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 No.1276[View All]

In Groundbreaking Redpilled Landmark Speech, Xi Vows To Guide China To "Incomparable Glory", Defeat ZOG
97 posts and 50 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>China's Zhongzhou, home to Foxconn's massive iPhone factory, will begin to enforce mobility restrictions across eight districts in main urban areas on Friday. The reason, well, authorities blame it on 'rising Covid infections,' though we should note that the new restrictions come as massive unrest has erupted at the factory of more than 200,000 workers.


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Klaus Schwab Declares China A "Role Model"



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A technocratic society is called a Technate and the world’s first Technate has emerged in China. In this two part exploration we will look at how this system was constructed, who was behind it and why technocracy is now being foisted upon all of us.





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Chyna is prolapsing


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These niggas looking like the hazmat troopers in Half-Life Alyx lol


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Here's Why Chyna Sucks: It's A Beta-Test For The Jew World Order



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Mirin deez quads hehh


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The Real Reason Behind China's "Zero-COVID" Policy Finally Unveilled




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if she was my wife I would eat her pussy every day


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I want a gf who likes onions.


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Texas bans CCP's Tikthot over spying concerns


Good riddance. T*kt*k is AIDS mixed with testicular cancer and I hate how it has normalized filming in portrait mode, a style of videography previously associated with clueless boomers and niggery-diggery-doos.


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Wise Leader Xi Inks Tens Of Billions In Deals With Saudis, From Huawei Cloud-Computing To Expanded Military Ties


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The year is 2045. EUROPE lives under ASIAN RULE. All white males are hunted down to serve ASIAN QUEENS in vast reproduction facilities. Welcome to europe's ASIAN FUTURE.

Alex still remembers life before the invasion – before the rapes, the mandatory handjobs/blowjobs/Footjobs by horny asian girls wearing tactical tight outfits. He lives on the war-torn outskirts of New Tokyo (Previously London), where he hides his pious little brother, Mark from the clutches of the brutal New insect army.

As fertile asian queens operators prowl the countryside searching for fertile white men, Alex will stop at nothing to protect sweet Mark's purity. With his Big Dick, Alex gives his muscled hairy body to a squad of pitiless asian queens operators: the ultimate act of courage and sacrifice. But is Alex prepared for the overwhelming demonstration of sex and lewdness? The encounter brings him face-to-face with his worst fears... and his most unspeakable fantasies.

Acclaimed author and insecto phile John Connington presents a tantalizingly political vision of the future. His powerful, vivid, fly-on-the-wall passages of three-on-one interracial girl-on-lone man action push the boundaries of sensual fiction. The ASIAN QUEENS have their way with Alex's Huge Dick, pumping, jerking, sucking and pounding and cursing through one of the hottest gang scenes in the history of the genre. And interspersed throughout the sizzling prose, a suspenseful narrative full of imaginative world-building unfolds.

Experience the true power of ASIAN queens in black tactical lingerie. Prepare to pay the ultimate reparations for the colonization. Explore the mind-bending world of ASIAN FUTURE, the first book in John Connington brand new series.


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One of these things is not like the other


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"Digital Fentanyl": Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Legislation To Ban CCP TikTok

Chyna pulls diplomats after bolshevist ZOG riot at consulate




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>Xi Of Arabia & The PetroYuan Drive


>Senate Unanimously Passes Bill To Ban CCP TikTok On All Government Devices Amid National Security Concerns



Can Chyna break thru the semiconductor blockade the US is building?

China's Deal With Saudi Arabia Is A Disaster For Bidet


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yeah she doesnt shave


>be me
>Waiting for elevator when someone in front pushes tinfoil door open and falls down 30 floors
>Take stairs get in car
>Run over a baby while reversing
>Driving to work
>Narrowly miss a fuel truck exploding
>Guy on moped turns into a tube of toothpaste under a truck
>Bike in front of me randomly Hiroshimas atomising the rider
>Drive past 10 people blowtorching dogs
>Go to factory job
>Say hi to Chang
>Chang falls into furnace
>Go to lathe room
>Hui spinning around and around
>Yulong being made into pasta sheets
>Chao being giftwrapped
>Go to goods in
>Li drops box and is instantly vaporized
>Pass by boiler room
>Whole team of engineers on fire
>Go to metal working room
>Liu falls face first into white hot metal ball
>MingLi is crushed by 9000kg red hot sheet metal
>Go to front desk to sign out
>Receptionist stabbed in head with knife hanging out
>sign out and leave building
>Suicide lands at my feet, crushing another baby
>Driving home from work
>Guy in front of me is crushed by wall
>See two separate guys killed by exploding manholes
>Drive into car park to park car, run over two more babies
>Walking to shop, some people stood around a hole
>Floor collapses and drags 10 people into the depths of the earth
>Narrowly avoid another truck, falling street light
>Guy in front of me is killed by falling cat
>Another by falling brick
>4 guys pushing scaffolding suddenly stop moving then burst into flames
>Get to store
>Woman in front of me is eaten by escalator
>Take stairs
>buy my tiger dick tea and noodles
>Get in car
>Reverse and run over another 10 babies
>Narrowly miss a derailed train and collapsing road
>Get home
>Local firework factory explodes like a tactical nuclear weapon again
>4 neighbouring skyscrapers do a 911
>Run inside to get GF
>She's fucking Jian
>Stab both to death
>Go to make my noodles
>Noodles are made of plastic


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Chyna's Weird Attack Gyrocopter is Worse Than You Think


Taiwan has a secret doomsday plan for Chyna




Given how China can barely keep its own buildings standing I cannot understand how this dam's been around for as long as it has.


Chineez Troops Pledge To Die In Alarming Docuseries On 'Liberating' Taiwan




Anglin the racemixing faggot should not be calling anybody else retarded when that's his understanding of the China-Taiwan situation. It is completely possible to simultaneously hate the US government and be honest about China being a miserable shithole. I'm always reminded why I don't read DS whenever I read something of Anglin's. He's simply a contrarian idiot and he puts in no effort to research whatever he wants to bitch about that day.


Chyna's DEADLY Single Women Crisis


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China’s farming push is about war

Beijing wants to produce enough food to satisfy its massive demand, to withstand a potential blockade by the Joonited Snakes



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>The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Eastern Theatre Command has released a kinomathic video showing troops practicing a coastal invasion of Taiwan. The video first appeared on the social media site WeChat Thursday, and features waves of PLA soldiers storming beaches, including armored vehicles and tanks driving into attack positions.

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