No.92661[Last 50 Posts]
Nu blog soyim
>>89101 No.92663
She's so creepy looking. Now we'll have a gigantic thread for several months with a hidden OP image
>>92665Do you have an obvious address? I'd suggest getting a sign if not. I know you live in a rural area. They don't have a sophisticated GPS that pinpoints your exact location you know.
>>92666it's a fake pajeet scam. i get one of those texts every week and i never order shit online
>>92668I didn't read it closely, but I should have known due to the use of the word "kindly" and obvious scam URL.
>>92669There's no way the post office would wish you a wonderful day.
I have proven I can do basic math by creating a grid system that can round to the nearest multiple of 64, and I can move things around with them becoming unaligned with the grid.
>>92675Are you making a vidya gaem?
>>92676If I don't quit again for the 40th time, yes.
Watching a FOX stream of election coverage. Saw a bunch of comments saying "TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP :india_flag:" lmao.
>>92680Total pajeet death is one of my top political priorities at this time. They're an immediate threat that not enough people acknowledge. In fact, I already see people starting to self-censor in regards to the pajeet problem. Everyone and their mom hates dealing with them, but they're getting scared to say it out loud now.
>>92685They probably just don't want to talk to you about it because you come off as a raving loon.
>>92686I don't talk to anyone about it in the situations I am referring to. People are clearly dodging the elephant in the room every time they're forced to deal with it. Not so long ago if a pajeet at AT&T fucked something up most people would feel comfortable complaining about it, but now they're hesitant.
>>92688Are they that bad? I've had only a handful of interactions with them, most neutral
>>92685They're cancerous for sure. Fucking hate them. Right up there with kikes and niggers.
>>92689>>92691I live in a town that's about 30% jeet. They're pretty bad. Dishonest, smarmy, materialistic people. Like brown baby boomers basically. They do keep to themselves more than whitoids though and they don't call the cops every 5 minutes so I must say I prefer having them as neighbours to whites.
But yeah, nigs or literally any other race would be better than jeets.
>>92663she's cute for a negress
cut my thumb with saw today
Chilly and rainy pretty frequently now. Nice to sleep in the indoor porch this time of year.
got haircut and bought shoes today
>>92831Post it.
>>92847Being a female pajeet in India must be like living in a zombie apocalypse.
>Please list ALL employment and volunteer experience, including temporary and part-time, for the past ten years. Begin with your present or most recent employer. Give complete names/addresses/phone numbers. Account for all periods of time, including unemployment and service in the Armed Forces. Include types of equipment operated. If you were employed under a different name, please indicate that in your work description. Please complete fully. If work history is incomplete, your application may be rejected.
10 years? They're out of their fucking mind.
>>92859Just make something up. Nobody is going to check back that far back. At most they will call your most recent employer. Retarded HR thots always pull shit like this.
>>92860I pretended that I worked longer for one of my earlier employers. Still, they wanted me to list the name phone number, address, ect of all of these places and they then wanted 3 more personal references, and every field is mandatory.
>>92862Just give phone numbers to Asian massage parlors, mosques, sikh temples, escorts, sex toy stores, etc., that's what I do.
>ect No.92865
>>92862Makes me happy to be a NEET.
>>92865As you should. I'm looking for a new job, because I work for the census, and half the cases I'm assigned to won't talk to me or think I'm a scammer. The sad thing is they're right not to trust me. The questions they force me to ask for this survey are personal and specific. No one in their right mind would answer them. Only geriatrics who are on death's door are fully cooperative. I can't even promise confidentiality, because the fact of the matter is the government is sharing your information. The studies are sponsored by private organizations, they dictate if it continues or not, and we have no idea what goes on in the back end. We're basically market researchers with the legal right to harass you, and I am very bad at selling a lie.
>>92866Morbid. Government funded spam calls.
>>92905government mandated piss bags
My brother has become such a faggot, even after getting divorced, that he recently went on a rant about how Master Roshi is problematic for creeping on underage girls in Dragon Ball.
>>92911His wife probably divorced him for being a soyboy.
>>92915She left because he is a bi-polar wacko, but I suppose that is part of it. She is the one who got him into leftycuck politics in the first place, and he failed the "shit test".
>>92911That's the whole joke. That's the whole point of the character. You're not supposed to like him for that.
Does your brother have autism?
>>92916Behind every weak man is a foid pulling his strings I suppose.
Hopefully he is able to heal now that the demon is gone.
>>92920It's been 9 months. Not looking good.
>>92917He finds it upsetting that it is played for comedy.
>>92936The joke is that you're supposed to laugh AT the lecherous old man, not WITH him.
Autism confirmed.
>>92938Thanks for helping us retards.
>>92938Lecherous old man is pretty based tho ngl. I don't think he's ever really been portrayed as a bad guy in any sense, so I think you are suppose to laugh with him. If anything bulma is portrayed in a poor light. She's a slut.
>>92942Unironically cool amv.
>>92943>>92940>>92938he lives alone on that island because he's a high level sex offender that can't be near anyone
>>92938He thinks that it should be taken more seriously in-universe. He was basically saying that as adults Goku and everybody would be obligated to white knight for women and stop associating with Roshi. He raised the point about how it was fucked up that the characters still bring their wives and kids to his island for example. He's been on a kick lately complaining about how all anime characters are underage actually. He's 29 and he wasn't like this a few years ago. Crazy how a bitch can change a man so substantially.

>>92955Ok I'm gonna weeb out for a second and refute this shit, because your brother is being silly. Aside from the fact that it's supposed to be an in-joke that they look the other way and act dumb/unaware and that's the comedy (think Sargeant Schultz in Hogan's Heroes)
>He was basically saying that as adults Goku and everybody would be obligated to white knight for women and stop associating with Roshi. They do stop associating with him until Super, when he comes back and it's because they need a guy for the Universe Tournament, and they're desperate because Buu failed the standardised test, and he asks for help to get over his Epstein weakness.
But in DBZ:
>Bulma is grown up and a CEO, so she doesn't give a shit about him>Chi chi has a family to raise>Goku and Vegeta aren't nurturing people because Saiyans raise their babies in pods After Dragon Ball he pretty much goes by the wayside because he's useless, so they leave him as a harmless turtle hermit on an island.
>>92955He sounds like a loser, tbh. Imagine spending this much mental effort worrying about the sexual morality of a character from an 80s gag anime.
You don't wanna be around for when he discovers whats popular in recent anime, like "I was reincarnated into loli slave harem world and now I have to teach at slutty loli school!" or similar crap. Best not to assocuate with him until he grows some balls.
Yeesh. Didn't expect to cross "Phantasm defends pedophilia in a children's cartoon by trying to pass it off as 'comedy'" off my bingo card this year! Get a load of this goy!
>>92958>phantasm the permanent manchild ramblingshidden
>>92972I'm not defending it, that's the point. Even the Japanese aren't defending it; he's a horrible person and that's why it's funny, the comedic juxtaposition of being a horrible person in a wholesome martial arts show.
>>93047You should watch it again. Roshi is a bumbling but beloved father figure to goku (and pretty much everyone else). Nobody thinks he's horrible. They hang out at his house.
>>92938>>92917Lol really? Roshi is funny as fuck for being such a pervert.
Being a creepy old handsy pervert is GOOD retards! Well maybe not good IRL but in the show its funny.
>>93047Riiiight... mister, uh, Ph'ahn Tassim? Why don't you take a seat over there?
>>93047I don't think he's being portrayed as a horrible person. In fact, him being one of the all-time greatest pure human fighters says otherwise.
>>93082he's probably never even watched the show. he just saw some right wing political commentator talking about it
turkspergy the quintuple vaxxed turbosperg is probably more autistic than that other guy's brother LOL
my new boyfriend started calling me "leaky bottom", i dont know whether to feel insulted or not, hes of ethiopian descent and has a nice smile, we are currently in an open relationship, i will post pics of it on endchan later to show you what this lad means
>>93135You'd better post it here, just to be sure people see it.
>>93158I srsly doubt that every man she's ever met has simped for her
>>93172She's going to hit 30 and wonder why she doesn't have a husband, and then grab the first slob who comes her way.
Happens every time.
Had a dream where my mom hooked my computer up to a TV in order to watch movies and showed everyone my porn history.
>>93175>happens every time I doubt as much ngl.
>>93158Ten bucks she has a findom Onlyfans heh
Bruhs is anything even happening politically? I mean Trump wins and... Basically nothing happens. Has anything changed?
>>93175I know a 32 year old virgin that almost ended up as the beta provider for a horribly evil single mother of two. She was always getting plastic surgery and paying thousands of dollars on cosmetics. A single hair appointment of $1500 halfway across the country for example
Don't understand how a man can desire such a demon
>>93186Depends how you define politically.
Gold prices are bearish now, dropping about 5% since election day, because investors think Trump/GOP will boost value of dollar (actually it's chicken-and-egg like most investments/gambling, is it oligarchs investing in the hopes of greater returns instead of hoarding that boosts the dollar value and certain stocks or is it government action?).
The major cryptocurrencies went up about 25% since the election day since investors think Trump/GOP will boost value of cryptocurrencies somehow.
The "safest" US ETF to invest in, "SPDR S&P 500 ETF", which has a large portion in tech stocks, is up 4% since election day.
The tech stock-only US ETF "Vanguard Information Technology ETF" (VGT) is up almost 5% since election day.
Pharmaceutical index funds are down since election day because of fears of intervention by RFK Jr. et al. Haven't read yet why Eli Lilly (LLY) is an outlier though, you'd think investors would be bearish as LLY depends on the weight loss drug market (they make products similar to Ozempic) which RFK Jr. lambasted, maybe they think he or the Trump admin won't do shit.
US stock market measured by Dow Jones and S&P 500 since election day is overall bullish because of expected further tax cuts by Trump/GOP.
No real change since election day in residential-focused real estate investment trusts (REITs) like iShares Residential & Multisector Real Estate (REZ) and Residential REIT ETF HAUS (HAUS). Uncertainty might be because US pending home sales YoY have rising since end of 2022, they're waiting on what the Trump/GOP immigration plan could end up being, what are they going to do about Chinese international students, will they really be able to pass a law through Congress that allows automatic green cards to Indian students who graduate from US community colleges, will they really have a deportation plan as significant as touted in the campaign, does the Trump or Kirchner family itself even care about residential prices or are they more invested in commercial real estate among other things and are willing to throw residential landlords under the bus (as average housing prices were pretty stagnant from 2016-2019 until it catapulted under COVID and then the Biden years).
>>93188Inceldom does crazy things to a mans brain. Sex is a primary need for male mental health.
Otherwise you get behavior like this.
>>93192One of the happiest periods of my life was when I renounced sexuality and sincerely pursued celibacy
>>93194The difference in your case is that you chose it. You chose to stop having sex, assuming you are who I think you are, Locknar of the Jungle Fever.
Most people don't choose. They, for whatever reason, are locked out of healthy sexual relationships with women.
You can blame all sorts of things. Feminism, soy, lack of self confidence, but it doesn't really matter. Fact is a lot of people face rejection in their pursuit of something that is a driving psychological need for men, and it drives them into a dark place. Simping is one way to (fail to) cope with that. They think that if they just beg and plead desperately enough, a foid will open her legs. It doesn't work that way ofc but that's how they were taught it should work since they were children so you can't blame them for thinking that way.
Damn I haven't been very active here recently, have I. Still luv u all my brotha's.
>>93196I need to get laid badly lol. I need a fuckin gf. REE.
>>93192Except that people become wizards thru inceldom, like I have basically lol.
>>93288u 2 retard flag anon
Anyone gonna watch old nigger vs zoomer kike tonight? Honestly hoping old nigger beats his ass, but I won't hold my breath.
Thank you HDV
>>93347Why, because I want to see some spoiled rich kid who only challenges prizefighters past their prime get his shit kicked in by a legendary nigger?
>>93357Pretty vulgar shit. Entertainment for the goyim.
>>93357>>93345Unironically, it would be embarrassing if he lost. Paul is on steroids, and has trained, and is half Tyson's age. Mike Tyson is 55 years old. He should win.
>>93359I'm not that invested in it. I don't like either person and don't consider it a fair competition. A lot of this shit is probably scripted too. I'm just saying, out of the two, it would be more entertaining to see the nigger bash the annoying kike's smug face in.
>>93361It's embarrassing either way. Why does this little fag always fight dudes outside their prime competition years? Only retards will be impressed by him beating a 60-year-old Tyson. He just looks like a pussy to everyone else.
58 years old I guess, whoops. Still. Jewk Paul is the coolest kid in middle school.
>>93363>>93364why are you so butthurt?
>>93345I watched it. Tyson's legs went out after taking a few good shots. Paul could have knocked him out at any point after round 3 or 4 I think and-to his credit-didn't. Jake and his brother are extremely lame and uncharismatic in personality tbh but props to both of them for going as far as they have in their respective disciplines (apparently Logan is one of the best "Pro Wrestlers" around rn). Jake similarly has become the ultimate heel in boxing, fighting against mma guys in their late 40s, a few who were grapplers with zero striking even in their prime. He most recently fought a bare knuckle boxer Mike Perry who wasn't particularly old but weighed I think 40lbs less than he did, when weight symmetry is among the most important criteria of fair play in boxing. The kid is a shithead but a calculated one who can be credited with creating renewed interest in boxing which I think is commendable.
(Yes it's all goyslop at the end of the day but getting kids interested in fighting is the only way willingness to "fight back" elsewhere can be cultivated-so it could be worse heh)
>>93378I'd have a lot more respect for him if he didn't pick easy challenges. He ignores a lot of ones that are because he's concerned with his stats.
>>93380Buttfairy projects its ass damage from having its parasocial jewish boyfriend criticized.
>>93389anime is shit and youre a retard
>>93436Why are they like this brehs, the audacity of taking the entire serving basin and leaving the plate is actually hilarious.
>>93438Overpopulation leads to sociopathic behavior. Dunbar's number.
This lunatic is still making his dinosaur comics.
https://qwantz.comThough in recent years he does it every second day.
>>93466It's amusing he links to XKCD because they're similar; shitlib comics that say a lot of nothing.
kek the infamous tranny flashing webcomic is still going on.
https://www.questionablecontent.netPutting aside the libtardism, I think it's boring because there are no stakes. If you're going to do the Seinfeldian jokey slice-of-life "show about nothing" (or comic in this case), you should at least add stakes (consequences) for your characters. From the few pages I'm skimming through, no character suffers. Only the reader suffers from the bad jokes and bland characters.
>>93468Not everything is about identity politics phantasm. It's an ancient webcomic from when we were kids.
>>93470Man penny arcade looks like ass now. Actually revolting art.
>>93469The quality of this guy's art is still shockingly bad after 20 years of daily practice.
>>93514Live action version of the interrogation scene from Angel Cop
>>93550I saw his video about Boring Chores. There is another guy who puts himself in front of his footage like this called brutalmoose and I like his content.
>>93552For some ungodly reason a lot of people now do this, and it renders videos that I would have considered otherwise fine totally unwatchable. It is very distracting and annoying. There are channels I watch that might do this for part of a video, but the entire thing, for an hour? How does anyone put up with this? Nobody is impressed by his twiggy manlet body, I'm sure.
>>93550I doubt they dance in front of the camera
>>93556ok and this affects your life this much? pretty sad
>Person liked "text message you just sent them".
What is this shit and why does it keep happening? Are they doing it manually?
>>93712On iphone you can like...emoji react to someone's text. If they're not using an iphone though it just sends a message like
*heart* = "[redacted] loved your message"
*thumbs up* = "[redacted] liked your message"
etc. heh
>>93714Apple shits something up yet again. People are spamming my phone doing this crap in group texts for work.
>Supervisor posts thing>Person A liked "thing">Person B liked "thing">Person C liked "thing" No.93719
>>93714It's on Android now, too. Some normalfag I know often just gives my texts a "thumbs up" instead of a real response.
>>93719that's because youre not saying anything worth replying to
>>93728Then don't reply at all, retard.
>>93729then say something interesting retard
>>93729>>93733Save it for the heckin' globalists, rarts!
>>93733So you like texts you find worthless, and now you're telling me that you ignore the texts you find to be of interest? What the heck is your problem?
>>93772I pissed onside my curtains and stuffed a paving slab into a cheese grater
>>93772Fake avid.
>>93782Real avid.
>>93733Something interesting retard
inpiss and shiye
Almost walked into an Asian girl. She was with a guy. It's pretty ridiculous how bad and particularly how innately bad Asian "spacial awareness" or whatever u call it is. She was like getting close to 2 metres or something before she realized her not-very-smart ass was walking right into me. Basically I saw her a mile off and had to change my direction and she just kept walking straight for me almost until she hit me.
>>93550>>93556Turns out he really is a soyboy. Tweet from him defending the addition of a pronoun option to RuneScape. No.94012
Theory: As a general practice detectives sometimes fabricate evidence to pretend they solved a case that's gone cold in order to look good for their job.
>>94012They already solve less than half of violent cases officially (and they're probably already fudging the books from there in order to keep the public's faith in law enforcement bodies above zero).
Kept getting called to take a healthcare survey. They finally sent me a letter offering to give me a $10 gift card to Walmart if I participate LOL. Solicitors can eat shit.
>>94013Perhaps. I was contemplating this after hearing stories about how some CRAZY ONE-IN-A-MILLION CHANCE COINCIDENCE leads to solving a case, and how conveniently the perp is usually already dead. There's also "parallel construction" where they often discover something by unlawful means and then fabricate a story about how they found evidence to cover their ass(and usually not to "throw off suspects" like they claim).
>>94014>$10That's practically an insult.
>>94019It doesn't cost much to bribe normoids. Look at how many of them got the jab for a 25 cent donut.
>>94019I kinda want to call and hassle them to offer me more money then decline and tell them to commit suicide regardless of what their final response is just because they called daily for two weeks straight then dangled a fucking Walmart gift card in front of me like that will make me bite. Stupid niggers should've taken the hint after a few days of me not answering the phone.
>>94082>Amazon is garbageMore expensive than walmart and similar stores now too. Only real advantage is you don't have to be around hordes of normies to do your shopping I guess.
>>94107Walmart delivers to your house, same-day, no delivery fee, for only 13 dollars a month now.
>>94110Had bad experiences ordering online from walmart.
>>94112Really? They sometimes fuck up, but I just end up getting a bunch of stuff for free when they do.
>>94115The last couple times I tried to order anything my stuff didn't show up. They just kept sending notices it was "delayed" every day for nearly 3 weeks, and then refunded me. Meanwhile I was sitting around the house waiting for this shit to show up instead of doing something productive because if I'm not waiting at the door when the mailman shows up the hordes of homeless niggers will snatch the parcel off my doorstep in 0.2 seconds.
With amazon at least 90% of my orders show up and if there is a cancellation they're timely about informing me about it.
Every amazon deliverypeasant I've seen for the past five years has been a nog
>>94164cry about it spergoid
>>94181says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>Extremely minor social victory happens
>>94193My daughter got raped and murdered in a cornfield by an illegal but I can't stop eating these delicious tacos.
>>94194Valid tbh. Tacos are delicious.
Today was my Thanksgiving, seeing as it was best for the family to be able to get together. It was surprisingly civil. The only issue was when a sibling's baby found its way to a shitty Santa decoration that was low enough to grab. This thing had bells glued to it and the baby was able to snatch one off. Despite my sibling being the closest one to the baby, it was my old man who was the first to shoot up and grab it before the baby could shove it in its mouth. Then when I went to move the decoration out of reach, my sibling got riled up that I was taking away the baby's plaything. Talk about unfit parent. These people, I don't understand it. I don't get this generational damage that keeps parents from trying to make sure their kids don't kill themselves.
Got a water filter the other day, and went to install it but literally EVERY fucking valve in this stupid house is seized tight because of hard water. I can't turn the water off to install it.
Quite a conundrum. I have some ideas but they're all jank as hell.
>>94321spray valve stem with wd40, put on rubber glove for better friction and if you still can't turn clockwise with your hand then gently use a wrench or plier depending on type of valve, be prepared to turn off main water supply valve first assuming that one isn't stuck if worst happens
>>94330Main water supply is stuck too which is the root of this issue LOL. I'm worried about damaging the valve if I wrench on it too hard.
I tried applying some channel locks to one of the stuck valves in the bathroom, thinking I could just install the filter there instead, but the chinktonium valve handle snapped in half with the slightest bit of torque. No leak thankfully.
My current plan is to get an adaptor for the aerator and install the filter from there. I intend to move out of this shithole in 6 months and take my filter with me so it's all temporary anyways.
>>94346it's to be expected of a nation built on an Indian burial ground
>>94296>I don't get this generational damage that keeps parents from trying to make sure their kids don't kill themselves.I guess it's an over-correction after witnessing what helicopter parenting did to zoomers.
bought a 65% mechanical keyboard today, not sure if I like it over my generic microsoft membrane
Made some great cookies. Maybe the nicest I've ever had. Really fluffy texture. guys. I ran out of butter so I used the recipe on a whim but it turned out really good.
>>94434You like eating shit though avid.
>>94466The corpos have decided that jeets are better slaves. They're smart enough to work effectively but too stupid to ask too many questions, or get ideas in their heads about "labour rights" or unions. They're criminals, but they tend to be con artists and white collar criminals rather than jihadists or gas station robbers. They're incredibly materialistic, and constantly bling themselves out with new cars and gadgets and stuff which increases the GDP. Finally, india is such a shithole that they're basically all desperate to leave, so you have a captive workforce since you hold their work visa and they wouldn't dream of just flying home.
I think the idea is modelled after the UAE. Actual arab people are a massive minority in their own country, and most jobs are done by jeets hired (trafficked) under extremely abusive systems.
>>94454says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>>94466place i worked for has no written business requirements, that is, a specification for customer db data and a reference for input validation, so many prod. accounts are certainly broken 100%. midmgrs changed every mo or so and really tried to avoid that conversation cuz the stakeholders they serve are big tardbabies who'd never acknowledge long term need for technical standards or anything like that.
businesses who flaunt about excellence are addicted like crack to total shit hackjob done in a day & will turn their heads the other way with the full force of a hydraulic press if it turns out the unit of whatever appears to cost almost nothing.
>>94633That's probably not him, just someone else dressed vaguely similar. They'll absolutely destroy random civilians over this though
>>94633I like how the public either doesn't care or finds it humorous that a healthcare CEO got murdered.
>>94638Class consciousness winning out over identity politics for once.
I have been getting REALLY fugging good at dancing. I'm not joking. If I were to make a vid for u guys I'd blow ur freakin socks off. Dancing solves EVERY problem in life. I'm not kidding. Taxes? Just dance. Women? Just dance (you'll get them). Men? (if you want one) - you'll get them, make friends with them, repel them, be able to fight them, whatever. And if you can dance you can fight, except dancing is legal. It's a freakin superpower wtf! USE THIS INFORMATION WISELY! I don't have a digital cam or a camera I could rest upon a shelf, if I did I'd take a vid.
Jewish group applauds U.S. court decision upholding law requiring TikTok ban or sale Jewish Federations of North America applauded the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., for its unanimous ruling on Dec. 6 to uphold a law requiring Chinese company ByteDance to sell the social media app TikTok or face an effective ban in the United States.
The three-judge panel rejected TikTokâs argument that the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act is unconstitutional and violates the First Amendment rights of the 170 million Americans who use the app.
âThis law is designed to address U.S. national security, but it will also do something else â slow the antisemitism epidemic that this platform has helped spread around the globe since the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks on Israel,â the group stated.
JFNA reported that âantisemitic comments on TikTok rose 912%â in just one year.
âJewish Federations will always stand against antisemitic hatred and bias, which is why we supported this lawâs passage at every stage,â the group added. âToday, the law was found to be constitutionally sound, and we look forward to its implementation and enforcement.â
If ByteDance fails to sell TikTok by Jan. 19, then app-store companies will be legally required to stop supporting the social network.
>>94668>tiktok banned is good<jews liking its ban is bad
So conflicted.
>>94681You better not be some kinda gahd dang nigger lover.
>>94681Cry more, jigaboo.
>>94698Yet another good reason to hate lolbergs.
>>94698>>94701"Libertarians" fall into one of two camps: anarchists who don't want to be called anarchists, and neocons who don't want to be called neocons. In both cases "calling themselves libertarians is a marketing thing, because the popular stereotype of anarchists is that they're unwashed potheads living in squats and neocons are seen as sociopathic Dick Cheney types. Both of those stereotypes are largely true as well, so this is a way of presenting a "cleaner" appearance to the public.
I think it's easy to guess which side is hiding behind the mask of the US Libertarian Party.
>>94702Absolutely true. It bugs me when I see like "donate to the breast cancer foundation" stickers and stuff that money just vanishes down a black hole and nobody anywhere is doing any real research on cancer. Whenever something novel appears they work to suppress it.
Then they hold themselves up as the masters of life and death, and larp as god.
>>94702They laughed about ivermectin being "horse paste" when it was initially used to treat humans and is basically a wonder drug on the level of penicillin.
I'm going to a concert for the first time in like two or three years. The last time I went was to see Heilung on the other side of the state. Here's hoping some NIGGER doesn't go and kill me in the city.
>>94723KYS, avid, you absolute fucking schizophrenic faggot
No.94816 autistic people's communication skills are great, but normies are too retarded to understand them. Kind of a "no shit" paper I guess.
>>94887Mister Eyebrows didn't do it. This is some random guy they're framing because they couldn't find the real killer but needed to "send a message" to the goyim that the law is all powerful.
>>94888it's funny that I was just thinking about stuff like that right before this event happened:
>>94012>>94016 No.94914
>>94905get hiv and die, avid
>>94905Rich seeing you ever call anyone else schizo when your posts are textbook examples.
>>94914stay mad, try touching grass and maybe I won't be so rent free in your head lol
>>94921You see the term "dogisaga", fly off the handle in a tard tantrum and start accusing everyone of being dogisaga. That's fucking pathetic and stupid. Some hapa pedophile on a kiwifarms clone naming itself "Dogisaga-fag" and documenting dogisaga should've made it obvious enough that it's not dogisaga, but I'm sure with your low IQ and schizophrenia rotting holes in your brain you'll spin it as dogisaga self-reporting.
>>94921>>94935die in a ditch, avid
>>94739The concert was a mixed back. $25 for a god damn parking spot, $7 for a god damn can of water. It was Aurora's last show of the year, frontlined by Piig. I went to go see her because I've liked her music but it never occurred to me that she was some kind of queer icon. I never looked into her politics but now looking back I realize that some of her music leans towards queer and trans acceptance, something that wasn't part of my awareness until some of the things she started to say about identity acceptance and then pulling out the queer flag near the end of the concert. What did act as a bit of a redflag was at the start going in I noticed a lot of lesbian couples but I thought that was just part of the city experience. Nope.
>>94888Yeah, there's some weird difference some people have pointed out between the eyebrows.
>>94943Obviously a different person. Luigi is a fall guy
>found hundreds of miles away in a McDonald's, carrying the murder weapon, a fake ID, a manifesto, and a lock of the dead CEOs hairHmmm
>>94940shut up you silly twat
>>94949I farted while reading this
>>94943>>94949The security camera in question is so bad it doesn't show the zipper seam of his jacket past the neckline among other peculiarities. The skull is a rounded shape and his brow is pointing downwards from an angle quite a few feet below the camera as well. I think all things considered you can't reliably determine the nuance of his eyebrow density from these still shots. You can even see in this picture where there are large masses of pixels blended into one another in his jacket, attesting to the poor quality of the camera.
I think he did it and that's him. However, does that mean everything's as it seems? Not necessarily. He was found with $10,000 in cash (paid hit?) and the CEO was supposedly the subject of a DoJ investigation which would presumably be bad for the company he works for and perhaps the insurance industry as a whole. The timing of the murder and the money puts the motive under suspicion if nothing else.
>>94983I recommend that you tell absolutely no one, especially people IRL. Don't waste it on bullshit either
>>94984LOL my Steam username is literally Chainlink. I guess that's not the same as telling no one, but anyway. Thank you brother, whoever you are, thank you cartoon horse girl. I'm just trying to get my documents together to move out of my parents house, thats the most important thing, or I guess we all have important stuff going on, but yeah. Thanks!!! Love. POWER!
>>94983>>94986Time to start investing in Choncoin.
>>94983how much did you make?
>>94986a doubling in chainlink price makes you rich? did you have $500k invested in it or something?
since ur rich u should buy that desperate poorphag phagtasm an ROG Ally X so he doesnt have to suffer with linux on his steaming pile deck
>>95116Nicotine and NAC might help if it's vaxxoid miasma that plagued you
>>95118Haha, I'm not about to take up smoking. Who knows why I'm sick.
It's been such a long time since I got reminded about the nature of an average leftist. Leftists are the most retarded conforming, bootlicking rabble of bugmen that could ever exist for this system. First ones to get the vaccine, first ones to enforce this kind of shit on others and first ones to act as obedient nigger cattle for authorities. They are psychotic golems pretending to be reasonable. These people are absolutely, completely, totally subhuman and unsalvageable, they are soulless. These are the lowest of the low, such a low quality material in fact, they aren't even fit for labor camps, just straight up rounded up and executed with AR-15s with some robotic AI voice loudly quoting Marx about the jewish question and nigger Lasalle during their last moments while they are bleeding out.
It's common knowledge, but I just need to blow off some steam here. I think the NPC situation worsened.
>>95123Sir, this is a Wendy's.
>>95142No it isn't. What are you smoking?
The 2-week pay cycle is insidious bullshit. It's hard to keep track of what's coming in and what's passed already, especially when you work irregular hours.
>>95144They do that intentionally to facilitate wage theft.
>>95149hwy does it look like it would be a warped, moisture filled, ant infested mess in a year and probly like +32C inside in the middle of a night
i guess good enouf for a temporary sleeping shed on a site that you can make with exactly the same cuts as the temporary outhouse
>>95179Because its literally a greenhouse.
>>95187oh shit wat dey doing thought it was just a totally unique oc do not steal quirky instagram 'project' for millennials who completely impoverished themselves by buying land because someone convinced them to do so
>>95191How is land impoverishing? I can understand buying too much land being impoverishing but that also applies to literally anything one can spend money on
Land is typically a good investment I would say. My own has been personally enriching
>>95205In regards to your pictures the solution is obvious: men must stop supporting this broken system. Drop out of society. Orc-maxx. Live on welfare. Sell drugs. Anything other than being a bitch slave that supports the very system of his enslavement
White men in particular must orcmaxx. Less wagie, more viking raider bandit
>>95203da joke was that millenials are like poor af (haha)
>>95260your post was cringe
>>95268Kill yourself anytime
>>95290says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>>95308Nobody is going to be sissified like you were no matter how many times you spam this projection.
>>95309says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>>95312>broken record faggot retardYou love to see it.
>>95314says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
I wish I got bullied in high school so I could've developed a complex then pursued a career in law enforcement. It would be so easy to paralyze an elderly homeless criminal with a chokeslam of justice. I could bravely guard an exit at an elementary school with an active shooter from 40 feet away behind my cruiser as a couple dozen kids hiding in the music room are mowed down. Man, imagine how many free drugs and much free sex with prostitutes I would get too (and then they accidentally die in custody). Oopsie, looks like this traffic stop over a taillight that ran into my baton is about to go lethal. Grandma is menacingly hobbling toward me brandishing a stick of chewing gum, I need backup. We had to fire 49 shots into her as we feared for our safety.
After a horrible night of headaches and nausea I'm off the caffeine again. I think people really underestimate how addicting it is. It's kind of fucked how GAYMER advertising shills Mt. Dew(and now Prime) to kids too when you think about it.
>>95681What is this even advertising?
>>95707Caffeine is an insidious drug. The most insidious of all I've personally encountered
>>95724caffeine cant be insidious, its not a living being
>>95740caffeine doesn't have a gradual effect, it does not function like that, it's also quite easy to abstain from, given you're not a weak minded unter like I'm assuming you are, hard drugs I'd argue as 'insidious' coffee is just, whatever, not even worth mentioning
>>95759You are a crackhead, Avid.
>>95762I'm literally not though, I quit that shit like 4 years ago lol
>>95791I dont do any drugs anymore
>>95792Your brain is permanently fried already. More reason for you to kill yourself. :)
>>95759I've developed 5 chemical addictions over the span of my life
>oxycodone, as a teenager, accidentally following a major automotive wreck caused by a drunk driverRealized I was extremely high in math class one day because I was enjoying math. Looked at the meds the hospital was having me take while crippled for a month and they had me extremely doped up. Quit this cold turkey and went through multiple days of curled up in a ball vomiting
>kratom, used for fun regularly for a few monthsInvolved feeling like death and vomiting for 24 hours
>nicotine, used for fun, curiosity, and medicinally at various times. Longest usage was 3 monthsTakes a week for cravings and anger to go away
>marijuana, smoked for one yearMarijuana is a slow ride to hell. It burns one's mana, creating a magical feeling, but when the mana is all gone it burns one's soul. Regular weed usage creates an amoral, lifeless zombie with delusions of grandeur. Takes 90 days of pain and periodic episodes of psychosis to exit weed hell
>CaffeineEven after four months of sobriety one still feels like shit. This demon has the deepest claws of them all
>>95796>Your brain is permanently fried already. More reason for you to kill yourself. :)you should seek some sort of mental help
>>95763Avid zonked out, snorting phantom lines off Tyrone's tummy as the bugs under his skin ready a move, readying themselves to POP OUT and take his soul to Hell
>>95797I'm willing to guess that you've been drinking coffee longer than the duration of any of those drugs you did, maybe that is a contributing factor
>>95799ummmm says reddogiphagtasmsmileydwarfhdvsagax who does umm, uhhh, sorry could you repeat the question?
>>95799ok this is getting ridiculous, from here on out I'm no longer responding to any posts directed at me, you've had your fun in the sun with the you's i provided, I think its time for you to sit in the corner, figuratively speaking
>>95792What did you used to use?
>>95797Damn that's rough. Glad I stayed away from all that shit. That sort of pain and suffering isn't worth a few minutes of funny feelings.
>>95799LOL it do be like that.
>>95797>Realized I was extremely high in math class one day because I was enjoying math.Reminds me of the time my teacher told me to go to the nurse, because I was "acting weird" after I took too much cold medicine before going to school LOL.
>kratom, used for fun regularly for a few months>Involved feeling like death and vomiting for 24 hoursKratom had a stimulating effect on me exactly 1 time. Every other time I've tried it, it just made me nauseous. It's hard to dose properly.
>>95808I'm grateful for the substances that have caused me suffering. Now I can recognize these very prevalent demons in others
If I had this knowledge a decade ago I could have saved the lives of people I cared about
>>95808crack, weed, alcohol, cocaine, MDMA, speed, spice, mushrooms, salvia
>>95830Damn no wonder you're so fucked in the head LOL
The bad: My supervisor has gotten it into his head that the warehouse might be switching to a new site sometime next year and we could be out of our jobs, but it's all based on his "truly expert" investigation skills. Still, the chances of him being right are enough to worry. Every flippin time things go right aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
The good: A qt trad natsoc Youtuber I used to watch has come back to the platform. She can't do politics anymore but has been rambling on about esoteric stuff. Still cute. Still looks like an elf.
>>95797>kratom, used for fun regularly for a few months<Involved feeling like death and vomiting for 24 hours
Sounds like a real blast. Why don't more people make themselves wish they were dead for fun.
>>95833I was specifically talking about what withdrawal was like
Winter Solstice. Happy Yule.
>>95837Aura also cute.
>>95797Is coffee really that that bad?