebricow thread is a really boring atm. It's not a complaint, it's just a statement.


the only lolcow here is you
noone cares


Is that you, Dwarf? I think I can feel your cursed aura. You're still spending your days obsessively cyberstalking people after all these years?

Being fully honest with you, the lives of the genetically unfortunate are nothing but misery and suffering. Ugly people cannot be happy because of said genetics, thus it's morally wrong to allow them to breed. Ugly people aren't pleasant to look at, in some instances they're even painful to look at. It's not their fault for being born this way neither is it other people's fault for being uncomfortable being in their presence. Not everyone has the patience to accommodate to a stranger's ugly face; their repulsion is only a natural response, so don't take it personally. You were right about being an anti-natalist. What gives you the right to pass on your subhuman hereditary burden and to force another poor soul to suffer for a lifetime of torment as you yourself did? If your parents had been sterillised, you, the short stocky swarthy alcoholic self-mutilating gremlin, never would've had to suffer for a temporary eternity. Your children wouldn't be "chad" or "stacy" because you don't have chad or stacy genetics, you have subhuman genetics, as genetics aren't random, they're not like a character generator. A forest troll would use your face as a warning to scare off intruders. When other people saw the photos your face, all of them personally told me you were one of the ugliest women they've ever seen, a few said you look like you have Down syndrome or something, and they told me I could do better than you, and they were completely right all along. Not only that, you're not even intelligent or knowledgeable like myself, even though you dedicate your life as being this wicked manipulator, stalker and gossiper who tries her best to encourage other men to suicide. You still manage to come across as a dumber mundane than today's zoomer women who have no attention spans, which is quite the feat. Do you remember, when you were a kid long ago, other kids' reactions to your ugly face? Think back, the memories should start pouring in. People hate you if you're ugly. They will bully you, target you, make fun of you, and say the meanest things. It starts at an early age. The trauma that lasts for years, if not a lifetime; a negative impact for most of your life like PTSD victims. It's over for you. You're so ugly both on the inside and outside, that even misery doesn’t want your company.

Now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense why you're an alcoholic self-mutilator who constantly lashes out at everyone around her and tells them to kill themselves, as being ugly is a curse and you are blackpilled for life. You look like the love child of a swamp hag and an ogre, but somehow worse. It’s like you got hit with every curse in the grimoire, and they all stuck. Go look in a mirror right now, and not your phone with its built-in beauty filter, and ask yourself what kind of desperate subhuman would fuck you let alone marry you. Also it's not just your face that's beyond repair, just strip off your clothes when in front of a mirror and you'll see your body is just as repulsive. I almost feel sorry for the poor souls who had to see it in person. Don't delude yourself that any amount of cosmetic surgery could fix your issues, it's that bad. Don't breed, seriously. Not that you have the choice to anyway, not just because you're undesirable, but because you're most likely vaxxed too, so just don't. Tell me, are you vaxxed? If you are dysgenic and you breed, you deserve to be gassed. If you're going to breed anyway, I may consider donating my sperm to you so there's a bit less damage done to the gene pool, but I don't want to be seen dragging along a subhuman out in public as I mog you brutally. Still, it's better that you don't breed and pollute the gene pool in the first place. If ugliness affected you this badly, what do you think it will do to your kids, something completely different? By having offspring you are betting on a minuscule chance that they will inherit an unlikely alignment of recessive genes that will make them look better than you did. You can of course choose to do this out of selfishness but it's cruelty inflicted upon someone else. The future generations, if someone were to truly love their children, deserve better than their parents have. That's a minimal decency moral when it comes to loving offspring. How could you doubt that genetically flawed people must stop breeding once and for all? A little flaw, another there... in the end it just brings truly unfortunate offspring who will bear the burden of each flaw just because their ancestors and parents were too mentally deranged to live alone without being in despair under the grasp of desires.

Ironically, 2/10 uggos like yourself will talk mad shit about other people being ugly all the time, being blind to the fact they're fat, swarthy, stocky and ghastly themselves. Funnily enough beautiful people don't feel this need, as they've never really considered themselves at risk of being in the same category. People talk shit about ugly people and how they shouldn't be able to breed, relishing punching down, as they subconsciously feel that's how more beautiful people feel about them. So it's no surprise you're the most vicious when it comes to obsessive gangstalking against "lolcows" and celebrities, being this pathetic epitome of projection in its most tragic form.

The extremities of ugliness are actually like the extremities of stupidity, they're often harmless at the extreme. Extreme uggos aren't likely to breed anyway and have congenital problems that often inhibit it, the same way most down syndrome types are sterile. However, it's the 2/10 uggos like yourself that are not extremely ugly but just average ugly, who do breed, who do have lots of ugly children who will also live a life of suffering, and are making the world uglier.

Are you even white in the first place? Not only do you look swarthy, your last name is of Ashkenazic origin last I recall (not "German" like you hilariously claimed initially), and since your grandparents aren't recent immigrants, there's a decent chance you have some nigger or aboriginal blood as well like many other so-called white Americans. Have you ever done a genetic ancestry test? It's the only way to find out for sure. I'm just going to assume you're a self-hating mongrel, some kind of Mischling or quadroon, if not an outright Jewess, like many other Americans, until you show proof otherwise. Putting aside your macabre physiognomy - next to you, an ogre looks like a candidate for the royal ball... and your face would haunt the ogre's dreams - you're clearly not Aryan due your dark, swarthoid features, your hooked semitic nose with its very apparent bump, and on top of all that you're short and stocky like a Mediterranean, Arab or kike. I remember when you tried early on to sell yourself as being a hard-line white nationalist and how you drunkenly admired my light Aryan features and talked shit about everyone else on 4chon with darker features as being non-white, yet you're one of its worst representatives; you're like that swarthoid leader of Golden Dawn making determinations over who's white and who isn't.

With all that said, I will give you my sincerest appreciation for your generous serving of loosh, sacrificed freely by one with no understanding of the forces they’ve awakened, I'll take it off your hands; you’re quite the unknowing contributor to higher planes. Anyway, I have much more important matters to attend to.


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Look, I fucked a 54 year old methhead bitch, but I wouldn't fuck you. You are not attractive and are delusional to think that. You just have desperate men, men more desperate than me, around you giving you false feedback. You are nothing special. Get rid of this nonsense idea you're "attractive". You look like a mentally disturbed person with inferior dark eyes and dark hair. Yeah you're not a nigress or a chinkess so you've above these subhumans but for a white person you're really ugly. And the sad thing? It's an ugliness that can't be fixed; it's not like obesity or something is causing you to be ugly. As far as I can tell this is a good as you'll ever look. My 54 year old gf is better looking than you, she has prettier eyes, red hair, freckles, is tall. You are just… mediocre. If I was married to you I'd have to get you to wear a mask so as not to publicly embarrass me as people would taunt me for having an ugly girlfriend. I don't know what is worse; having an old girlfriend or an ugly one… ah I think I'll stick with my old lady. A woman's value usually comes down to her looks because women don't have anything else to offer in terms of character, virtue, intelligence, etc. so if you don't even have that then you are just nothing but a miserable femcel who will only be pursued by the most bestial and subhuman of "men" that would fuck anything. The best you could do is get a sperm donation from a real man like me because I wouldn't stick around to raise the child with you, you're too ugly to have around, hopefully my superior genetics would be an upgrade for your lineage else the child might curse me forever for having given you my seed.


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Literally who?


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Smiley and the harem of dwarves.




>mintboard schizophrenia causes you to write literal essays about boogeymen
lol, lol hahaha


stop posting with the swastika kike



Dumb ass.




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this thread is garbage, hidden


>2/10 uggos like yourself
Objectively speaking, and I'm trying not to white knight, [redacted]-chan is not a "2/10 uggo." Like come on. I think you're just being hyperbolic with the insults because you're mad at her.

>I remember when you tried early on to sell yourself as being a hard-line white nationalist and how you drunkenly admired my light Aryan features and talked shit about everyone else on 4chon with darker features as being non-white

Regarding that last part, so what, it's just banter. She can trash-talk me all she wants, I'm not going to get my feelings hurt over a harmless cute little woman on the internet whom, just like you since we're both tall, I'd tower over IRL. And I'm sure I'm not the only one here who wouldn't mind/care, though some posters are more sensitive (e.g. you) so she needs to be careful with that.
People have their tastes even if it may seem hypocritical or self-hating like you said. Now if they say they "deserve" said traits in their partners especially if it's statistically unlikely then yes it goes into lolcowish behavior. Merely seeking it is a different matter. For example Locknar and Retard are really into black women for some reason, I don't think it makes them self-hating to seek that, therefore neither would it be for [redacted]-chan even if she's "swarthy" herself if she only wants to date the posterchildren of Nazi propaganda posters like gingers and eyebrowless pale blonds or whatever she's into.

How many years have you two been fighting so far anyway? When will you finally make a truce?




>A forest troll would use your face as a warning to scare off intruders.
>You look like the love child of a swamp hag and an ogre, but somehow worse.
>next to you, an ogre looks like a candidate for the royal ball
>Ironically, 2/10 uggos like yourself will talk mad shit about other people being ugly all the time, being blind to the fact they're fat, swarthy, stocky and ghastly themselves.

lol simp. i dont think you know her very well. both her and smileberg are awful people, she doxxed everyone on 4chon on the 8ch lolcow board, threw away smileys familys expensive gifts in the trash, treated them like shit, got smiley to attempt suicide and be admitted into a psych ward. she never apologized for anything. she can defend herself


>>she doxxed everyone on 4chon
I literally don't dox people. I don't even know what state learningcode lives in.
>Threw away smileys familys expensive gifts
Family phone that was going to go to his sister who coincidentally has the exact same name. Father payed for the tickets, phone, hotel, bus etc. Family was completely reimbursed. There weren't any "expensive gifts".
>got smiley to attempt suicide and be admitted into a psych ward.
That didn't happen. After being stranded two times in Detroit after taking a Greyhound bus...and going back home, tried to break up and he decided to attempt to kill himself. Had no choice but to go on camera and point at the phone to have him answer it. Stomach dropped and totally traumatizing.
>she never apologized for anything.
Apologize for what?
>she can defend herself
Yeah for the 10,000,000th infinite time.

You're more than welcome to continue to slob on his nob.


tbh i dont know which of version of events from you two liars to believe.
but you did dox 4chonners on /cow/ years back, don't lie and play dumb, everyone knows about it. literally you could just say you were young and dumb, and people would forgive you since it was years ago


I didn't dox anyone.


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Hope remains


what if they're vaxxed as well?




I'm getting my booster and flu vax tomorrow.


she wasn't young, she was like 30 years old at the time, kek


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you weren't young then and you aren't young now you hag


I didn't dox you.


I was doxed a ton and literally nothing happened. Also I did nothing that would be deserving of being doxed. I don't believe anyone deserves to get doxed and I don't dox.


A doxx just flew over my plane!!!


Most people who claim to have been doxed did in fact not get doxed. They put their own information online. That's why I didn't feel bad for Phantasm for example, when the photos of him and his GF were on instagram. You waive the right to privacy when you post something publicly.


There are lunatics out there who harass their families, try to get them fired, order pizzas, swat, etc. It's about risk mitigation for our visitors.
Though you gotta admit it was pretty funny with smiley considering what kind of person he is.


Smiley doxes himself. He has posted his addresses and shit asking for people to fight him irl. He also doxes everyone when his schizophrenia acts up and he has boogeymen he has got to blame for dumb shit that he did to himself.


I was considering paying him a visit when I still lived in New England. I emailed him ahead of time. He enticed me with promises of a hapa GF. I didn't take it too seriously, but if I had a car at the time I probably would have taken a trip up north just to hang out and see what he's actually like in person.


It would have been very boring. He'd probably make you watch him move objects with his mind and take notes.
>Promised a gf
He probably wanted to be your gf because he's a closeted homo.






he can't move anything with his mind and never will be able to


Next you should tell him that he'll never be a real woman.


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Since you are gaslighting the mongrel dwarf, you need to read about the "Ugly laws" in the US. They literally would put you in jail for showing your ugly face in public.


In the new Reich we will bring back the practice of "ugly laws."

Liberals are the ones going on about how "everyone is beautiful" and that "we should accept everyone as they are." Ugly people shouldn't be reproducing and I don't see the problem with "ugly laws", if anything it's an honourable concept. I'm not even saying that everyone should look like "stacy" or "chad" or something, at least they just shouldn't harm your eyes. Liberals are hell-bent on keeping ugly people alive, why? It's so they can act as measuring sticks, hence, the refusal to act on eugenics.

Lots of guys, I'm guessing you might be one of them, put female uggos on a pedestal thinking they have kind personalities because ugliness is mistakenly seen as charming, makes her more down to earth, sensitive, etc., when she's the total opposite of those things, and I have countless anecdotes from to prove that. Hence why ugly women, unlike ugly men, still end up doing well in life, getting married and reproduce.

Have you ever noticed that ugly people don't advocate for their rights, since sense of beauty is objective? Ugly people side with the stacys and chads, they'd rather not have an ugly kid than have a society where an ugly kid could be happy. Ugly people like Dwarf don't stand up for themselves, as a matter of fact they hate themselves and each other the same way the normies hate them. I used to think she was brainwashed when she repeatedly told me she didn't want kids and was an anti-natalist. For 2/10 uggos like her, being anti-natalist is just being rational, and their thinking that stopping the cycle of suffering is a good thing. Though that clearly has not proven to be enough in today's degenerate dystopia, proving that we need a eugenics program of sterilizing the subhumans. Dwarf's face is the kind that makes scarecrows feel insecure about their looks.

As for your idiotic argument defending miscegenation, you are dead wrong and those people you mentioned are traitors to the white race for race mixing. Race mixing is vile and depraved under all circumstances. Seeking miscegenation absolutely does show self-hatred especially in Dwarf's case when she continuously admired my appearance over Skype. You can see she's still obsessed about me constantly posting my photos, though they're from before I finished my late puberty and fixed my jaw. If I showed Dwarf's photos to a demon, they'd be the one getting nightmares. Hence I will spare everyone here by not posting them. I remember her telling me she hated swarthoids and said they're not part of the white race, completely lacking the self-awareness that she's a hooked nose swarthoid herself, which shows how mentally retarded she is.

Btw speaking of mental retardation, that is the mundane's other disability. She told me she spent most of her childhood in special education because she was too retarded to be able to learn how to read or do basic arithmetic. It's not surprising she's incapable of basic self-awareness and getting her shit together.

>When will you finally make a truce?

I've repeatedly tried to do so and this banshee who's been eternally banished here won't stop doxxing and spreading libel about me every time I visit this haunted board.

There were so many things going on and I am unsure of the chain of events nowadays. Like I have an urge to do a greater ritual and then notice that the planets happen to converge the right way. Maybe this is what it means to be one with the world. Quite unsure. Too many things happening at once. Things are aligning in interesting ways for a while. I know for a fact you're full of shit though.

She's spread everyone's dox that she got her hands on, including of Fagtasm. She is vile and a pathological liar.

What you're feeling is backlash from intentionally violating the social and moral taboos of the egregore you're engaging with. I've seen beasts in storybooks that'd take one look at you and run for the hills. Anyway I am done looshfarming here, you are not worth my time. Power that comes from wisdom can be used to attain other levels of awakening but power that is not guided by wisdom will just self-destruct and you will either fuck up your own life or your subconscious clogs your meridians as a safety mechanism.


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You and your harem of dwarves.


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You want a big fat cock to penetrate all of your orifices and fill you with cum until your a sissy cock cum slut with no self respect?




Article related will happen to smiley if he ever deceives some poor S.O.B to reproduce with him.


I was gonna ignore responding to you since I have other shit to do, it was stupid of me to get in between you two, I can't tell if you're trolling (or at least what parts you are trolling about) and I want to pull back from internet nonsense, but I'll give you the courtesy of one last response since you wrote a lot. I think we're just talking past each other. I don't really care if you think [redacted]-chan (that's her new name btw, don't deadname her) is "ugly" or not. That's just, like, your opinion, man. It's your loss if you can't recognize her beauty.

>Btw speaking of mental retardation, that is the mundane's other disability. She told me she spent most of her childhood in special education because she was too retarded to be able to learn how to read or do basic arithmetic. It's not surprising she's incapable of basic self-awareness and getting her shit together.

Okay, so here's the deal with that. [redacted]-chan had a rough upbringing. If she had someone (e.g. a non-negligent parent) to tutor and guide her the right way she would've been able close the gap over her developmental delay between her peers. Her parents divorced when she was a toddler. She had a poor relationship with her mother. Her mother died young. She went to an awful Catholic school that was overly punitive against little [redacted]-chan. Her transition to public school was just as bad in different ways, said she was relentlessly bullied. I don't know the details of her father but he was a strange fellow too, and talked about weird sexual shit with her. If your kid already feels compelled to go on medication (or feel compelled to self-medicate with weed, alcohol or sugar), there's a high chance you fucked up your parenting. Usually it's due to negligence. Apparently some problems with her brother over bullying. My siblings and parents are relatively nice to me so I don't know what that's like. Luckily for her, none of her problems are genetic, the evidence for that is weak, as this is an intergenerational cycle of trauma that can be treated. I can see that [redacted]-chan, like a flower waiting for the dawn, needs only to believe in herself. In time, her petals will unfold, and she’ll bloom just as brightly as any other. (That said she absolutely should try to get disability payments like you, I agree with Varg and similar thinkers that native-born white people, who have been neglected as third-class citizens by ZOG, should milk the rotten system of the Empire of Lies dry and collapse it as soon as possible.) Also school is school, who gives a shit about that past prison life? When I dream about school it's almost always a nightmare (e.g. unexpected exams I didn't study for, due assignments I didn't finish, sneaking out of classes early or playing hooky hoping I don't get caught by anyone, etc.). Didn't you get pulled out of school at a young age to be homeschooled?

For you on the other hand, it only goes downhill, sad to say. There is no cure for schizophrenia. So far I see no indication of improvement from you. Statistically speaking you will probably die young like Terry, regardless of your autismbux and future inheritance.


Team of lawyers called quikaid are working on [redacted]-chans case. She's getting all her ducks in a row to get to become an independent adult but it all doesn't happen overnight.


Smiley got taken out of elementary school for getting slapped in the face by a teacher. My guess is he's always been unfiltered. I wonder wtf he said to the teacher for her to slap his face.



who is this sexy hunk


show me his brown wiener


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WOW. he's HOT!


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where is the yummy brown nipple man??


I don't hate Trump-chan or whatever the fuck they're supposed to be called half as much as (((smiley))) or fagvid, but can hard upbringing be used as an excuse? American McGee's youth was an absolute clusterfuck and he figured things out, though I guess he's an outlier, perhaps. Lengths of my childhood were dark, too, and maybe I have lasting trauma from it that I am not aware of, but I don't think the victimization mindset is going to help anyone.


>Lengths of my childhood were dark, too, and maybe I have lasting trauma from it that I am not aware of

ummm... awkwaaarrd!


I don't like playing the victim card.


Getting help is not playing the victim card. I don't know what you are on about. Redacted is getting their shit together.


He's all yours.


deranged obsessed moron says what


hmmm... well (you) say "I want a big fat cock to penetrate all my orifices and fill them with cum, until I'm just a nasty cumslut with no self respect" quite often


that's you


Sorry for saying anything.


Every time I click on avid's discord links there's this guy with an English accent that keeps mumbling over asking me to do naked wrestling with him, and when I say I'm not interested, he just goes on and on offering to pay for my used underwear.


That's actually smiley. That's not an English accent but a canadian one.


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Smiley was avid all along.


Smiley is avid.


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I dont use discord







Wow! Thanks!


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imagine samefagging this shamelessly


How cud u?


How in the heckirino?


is dat yummy brown nipple man??










BRB, time-travelling back to show this image to Mohammed




noone cares


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4chon amerimutt logic: blue eyes make you h'white and brown eyes make you non-h'white



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is this how you'd like to go?



no human penis could end my life


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less





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should sage your posts if ur gonna do that or a mod will think its spam


It's literally a containment thread, retard.


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it's another goblinsaga disparaging attractive women out of sheer jealousy episode again


get help pig, this isn't healthy


it's in their nature to gossip, leave them alone


Everyone needs to know who that pussy slayer is.



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The space blanket toga got me.



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Avid, lend me your gay wisdom gained through decades of experience at being gay. How do I obtain this beautiful twink?


youre a pedophile eat shit and die


That extremely attractive boy looks above the age of consent. Besides, you posted him, so it's kind of the pot calling the kettle black LOL


don't fucking talk to me you disgusting pedophile


What are you going to do about it gaylord? Spam the site again?


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File: 1733555503397.png 472.88 KB, 1000x1000, oie_EWffkb7YtglC.png

you are a pedophile


meds schizo


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less



Cute screenshot you methed-out faggot, but I'm not your boogeyman.


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File: 1733611353621.png 472.88 KB, 1000x1000, oie_EWffkb7YtglC.png

ou are a pedophile


Nope, you're just a schizo retard.


It feels like this board always needs to have a designated incoherent babbling retard shitting it up. Foky, dwarf, dog, and now avid has taken up the conical crown. Will we never be free of the curse of these schizos?


Where do these retards even come from? I know smiley invited dwarf, but how did avid find this place? Is there someone advertising it on gay hookup websites?


File: 1733621053500.png 472.88 KB, 1000x1000, oie_EWffkb7YtglC.png

pedo scum damage control
more pedo scum damage control
even more pedo scum damage control


File: 1733621848596.jpg 52.76 KB, 725x1102, no u.jpg

Whatever. Go back to grooming boys on COD, punching lampposts out of tard rage and sucking niggers off while wearing a skirt, loser.










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probably best not to post that stuff on mintboard if you want him to continue posting there otherwise you'll just scare him off from there if he sees that

also how'd you find a proxy from the town of my birth?


He should scare himself off a cliff. Good riddance.



but you get some enjoyment reading his lolcow shit, dont you? if you didnt, then logically you wouldnt care to visit and post on kiwifarms and mintboard about his stuff in the first place. im not judging, just saying its counterproductive for u if that is the case. then again maybe he'll manage to convince a mod there to delete it who knows


I don't believe Josh Conner moon is looking to have smiley suck him off. It's not getting deleted.


i was talking about mintboard, smiley doesnt seem to have ever cared about whats posted on kiwifarms, but he left mintboard when they started posting pics of his sister


just sounds like he has seasonal affective disorder or some shit


Mintboard is not terribly fond of him.


btw did he ever reveal what disease his brother had? one of the main reasons i dont want kids is it would terrify me if my kid was disabled like that. looking at those photos it doesnt look like down syndrome which is detectable from prenatal testing.

for this case afghanistan is unironically better to birth a child than "developed" countries because if it's disabled you can just leave it in the desert to die (like a post-birth mercy abortion) and no one will care (as long as the pregnancy is kept relatively discreet from extended family members) since famines and death from malnutrition are common there and there's no census recorded or "personal identification" for the average person there



get a fucking grip sperg


I came into this thread for the >>91695 kino

I stayed for the >>92397 kino


eat shit and die troon


are you at the point where you can neither talk nor wipe your own ass, with no hope of a cure? was chief a villain at the end of one flew over the cuckoo's nest for what he did for mcmurphy? it's more merciful to die earlier in that condition than be forced to stick around because "jesus has a plan for everyone." should chris-chan have been allowed back into society after admitting raping his mum?


Nurse Ratched essentially killed him already with the lobotomy order.


shut up jake you fucking goblin manlet virgin lmao
youre a faggot retard


I'm going to celebrate when you die either due to AIDS or a culturally-enriched stabbing. Furthermore, I strongly doubt anyone will mourn for you. Trash like you deserves to be scattered back to oblivion.



His brother was a paraplegic/vegetable. One day he just stopped living...like those bsr twins.









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File: 1733930823465-2.webp 440.88 KB, 1200x1747, 870937.webp

is it ok if i dump ornamentation in here?


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^ mentioned @ 8:15, and see comments
he's commented on all her previous videos too i think

imagine if you showed her the kiwifarms page



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Celebrities I've tried to message with no response.

Taylor Swift ✔️
Machine gun Kelly ✔️
Megan fox ✔️

People who've blocked me:

I didn't even interact with her.


It's especially weird to get blocked by someone you literally never interacted with ever.


I don't have an account and it says the same thing. You're crazy.


Oh. Okay. She deleted it.






Asmongold said something that wasn't strictly positive about Elon Musk and Tony Stark took away his Twitter cuckmark.


The scam man lying about being a top POE player is a hilarious start to the year.


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This is the qween's bedroom, chud. >>90573 is h'what you're looking for


*sharts in ur eye socket*


Apparently the surviving WKUK guys released the full series on DVD again at some point, but censored some words and removed full sketches. Sam had a big "FAQ" (see: rant) about it on leddit. Someone defended him saying those who are critical can just watch the deleted sketches on JewTube, but that doesn't fix the problem that such people likely are passionate fans of WKUK willing to paypig and merely don't like the evergrowing sanitization of past entertainment. They can't be faulted for refusing to buy an inferior product. Censorship is the last behavior that should receive positive reinforcement, in comedy no less.


Trevor would be disappointed by the censorship. There should be an unrated uncensored version available.


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very cute

only slightly cute


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I am a celebrity. You absolute mongoloid, troglodyte nigger, retard, cattle, glow nigger.


Spotting [redacted]s post in the wild.




A little old news by now but very based



File: 1740834297965.gif 3.71 MB, 600x820, 4chon dot me mod.gif

omg my jewish queen plz come live with me and my parents in a mist of fetid cat piss i want to devour your stool fresh from the source!!!

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