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File: 1685483916744.gif 2.11 MB, 1189x1189, 56d.gif

 No.1648[View All]

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271 posts and 207 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Trump's body must be 70% jewish cum by this point. No wall is coming since swarthy castizo tradcath beanerfags are a big chunk of his voter base.




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can close a chinkshit "200 lbs" one, but the "350 lbs" one barely over halfway when it comes to a steep stop. need to git gooder


I haven't found a good forearm exercise yet. Some exercises give me forearm doms, like incline dumbell chest flys, but I don't think they target the forearms that directly. I tried doing some kind of wrist curl seated or standing but haven't really got the form down yet, or maybe its about the dumbell weight idk... When I want to do some forearm work I just end up squeezing something tight or hanging off a chinup bar for a bit.


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On aliexpress you can find tons of grip strength devices for a few dollars each, some of the ring type models are small enough to keep in a pocket. Others are adjustable or have different forms to train different parts of your forearm.


File: 1720911154257.png 2.39 MB, 2048x1365, assassination attempt.png

this just happened a bit ago


No. Remember. Subscribe to Redtube




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(Allegedly) from the guy


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wonder who caused that outbreak..


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good fucking lord


Thank god I switched over to using a menstrual cup. No wonder I feel better.


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You can get them on temu or eBay for a low affordable price.


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Best applicator. Pic related.


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u cant fuck w/ dat shit in ur cunt doe, u got a disc or sea sponge?




Yes, Anon. Those can be bought at a drug store.


fuck off methkike


Avid. Lay off the crack.



Another wretched shitskin stabs a bunch of children in Southport, so far 3 have died. News at 11.


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>that picture

fucking kike media using the most innocent picture they could find of him, thr mental gymnastics here is disgusting


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If you spot this plant DON'T GO NEAR IT AND REPORT IT!


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