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There is definitely some degree of truth that anime/video games cause AGP. It is known that during adolescence a lot of people develop weird sexual thoughts due to surging hormones, and normally this would probably only be a phase/private kink before the cult of trannyism really took off. People really under estimate the effect of this IMO. It used to be common knowledge. It's even something they would teach you in health class. So when they say "kids can't be turned gay" or whatever, they're lying and they know it. My hypothesis is permanent physiological changes can occur during this period. We should also remember than a lot of trannies are autistic and autists are drawn to nerd shit, so the cause and effect is probably reversed a lot of the time. As in, AGP-inclined men are attracted to anime/video games, rather than caused by it in some cases.

>it's depicting yourself
I was thinking about this recently in regards to camera controls of all things. See, in a lot of games I play with inverted camera controls. Why? Because I'm thinking in terms of where the camera would point towards after rotation, not where my character would be looking. I suspect people who play with standard controls are more likely to identify with their character. While I wouldn't play as a girl in a live tabletop game or anything, because it would be weird, even when I'm roleplaying I consider there to be a separation between myself and my character. I think "My character would do X", but they aren't a stand-in for my real self in anyway.


>even when I'm roleplaying I consider there to be a separation between myself and my character
I think a lot of people really get into the role when they roleplay. Same thing happens with actors, when they play a certain character. The end up becoming that character, thinking like them.

Even if you set down that role after and go back to your normal life, I have to think that it would still have some lasting effect on you, especially if it's in a social context. A person might get used to thinking of themselves as a girl, and being treated as a girl by others, and might decide they like that, even if it's just something to have a giggle about.

The whole thing probably wouldn't even be on the radar but there's a massive industry built around taking these small delusions and blowing them up into full blown psychosis, and then feeding those poor fools expensive drugs and medical procedures to enable their fetish. Takes something pretty harmless and turns it into something nightmarish.


I don't know, I think quite a few actors suck at their profession and instead get type-casted as idealized versions of themselves.


>>noo you can't let your bros goon to your avatar because it's le wrong
Insecure, puritan beta-male


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>yeah bro you can goon to me
>here let me give you a hand with that bro
>its not gay if we keep our socks on bro
>lol you came in my ass bro, no homo


This fork of Blender looks pretty impressive. It modified the UI to be more user-friendly, while remaining fully compatible/feature-complete with Blender. It's led by a German so you know it's high quality. Listen to Arnold explain the differences.



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Has no-brainer changes that the Blender team refuses to add (by default at least) such as colored icons.


Debating if I should waste time finishing a scatterbrained review of Lunacid. The first area fit the vintage Fromsoft dark fantasy feel well, as did some later zones, but the tranny dev cracks begin to show early on. There is one novel mechanic the game brings to the table, which is having things be affected by real-world moon phases. Unfortunately, this mechanic affects very few facets of the game. As far as I'm aware, only these three things are:
>item needed for one of the endings only spawns on a full moon
>a titanite demon-inspired enemy has less max HP the closer to a full moon Earth is, but there are only 3 of them in the game (afaik) and one apparently has fixed HP
>lunacy (a modifier to damage dealt, damage taken and XP gained that builds up the more spells are cast without visiting bonfires) seems to accumulate faster the closer to a full moon Earth is


Should've added that what the tranny dev could have done to flesh the mechanic out a bit is make it act like world tendency from Demon's Souls. New moon could be like black tendency, where all enemies are harder (and some spawns are swapped) instead of just the two titanite demons, and full moon could have the inverse effect.


The time trial levels on Spyro Reignited are unironically making me want to kill the developers. They're so fucking bad.


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Holy shit, xista, the denial and damage control. You are a repressed hysterical troon, like anyone else, who defends this. No amount of your cancerous /v/edditor NPC scripts and attempts at deflecting will make you NOT one. Point the finger at people calling you out and screech, but this won't make it any more bearable for your own existence and inner struggles. This kind of question was raised for a while and I just get more and more convinced that female avatar = huge red flag. Always some kind of an insufferable, predictable, detestable downie sperg in a basement. It's always a variation of pathetic petty bugman behind it prone to autistic fits. Sad excuse of a man with no discipline. If there's a way to measure a human being's quality, it's this. It's like blatantly telling to everyone "i am an ugly, dysgenic underdeveloped baboon and in order to escape from my ugliness and miserable reality, i will pick an avatar of a foid and pretend like it's my waifu hahaha, she's so smexy amirite bros, haha, i can't get a real one, but at least i will have one here in front of my computer screen, my perfect girl! woman of my dreams! she's literally me"
That's very concerning, honestly.

Let me put it this way, it was always like this:
You are a male? You play as a male character and pick an avatar of one.
You are a female? You play as a female character and pick an avatar of one.
Doesn't mean someone is a "suggestible retard prone to autogynephilia" to find it weird for someone to do the opposite. I genuinely find it disgusting. If anything that's you judging by the behavior. Utter genetic refuse, closeted faggot and a subhuman. You are exactly that cumbrained type, but desperately trying to hide it. Nature has a way to weed out people like you however, so I am content.


I've spent 90% of my time playing WoW with a male avatar, but in the 10% of playing a female I've never had anyone hit on me ever. What games are filled with horny retards that actually think that female characters are played by females?

The dude in your image made his perfect waifu. He is yang and the yin of his character is attractive. It would only be weird if he was playing with his friends regularly as a female character


>I've spent 90% of my time playing WoW with a male avatar, but in the 10% of playing a female I've never had anyone hit on me ever. What games are filled with horny retards that actually think that female characters are played by females?

This is something that seemed to happen a lot more in the 2000s. There also seemed to be more simps willing to give you stuff back then to.


Holy projection


>This is something that seemed to happen a lot more in the 2000s. There also seemed to be more simps willing to give you stuff back then to
That explains why I never experienced it. I was on WoW retail from '06-'10 as male characters, and from '11-'13 I was on private servers as male characters

It was in 2020 that I joined a private server again and made my first ever female character. Ironically I made a female character because I just utterly stopped giving a fuck (masculine energy)

Ironically it was through a female paladin that masculinity could best be expressed, whereas a male who feels the need to only play males expresses only insecurity


I remember some dude in my guild would pretend to be a girl and men would gift him shit. He didn't even put much effort into it, just having a female blood elf avatar was enough seemingly. I never thought much of it at the time because trannies hadn't been invented yet, but I hope that fella is alright.


I played both male and female characters since the beginning of vanilla and I can count on one hand how many times some desperate, dysgenic retard thought I was a woman just from being on a female toon.


Apotris is a good version of Tetris for GBA, playing it on my DS flash cart, think I like I better than Tetris DS




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If anyone here is a Yugiboomer, who misses old Yugioh and is too overwhelmed by the modern game, Master Duel is doing a time travel 2004 event starting tonight.


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EA leaked the Command and Conquer source code to Github. I guess that means they're finally done with the series forever huh.


Assets are arguably more important than the code in a game. They most likely released it to make it easier for the modders.


He can't keep getting away with it! Obsidian sisters on suicide watch.


Songs of Conquest is great if you liked Heroes of Might and Magic. It's pretty much a modernized carbon copy and I wouldn't call that a bad thing at all. Much like its "predecessor" the characters, story, setting and literally everything else apart from the gameplay is completely forgettable trash, now featuring WOKE DEI SLOP characters and extremely goofy ass songs in between stages that are pretty bad but almost in an endearing way heh

8/10 buy it on sale


Thought Dolls Frontline 2 was just coomer Xcom, but it turns out it's a shitty gotcha game.


With a name like that, you should have known better.


This game is a pain in the ass. If one of your "Wielder"s dies it takes 5 rounds and 5k gold to revive them, but I swear the enemy doesn't follow the same rules and once you defeat their Wielder's army (which will often be numerically as powerful as yours) they're back in play just a few turns later at full strength. They also have way more powerful magic than you do at this point which feels like bullshit heh

I'm about to beat the 4th(!) stage finally but it was only after a ton of relentless back and forth having to lose and retake territories over and over again. Even with half the map under my control I can hardly produce units fast enough to keep up with their army respawning so quickly heh

As much as it's griefing me I feel like it's pretty well balanced, now that my units are fully upgraded I'm slowly gaining the edge in the encounters and will likely be able to win decisively before too long. Feels goodman


I expected coomer XCOM, not coomer XCOM with poor balance and an emphasis on microtransactions.


I know of a "coomer" XCOM, but you're a frognigger so get fucked lol


It probably sucks too and doesn't even have permadeath.


Sour grapes faggot lmao


suck these sour grapes avid *whips out balls*


>hurr durr gay sex methaphurr
Nice self-own, faggot


Are old games better than new games or is it just nostalgia? I honestly lean towards the former but I'm interested to hear your opinions on this heh


Maybe it's just more that the novelty of the medium is gone; it's not that new games are all bad per se, it's just that they're competing with many different iterations of existing formulas that were often done extremely well even the first few times out. Will people remember an excellent rpg from the 2020s two or three decades from now like they do some of the SNES greats like Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy "3"?


Depends on the games. Older AAA titles used to have a lot more polish, and it felt like they tried to push the envelope a lot more especially technologically. Newer big titles mostly just ride on nostalgia for old ips like fallout or dragon age or the reputations of the studios making them and are extremely mediocre cash grabs. Back in the day, these studios were all very new and there weren't a lot of big name ips to leech off so devs were more experimental. Sometimes that backfired and you got some absolutely awful games like daikatana but othertimes it turned out well.

I think the good thing about the modern game ecosystem is that smaller AA devs and indie developers have a lot more freedom to make good games, without being burdened by having to find publishers. In the past you had to put a physical cd on a store shelf, which meant indie devs weren't really a thing and there was a lot of meddling and censorship and other garbage when companies tried to get their games published. Now you just put your game on some online store like steam or the nintendo store and call it good. As a result we've seen an explosion of indie developers and some really fantastic games have come out (and a whole lot of shovelware) as a result. Generally I'd say anything innovative or interesting is created in that sphere now rather than in the hands of big companies.

I think when people make blanket statements like "new games suck" they're either fixated on big heavily advertised games from megacorps like microsoft, or they have rose tinted goggles about the past and forget about how many bad games there were back then and how much other crap they had to deal with.


>I think when people make blanket statements like "new games suck" they're either fixated on big heavily advertised games from megacorps like microsoft, or they have rose tinted goggles about the past and forget about how many bad games there were back then and how much other crap they had to deal with.

Usually when I say something like this, it usually pertains to games made by the same company or games made in the same genre. I think I can safely say for example that modern Bethesda games suck and I don't think the indie scene has produced a stand alone game that's half as good as Morrowind.


If you're looking at the open world action rpg genre specifically, than I think Skyrim still stands on top nearly a decade later. It's tough for a smaller developer to make a game with that degree of scale. Certain fan projects like tamriel reborn come to mind I guess.

Played quite a few indie games that mog big companies in other genres though. A Hat in Time is superior to banjo kazooie and most 3d platformers made by companies like Nintendo. Genuinely great game that stands with the best. I'm not even really sure what genre Outer Wilds is but it's astonishingly good considering a few people made it. Kenshi was made by one singular guy and it's an extremely well made real time crpg. These are all pretty recent games that I think, had they come out 20 years ago, would have absolutely blown away the competition.


>If you're looking at the open world action rpg genre specifically, than I think Skyrim still stands on top nearly a decade later
Retard detected, opinion discarded


>If you're looking at the open world action rpg genre specifically, than I think Skyrim still stands on top nearly a decade later.
With 13 years of an active mod scene it does. I've played Skyrim a lot, but I really want something completely new.


It would be nice. I had some hopes for avowed but it looks hilariously bad. Don't think I'll be touching it. Not much else on the radar sadly.


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At least there's still the new Fable game to look forward to heh


I look forward to shitting on it.


Noticed ESA is a much better speedrunning event and not full of trannies.


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What is the most visually impressive game you ever seen?


I honestly can't imagine speed running without trannies, they seem to be ubiquitous to the hobby.


Probably some Korean MMO
Crazy to think that a decade ago the trannyism cult had barely just started taking off.


Crysis still looks amazing to this day. I think in terms of design Skyrim is probably near the top as well. Despite the actual technology being pretty rough, the map designers did a great job at making a realistic feeling world.



Probably going to pick this up, it's $3 right now. Feels like this is maybe one of the few RTS games that slid past me back in the day heh


It's a good game. The best of the stronghold series.

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