No.92008[Last 50 Posts]
Mummy Milkers EditionYou may live to see shitty remakes beyond your comprehension.
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>>>/lounge/85648Archive: No.92027
why would you bother archiving it chud already routinely archives threads anyway
>>92027Do you seriously just look for dumb shit to cry about all day? Seems like that's your hobby (and it's a pretty effeminate one at that).
>>92027>why would you bother archiving it chudbecause OP is a narcissistic kike
>>92028when was the last time you touched grass soyboy
>>92037>archiving things makes you a narcissistic kikeKike poisoning the well.
>>92043the thread was shit, you thought it was good because you made it, thats narcissistic behaviour
>>92044It's a general, you fucking mongoloid. Expecting it to do anything besides focus discussion on a certain topic is autistic. You should kill yourself for being so stupid. :)
Pretty great how this website has some severely retarded manbaby haunting it, always crying about how shit everything is yet curiously never fucking off to places it actually enjoys posting. What a miserable faggot.
>>92060Didn't ask you what you eat for every meal, twink faggot.
OP's pic reminds me, I need to finish Rebirth even though this "reimagining" starting with Remake has been pretty disrespectful of the original and extremely stupid in some ways (when Zack throws a big slab of rebar and concrete to down a helicopter in the opening minutes of the game it was just so retarded I almost turned it off right there heh). It has its based aspects though too; good voice acting, music, design and visuals in general-and its sense of humor really shines at times. Controversial game.
>>92066It was bullshit that
they retconned Zack's death.I'm so sick of fiction creators being afraid to be genuinely impactful and controversial.
Been playing a lot of BTD6 lately. My brothers ask me to play it almost every day. Wish I could get them to play DRG during this Halloween event. Been telling them the holidays are the best time to play since you get double XP so long as you finish the mission with the holiday collectible deposited. Oh well, hope they come around within the last week of the event.
>>92163That's some shitty throwaway mod platform game, though. Total War is better than that at the very least.
>>92072Love that series lol.
Thank you for archiving based op, I wish the old threads were archived. I think they're still on the board but I can't find the post about how many copies of the original Final Fantasy 7 Tifa's boobs were worth in gigabytes lol heh
Oh, didn't even realize. I think that's the girl character I was just talking about in the thumbnail.
I love Deep Rock Galactic, but I fervently hate DRG: Survivor. It's so fucking bad. Hopefully Rogue Core will be tolerable.
>>92503Lol, did you review it like 6 months ago or whatever? I remember reading something you or someone else posted. I played quite a bit of DRG:S. I watched a clip of a guy playing the game and he started talking about how it's all about luck (maybe both "luck" and the actual attribute "Luck" or w/e) and I thought what he was saying made sense and so I chased the high rarity rolls every time I could. Anyway I played that when it came out but haven't played in months or something. I guess I must not have actually bought the game (just torrented). Dropping $10AU to buy it is no biggie. I thought it was fun for a while, fun grind and skinnerbox gameplay loop whatevs.
Roguelites can be really addictive, like I mentioned before Against the Storm is crazy addictive, the new fishing DLC even more so it seems.
>>92519Yeah, I had an autistic meltdown about it in an older thread. They really should close the gap between rarity values a bit. Common being a fifth of legendary is terrible. I don't like some of the new achievements with this update either. There is one for picking luck 5 times in a single run. At best, I've been able to select it 3 times. Another is for killing 3 hoarders, also in a single run. Pure RNG bullshit like the rest of the game. The trampolines on the newest map are fun I guess.
>>92287I'm anal about pixel graphics sometimes...
rec me a FPS
There is a new PvE MMO called Brighter Shores that just released into early access. It's made by the creator of RuneScape and appears to be similar in a lot of ways. Apparently, skills are semi-gated between "episodes". You only grind them on the episode they're from and they have little impact on episodes outside of their own. I'll have to play it a bit myself and figure out a better way to describe it.
>>92872So far, it feels awful. Feels like every other character is a shitskin, too. Saw they have a hijab in character creation lol.
Playing some more Brighter Shores. It's pretty fucking bad so far. I'm running around looking for someplace to sell or store all these fish I caught (items have separate banks and shops based on what skill they're associated with). The map is also segmented into separate cells almost like Bethesda games. You can see linked cells, but you have no clue what is in them until you enter. I went into another cell while looking for how to deal with my fish without just dropping them and immediately entered combat with a strong enemy that I was unable to flee from and subsequently died. This game also seems to just be clunkier than RuneScape overall. It's pretty much RuneScape but bad. There was a joke MMO that was around for a little while called Genfanad that was purposefully tedious since it was a parody of RuneScape and even that was less annoying than this has been so far.
I think I just got perma banned from a cetain online game heh. Was way too high and fucking up the game for everyone sorta not on purpose.
Well, I can safely say Brighter Shores is dogshit. The few parts of RuneScape that were fun, like acquiring expensive items and finding silly dialogue, are missing from this. The design philosophy behind this game was to make RuneScape but replace what charm it had with more tedium. RuneScape isn't known for looking pretty either, but it has more character than this pile of shit.
>>92875What game?
There isn't even any reason to socialize in this game. Holy shit. I don't know who thought this was a good idea.
>>92892I'm kinda embarassed about it lol. Will gather my thoughts...
>>93034you don't have any crypto tho, you spent it all on meth and male hookers
>>93050Having methed up sex with male hookers is GOOD retard!
>>93031warez is a liability (exceptions may be older known releases and cracks that are open source (rare))
proprietaryslop is a liability too (automatic (((cloud))) opt-in, (((online accounts))) with personal data, (((telemetry))) listing all open files, system processes etc.) is a must on wangblow to prevent programs from doing weird shit with their (((online functionality))) and ur mum can't use something like that.
wangblow users must block the shell in firewall - because the software they use is either warez or corpojeet (((appstore))) shovel-ware that cannot be trusted in any way by default.
that is an absurd premise on it's own and a justification why complicated containerization, isolation and permission systems bullshit like flatpaks and snapapps are being shilled on loonix by corpodrones because u (((need))) (((ENTERPRISE SOLUTION(TM) MOBILE-DEVICE-ANDROID-APPLIANCE-LIKE SAFETY))) to run /usr/bin/gawk
>>93031What would the function of outbound connections normally be?
>>93081For the average person, none.
>>93123There is no legitimate reason for most software to be doing that.
>Brighter Shores gets criticized for being a shittier version of RuneScape
>>93237I vibed out to this based video multiple times in one day a few months ago
(and I never left the beginner town heh)
I just like the music, mang
>>93074>>93123I've been using simplewall on wangblows too. It's unfortunate that I still need to use wangblows at all. I have every filter on, block almost every outbound connection, and everything is still perfectly functional. Stuff like online games are the only thing I've had to whitelist.
>>93270Yeah, occasionally. Haven't tried out the new steam version yet. Game is a timesink I can't afford right now.
Last time I played seriously was back in world 3. Usually hermit these days.
Someone gifted me baldurs gate 3 on steam. It's actually pretty good. Reminds me a lot of dragon age origins.
Very kind gift.
I really want to play Diablo 2 all of a sudden. Unsure if I should buy resurrected or not, but it is tempting me. It will be the first game I buy in 16 years if I do.
>>93283Just play the og game on gameranger with your bros. It aged well.
>>93283One of my buddies got D2R and talked about playing it a bunch while he was on winter break from teaching. I got it and he never logged on during that time lol. Even advised him not to buy it since he doesn't have the attention span nor time. Still haven't played Resurrected myself.
Wondering if it's worth making a highly simplified WYSIWYG 3D editor similar Unreal Editor, Unity Editor and Godot Editor, where you can just click and drag stuff in the viewport and save the changes. (I refuse to use an existing engine, I don't care if Godot is open source, for instance a 2011 laptop with a Core i7-2677M, 16GB RAM and SSD remains perfectly capable today but couldn't run Godot games due to lack of OpenGL 3.3 support, and Direct3D9 is perfectly sufficient for my needs). The old-school way of just making a debug build where you have on-screen info overlay, in-game console, debug mode keybindings, HUD above all game objects and so on just seems a bit cumbersome in the development workflow. Maybe I'll give it a go, if I don't complete anything functional within a few days then I'll just have to settle for the debug build approach.
>>93284It aint the same without
>>93291I expect I will probably play it a lot for a month or so, and not touch the game again for a long time. I have the inexplicable urge to farm for runes on HC ladder.
>>93312It's a cool idea in it's own right. It's not an issue if you were to make it yourself, but one thing I hate about game engines is that placing objects via UI makes it difficult for me to think about it in code. You spawn a thing and it has it's own properties and script attached to it automatically, but it's hard to know where it belongs or what parameters it has. This was especially a problem for me in Godot where the documentation is often bad and sometimes it was just straight-up bugged, or I might end up having issues just because I didn't check/uncheck something in the UI.
>>93312Nvm figured it out. Doing both sort of. Editor tool will be more like a level editor w/ 3D grid that loads terrain models and object models to adjust and save the quantities and locations of all these objects, triggers and camera locations and will export all this data with unique identifiers into a JSON file. For now I think logic/scripts/events should still be hardcoded in C++, I'm not yet convinced about Lua and whether there would be any boost to my productivity in the long run to use it so that scripts are also embedded in these JSON files, will have to research more on that.
>>93337This setup would be cool for a simulation of James Fields trying to push through a violent crowd with his Dodge Challenger for fear of his life.
>>93331HC PK was one of my favorite things in gaming ever.
No.93477 new warcraft 1 and 2 remasters, and 2.0 patch for warcraft 3 refunded all use ai generated upscaled assets. Including seemingly, concept art.
I didn't think even blizzard would stoop to such lows. Horrifying.
Still playing Boring Chores, though I mostly just log on to refresh my passive alchemy farm these days (every skill gets one at level 20, though some take resources to maintain e.g. fishing takes a passively-foraged bait and cooking takes the passively-fished reward; first passive farm that alchemy gets fortunately requires nothing).
>>93477doesn't matter, gamers are retards and will continue to give all their money to activision-blizzard because they're a brand, similar to how women are retards and will continue to give all their money to apple and various clothing and makeup brands
>>93429I've found people to play with. I think it's just more dead than usual, because ladder resets in a few days. If you want to hop on, I will likely only be able to play 2 days a week. anyway.
>>93486Very true, very true.
After taking 7ish hours straight to unlock the first offline farm for alchemy (level 20) on a second character, Brighter Shores is still just as shit as I thought it was after the first couple hours (at 25 hours now). They did a couple small QoL updates, like letting you do the first interaction with nodes in a single click instead of the minimum two clicks they had at launch and adding minimal minimap movement (both of these are stock controls on RuneScape lol). This shit has the tedium of an office job, yet is somehow even less stimulating.
>>93565You are going to be playing HC ladder, right? I might hold off until the reset to play.
>>93573>You are going to be playing HC ladder, right? I might hold off until the reset to play.Yeah. It resets in 10 days and each season is 4 months I think.
>>93332 (cont.)
I see zero benefit in using Lua to handle the game scripting portion instead of hot-reloading C++ DLLs.
Initially I made the following assumption in the typical development iterative cycles where you're modifying changes in your code and testing them in-game:
Typical Lua script reloading iteration steps
1. edit code
2. save lua file
3. click game
4. press reload script hotkey
Typical C++ DLL reloading iteration steps
1. edit code
2. save C++ file
3. click terminal
4. recompile dll
5. click game
6. press reload DLL hotkey
A theoretically 50% faster workflow seemed enticing for me to use Lua. Increased productivity from a streamlined workflow is advantageous, it adds up when you're iterating like hundreds if not thousands of time over small changes (e.g. adjusting character model position coordinates in world space). But now I'm realizing I still need some way to check whether the Lua code I write or modify is syntactically correct, with means using a linter like luacheck, thus negating the supposed fewer steps benefit of Lua. So I'm settling for using C++ for everything, not just the game engine's core functions and data structures.
>>93598I can't really play til Monday probably.
>>93600Alright. Just taking it slow anyway.
You can't disable the mature language filter, by the way. Pretty comical for a rated M game about humanity getting mass raped and murdered. Really hate how speech has been getting cracked down on more and more over the years when blocking and filtering have been around forever. People are pussies and want to feel better about themselves by lording a tiny shred of authority over others for any petty reason whatsoever.
Also I'm NA, if that matters for latency.
>>93623>You can't disable the mature language filterCan't remember how that worked in classic. I found that it's still pretty permissive about what you can name yourself, both in terms of vulgarity, and how it doesn't really care about what keyboard characters you use. You can use different languages, underscores, whatever.
>Also I'm NA, if that matters for latency.I'm in NA too, but since I'm not playing this game on dial-up in 2001 anymore I don't know how much it matters.
>>93625I don't recall there being a filter (or at least it could be toggled if there was), though my memory isn't great. I had a WoW GM strike my account probably around ten years ago because I was being racist about the players (from the Ragnaros realm, i.e. beaners who are notoriously terrible at the game) my friend and I got matched with in a dungeon queue
in a private chat they couldn't even see. The random players all reported me because I pulled the whole first room in Azjol-Nerub as brewmaster (which is what I did every time I got the dungeon without issue any other time) and died after kiting everything for a couple minutes because I never got healed and beaners can't into interrupts. Pretty sure the healer was backpedaling toward me at one point. Anyway, it's just funny how I got kicked and mass-reported for an entirely different reason than what the GM bitched me out for. I opened another ticket and got another GM who reversed the action of the first one and apologized. Just funny how some retarded GM was personally offended by what I said to my friend in private regarding our dumpster group.
>>93626>I pulled the whole first room in Azjol-Nerub as brewmasterRevolting what WoW became after wrath
>died after kiting everything for a couple minutes because I never got healedNothing more comfy than being a healer, laid-back in the background, choosing who lives and dies
>>93627>Revolting what WoW became after wrathWrath was probably the easiest WoW ever got (which is why so many people complained about Cataclysm actively requiring CC), it's just that Azjol-Nerub was a leveling dungeon at this point in time.
>Nothing more comfy than being a healer, laid-back in the background, choosing who lives and diesIt's a bit stupid, though. Not like it was a pull that takes big heals to clear. I've healed that same pull easily back during Wrath and after it, and brewmaster could AoE kite very easily due to how keg toss was designed at the time. It was spammable, slowed and generated threat as a ground target spell. Monks also had a good mobility spell called roll which had two charges on a short CD. Ragnaros/Quel'thalas/Azralon players are just legitimately retarded due to being brown and from countries with abysmal educational systems. They were known as the bane of LFG.
>>93629I might be jumping in at an odd point here, but I remember when I was looking to do dungeons (I think?) and I was a mage with green gear, and I remember people being pissed off specifically that I was wearing green gear, and I would get kicked or something for it, and so I would actually equip blue or purple gear, which actually sucked worse than the green gear, but I would equip it just so people would stfu (and that parties would accept me), and then I would switch it out. At least something like that happened. I feel like I have a detail wrong. Can you switch gear out like that during a dungeon? I only played Burning Crusade for like 6 months, was nolifing it. Funny thing to happen though, I mean I'm pretty sure my green gear was better than the blue gear I had, but people just seemed to think I was bad or not helpful because of my gear. Maybe they were right idk. But it was interesting anyway... Also maybe I didn't fully understand how aggro worked. I think I'm definitely done with WoW though tbh regardless, it's too much of a time sink, with Dota or Against the Storm I can do a game for an hour or a few and I feel like its over and done with.
>>93640Did you purchase a character boost for TBC Classic? Pretty sure that set for level 58 was green quality and had very poor stat distribution. People were also against paid character boosts on principle. Otherwise, I'm not sure about your specific case.
world of warcraft is fucking shite
>>93669Stay awhile and listen.
>>93669Is that a remake of d1 or d2? I was checking out the d2 remake recently. Not sure I'd really play it though, I don't see much reason to if it's basically the same game just with better graphics... Early access Dec 6 it says (knowing the ggg time frame though... hehe)
>>93671not him, but its d2
>>93670He was one of the fun healers to style on people with on HotS. One of his ultimates was him telling a story and it put every enemy enemy within a semi-circle in front of him to sleep so long as he channeled it.
>>93671I wouldn't recommend buying it. Someone here mentioned getting it and I happened to have it because I bought it to play with a friend (and we never did) last December I think.
Not sure about getting into PoE. I think you need to pay real money for more storage and not having extra storage is supposed to make the game a lot more tedious. Also, a French online SRPG called Dofus is releasing its Unity version on December 3rd. Gonna see about playing that with some anons on another board.
Plot-driven is directly inverse to open world.
>>93687It should be like daggerfall where if you ignore quests for in-game months, then you miss out on it. That's one of the least immersive things about Bethesda games that came after it, everything in the world waits for you.
>>93689Blame the players. A lot of people get upset when they can't get a "true ending" 100% playthrough of a game. That's why they removed limits on joining guilds as well. In skyrim you can be guild master of every single guild in the game and none of those duties ever conflict with one another.
"Time sensitive" tasks in games are even more poorly looked upon. Look at how many people disliked majoras mask for example in comparison to oot. MM is a superior game in almost every respect but people didn't like that they couldn't dick around forever, and that their "progress" got reset.
>>93674Yeah you buy storage thingies, its a necessity, but I don't think it's that expensive. Poe has just not been that fun for me though, my pattern is that I play for a few days every new league and then drop it until next league. But really the fun in Poe is mostly the theorycrafting which you do with Path of Building (build planner thing).
I'm gonna be playing D2R today. I played a little last night and died(enemy exploded into a frost nova after death in hell), so I lost a lot of rare shit that I grinded for. I'm thinking maybe I'll be a little bitch and switch to regular ladder instead.
>>93777I'm on regular, non-hardcore ladder in a game called "fresh game". My character's name is JavUrMom.
>>93783Nah, you were too late. Doing trist runs now.
In "tristy1" at the moment.
Are you Avidfister?
>>93786Yeah. What lobby are you in now?
>>93787I accepted the invite. You can see what games I'm in now.
>>93789...because I'm organizing a gangbang! My bussy is public property as of right now! I'm not leaving until I'm gaped!
>>93791Real avid.
>>93792Real avid fister.
>>93792Why did they make him so Gorilla-like? Why does he look like he's going to shop lift TVs from Walmart?
>>93795Because having a handsome black person isn't DEI approved. Everyone has to be as hideous as possible, especially if they're female.
Blizzard is still reeling from the sex abuse scandal and diversitymaxxing.
>>93795He looks like the nigger from new Star Wars
>>93797you look like a retard from the bunslkin g'rockhnyeh
>>93798I think avid is having a stroke. And I don't mean stroking a big nigger willie until it blasts in his holes, making avid even more of a nasty cumslut with no self respect. I mean in the sense of the medical condition caused by vaccines.
Should we call an ambulance? Does anyone have avid's number, or the number of one of his countless boyfriends/drug dealers?
Lemme know when you plan to play more. I could try playing a bit solo or leeching off randoms in the meantime if you don't want to backpack my ass to 99.
>>93831I will play Monday or Tuesday. Also you might want to go into a free stuff room since everyone is giving away their items now because the ladder season's end was announced.
Playing D2R right now. Started a sorc and I'm in act 3 already.
>>93869Not your parasocial black girlfriend (male), you pathetically retarded faggot. Go lick up another nigger erection.
>>93905Still playing? I can get on soon.
>>93925I got rushed to hell and I'm gonna get off in a sec. I'll be on tomorrow too probably.
>>93937It's a very flawed video game, but I enjoy it regardless.
>gaben shits himself
I'm gonna pass out, but I got to 22 and got backpacked through the rest of normalfag mode last night.
>>93959I was just farming for a 4 socketed shield that I never found all day anyway. Nothing fun and cooperative.
>>93972New Vegas was a fluke.
>>93974new vegas was trash DLC tier empty slop
>>93975You're a nigger. A dark, black coon.
>>93977you'll never find happiness
>>93974This guy wasn't around back then. The previous art director, before the microsoft buyout, was Leonard Boyarsky, an oldfag from blizzard/interplay.
The name obsidian remains, but it is a hollow husk puppeted by the hand of the microjew.
>>93977Avid might as well be a nigger for how much african semen is sloshing around in his guts.
So BG3 only got all the hype because of the bear sex meme, right? Because anybody who's actually played the game knows it's a buggy, poorly written, unfinished mess, right? God awful experience, the worst I've had since back when I forced myself to play LoL. Apparently there's an update coming next year but it's not to fix anything, it's just to add new subclasses which nobody asked for. Not even all the subclasses, just one per class. What even is the point. Why the frick is the camera randomly all over the place at random cutscenes? Did anybody actually have fun playing this? The diversity shoved into everything is disgusting, too.
>>94080There's far better crpgs. Pillars of eternity isn't bad it just isn't great either. Obsidian got a name making fallout nv but thier reputation is very unwarrented imo.
>>94083I'm playing through it right now, and I think it is a very good game. My only complaint about it is that the romance crap gets pushed in your face from party members, and I don't play this sort of game for that content. Leave that to dating sims imo.
As far as bugs, it's all been super minor stuff. You wanna see bugs, play an owlcat game.
>>94085>the romance crapAlmost immediately, the Gith wanted to bone me. And then one day out of nowhere, after finding out he's almost certainly going to die, Gale tried to convince me he loved me. Good thing I'm saving myself for my half-elf princess.
>bugsAside from the camera not being positioned where it belongs, I've encountered one with stuttering conversations, characters limbs being warped or elongated, and at random one of my characters became over-encumbered despite having no status effects and after I removed everything from their inventory. I can't think of any others at the moment but that's some shit to be getting from le AAA game.
Also, the Tiefling bard song would've been a lot more impactful if they didn't overproduce the song. It's one person playing a single instrument, where the hell did everything else come from. It's not a bad song either, it's just the whole scene came off as really tone deaf.
>>94086Lae'zel's romantic advance was extremely creepy. Ugly frog bitch wants to taste me? Yeah I don't think so.
Gale's romantic advance definitely caught me by surprise as well.
>hey bro come here>wanna learn some magic bro>damn that magic was like, poof, gj>btw you feel really intimate with gale right now>despite the fact that he's an ostensibly heterosexual man who's previous lover was female>my dude stares longingly into gales eyes>break it off, rest of the scene plays out really awkwardlyGenerally I've found the game pretty good at telegraphing when a romantic encounter was going to happen, but that one blindsided me. Unfortunate. Feels like the romance system was tacked on at the last minute tbh, and you can see why they did it because it seems to be all people can talk about when they talk about the game. I think the game is genuinely good, like the combat is great, the plot is engaging, the characters are fun when they aren't trying to get in your pants, but the romance crap gets under my skin.
>half-elf princessMassive bitch. Hate every interaction I'm forced to have with her. I can't think of a single character I'd want to bang other than maybe Karlach but I'd need some resist fire potions to slam that tiefussy.
>I can't think of any others at the moment but that's some shit to be getting from le AAA game. I'd say Larian is a AA studio at this point, and regardless if you look at the state of real AAA games nowdays...
I mean look at starfield if you want a laugh.
>Also, the Tiefling bard song would've been a lot more impactful if they didn't overproduce the song.I kind of enjoyed it but I know exactly what you mean. Would have had more soul if it was simpler.
>>94088>the combat is greatIt can be. Sometimes the game likes to blindside you with total nonsense, and because you can't trust autosave it's a risk of losing a disgusting amount of time if the ten enemies with three attacks rape your party to death to the last save point. I ran into some real bullshit in the Underdark, when I entered into it from the Goblin stronghold. I thought I was clever getting around the death laser, but then almost immediately got absolutely fucked by the mini-beholder that's just kind of chilling on the side. Never did manage to kill him, ended up sneaking my way through the whole of the Underdark out of paranoia. And then I got to Grymforge. Fuck that fight. Maybe I'm a retard but it took way too long to figure out how to kill all of those Duergar without killing the Gnomes in turn. Except that at the end of the fight, the rolling ball of fire I summoned rolled into one of the Gnomes on its way to me for whatever god damn reason and I couldn't shake the agro. So I ran my characters to the portal then portal'ed back, thinking they'd have calmed their shit. Instead the whole place was empty and the big baddie I was there to kill in the first place had his corpse sitting out in from of the pile I was supposed to blow up. THEN I went to the lower area to the forge and got surprise merced by a horde of devils, THEN I went to the forge itself only to get surprised by the boss. I had more issues Grymforge than I did the rest of the Underdark or the Shadowfel-touched place afterwards. Or at least I did until I went to storm Moonrise, which is where I am now. What really bothered me was that Hagrid or whatever his name is told me that it was safer going into the Underdark than it was taking the mountain pass. I went back through the mountain pass afterwards and despite some issues with ghouls and the silly Gith demigod, it wasn't that bad comparatively.
>the characters are funThe banter is enjoyable. Shadowheart and Lazael riffing on each other is amusing.
>Massive bitch.How dare you, sir. That's my stuck-up brainwashed sociopathic wife you're talking about. At least she's not that poofter vampire. Easily the most annoying member of the team.
>>94083I can't comment on BG3 since I haven't played it yet, but you might like Pathfinder WOTR, which I found to be a pretty fun game.
>>94090I remember one really memorable battle, with the hobgoblin king in act 1. Karlach was going toe to toe with him while my mc (a ranger) and poofter vampire were keeping the hordes of goblins off her back. The then hobgoblin did this pushback attack and knocked her flying off a platform into a pit of spiders. She had to fight her way clear from the pit while the rest of the party fought a desperate battle against the rest of the goblins.
Was kino as fuck.
Had a few other good fights too.
>the giant phase spider queen>nuke her repeatedly with fireballs
>the fight outside the goblin encampment after killing the boss>kicking goblins off the cliff and throwing exploding barrels down into hordes of themGenuinely great combat system. I like that you can use the environment as a weapon.
>At least she's not that poofter vampire. Easily the most annoying member of the team.Yeah I gave my main a couple levels of rogue specifically so I wouldn't have to have him in the party. You do need a rogue in your party I think. Been rolling with wyll, gale, and karlach since.
youre all faggots
>>94092You're the second person to suggest that today. I'll have to check it out.
>>94094>You do need a rogue in your party I thinkI re-leveled him as a bard. Him being a rogue didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Also heavily thinking of making Shadowheart a Paladin. Right now my party is Shadowheart, Lazael, and the NIGGER because narratively his pops is in the tower so it makes sense to have him along.
>>94095no u
>>94100The NIGGER is pretty alright tbh. I was considering dual-speccing him as a paladin because I don't use shadowheart and my party is pretty bereft of healing except through potions.
>>94070Nice. I'm not sure how far I want to get before ladder reset. Maybe I'll try to get a character capable of doing ubers, but I doubt it will happen.
>>94100You went from the black mage flag(when you were getting laid) back to the red mage flag. Not getting any puss?
>>94100>I re-leveled him as a bard.Yeah I could see that. He's a "charming" sociopath but his ingame char sheet has 10 charisma by default.
>>94102No problem, though I probably won't no-life after ladder reset either. Will still try to play at least every couple days after reset. Planning to play Dofus Unity with some randoms. Unsure how committed they will be. Trying to get a Niggering off the A1 boss before trying for any other gear.
>>94111There is one day going to be a caste of intelligent, lonely people who don't want to talk to AI slop.
>>94111Yeah, it's completely missing the point and very transparently trying to sell another grift he's invested in as the cure. And you know cattle are going to fall for this shit because IRL Iron Man said it.
>this is just like my favorite movie franchise MCU! i cant wait to be an ai prompt engineer for based musk!!!1 *chugs soylent* No.94127
>>94106Not me, bro. I haven't been here in like a year.
>>94128Ask me in the blog thread.
>>94129Nah. Gunna play some video games.
>>94106I don't recall many posts being made using the black mage flag within the past year anyway. I think I can remember seeing it half a dozen times at most.
>>94142>>94106>>94127Black mage is smiley LOL.
Some of the users here switch flags regularly. Red Mage has never been the Black Mage
>>94267It's the case for a lot of video games. It bothers me quite a bit.
I feel like video games are a form of art, and a very important part of modern culture. The experience of playing a video game and sharing it with your friends is a kind of modern day mythology, like telling stories of heroes and adventures around a campfire in olden times.
Maybe it's more accurate to say, video games want to be art, but they're treated like products. Corpos don't see them as anything other than a throwaway item to be consumed and forgotten about, or alternatively milked mercilessly with all sorts of gambling systems and dlcs and reboots and other scams until there's just a husk remaining. As long as these KIKES have their claws on video games, and can claim that they own cultural symbols and have the right to destroy them, these tragedies will play out again and again.
>>94268>The experience of playing a video game and sharing it with your friends is a kind of modern day mythologyJust a couple of hours ago my daughter was complaining that she couldn't sell something to the court mage in Whiterun. I told her to try Belethor's General Goods because he'll buy anything
>>94267Plants vs Zombies is based.
You VILL have a zombie on your lawn
You VILL assemble a team of photosynthetic defenders to defend the human's brain
and you vill be happy
(You're absolutely right btw)
I was lied to. The D2R ladder resets on the 6th.
>>94445>every single thread on the front page just got a sage-as-a-downvote, one line, no punctuation, mindlessly hostile replyLooks like Avid just woke up from his drug fuelled bbc orgy and is having a bad day. Go have a shower you slut, you stink.
>>94455 (checked)
dubs confirm avid is a retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>>94458>>94455says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>>94461lack of dubs confirm you are coping, seething and projecting
>>94463says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>>94440Alright, good to know. I'll try to be active come reset, though also trying to play a couple other things too.
>>94489Just D2R and Master Duel. I do not play a lot of games, I play the same ones for months/years at a time. It's why I quickly drop out of GAYMER friend groups.
>>94489Hotline miami 2 is inferior to the first one. Same with human revolution tbh.
is this your favorite games of all time or of the last week? No.94514
>>94502My WCIII experience is as follows:
>go online>People write "noob" and boot me before I even get a chance to play>happens in literally every lobbyHow the hell are you supposed to play this game?
>>94514This was in 2004 BTW, so it's not like the game was that old or anything.
>>94514I definitely remember that being a problem with melee and dota maps yeah. Certain communities in the game were full of assholes (and continue to be, the same people who played warcraft 3 dota play mobas now and look at how they act). I had a lot of fun playing island troll tribes, dragonball z, and other less "competitive" games though. Also if you host a map yourself, nobody can boot you.
Singleplayer is also fun. Lots of custom campaigns and stuff. I'm playing through one right now tbh. Game is abandonware now so it's free on hive workshop. Lots of online games on eurobattle and gameranger, and most of the toxic people have long left for other pastures.
(not that I hate Castle Crashers, but I only really play it nowadays when my little brothers ask me to)
>>94547How was Atlyss? I was eyeing it but I got the vibe that it was some kind of furry erp mmo from the steam comments.
>>94550There isn't any rendered nipple/genitalia, but the creator is a porn artist I think. Also, most of the public lobbies are absolutely fucking cursed (have names like Gayboy Twink Furry Fuckfest 17+). Seems like most of the players are freaks, but I really like the gameplay. Reminds me of Phantasy Star a bit.
Someone asked about it and said it looked like a furry ERP MMO. I'm confirming there are degenerates on it, retard. Learn to follow a conversation instead of smoking meth and poles all day every day.
Who said you could stop suckin bitch? Get back down there
>>94561Imagine being avid. He's obviously a neet, and he could do literally anything he wants. Read a book. Write a book. Play a video game. Draw a picture. Make something nice to eat.
But he has decided to sit here and repost the same thing over and over in reply to every single post on a dead neonazi imageboard, in between sucking off every random dude he can find on gay hookup apps.
Imagine how little self respect this person must have to live like this.
>>94563says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
Ah, never mind. Ladder opens at 5PM PST. Probably won't be playing tonight in that case.
>>946218pm EST. Fortunately I'm working at the moment to kill time.
What level have you achieved on ladder so far? Just started a little bit ago.
I am trying to mod New Vegas to get rid of the bugs and improve it visually. I get up to here and when I click 'run on MO2' I just get a command prompt and the game doesn't start.
It's very fucking annoying. Mods that don't conflict end up conflicting as well, even though I'm doing what it's saying re: load order.'m considering just giving up and playing through the jank.
I followed this guy's guide: get MO2 to run when NV runs (but using the latest Proton)
>>94879have you tried asking chatgpt and gemini this, telling it what you're doing, that you're doing it thru proton on steamos, what you've installed so far and what issue you're getting, and asking it for troubleshooting steps to try to fix it? chatgpt's a little bit smarter but has a october 2023 knowledge cut-off date whereas gemini in theory can go beyond its october 2023 cut-off day by googling outside it's dataset (tho u may have to explicitly tell it to google or check specific links). it's worth trying
>>94882Good idea, I'll do that next.
>>94879Are you running MO2 as administrator?
>>94906I've done it via Winetricks, and Flatseal, so I think it does that as default?
I'm trying to do it via Bottles now and use Wabbajack to run the Viva New Vegas mods as a list.
>>94907I have a wine trick for you. It's called installing windows.
>>94908Bottles did not work, so I'm following a guide that says to mod the game on Windows with MO2 and transfer over the files to Proton when I'm finished so I can keep Linux cos it's so good.
I'm trans btw
>>94907Oh you're using Linux. Good luck, buddy. There's a reason I still play games on windows. Wine is widely inconsistent, and it becomes a troubleshooting nightmare half the time.
>>94917Oh and I suppose you can try to do things old-school and just manually move files to their location in the data folder, instead of using MO2. Which reminds me of another huge issue when it comes to using mods on Linux: Linux file names are case-sensitive, Windows file names are not. This shouldn't prevent MO2 from opening, but it causes a lot of conflicts for Bethesda games when one folder is named "meshes" and the other folder is named "Meshes" for example. You need to check every file to ensure you don't have duplicates.
>>95095I once left a rude comment on this guy's video and his reply was so polite that I felt bad about it. He used to be a karate teacher, so I see that he has found success in applying what he learned from dealing with children to internet retards.
Astro Bot won and there were tons of ads for upcoming games. Almost every trailer ended with nigger music. They had some zesty nigger do a live performance with 21 Pilots of some gay song from that League of Legends show on Netflix. Later on Snoop Nigg rapped about having a bag of condoms and all the old oriental men in the audience looked disgusted. They also had Statler and Waldorf puppets doing a bit for some reason. Only games that looked any good were Khazan and Split Fiction (but doesn't look as fun as It Takes Two). Elden Ring is getting another expansion.
>>95156Making Ciri a Witcher and making her the protagonist of Witcher 4 was complete pandering. Witcher 4 is going to flop.
>>95174CDPR caught a case of the wokies at some point, think around the time of Witcher 3.
I'm retarded. That Elden Ring expansion I mentioned is actually a standalone co-op roguelike thing. If that sounded cool, or at least didn't sound stupid enough, it won't have PVP at all. A good 85-90% of the fun in these games is the spontaneous PVP. I loved these games because they reminded me of leveling on WoW PVP servers in years past. The enemies were already fucky sometimes, but having a real bastard or two enter my world to fuck my shit up was exhilarating (besides when they were obviously hacking with flying, impossible spell spam, infinite HP, etc. of course). Invading was also fun since it was often 1v2 or 1v3 and taught you how to deal with multiple player enemies in these games. To make a game entirely devoid of the essence that defined this series is a very strange design choice to me. No.95263
>>95249sell ur steaming pile deck and buy an rog ally x ($1600 aud)
stalker 2 on steaming pile deck 2 on rog ally x significantly better battery life even on "turbo mode", has 1080p 120hz screen handle emulating most intensive ps3 games for 2 hours of battery main reason is to have windows to handle those few edge cases where linux doesn't suffice like bethesda game mods.
windows is a bit gimped on the steaming pile deck cuz amd refuses to release a windows gpu driver for it that supports video hardware acceleration (dxva),
i suspect theres a backroom deal between valve and amd
>>95249>>95265fallout new vegas is pretty bad
>>95274Wild how you have the worst opinions on just about everything.
>>95291It's because making things convenient isn't necessarily their goal, and even if it were, it's hard for them to understand what it is people are even struggling with. It's why programs like blender and ublock have such a shitty UI. It makes sense to them.
>>95292I agree, it's also needlessly circlejerky; you made mods for people to enjoy and make them annoyingly accessible unless you're using Windows. I modded the game on PC just fine, even by manually installing the files without Wabbajack.

>>95291>Linuxsisters are the exact type of people that would want to mod Bethesda games and make simple, convertible modding programs/flatpaks for themNo they are not.
1. Gaming has always been looked down upon by the Linux community.
Here is Linus Torvalds on video saying he doesn't care about video games:'s made similar statements before about that. So has Richard Stallman. If the de facto CEO of Linux has this attitude, which of course rolls downstream, what type of community do you think Linux would have?
There's also a segment of the Linux community that does indeed game, but whenever you point out any issues with compatibility and user-friendliness they plug their ears and scream "SHUT UP, YOU'RE A M$ SHILL! SHUT UP! M$ WINDOW$ IS WORSE! TYPING IN THE TERMINAL AND HAVING TO TYPE YOUR PASSWORD FOR EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO IS WAY MORE USER-FRIENDLY THAN CLICKING NEXT A BUNCH OF TIMES ON A GUI INSTALLER!!!! HOW MUCH DID BILL GATE$ PAY YOU?!!"
You can find those freaks on,, Ubuntu forums, YCombinator, Phoronix and so on.
2. I explained over here how Linux fundamentally is not designed for gaming, especially for building native ports (as opposed to relying on Wine/Proton, (which emulates the necessary parts of the APIs of Win32, Direct3D9, Direct3D11, DirectSound, XAudio2, XInput and so on, all of which by the way are STABLE unlike Linux equivalents, meaning they are unchanging and expected to continue work in future Windows versions of updates): Unix was a multi-user OS created by AT&T to be sold to businesses, universities and services and was specifically designed to run on mainframe computers which cost at least tens of thousands of dollars. Mainframe is what they used to call servers. The kind of software or more commonly "scripts" that was made for Unix was seen as throwaway and not expected to last forever (in terms of compatibility based on its dependencies), in other words it's like it's always "unfinished" and expected to be broken at some point. The Linux community faithfully follows that tradition, with a "free software" ideology on top of it.
4. Commodore 64, PC-98 (Japan), AmigaOS and MS-DOS is where all the game "demoscene", game "hackers" and modders have been, and now Windows is the last remaining place for that. These are home PC-oriented operating systems in which software developers design software with user-friendliness in mind, often with a GUI installer. Unix, which Linux is a clone of, was never home PC-oriented, and it shows in the inherent design as well as the attitudes of its developers.
>>95292To be fair, blender is actually usable now that normal people know about it. You're broadly right though, and I'm not arguing. I want to say it's just autism, but no. I think freetards/linuxsisters actually intentionally make things difficult to use.
There's two angles to this. One is financial: open source developers don't get paid for their product directly. However, they
do get paid for "software support". I think the most egregious example of this is the X windows system in linux, which has an instruction manual the size of a rack of encyclopedias. It's utterly inscrutable to normal users, but the person who made it knows how it works, and can sell zir troubleshooting services. STI also ran a software support scam for tinyboard, which is a similarly terrible piece of software.
The second issue is purity seeking/exclusivity in the free software community. These people enjoy having a "secret club" and making their software more accessible would allow more people to enjoy it. Learning to use awkward, inferior programs is a sort of hazing ritual for joining the linux cult, along with ordering thigh highs and taking estrogen. If you don't agree, problem is between chair and keyboard, you're just a m$ shill, you're an phone user, etc.
>>95296This information is almost 50 years out of date. The linux community has evolved considerably since then.
>>95298you get what you (don't) pay for
freetards make domain specific libraries
GUI is a product on it's own
GUI is an afterthought on loonix/free software side that someone else is expected to (never) design and program
>has UPS software with the most comprehensive device support>the only local status/control GUI is a broken featureless GTK thing someone made in an afternoonthe most innovative freetad GUI that sort of stands on it's own is some tiling window managers and weird still-user-hostile shit like vim which is an overgrown regex repl more or less
the other freetard GUI ideological cargocult in perpetual limbo of programming enthusiast retardation a copy bug for bug retarded decision for retarded decision like the chinese due to not actually knowing the product requirements or user needs of the thing they make a clone sort of (libreoffice, KDE, GIMP etc.)
something like GIMP is already outdated because separate vector and raster and even 3d editor/animator, vfx compositor with separate incompatible project formats is an outdated idea, guys you didn't need to spend 3 decades trying to copy Adobe way of separating software domains (due to buying out several different software companies)
Taken from a random Steam profile:
â§Name: Lilac (wouldn't you like to know my real one :3)
â§Pronouns (Preferred): She/Her
â§Age: 19
â§Weight: Chubby
â§Sexuality: Pan.
â§Nationality: Irish-American
â§Usual Mood: Hypersexual/Flirty
â§Gender: Male (Femboy)
â§Religion: Satanist (LaVeyan)
â§OC Species: Floran (From the game Starbound)
â§OC Gender: Intersex
â§OC Age: 24
>>95646put your trip back on fagtasm
>>95651Not your boyfriend, retard. "Rent free", as your kind likes to say.
>>95656Manifesting and projection aren't going to increase your dating pool, retard. Stop derailing everything to whine about one of the several dozen boogeymen you cycle between obsessing over. It's extremely fucking autistic and pathetic.
>>95646Preference: black men
Real name: avid
>>95657shut up retard, you bring me up more than i bring you up.
>>95674you have the mental maturity of a 10 year old
>>95689Multiple people make fun of you, not my problem. Plus, I'm none of the boogeymen you've accused me of being. You're just a schizo retard projecting all your faggotry onto others, which is probably a big reason as to why you get shit on by multiple posters constantly. You have zero self-awareness to realize this due to severe autism.
>>95695>implying I care about other people projection
what's a better finish for a mouse, matte or gloss?
>>96031putting a drop of WD-40 inside the mouse switch should fix the old mouse. you will need a phillips-head screw driver to open the mouse and nose plier to gently unhook the switch
there's no point in buying a mouse that's more than $10, they all work just as well when you put a drop of WD-40 in their three mouse switches (left click, middle click, right click) and will increase their lifespans by many years
e.g. verbatim wired mouse, logitech m100, amazon basics wired
no you don't need 4000 DPI, stop falling for gaymer marketing BS, i can destroy you 1v1 in counter-strike 1.6, counter-strike: source or starcraft: broodwar 1.16.1 with my verbatim mouse and i haven't played any of those games for almost a decade now (or any fps or rts for that matter)
>>96077Free Radical deserved better. Was a good studio.
>>96078Looks like thier magnum opus was 99% done too. It's in a playable state.
>>96042>putting a drop of WD-40 inside the mouse switch should fix the old mouse. you will need a phillips-head screw driver to open the mouse and nose plier to gently unhook the switchyeah I dont think im going to risk breaking something while doing that
>there's no point in buying a mouse that's more than $10I paid ÂŁ15 for
>>96031reduced from ÂŁ50
the DPI of the mouse is 12,000 btw not 4,000
turns out I didn't even need to buy a new mouse, it was something to do with ESO, back using my old mouse now
>>96207It's really a shame that MMOs are dead now. It was a cool genre.
>>96220Honestly, having villagers visit was nice. I wish they were more interactive, like being able to play the NES games and cook with them.
>>96222checked and good luck
>>96228This is the ideal gf. Proud of you anon.
I don't want to play Animal Crossing: Wild World (DS) anymore even though I've only played maybe 15 minutes a day maximum starting the past couple weeks. Relaxing game my ass. Pressuring you emotionally to play the game every day (and not be able to take even a week break) only because the in-game time corresponds to the real-time clock so that your favorite neighbors don't move away and disappear forever from the game is like a dark pattern. Or more accurately, it's an insidious design around "retention mechanicsâ and âengagement pressure." Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) apparently resolves this with a "campsite mechanic" to re-invite neighbors, but I can't justify spending $350 for a used "New 3DS XL" on eBay just to play one game (I don't really see any other 3DS game worth pirating, the DS has a better game library).
>>96238Why not get a 2DS? Thought those were pretty cheap.
>>96281world of warcraft is stupid and shit
Why don't u niggas play Doter 12v12? Don't u like to have FUN? I like drawing swastikas on the minimap.
>>96346I stopped playing DotA probably around 8 years ago because it's an evil game. What's funny and pathetic is that I've dreamt about returning to DotA this week. It's some nightmare version of the game with a bunch of updates I don't understand, but I say dumb things to my team on voice chat to make them laugh and ask the importance of all these new random items. What's additionally funny is I also nearly fall asleep multiple times during the dream, basically not moving my unit around and only slightly engaging my teammates over voice chat (obviously a real team would be freaking out about me standing still).
Anyway, it's an evil game. I get a bunch of retarded spics or fatasses from America with high blood pressure and low IQ, don't you get a bunch of SEA retards, pinoys for example?
>>96349I play on Sing servers with SEA monkeys but they behave and are pretty funny. Actually just had a game with a Pajeet that was a good boy - - but that's pretty rare admittedly.
But I sorta like Against the Storm more than Dota... They are different games obviously. ATS is a really fun single player experience...
>>96454History of Gayben's Ozempic purchases that he afforded with his child gambling racket disguised as a game distribution platform.
>>96465Don't remember what generation it started in (either 4, 5 or 6), but they started differentiating some pokemon with physical variations based on the sex of the monster. The image attached to that post is female Pikachu, which they decided should have a weird heart-shaped tail instead of the lightning bolt shape the male version still retains.
>>96467Looks retarded. Pikachu has a lightning bolt tail because he's an electric pokemon and shoots lightning bolts. Not that hard to understand.
>>96467Gender variations in Pokemon debuted in gen 4.
>>96584Windows 11 is janker than linux now. You need to do a similar amount of arcane bullshit to accomplish a task.
Thanks jeets.
>>96585Gen one last good gen fite me