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Been a long while. Remember browsing here from 2011-2015. Anyone have the ole "LOL BUTTHURT" pic with the one gay bear slapping the guy? I remember having the whole feature set back in the day. I wonder if HDV is still around.


also i remember when ramzpaul and the orthodox guy would legit post on 4chon. funny times.


HDV is still here.


And I'm guessing the jew STI is still gone.

I actually had a bunch of the stickers laying around up until last year. When the postman came to deliver it he had to clarify it was me since I used a name like "Schlomo Goldberg" not expecting them to actually mail some to me.


>I wonder if HDV is still around.
Yeah I'm here, King

>I used a name like "Schlomo Goldberg" not expecting them to actually mail some to me.


>Anyone have the ole "LOL BUTTHURT" pic with the one gay bear slapping the guy?

I might but not on this computer unfortunately. I'll check my other one tomorrow.


Long gone. Since like, 2015 I guess? I don't even remember when 4chon.net went down.


2011 apparently, I wouldn't have remembered either if not for the steam group.


That doesn't make sense. 4chon.net started in 2011 cause thats when moot deleted /new/. I think the site went down in 2014 or 2015, when 8chan was made (during gamergate) cause we transitioned there right away and were one of the first boards on 8chan.


Oh yeah, my b; I'm eepy posting rn


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>"im an oldfag"
>"where's hdv?"

this is how I know it's bait, back in the day nobody gave a single fuck about hdv

stop making this thread you fat fucking cunt


Ignore this guy, he's a schizophrenic spammer who found 4chon on grindr of all places.


kys, avid, retarded subhuman



op is a samefagging skitzo retard who is desperate for replies and completely uncreative, hence the stupid shit thread spam


name 3 oldfags


die, you meth-addled nigger


For whatever reason I can't find that image, but I do have this.

>ramzpaul and the orthodox guy
Ramzpaul became a joke. Sad. Orthodox guy? You mean BEWS?


no i will not do that


>4chon has been scrubbed from the waybackmachine

seriously who the fuck did this?


You know who


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Found it


These were the days


I dont


Kek I just read through this thread. Some names I totally forgot about: smiley, steadman.

was it steadman who went to his college and put up a flyer saying something like, "Give me one reason diversity is good other than ethnic food and rhythm"? or was that a different guy? Sorry, been a long time and it's all coming back to me now.

One not named was chemfag. That guy was wild. I think he got arrested didn't he? I remember seeing his face on the news.

thank you for the daddy howard. cheers me up to see it again.

ramzpaul. did he get divorced? his wife looked like a man and I always thought him a tranny chaser.

yep, BEWS

holy based. i remember checking your site out longgg ago. it had some real gems on there. thanks for ressurecting 4chon

kek. never seen this one


Steadman got the last laugh, I think he works in oil now and is making a killing.

Ramz got divorced and his new gf? wife? is named Sasha and they do shows together.

Chemfag had a massive meltdown after the disgusting nonce was 'doxed' he wasn't, but anons did get close, then disappeared.


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Who was Rockers88? I feel like I should know who this is but I've completely forgotten.

>yep, BEWS
I miss that lad, he was a real one. I believe the last place he was posting was on Diogenese's (was that his name?) Stormchan. He promised there or on the chon that he was going to disappear for a bit because "something big was going to happne" and he'd come back to let us know. This was around the time that Golden Dawn imploded. He never did come back. He might be dead :(. Stormchan was pretty alright for the brief amount of time it was around. made out of spite because STI was being such a god damn KIKE. Things struggled near the end because Diogense(?) was having personal issues. Guy "accidentally" doxxed himself asking for money. I did have screencaps but all of it was lost on a previous external that went and killed itself.

>Steadman got the last laugh, I think he works in oil now and is making a killing.
The White Man marches on.


Oh, not Diogenes, Dievas. Stormchan's admin was Dievas.


rockers was a tripfag who attacked an old chinese man at a mall with a machete and went to prison for it.


Oh right, the victim was a Sikh.

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