No.96470[Last 50 Posts]
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>>>/lounge/92008Archive: No.96599
it isn't 2025 yet you dipshit
I got kind of sick of D2R. End-game content is just a grindfest. It's fun to make stupid builds, but it gets tiring when you have to farm for specific items constantly.
>>96790Haven't been on much, sorry about that.
>>96792I haven't played much the last few weeks. Found an occy orb after doing a single Mephisto run last time though. Something like a 1/2000 chance with the amount of MF I had. I was shocked.
>>96793Damn, that's a pretty big drop to get early on.
>>96905Used to scare me a lot when I was a kid.
>>96906I feel pretty proud of myself for killing him fairly. I used to have to shoot him through bars with a bow.
>>96905Played this from start to finish early last year; it's aged really well. Had a lot of fun.
>>96918It's a great game. Might have even aged better than diablo 2.
>>96920I prefer the slow dungeon-crawling over D2's action focus. I wish there were more games like that.
>>96924Not only is it slower, it feels a lot more tactical. At least as a warrior, your footwork really seems to matter. You can only block so many times per second with your shield, and if you take damage you get flinched, so if you get mobbed by a ton of enemies you're boned. You have to pick your battles, use chokepoints, think about escape routes, etc. The gear progression is a lot better too. Getting a new piece of gear feels meaningful, and I ended up stashing a bunch of useful stuff in town, because certain floors might need more resist gear, or more AC depending on the enemies.
In d2 by comparison, you basically just sprint into a huge mob of enemies, use some flashy moves to kill a dozen at a time, and then sprint out if your health gets too low. The game throws so much gear and money at you its stupid, so you're spoiled for choice even though you can't use most of it because of class restrictions. I like that in diablo 1 if you want to cast spells as a warrior or something there's nothing stopping you, and I thought the cursed items with negative stats were interesting. Sometimes you have to make a tradeoff.
Ambiance is great in d1 too. Feels like you're really crawling down into hell.
>>96930It's truly better than d2. No other game has ever captured the feeling of slowly descending into hell
Playing heavily modded Skyrim again. I added a durability mod and it's crazy how much better it makes the game. The speed equipment breaks is dependent on your smithing level and if you don't repair something that has low durability it will break permanently if you keep on using it. Right now my weapons break from between 40-60 attacks. It means I need to bring extra equipment with me or scavenge for something to use in dungeons. Scarcity of resources is an important part of dungeon crawling and durability is another thing Bethesda was stupid for removing. I think this mod does it better than they ever did though. It makes me consider my options. Repairs aren't readily available, since I can't do it without a grindstone or workbench and I need to have the correct ingots for my equipment. You also need the necessary skill do to repairs, so even if you end up with high-level gear for a low-level character, there's only a limited amount of time that you'll be able to use it. Enemy equipment can also break, so it's possible to use that to your advantage or miss out on loot(that's usually junk anyway though).
Thinking about using "Venetian magic" from the ordinator mod too, which gives you casts-per-day instead of letting you spam spells with a regenerating magicka pool.
>>96963Morrowloot does wonders to fix gear progression.
>>96977I ended up going with Skyrim - revamped over Morrowloot for reasons I can't remember anymore.
>>96980I consider morrowloot an essential mod for my playthroughs. There's lots of other ones that add cool stuff or fix minor problems but the level scaling in skyrim is absolutely disgusting and I can't tolerate it.
>>96989Skyrim - Revamped does a similar thing where item and enemy levels are zone-based and aren't based on the player's level.
>>97087hi, rednigga, fap to any good [redacted], lately?
>>97113I wish I didn't know
>>97115>i recall in diablo 2 you didn't have to click repeatedly to swing your weaponWhat? Maybe shift-click and holding down you didn't (in d2).
>>97115It was exactly the same in d2.
>>97115Get DevilutionX running on the console of your choice. Pressing A to kill is far more fun.
>>97121I kind of enjoy the long dungeon crawls in daggerfall. To each his own though.
Thinking of trying etrian odyssey 4. Ordered a new sd card for my 2ds. Hopefully the game is worth the 15 bucks.
>>97122fine ill leave it turned off
>>97118i was initially thinking of downloading the psx version of diablo. but anyway none of this would fix diablo being boring/repetitious by today's standards
>>97124You just have zoomer adhd by the sounds of it. Consider playing mobile gacha games.
>>97125the game is too easy, simple and predictable and i can tell when i'm only encumbered by artificial limits instead of clever difficulty, "oh no, my HP is very low and i ran out of HP potions, time to waste my time teleporting or walking back to town to sell loot and buy potions and repeat this cycle endlessly." the routine is boring and uncreative
>>97128Diablo 1 is something you just beat once in awhile. It's not meant to be an extremely elaborate game. D2 was. When I was at that age when it released, players were nuts about finding secrets and progessing to shit like the Uber bosses.
>>97121nvm about daggerfall, i remember it's a grindfest with too much predictability, and adding RNG-based mods won't fix the been-there-done-that gameplay and the did-an-LLM-generate-this dialogue. anyway i have a backlog of PSX and DOS games i'd rather play
>>97167These sorts of deck builders are just popular these days.
>>97171I refuse to believe! There must be some sort of conspiracy here. How can such a simple looking game be said to be so compelling? THIS IS STRAIGHT OUT OF THE PROTOCOLS!
>>97176It's not that simple even if it looks that way. You start with a standard playing card deck, but you can modify various things about it as you play through a run e.g.
>total number of cards in the deck>changing the suit or number of a card (or making it holofoil like a rare TCG card among some other creative modifiers, which all have their own mechanical effects)>increasing the base value of different hands (e.g. can make playing single pairs worth a lot if you choose to invest in leveling that particular kind of hand) >collecting a side hand from a huge pool of Joker cards that have constant effects on score calculation (and there is even a little trick during hand value calculation phases where you can move a Joker that was already counted to the back of your Joker hand to have it counted again as the game calculates each Joker's effect one by one from left to right, plus often the way Jokers are ordered in their special hand matters a lot too).In addition to deck modifications, there is a variety of boss rounds each with their own unique gameplay penalties to overcome as well as decks of different colors and their own mechanical changes to act as a difficulty selector. The soundtrack is just a few variations on the same track, but it's kinda catchy.
Also, one of the recent times I played Dave the Diver, I was surprised to find a short segment where they include a very close copy of Balatro. Not sure how intact it is, but they essentially have you playing Balatro for a little bit in a game that's otherwise about ocean exploration and restaurant management.
Cat Quest 3 is bretty gud heh
>>97331They were. Satanic panic, jelly donuts, etc. Moralfags aren't a recent problem, but back then it was old retards and women and today it seems to be zoomers.
>>97331No I mean back then it would've been unheard of to have a game like that on a Nintendo platform.
Now Nintendo just doesn't care what goes on their eShop, they don't want to lose to their competitor Steam which also sells "adult" games: No.97341
>>97338I heard a lot of nintendo eshop games are ai slop too.
It's looking grim.
>>97344Excellent, Randy Pitchford can get the centenarians from the Borderlands movie to play the roles of the Duke's smokin' hot babes.
>>97528>literal fag explains communism in practiceHonestly having trouble breathing right now, it's so funny that it hurts.
>>97583>Elder Scrolls 6 teaser is like 7 years oldwtf man
>>97583It was a matter of time. Ex-Bethesda employees have said Gamebryo / Creative Engine is difficult to work with for creating new games compared to Unity and UE. It shows, considering how long it takes to release a new Elder Scrolls game. It took only 2 years to develop Daggerfall. Microsoft is aggressive with cutting labor costs and outsourcing work. Often it's the case that an engine can prioritize ease-of-use in development or moddability, it's difficult to have both because moddability makes the engine more complex. Anyone with an internet connection can learn UE in their spare time since it's source-available. No one can learn CE because it's proprietary and in-house. Maybe they could've/should've released CE with similar source-available licensing as UE, but it looks like Microsoft (Satya Nadella et al.) decided to not bother with that and that it would cost them less to just abandon CE and switch to UE. Why should they continue to hire expensive Americans when they can replace many of them with H-1Bs and to outsource the work, just like with Windows OS development? Hardcore modders represent a tiny percentage of the sales of Bethesda games. Though it's too early to say that using UE will make moddability much worse, maybe they'll figure out something, then again there isn't much of a financial incentive for them to do so. No.97608
>>97605Zenimax unionized so this is probably just a way to get rid of them and employ an all jeet workforce.
If you want to play oblivion, just play oblivion. This is as dumb as the 9001 skyrim remasters, or maybe worse. A pathetic cash grab by a dead company.
>>97609I like Zomboid for the most part, especially how the gameplay changes into a world save's lifespan. Wish they would add a singleplayer mode with NPCs who potentially can ally with you and help you build a base and make supply runs (or fight other people).
Salt and Sanctuary is pretty fun, too. Basically just a 2D Souls game. The first game I remember from that guy was Dishwasher on Xbox 360 Arcade, which was a decent 2D action game. He also made a short little twin-stick novelty game called I Made a Game with Zombies in It, with the selling point of being priced at only a dollar to make fun of the generally amateur games in the Xbox 360 Indie Store. There is also Charlie Murder, which is very fun if you're into beat-em-ups like Streets of Rage or Golden Axe or Castle Crashers. Most of his games also have a grunge/punk aesthetic to them and probably would've been a big hit with scenesters if they came out in early-mid 00s.
Played through "legends of amberland". Fantastic game. Had a lot of fun with it.
>>97619Trannies don't create anything, so they just latch onto some random piece of media from the past and decide that it's now trans-coded. Fallout nv, lain, guilty gear, fire emblem, etc. They're nerdy consumers but desperately want thier products to validate thier beliefs so they just pretend the characters are trannies.
>>97619I like subjecting Arcade Gannon to enslavement by Caesar since he's a literal faggot and talks like a redditor. Unfortunately, he's not the only LGBT companion. The Brotherhood scribe is a lesbian, though she's a lot less annoying than Gaylord Gannon. The grandma mutant probably has the best dialogue. Raul is good if you want to hear sarcastic remarks from Danny Trejo every five seconds. Boone sulks over his dead wife all the time. ED-E and Rex are whatever, at least they take up a separate slot in your party. Rose Cassidy is my favorite companion, but what sucks is
the closest you get to her is getting NTR'd in one of the happier endings to her story. There is a fun little arena quest somewhere that lets you fuck a redhead's brains out (screen fades to black during it though).Hope you picked Wild Wasteland as a starting trait. It adds a lot of silly encounters to the game, like Rex leading you to a special well after some easter egg dialogue.
>>97633I really like Veronica. I always end up rolling with her when I play the game.
It's been awhile though. I don't feel fallout new vegas aged that well and most of the good press it received back then was because of positive comparisons to fallout 3. Game is basically a corridor shooter through half the game. You walk down a tunnel from goodsprings to new vegas, and then the main plot happens and you choose between the bear and the bull or the character who is a total rippoff of the ceo from the book Count Zero. It's not a bad game and it totally mogs fallout 3 which gives Todd a headache to this day but if you ignore that it's a fallout game and just look at it from its own virtues it's pretty mid.
>>97636Save before entering Goodsprings schoolhouse, loot schoolhouse, reload if you didn't get 2-3 stealth boys (maybe I'm misremembering and it's a fixed number), pop stealth boy near cazadores and continue stealthing past deathclaws at Quarry Junction. Now you don't have to be railroaded down the Goodsprings-Primm-Nipton-Novac-Freeside-Strip path. Works on Very Hard (not sure if it changes anything besides combat values like Oblivion).
I roam around the map doing some sidequests and grinding XP, then start the DLCs after getting some combat and utility skills boosted enough (at least breakpoints into range of further skill/SPECIAL boosts for big checks
such as convincing Dean Domino to calm down). I choose
to nuke both NCR and Legion at the conclusion of Lonesome Road because it opens up a couple endgame areas back in the main map. When you finally go to the Strip for the first time, you receive a reputation reset with the big factions.
>>97640>Save before entering Goodsprings schoolhouse, loot schoolhouse, reload if you didn't get 2-3 stealth boys (maybe I'm misremembering and it's a fixed number), pop stealth boy near cazadores and continue stealthing past deathclaws at Quarry Junction.This is sequence breaking. It's not an exploit but it isn't the intended way the game is meant to be played. The game is designed with you walking down that canyon in mind and all the quests are set up with that in mind.
Also, I recall NV receiving significantly lower scores from critics compared to 3 around the time it released, think it wasn't even breaking 90 average according to Metacritic (think I saw it peak at 86-88 around release whereas 3 was ~95 at the same time). Setting aside the fact that NV borrows many details from the canceled original Fallout 3 project Van Buren, NV always felt more like a true sequel to 2. On 3, they just randomly dump you in DC. Probably picked because Tiny Todd thought it would be a great location for a bunch of flashy setpieces.
They basically created a parody of Fallout instead of an actual Fallout game. Herpaderp, we need to have things like deathclaws and super mutants and radscorpions and Harold and Enclave and Brotherhood in our game even if it makes no sense within the broader setting of the game universe because that's what fans expect to see. Oh, and make Brotherhood the purely good hero faction because reasons. It wasn't an entirely terrible game, I recall liking the unmarked radio tower exploration sidequests and places like Old Olney or the hotel/hospital during Reilly's Rangers, but it just didn't have an authentic Fallout feel to it. Plus, the DLCs all sucked ass (Point Lookout being the least shit only because it wasn't a corridor like all the others).
>>97641Well, they clearly do intend new players to go down the railroaded path as a sort of tutorial and introduction to the setting, but it's nice they left an option for people who get bored of doing that path.
>>97643>Also, I recall NV receiving significantly lower scores from critics compared to 3 around the time it releasedProfessional reviewers being paid off isn't a new phenomenon. I don't even know if 3 was less financially successful than new vegas but vegas is definitely the one people remember. Todd still seething over it to this day.
>They basically created a parody of Fallout instead of an actual Fallout game. Herpaderp, we need to have things like deathclaws and super mutants and radscorpions and Harold and Enclave and Brotherhood It's marketing. I don't know if you played fallout 4, but there's a sequence near the very start of the game where you get a suit of power armor and then immediately fight a deathclaw that jumps out of the ground. It was designed to be shown at gaming conventions like E3 and to get a lot of excitement from investors. Presumably adding all that crap into fallout 3 was done for the same reason, because they are recognizable symbols from the previous two+ games.
Bethesda as a company primarily sees their games as a consumer product and don't really care about things like consistency so long as they make money. Todd personally has a big ego though and I think fallout 3 was like a baby to him.
>>97605Macabre. Crazy that I have seen no one reporting this.
>>97608It's disappointing because Oblivion could really use an update. Skyrim SE was a huge improvement from what it was when it was initially released. Oblivion has capped potential being an almost 20-year-old, 32-bit gamebryo game. If you use a lot of mods you're likely to run into memory issues, and since Oblivion was released well-before ESLs there's a 255 plugin limit and you need to screw with wyrebash to resolve conflicts. It also means a mod's scope can only be so ambitious. It's why there's never going to be anything as massive as legacy of the dragon born or Vigilant for Oblivion. Just porting Oblivion as-is to CE would be easy money and it's all we actually want.
>>97698I honestly hate modding Bethesda games too much even though I'd really like to use a lot of mods at once. Rectifying records between mods that change the same stuff is tedious, like trying to take the melee combat of one mod and the archery of another or even just picking the placement of a box from one mod with the mesh of another. Cleaning records is honestly something I'd pay someone to do for me, that's how much I hate it.
>>97813🎵Well I'm the type of guy who will never settle down🎵
>>97805It can be tedious, or it can be as simple as changing your load order or making an override patch. If you're using 2 mods that both change how ranged and melee combat work for example, then yeah you're probably going to have to alter a lot of records to get exactly what you want.
>Cleaning records is honestly something I'd pay someone to do for me, that's how much I hate it.I haven't done this for a long time just because it can cause other issues, especially mid-playthough, but I'm getting more random CTDs than before, so that's probably a sign that I ought to.
>>97636>>97641I don't feel like it's a linear game if that's what you're saying, especially with all the DLCs(which might sort of be narratively linear, but nothing is forcing you to do things in a certain order).
>>97923>Dude looks exactly how I imagine open source devs look heh.TBH I imagine they look like trannies at this point.
>>97925You're not wrong I suppose.
Try out Moonring, free turn-based dark fantasy roguelike, just 100MB download.
8-bit graphics unfortunately but the gameplay is good, at least for the 20 minutes I played it. You can turn off the scanlines which I find annoying. No.98003
>>98002Vaginas are Caves for Qum
lolwned No.98005
>>98003Sexually frustrated much?
>>98015That's a man. That's literally that Janner guy.
>>98286Pretty good heh. What's your character name? I'm scaaarvy joe.
a lot of these kids don't seem to know about the hold left-click charge attack
or how it acts as a way to sprint through the map if you spam it,
giving you an advantage in collecting coins sooner than others
>>98289Pretty sure they're playing on their phones. It must be a huge disadvantage.
I've been chasing after people and they just swing in the air facing away from me, so I think it's some kid hammering on his phone in panic. When there's only two of us left, I like to sit in the centre of the circle while the poison slowly creeps in, and wait for my last foe to come to his death.
>>98292If you get a pet you'll heal by running into it or standing still. Can be useful if you get an unlucky hit at the beginning.
Game is good but once you reach a certain size it's all over. Pretty hard for smaller players to make a comeback. Also noticing that at aztec and beyond you're obviously running into a lot more computer users rather than phone kids. One guy's name was "CNCOwner" heh.
>>98442I have the Vengeance one, but never played it.
Alright, played the Vengeance one for a bit. Didn't like it.
>>98442difficulty spikes are annoying in that shit game.
also i know game like kingdom rush but with sex scenes its called aigis something.
>>98508This guy's channel is good.
>>98562To be fair the zelda formula had been getting stale before skyward sword. Twilight princess wasn't very well received either.
You can't just make the same game over and over again and put a new title on it. Eventually something has got to give.
No.98603 good game heh. You get a little certificate if you win.
>>98562Please no
I hope the cute little Princess Zelda game did well enough; that was a significant departure from the norm
>>98644What he mean wit dis
>>98681They haven't made anything of note since new vegas, 15 years ago. Even that was made with heavy oversight from bethesda (lonesome road was originally the plan for the entire game as imagined by obsidian, and its a terrible dlc).
Obsidian enjoys a very unwarrented good reputation and has been riding on it for over a decade despite flop after flop. How do they do it?
>>98685>Obsidian enjoys a very unwarrented good reputation and has been riding on it for over a decade despite flop after flop. How do they do it?Bethesda hatred and coping for an alternative open world game from the studio(in name only) that gave us the last decent(unmodded) release from one of their IPs.
>Obsidian sucking donkey dick without Chris Avellone means Bethesda made New Vegas what it is
>t. Not Todd Howard
>>98695Chris left Obsidian in 2015. Let's see what games Obsidian made between 2010 (fallout new vegas's release) and 2015, which would have been overseen by him.
>Dungeon Siege 3Mixed reviews on steam. Mediocre garbage.
>South Park: The Stick of TruthNot a terrible game I've heard, but it's basically a meme. Nothing spectacular.
>unannounced game, codenamed North CarolinaSo bad it almost bankrupted the company, forcing them to turn to kickstarter to finance future projects. Never came out as far as I'm aware.
>Pillars of EternityBland, boring CRPG. Funded by kickstarter. Nothing special.
>SkyforgeI had literally never even heard of this prior to reading about it on wikipedia. Some sort of free to play grindathon slop mmo.
Meanwhile Todd came out with Skyrim and Fallout 4, two massive successes people cannot stop talking about even today. The chess club is vindicated. Todd continues winning.
After Chris left Obsidian, they actually made their "dream game" which they advertised as everything they wanted Fallout New Vegas to be. The Outer Worlds.
It's an extremely shitty, DEI filled looter shooter where 90% of the "gameplay" involves watching talking heads ramble on about how oppressed they are. This is what NV would have been without Todd's intervention.
>>98711Amazing, it's like you skimmed google/wiki blurbs to come to this conclusion. You clearly had no clue who Chris Avellone was before Bethesda started shitfucking the Fallout franchise with Fallout """3""". Does he even have a single significant credit for any of those games you mentioned, champ?
>hurr skyrim/fallout 4 sell more gooder, mean more gooder gameYeah, you're a certified retard. Dude, dude, the cattle eats the slop. Therefore, the slop is high in nutrients. Both of those games suck shit as RPGs. They're just clunky action games sold as such.
>Outer WorldsDoesn't matter for the conversation, but I don't give a shit about that game anyway. Has nothing to do with Chris Avellone.
I'd really like to see something about how LR was the original blueprint for NV, because just having the Ulysses nigger as an important Legion-centric companion in the base game doesn't say much of anything, nor does it say Lonesome Road was the blueprint for New Vegas. Van Buren is the original concept depending on how far you want to go back, but even just the Lonesome Road DLC concept saw massive change from conception to release, so it's pretty fucking retarded to credit Bethesda for NV not being shit when you thought LR DLC was. That had le epic 400IQ Todd "Run Around and Smash Things with Axe" Howard Bethesda oversight, champ. Still The the fault of Chris and Obsidian somehow!
>>98713Absolute cope, lmao. Pure distilled contrarianism.
>skyrim is bad because it's popular!>obsidian slop is good because... it just is, okay!?Todd made fun games. Obsidian makes visual novels disguised as video games, when it isn't tripping over its collective feet in attempts to branch into other genres. Simple as. New Vegas was good in spite of Avellone, not because of him. Point to the doll and tell us where Todd touched you.
>>98713Riddle me this since you clearly missed the point of my post.
If Obsidian is so great, and Chris Avellone is such a genius, why is the only memorable game Obsidian supposedly made in the past 15 YEARS the one Bethesda supposedly messed with so much that Chris felt obligated to release an unofficial patch/mod (it sucks) because he was so butthurt about that heavy handed intervention?
Why does Dungeon Siege 3 suck?
Why does Pillars of Eternity suck?
Why is literally the only Obsidian game released in the past two decades people talk about Fallout New Vegas?
Let's face the facts. Chris is a hack who knows how to turn a sob story to his benefit and nothing more. Fallout NV is a pretty fun game for its time but it is a Bethesda game first and foremost.
>>98714>>skyrim is bad because it's popular!>Both of those games suck shit as RPGs. They're just clunky action games sold as suchI explained as much, but I will expound for you since you're clearly a sped. They keep minimizing RPG elements in these Todd Howard swing-axe action games with every iteration. What you want is a lip-strumming action-oriented power fantasy for absolute dipshits like yourself, not a RPG. You think RPGs are "90% of the gameplay involves watching talking heads ramble on about how oppressed they are" just because you read at a high-school level well into your 30s, retard.
What's really happening is that the world space is being fleshed out through dialogue and attempting to challenge your conception of that world. You prefer games with nearly no actual choices that you can spam left-click or A through like Skyrimjob and Fallout 4faggots because you have brain damage. You are niggercattle through and through, which is why games are growing worse in general. They're trying to appeal to total fucking retards like you.
To summarize your argument, you're saying that taking RPG games and turning them into clunky action shite is le good because you can't fire more than one neuron off at a time before you short-circuit.
>le any amount of exposition involving choices is... le VN!!!1Yeah, can't wait for those microplastics to kill you. Fucking idiot.
>>98716>retard troll that was already addressedDrink bleach, ESL nigger.
>>98718Utterly BTFO by Todd's throbbing dick. Your pet VN company will never amount to anything, and is now just another property of Microsoft.
>>98720You post like a soyteen nigger and your shit's all retarded.
>>98717Alright I'll bite one last time, you tard.
>What's really happening is that the world space is being fleshed out through dialogue and attempting to challenge your conception of that world. You prefer games with nearly no actual choicesAlright. What choices do you get in New Vegas? You start off in goodsprings, and you walk down a canyon to new vegas, then decide between three ostensibly evil factions and one secret one right at the end of the game. Sort of a pick your ending thing. Up until that point the game is effectively a rail shooter. In New Vegas the player has zero agency over the plot. He is just a witness to it. A vehicle by which a fairly intricate story is told. But that's it.
That sort of storytelling, isn't an rpg. It's visual novel storytelling. It's like reading a novel, you're reading about important things happening to other people, like caesar and mister house, and you're largely just a witness to that save for picking which one you like more and getting a little parade at the end. Katawa Shoujo has similar gameplay.
Thankfully New Vegas is saved (at least for one playthrough) by the fact that Todd forced it to be somewhat open world and gave it pretty fun gunplay.
Meanwhile, in the games you decry and being for nigger cattle, like skyrim, the player has total agency over his actions and the plot. Where do you want to go? Wherever the fuck you want. Take a cart to Solstiem at level 1 if you want to. What do you want to do? Want to be a thief? A warrior? A mage? Do you want to climb a mountain? You can do that. There's no deathclaw walls preventing you.
You might argue the plots are less intricate as a result. Maybe that's the case. But it's a roleplaying game, rather than visual novel. You are playing a role in the game. You are an agent of the world, not an observer. If you do the main quest you are in fact the most important agent of that world. Not Ulfric, not Parthanaxx, you. It's your story, your adventure, and you can tell the story you want to tell without needing someone to write one out for you and deliver it via talking heads droning on about bears and boars through a respirator.
>>98722>Sort of a pick your ending thingThe most reductive shit ever posted. You may as well say that about all RPGs. Crawl back to the playpen at the beginning of Fallout 3 because that's where actual fucking retards like you belong.
>Meanwhile, in the games you decry and being for nigger cattle, like skyrim, the player has total agency over his actions and the plot>You might argue the plots are less intricate as a resultNo, a
lot less. You do not have any say in how the story goes, you're just watching a movie with more steps. You're just a zoomer dipshit with zero reference or taste. Even the combat progression is gimped, which should have been the one saving grace from the swing-axe manlet who gets height-mogged at awards shows even by zipperhead women from a culture whose dogshit "RPGs" somehow miss the point less than his do.
>Not Ulfric, not Parthanaxx [sic](haven't played this game in years and still know you butchered this dumbass fantasy name LMFAO, zoom-zoom-zoom!)
Ironically, these are just about the only two "choices" you can make, who wins the war and whether Paarthurnax lives or not, and neither of them have any real effect on the game world. You are a retard playing a clunky action game for retards. You will never understand why RP-- sorry, "VN" fans shit on Todd Howard games and prefer worlds with actual choices. Keep consuming that microplastic-laden slop, nigger.
>>98723>zoom-zoom-zoomLol. I'm nearly 40 years old. I doubt zoomers even know what new vegas is.
Nah I'm done. Enjoy your vns I guess. Put some cream on that butthole, you sound like you need it.
>>98724>Lol. I'm nearly 40 years oldSo you just have early-onset dementia. Congratulations, faggot. Still find it hard to believe, because you thought Obsidian started with New Vegas. And no, zoomies like you definitely know what it is.
>Nah I'm done. Enjoy your vns I guess. Put some cream on that butthole, you sound like you need it.Translation: "I don't have a cogent argument so I concede, but I will still project my anal prolapse onto you in a pallid attempt to cheer myself up ;'("
Kill yourself loser.
>>98725You post like a methhead. Lay off the speed you're gunna give yourself a heart attack boomer.
>>98726>still no argumentYou post like you're nodding off. Hopefully you choke on your own spit and vomit.
>>98723Why do you want to be making all the choices? The writer who has a unique artistic vision ought to be guiding the experience of an artwork
>>98728Sorry, but that's a clueless and retarded response. Making all the actions? What do you mean, fuckface? So! We have games like Fallout New Vegas, Icewind Dale, etc. and you're questioning the writers' competence when you should consider your own. You have a staggeringly wide amount of choice in real RPGs. How many times do I have to tell you complete morons that we are comparing apples to oranges at this point?
>wh-why d-d-do you want to make decisions...?I'm sorry, but that's literal cattlespeak. You want an action game with two branching paths. That's like picking between Republicans and Democrats. Then you reduce everything else, including New Vegas with wide variance in ending, down to a stub.
well if you can make a better game then lets see you make one, or you just wanna be bitchin ah say
>>98728This is the excuse retards like Nomura use to write some of the worst shit I've ever seen in a video game.
The last game Chris Avellone worked on was pathfinder WOTR which I really liked btw.
>>98729>icewind dale>choicesLmao. Game barely even has a plot. Straight up adnd dungeon crawler.
Not a bad game but it's more like a jrpg in gameplay. Maybe if you had said Planescape Torment you'd have a point.
Icewind Dale mentioned. I haven't played for a bit, I got fucked up in the lizard cave a couple times heh
>>98722I assume you are trolling, but I like to complain anyway.
>Alright. What choices do you get in New Vegas? You start off in goodsprings, and you walk down a canyon to new vegas, then decide between three ostensibly evil factions and one secret one right at the end of the game. Sort of a pick your ending thing. Up until that point the game is effectively a rail shooter. In New Vegas the player has zero agency over the plot. He is just a witness to it. A vehicle by which a fairly intricate story is told. But that's it.In New Vegas you can go anywhere from the outset, and there are more than 3 factions. You don't even have to sit through a tutorial. You, in fact, have a lot of agency over the plot, and directly decide the fate of the region, both as you progress through the game and in the ending slides you get. You are never railroaded in New Vegas. A good example to demonstrate this is the number of essential NPCs in New Vegas: Only the children are essential and they were probably forced into doing that. Unlike Bethesda, Obsidian wasn't afraid of giving you free reign and they actually thought of what would happen if you did kill important NPCs.
>Meanwhile, in the games you decry and being for nigger cattle, like skyrim, the player has total agency over his actions and the plot. Where do you want to go? Wherever the fuck you want. Take a cart to Solstiem at level 1 if you want to. You have literally no agency over the plot in Skyrim. The main quest is extremely linear, the faction quests are extremely linear, the civil war is such a joke that it has practically no impact on the world. You can't even kill the Jarls and they just spend their life in the Blue Palace's basement like losers if you defeat them, practically indifferent to the player character's actions, since Emil would cry if you locked yourself out of the quests he wrote. Wouldn't want you "making paper airplanes" out of his "wonderful stories" after all. Actually the Jarls probably remain essential, because you can swap holds during the truce negotiation, and the idiots at Bethesda couldn't be bothered to create a contingency in case one of them died. It's insane how you can even kill the emperor in this game and nothing in the story changes at all. Speaking of which, the only "choice" this game gives you is the ability to destroy the dark brotherhood or not. In every other case it's their way or the highway. They don't give you multiple choices, and they don't give you multiple ways to deal with said choices either. Because of how little impact one event has on another the world doesn't feel "alive".
>What do you want to do? Want to be a thief? A warrior? A mage? The class system is removed, so you can't be any of those things actually.
>Do you want to climb a mountain? You can do that. They got rid of levitate and acrobatics, so good luck with that.
>There's no deathclaw walls preventing you.Yeah the world is instead scaled to your level, which is retarded.
>You might argue the plots are less intricate as a result. Maybe that's the case. But it's a roleplaying game, rather than visual novel. You are playing a role in the game. You are an agent of the world, not an observer. If you do the main quest you are in fact the most important agent of that world. Not Ulfric, not Parthanaxx, you. It's your story, your adventure, and you can tell the story you want to tell without needing someone to write one out for you and deliver it via talking heads droning on about bears and boars through a respirator.I don't think you know what an RPG is, Emil. Skyrim is a great sandbox game with mods, but vanilla is dogshit. And I mean actual mods, not creation club crap for console-niggers.
>>98735The game can be pretty tough, especially if you aren't used to adnd.
You people probably cannot imagine the hatred I feel towards the bootlicks of this system. Every consumerist cocksucker just needs to face the wall. These bugmen do not have anything in them. Absolutely soulless. This kind of thing really makes me believe in gnostic classification of human beings, these are hylics. What's worse is that these people think they are unique. They will pretend like they are, of course, not special, that nothing matters in this universe, spouting atheistic drivel. But they want to be something in their shitty lives.
You just cannot imagine how hard it is for me to contain my anger and not become another mass shooter. If there was a chance to kill some company employees of high rank, I'd do it without hesitation. Not random people, not random niggers or kikes in the synagogue, just these people. Doesn't matter what race they are. I would just straight up murder them. They are insufferable, they need to be culled. Those genes would never survive in a different environment.
>>98740Kill yourself incel. This is a video game thread.
>>98741Those are rational feelings about modern video games.
>>98734Maybe learn what etc. means, retarded fucking nigger.
>>98756No, I only learned a couple days ago the game even existed, since it showed up on the front page of steam. I couldn't care less about it.
>>98756I think it's kinda endearing how they are just saying they like their audience. Of course I know nothing about civ, so maybe they're about to drop a bunch of nignog bs on the game or something and that's why they're preemptively fellating their audience.
I don't know about anyone else but I'm all checked out of what's current in games. I am still working thru a backlog of old remarkable games / things that I have nostalgia for like Gameboy stuff. I've dug myself into an autistic niche and I'm comfy here as far as passive media goes
>>98774Same here for the most part (
>>97133) though I'll try an indie or whatever if it seems interesting.
The newest games I've played were Daggerfall Unity (
>>93937), Moonring (
>>97970) and Shiren (
>>97822) which were all released in the 2020s (although Daggerfall is originally from 1996 and Shiren from 2010).
>>98772Not sure why you'd play it on playstation rather than pc. Really awkward port.
>>98773It seems fine. Like every other civ game. They made the American leader tubman which seems fitting since America is a nation of niggers.
>>98774What's on your backlog anon?
>>98781Legends of Amberland I think. Played a few games but that one really stood out.
>>98741Look how defensive you get over this. Malfunctioning NPC. No, YOU kill yourself. You should have been flushed down the toilet.
>>98778Lots of old jrpgs like the ultima games, phantasy star, a bunch of stuff bandai namco made, action games in sword and sorcery settings like golden axe, ds puzzle and point and click games like professor layton. Really just a way of getting in touch with the things I loved as a kid. I've played a little of each of these but am enjoying leisurely getting thru more on most systems from retro up until the ps3
>>98773>so maybe they're about to drop a bunch of nignog bs on the game or something and that's why they're preemptively fellating their audience.You guess it, buddy. Here's a hint: They took down that video after a single day.
>>98812Not seeing a Chris Avellone credit for Avowed. Guess you're just a retarded faggot.
>>98815You will never be a woman.
>launch lunacid for first time
>watch opening cutscene
hey this seems like a fromsoft dark fantasy game, why were people complaining ab–
>character creation
>pronoun selection
>>98927>pronoun selectionIt's over. Hopefully this will be curtailed by next decade.
>>98928i will still give it a go because it might be minimal gender clown politics and have good gameplay, but it is immediately grating to see that bullshit. looked like i was picking my fucking outer space name with that selector.
Picked forsaken start which is like deprived in Fromsoft games. First go I killed this non-hostile milk snail thing easily and got an ice sickle (lol so funny haha!), then got rocked by something that looked like a louse that can shoot lasers. Now I keep getting one-shot by the milk snail because it is moving erratically once I start fighting it. It keeps turning away to run, then turns around and shoots a projectile if I'm too far away or bites me if I'm close enough (which it does before it is fully facing me and keeps catching me off-guard).
That beginning area loops back around and you meet some OC donut steal demon girl (maybe tranny dev self-insert, named Demi which is probably short for demisexual) that kills the aesthetic when you complete it, who then teleports you to a vendor hub. Milk snail didn't drop the weapon again. Found a ring that lets you shoot fireballs.
>>98938>>98939What game are you referring to?
Female MCs when they're done wrong are just cringe. See the trailer: didn't they at least get her to tie her white unkempt sheboon hair in a ponytail while she's doing all that running, jumping and climbing the entire game? Elena from Street Fighter is more believable. This is not.
>>98978Females should not be represented in any media, period.
>>98981>Females should not be represented in any mediaAgreed. They already get enough attention.
>>98983Wanting to watch women do woman things in media sounds gay to me, anon. I bet you're one of those guys who rolls a female character in a video game "because he doesn't want to stare at man ass".
>>98984Different poster, but I do that sometimes.
>>98982>>98981Especially in porn!
>playing with friends>playing in 1st personThen a man needs to play a man
>playing with strangers>playing in 3rd personThen roll with a female and enjoy a more aesthetic ass on your screen
>>99011It's not as clear-cut due to MMOs. I made both male and female characters on WoW and other games with cute female player characters, but I never catfished anyone and immediately told anyone who hit on me under the assumption they believed I was a woman that I was actually a man. I also played FFXIV exclusively as female characters, but that's more because you can only have one character per server without paying extra. I played a bit before they got added, but I'm not gonna not play a viera after they're added just because they're female and I'm not. Tall, Amazon bunny girls are my favorite FF race. They added male viera later, but those are clearly for fujoshi freaks.
Playing a girl motivates me to play a game, because I want to get new gear to dress up my character. Some men just have a drive to create their own Galatea.
>>99014That's a really good way to phrase it. A character is either you or your Galatea
In VRchat I run around as this little guy
>>98983People, who play as female characters are actual subhumans and closeted homosexuals coping. Deeply repressed troons.
>>99038Sounds like projection. It's OK if you are a suggestible simpleton and personally lack the mental fortitude not to troon out from using a female avatar, but I don't believe most men have this problem.
>>99039 here, i wish i was a little girl :(
>>99040Keep projecting, champ.
>>99039>>99040This... Is not looking good, sister.
>>99043Oh no, did it hit too close home?
I am so sorry, you can continue self-inserting as that character of yours and play dress up I guess. Just keep it all together or you might end like avid.
>>99044You're only making yourself look sick in the head lol. Carry on with the self-sabotage, no skin off my dick.
>>99045>l-lolJust come out, xister.
>>99046You should lay off the porn intake. Doing so might solve your autogynephilia problem.
>>99047Porn? I was the one projecting according to you, how come you are doing that now?
Is the egg cracking?
>>99048>n-n-no u-u...Not seeing what you believe me to be projecting about. I'm not the mentally ill faggot airing its anxiety about trooning out over using female avatars.
>>99049>I'm not the mentally ill faggot airing its anxiety about trooning out over using female avatarsSettle down, xista. It's a well-documented fact. Those that do have them are indeed deviants. It's highly likely that you are one yourself, otherwise you wouldn't react so strongly to these statements. I am not judging, don't worry.
You go, girl!
>>99053>literally admits there is no data>just another faggot projecting gut feeling just like youLike I said, try cutting back on pornography. Autogynephilia isn't a normal reaction to seeing depictions of women.
>>99054Not that guy, but playing a female character in a game isn't just seeing a depiction of a woman, it's depicting yourself, your avatar in the game, as a woman. This sort of thing imprints on people. Feline used to talk about it when he was in his vrchat phase.
>tee hee, don't hit on me silly boys I'm a b-boy irl>>99011Should be the opposite. Portraying yourself as female to others will colour thier perceptions of you, and reinforce the proteus effect when they start treating you like a chick.
>>99071>it's depicting yourselfOnly according to you. I've picked both male and female avatars with zero variance on my gameplay between them for decades and I'm still superstraight. I haven't started thinking I'm an 8-foot-tall minotaur the same as I also don't think I'm a 5'4 elf woman or 2-foot-tall gnome.
>some homosexual who probably died of AIDS liked catfishing other degenerates...!So?
>studies prove some people are suggestible retardsOK, and? If you're a suggestible retard prone to feelings of autogynephilia, then don't play female characters I guess. The researchers even mention that it's a small effect (and I never said suggestible retards don't exist), so thinking it's the rule is wrong.
>>99073I'm sorry anon, you might actually be retarded.
>>99076Not an argument. Good luck with your gender identity struggles, faggot.
>>99077You're the only one grappling with your gender identity, xister. Otherwise why would you be leading men on by pretending to be a girl in a video game...
>>99078I don't lead anyone on because, as I previously mentioned, I make it abundantly clear that I'm a man on the rare occasion some suggestible retard such as yourself tries to hit on me because my avatar is female.
>>99079>flash your naked anime girl ass at a bunch of other men>I-I'm a boy! Don't hit on me...Uh huh. Not homosexual at all.
There is definitely some degree of truth that anime/video games cause AGP. It is known that during adolescence a lot of people develop weird sexual thoughts due to surging hormones, and normally this would probably only be a phase/private kink before the cult of trannyism really took off. People really under estimate the effect of this IMO. It used to be common knowledge. It's even something they would teach you in health class. So when they say "kids can't be turned gay" or whatever, they're lying and they know it. My hypothesis is permanent physiological changes can occur during this period. We should also remember than a lot of trannies are autistic and autists are drawn to nerd shit, so the cause and effect is probably reversed a lot of the time. As in, AGP-inclined men are attracted to anime/video games, rather than caused by it in some cases.
>>99071>it's depicting yourselfI was thinking about this recently in regards to camera controls of all things. See, in a lot of games I play with inverted camera controls. Why? Because I'm thinking in terms of where the camera would point towards after rotation, not where my character would be looking. I suspect people who play with standard controls are more likely to identify with their character. While I wouldn't play as a girl in a live tabletop game or anything, because it would be weird, even when I'm roleplaying I consider there to be a separation between myself and my character. I think "My character would do X", but they aren't a stand-in for my real self in anyway.
>>99082>even when I'm roleplaying I consider there to be a separation between myself and my characterI think a lot of people really get into the role when they roleplay. Same thing happens with actors, when they play a certain character. The end up becoming that character, thinking like them.
Even if you set down that role after and go back to your normal life, I have to think that it would still have some lasting effect on you, especially if it's in a social context. A person might get used to thinking of themselves as a girl, and being treated as a girl by others, and might decide they like that, even if it's just something to have a giggle about.
The whole thing probably wouldn't even be on the radar but there's a massive industry built around taking these small delusions and blowing them up into full blown psychosis, and then feeding those poor fools expensive drugs and medical procedures to enable their fetish. Takes something pretty harmless and turns it into something nightmarish.
>>99085I don't know, I think quite a few actors suck at their profession and instead get type-casted as idealized versions of themselves.
>>99080>>noo you can't let your bros goon to your avatar because it's le wrongInsecure, puritan beta-male
Debating if I should waste time finishing a scatterbrained review of Lunacid. The first area fit the vintage Fromsoft dark fantasy feel well, as did some later zones, but the tranny dev cracks begin to show early on. There is one novel mechanic the game brings to the table, which is having things be affected by real-world moon phases. Unfortunately, this mechanic affects very few facets of the game. As far as I'm aware, only these three things are:
>item needed for one of the endings only spawns on a full moon
>a titanite demon-inspired enemy has less max HP the closer to a full moon Earth is, but there are only 3 of them in the game (afaik) and one apparently has fixed HP
>lunacy (a modifier to damage dealt, damage taken and XP gained that builds up the more spells are cast without visiting bonfires) seems to accumulate faster the closer to a full moon Earth is
Should've added that what the tranny dev could have done to flesh the mechanic out a bit is make it act like world tendency from Demon's Souls. New moon could be like black tendency, where all enemies are harder (and some spawns are swapped) instead of just the two titanite demons, and full moon could have the inverse effect.
The time trial levels on Spyro Reignited are unironically making me want to kill the developers. They're so fucking bad.
>>99079Holy shit, xista, the denial and damage control. You are a repressed hysterical troon, like anyone else, who defends this. No amount of your cancerous /v/edditor NPC scripts and attempts at deflecting will make you NOT one. Point the finger at people calling you out and screech, but this won't make it any more bearable for your own existence and inner struggles. This kind of question was raised for a while and I just get more and more convinced that female avatar = huge red flag. Always some kind of an insufferable, predictable, detestable downie sperg in a basement. It's always a variation of pathetic petty bugman behind it prone to autistic fits. Sad excuse of a man with no discipline. If there's a way to measure a human being's quality, it's this. It's like blatantly telling to everyone "i am an ugly, dysgenic underdeveloped baboon and in order to escape from my ugliness and miserable reality, i will pick an avatar of a foid and pretend like it's my waifu hahaha, she's so smexy amirite bros, haha, i can't get a real one, but at least i will have one here in front of my computer screen, my perfect girl! woman of my dreams!
she's literally me"
That's very concerning, honestly.
Let me put it this way, it was always like this:
You are a male?
You play as a male character and pick an avatar of one.You are a female?
You play as a female character and pick an avatar of one.Doesn't mean someone is a "suggestible retard prone to autogynephilia" to find it weird for someone to do the opposite. I genuinely find it disgusting. If anything that's you judging by the behavior. Utter genetic refuse, closeted faggot and a subhuman. You are exactly that cumbrained type, but desperately trying to hide it. Nature has a way to weed out people like you however, so I am content.
>>99079I've spent 90% of my time playing WoW with a male avatar, but in the 10% of playing a female I've never had anyone hit on me ever. What games are filled with horny retards that actually think that female characters are played by females?
>>99319The dude in your image made his perfect waifu. He is yang and the yin of his character is attractive. It would only be weird if he was playing with his friends regularly as a female character
>>99321>I've spent 90% of my time playing WoW with a male avatar, but in the 10% of playing a female I've never had anyone hit on me ever. What games are filled with horny retards that actually think that female characters are played by females?This is something that seemed to happen a lot more in the 2000s. There also seemed to be more simps willing to give you stuff back then to.
>>99324>This is something that seemed to happen a lot more in the 2000s. There also seemed to be more simps willing to give you stuff back then toThat explains why I never experienced it. I was on WoW retail from '06-'10 as male characters, and from '11-'13 I was on private servers as male characters
It was in 2020 that I joined a private server again and made my first ever female character. Ironically I made a female character because I just utterly stopped giving a fuck (masculine energy)
Ironically it was through a female paladin that masculinity could best be expressed, whereas a male who feels the need to only play males expresses only insecurity
>>99324I remember some dude in my guild would pretend to be a girl and men would gift him shit. He didn't even put much effort into it, just having a female blood elf avatar was enough seemingly. I never thought much of it at the time because trannies hadn't been invented yet, but I hope that fella is alright.
>>99324I played both male and female characters since the beginning of vanilla and I can count on one hand how many times some desperate, dysgenic retard thought I was a woman just from being on a female toon.
>>99430Assets are arguably more important than the code in a game. They most likely released it to make it easier for the modders.
Thought Dolls Frontline 2 was just coomer Xcom, but it turns out it's a shitty gotcha game.
>>99514With a name like that, you should have known better.
>>99467This game is a pain in the ass. If one of your "Wielder"s dies it takes 5 rounds and 5k gold to revive them, but I swear the enemy doesn't follow the same rules and once you defeat their Wielder's army (which will often be numerically as powerful as yours) they're back in play just a few turns later at full strength. They also have way more powerful magic than you do at this point which feels like bullshit heh
I'm about to beat the 4th(!) stage finally but it was only after a ton of relentless back and forth having to lose and retake territories over and over again. Even with half the map under my control I can hardly produce units fast enough to keep up with their army respawning so quickly heh
As much as it's griefing me I feel like it's pretty well balanced, now that my units are fully upgraded I'm slowly gaining the edge in the encounters and will likely be able to win decisively before too long. Feels goodman
>>99516I expected coomer XCOM, not coomer XCOM with poor balance and an emphasis on microtransactions.
>>99564I know of a "coomer" XCOM, but you're a frognigger so get fucked lol
>>99622It probably sucks too and doesn't even have permadeath.
>>99628Sour grapes faggot lmao
>>99630suck these sour grapes avid *whips out balls*
>>99631>hurr durr gay sex methaphurrNice self-own, faggot
Are old games better than new games or is it just nostalgia? I honestly lean towards the former but I'm interested to hear your opinions on this heh
Maybe it's just more that the novelty of the medium is gone; it's not that new games are all bad per se, it's just that they're competing with many different iterations of existing formulas that were often done extremely well even the first few times out. Will people remember an excellent rpg from the 2020s two or three decades from now like they do some of the SNES greats like Chrono Trigger or Final Fantasy "3"?
>>99681Depends on the games. Older AAA titles used to have a lot more polish, and it felt like they tried to push the envelope a lot more especially technologically. Newer big titles mostly just ride on nostalgia for old ips like fallout or dragon age or the reputations of the studios making them and are extremely mediocre cash grabs. Back in the day, these studios were all very new and there weren't a lot of big name ips to leech off so devs were more experimental. Sometimes that backfired and you got some absolutely awful games like daikatana but othertimes it turned out well.
I think the good thing about the modern game ecosystem is that smaller AA devs and indie developers have a lot more freedom to make good games, without being burdened by having to find publishers. In the past you had to put a physical cd on a store shelf, which meant indie devs weren't really a thing and there was a lot of meddling and censorship and other garbage when companies tried to get their games published. Now you just put your game on some online store like steam or the nintendo store and call it good. As a result we've seen an explosion of indie developers and some really fantastic games have come out (and a whole lot of shovelware) as a result. Generally I'd say anything innovative or interesting is created in that sphere now rather than in the hands of big companies.
I think when people make blanket statements like "new games suck" they're either fixated on big heavily advertised games from megacorps like microsoft, or they have rose tinted goggles about the past and forget about how many bad games there were back then and how much other crap they had to deal with.
>>99683>I think when people make blanket statements like "new games suck" they're either fixated on big heavily advertised games from megacorps like microsoft, or they have rose tinted goggles about the past and forget about how many bad games there were back then and how much other crap they had to deal with.Usually when I say something like this, it usually pertains to games made by the same company or games made in the same genre. I think I can safely say for example that modern Bethesda games suck and I don't think the indie scene has produced a stand alone game that's half as good as Morrowind.
>>99693If you're looking at the open world action rpg genre specifically, than I think
Skyrim still stands on top nearly a decade later. It's tough for a smaller developer to make a game with that degree of scale. Certain fan projects like tamriel reborn come to mind I guess.
Played quite a few indie games that mog big companies in other genres though. A Hat in Time is superior to banjo kazooie and most 3d platformers made by companies like Nintendo. Genuinely great game that stands with the best. I'm not even really sure what genre Outer Wilds is but it's astonishingly good considering a few people made it. Kenshi was made by one singular guy and it's an extremely well made real time crpg. These are all pretty recent games that I think, had they come out 20 years ago, would have absolutely blown away the competition.
>If you're looking at the open world action rpg genre specifically, than I think Skyrim still stands on top nearly a decade later
Retard detected, opinion discarded
>>99696>If you're looking at the open world action rpg genre specifically, than I think Skyrim still stands on top nearly a decade later.With 13 years of an active mod scene it does. I've played Skyrim a lot, but I really want something completely new.
>>99702It would be nice. I had some hopes for avowed but it looks hilariously bad. Don't think I'll be touching it. Not much else on the radar sadly.
>>99705I look forward to shitting on it.
Noticed ESA is a much better speedrunning event and not full of trannies.
>>99706I honestly can't imagine speed running without trannies, they seem to be ubiquitous to the hobby.
>>99879Probably some Korean MMO
>>99882Crazy to think that a decade ago the trannyism cult had barely just started taking off.
>>99879Crysis still looks amazing to this day. I think in terms of design Skyrim is probably near the top as well. Despite the actual technology being pretty rough, the map designers did a great job at making a realistic feeling world.
No.99896 going to pick this up, it's $3 right now. Feels like this is maybe one of the few RTS games that slid past me back in the day heh
>>99896It's a good game. The best of the stronghold series.