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I like Zomboid for the most part, especially how the gameplay changes into a world save's lifespan. Wish they would add a singleplayer mode with NPCs who potentially can ally with you and help you build a base and make supply runs (or fight other people).

Salt and Sanctuary is pretty fun, too. Basically just a 2D Souls game. The first game I remember from that guy was Dishwasher on Xbox 360 Arcade, which was a decent 2D action game. He also made a short little twin-stick novelty game called I Made a Game with Zombies in It, with the selling point of being priced at only a dollar to make fun of the generally amateur games in the Xbox 360 Indie Store. There is also Charlie Murder, which is very fun if you're into beat-em-ups like Streets of Rage or Golden Axe or Castle Crashers. Most of his games also have a grunge/punk aesthetic to them and probably would've been a big hit with scenesters if they came out in early-mid 00s.


Played through "legends of amberland". Fantastic game. Had a lot of fun with it.


I'm 20 hrs into Fallout New Vegas and I don't get the 'this game will make you troon out memes.

I just don't see it?

I love the mutant's creative weapons though, like the bumper sword and rebar club. Clever.


Trannies don't create anything, so they just latch onto some random piece of media from the past and decide that it's now trans-coded. Fallout nv, lain, guilty gear, fire emblem, etc. They're nerdy consumers but desperately want thier products to validate thier beliefs so they just pretend the characters are trannies.


I like subjecting Arcade Gannon to enslavement by Caesar since he's a literal faggot and talks like a redditor. Unfortunately, he's not the only LGBT companion. The Brotherhood scribe is a lesbian, though she's a lot less annoying than Gaylord Gannon. The grandma mutant probably has the best dialogue. Raul is good if you want to hear sarcastic remarks from Danny Trejo every five seconds. Boone sulks over his dead wife all the time. ED-E and Rex are whatever, at least they take up a separate slot in your party. Rose Cassidy is my favorite companion, but what sucks is the closest you get to her is getting NTR'd in one of the happier endings to her story. There is a fun little arena quest somewhere that lets you fuck a redhead's brains out (screen fades to black during it though).

Hope you picked Wild Wasteland as a starting trait. It adds a lot of silly encounters to the game, like Rex leading you to a special well after some easter egg dialogue.


I really like Veronica. I always end up rolling with her when I play the game.

It's been awhile though. I don't feel fallout new vegas aged that well and most of the good press it received back then was because of positive comparisons to fallout 3. Game is basically a corridor shooter through half the game. You walk down a tunnel from goodsprings to new vegas, and then the main plot happens and you choose between the bear and the bull or the character who is a total rippoff of the ceo from the book Count Zero. It's not a bad game and it totally mogs fallout 3 which gives Todd a headache to this day but if you ignore that it's a fallout game and just look at it from its own virtues it's pretty mid.


Save before entering Goodsprings schoolhouse, loot schoolhouse, reload if you didn't get 2-3 stealth boys (maybe I'm misremembering and it's a fixed number), pop stealth boy near cazadores and continue stealthing past deathclaws at Quarry Junction. Now you don't have to be railroaded down the Goodsprings-Primm-Nipton-Novac-Freeside-Strip path. Works on Very Hard (not sure if it changes anything besides combat values like Oblivion).

I roam around the map doing some sidequests and grinding XP, then start the DLCs after getting some combat and utility skills boosted enough (at least breakpoints into range of further skill/SPECIAL boosts for big checks such as convincing Dean Domino to calm down). I choose to nuke both NCR and Legion at the conclusion of Lonesome Road because it opens up a couple endgame areas back in the main map. When you finally go to the Strip for the first time, you receive a reputation reset with the big factions.


>Save before entering Goodsprings schoolhouse, loot schoolhouse, reload if you didn't get 2-3 stealth boys (maybe I'm misremembering and it's a fixed number), pop stealth boy near cazadores and continue stealthing past deathclaws at Quarry Junction.

This is sequence breaking. It's not an exploit but it isn't the intended way the game is meant to be played. The game is designed with you walking down that canyon in mind and all the quests are set up with that in mind.


Also, I recall NV receiving significantly lower scores from critics compared to 3 around the time it released, think it wasn't even breaking 90 average according to Metacritic (think I saw it peak at 86-88 around release whereas 3 was ~95 at the same time). Setting aside the fact that NV borrows many details from the canceled original Fallout 3 project Van Buren, NV always felt more like a true sequel to 2. On 3, they just randomly dump you in DC. Probably picked because Tiny Todd thought it would be a great location for a bunch of flashy setpieces.

They basically created a parody of Fallout instead of an actual Fallout game. Herpaderp, we need to have things like deathclaws and super mutants and radscorpions and Harold and Enclave and Brotherhood in our game even if it makes no sense within the broader setting of the game universe because that's what fans expect to see. Oh, and make Brotherhood the purely good hero faction because reasons. It wasn't an entirely terrible game, I recall liking the unmarked radio tower exploration sidequests and places like Old Olney or the hotel/hospital during Reilly's Rangers, but it just didn't have an authentic Fallout feel to it. Plus, the DLCs all sucked ass (Point Lookout being the least shit only because it wasn't a corridor like all the others).


Well, they clearly do intend new players to go down the railroaded path as a sort of tutorial and introduction to the setting, but it's nice they left an option for people who get bored of doing that path.


>Also, I recall NV receiving significantly lower scores from critics compared to 3 around the time it released
Professional reviewers being paid off isn't a new phenomenon. I don't even know if 3 was less financially successful than new vegas but vegas is definitely the one people remember. Todd still seething over it to this day.

>They basically created a parody of Fallout instead of an actual Fallout game. Herpaderp, we need to have things like deathclaws and super mutants and radscorpions and Harold and Enclave and Brotherhood

It's marketing. I don't know if you played fallout 4, but there's a sequence near the very start of the game where you get a suit of power armor and then immediately fight a deathclaw that jumps out of the ground. It was designed to be shown at gaming conventions like E3 and to get a lot of excitement from investors. Presumably adding all that crap into fallout 3 was done for the same reason, because they are recognizable symbols from the previous two+ games.

Bethesda as a company primarily sees their games as a consumer product and don't really care about things like consistency so long as they make money. Todd personally has a big ego though and I think fallout 3 was like a baby to him.


Macabre. Crazy that I have seen no one reporting this.

It's disappointing because Oblivion could really use an update. Skyrim SE was a huge improvement from what it was when it was initially released. Oblivion has capped potential being an almost 20-year-old, 32-bit gamebryo game. If you use a lot of mods you're likely to run into memory issues, and since Oblivion was released well-before ESLs there's a 255 plugin limit and you need to screw with wyrebash to resolve conflicts. It also means a mod's scope can only be so ambitious. It's why there's never going to be anything as massive as legacy of the dragon born or Vigilant for Oblivion. Just porting Oblivion as-is to CE would be easy money and it's all we actually want.


It's fine, they can always just get a cakebox with a picture of the Windows logo on it and tell you that not only is that cake ready, but that it tastes much better than Windows' bakery.


>11 years ago
>looks better than most slop getting put out today


I honestly hate modding Bethesda games too much even though I'd really like to use a lot of mods at once. Rectifying records between mods that change the same stuff is tedious, like trying to take the melee combat of one mod and the archery of another or even just picking the placement of a box from one mod with the mesh of another. Cleaning records is honestly something I'd pay someone to do for me, that's how much I hate it.


'Cuz I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle (jingle, jangle)
As I go ridin' merrily along (jingle, jangle)
And they sing, "Oh, ain't you glad you're single?" (jingle, jangle)
And that song ain't so very far from wrong. (jingle, jangle)


🎵Well I'm the type of guy who will never settle down🎵


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enjoying this more than diablo 1 that's for sure, though rogue-lites tend to get repetitious fast too


It can be tedious, or it can be as simple as changing your load order or making an override patch. If you're using 2 mods that both change how ranged and melee combat work for example, then yeah you're probably going to have to alter a lot of records to get exactly what you want.
>Cleaning records is honestly something I'd pay someone to do for me, that's how much I hate it.
I haven't done this for a long time just because it can cause other issues, especially mid-playthough, but I'm getting more random CTDs than before, so that's probably a sign that I ought to.
I don't feel like it's a linear game if that's what you're saying, especially with all the DLCs(which might sort of be narratively linear, but nothing is forcing you to do things in a certain order).


Dude looks exactly how I imagine open source devs look heh.

Warcraft 3 java edition coming along nicely.


>Dude looks exactly how I imagine open source devs look heh.
TBH I imagine they look like trannies at this point.


You're not wrong I suppose.


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Try out Moonring, free turn-based dark fantasy roguelike, just 100MB download.

8-bit graphics unfortunately but the gameplay is good, at least for the 20 minutes I played it. You can turn off the scanlines which I find annoying.



Looks neat.



Vaginas are Caves for Qum


Sexually frustrated much?





Here's your new Jean Grey, Xirs!


That's a man. That's literally that Janner guy.


this game is so stupid but it's hilarious destroying these kids and getting first place every time



Pretty good heh. What's your character name? I'm scaaarvy joe.



a lot of these kids don't seem to know about the hold left-click charge attack
or how it acts as a way to sprint through the map if you spam it,
giving you an advantage in collecting coins sooner than others


Pretty sure they're playing on their phones. It must be a huge disadvantage.

I've been chasing after people and they just swing in the air facing away from me, so I think it's some kid hammering on his phone in panic. When there's only two of us left, I like to sit in the centre of the circle while the poison slowly creeps in, and wait for my last foe to come to his death.


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shrek'd a nazi chud @ 0:38
dis k-hive land now bitch


If you get a pet you'll heal by running into it or standing still. Can be useful if you get an unlucky hit at the beginning.

Game is good but once you reach a certain size it's all over. Pretty hard for smaller players to make a comeback. Also noticing that at aztec and beyond you're obviously running into a lot more computer users rather than phone kids. One guy's name was "CNCOwner" heh.


File: 1738820352600.jpg 56.44 KB, 480x270, kingdom-rush.jpg

If you haven't played Kingdom Rush, you're missing out.

>Kingdom Rush - v4.2.33.rar



I have the Vengeance one, but never played it.


Alright, played the Vengeance one for a bit. Didn't like it.


difficulty spikes are annoying in that shit game.
also i know game like kingdom rush but with sex scenes its called aigis something.




This guy's channel is good.


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>Nintendo will never take a detour from the open world slop of current Zelda because it's too profitable and they took the wrong message from Skyward Sword's failure


To be fair the zelda formula had been getting stale before skyward sword. Twilight princess wasn't very well received either.

You can't just make the same game over and over again and put a new title on it. Eventually something has got to give.



Pretty good game heh. You get a little certificate if you win.


Please no

I hope the cute little Princess Zelda game did well enough; that was a significant departure from the norm


This game is decent, I hope the full version expands on this "demo" in a tasteful way. I think it's a pretty solid formula on its own.


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