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 No.1648[View All]

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243 posts and 192 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The darwin awards are alive and well. That guy needs an award. Eugenics is good. Someone get this man assisted suicide asap. He'd just have to eat a eugenics chocolate and take a eugenics shot down the hatch. He'd go to sleep forever and never wake up. Everybody wins.



I agree. Body mods are cool but they're also pretty dumb...


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He chopped off his cock and put it in the freezer. He's basically the same as a demented tranny. 41%-ed himself. Taking it a step further by taking his frozen hard boner and video taping himself-you read it. I need to tap out. This is too much. I can't.


just live laugh love


I try.


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Le monke, be my fren. :^)


lel heh


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It's almost like yielding over 30 million excess males by aborting females en masse can lead to consequences.

>A hundred yards from a school playing field on the edge of Nayagarh, a small town in eastern India, is an innocuous damp circular patch covered with what appears to be sticks and stones.
>A closer look reveals that the debris is shards of tiny skulls and bones, all that remains of more than 40 female foetuses - aborted because of their sex and then dumped in a disused well.
>Last Thursday Santish Mishra, a health official, was poking at the top of the hole, from which had been exhumed 132 bags of putrefying human remains. Above the grisly sight hangs an acrid smell, the telltale chemical stench of hospital waste used to hide the truth.
>"Femur, skull, forearm - probably. We are pretty sure these are all female, aborted at about five months which is the legal limit," said Dr Mishra. "You can say it was a hidden mass grave."
>In India ultrasound technology, coupled with a traditional preference for boys, has led to mass female foeticide. Although gender-based abortion is illegal, parents are choosing to abort female foetuses in such large numbers that experts estimate India has lost 10 million girls in the past 20 years. In the 12 years since selective abortion was outlawed only one doctor has been convicted of the crime.

>The Indian government said Monday that there were more than 63 million women “missing” from its population and that 2 million go “missing” across age groups every year because of abortion of female fetuses, disease, neglect and inadequate nutrition. There are also 21 million unwanted girls, the government said.
>“We know that the sex ratio in India is highly skewed,” the government’s chief economic adviser, Arvind Subramanian, said at a news event Monday, noting that the study further showed that Indians have a “meta” son preference, which means that if they have girls, they’ll keep on having children until they get a boy. This has led to an estimated 21 million “unwanted” girls in India, who often get less nourishment and schooling than their brothers.


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>The 2-1 ruling by the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court decision denying a preliminary injunction on the basis that the parents had not shown how the policy — initiated by the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) board — would violate their children’s First Amendment right to free exercise of religion.

>The parents had argued that refusal to provide an opt-out from their children’s exposure to LGBT-themed books and related discussions violates federal and state law.

>Some of the book titles include "The Pride Puppy," "Uncle Bobby's Wedding" and "Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope."

>The parents argued that the books contradict their religious duty to train their children in accordance with their faith on "what it means to be male and female; the institution of marriage; human sexuality; and related themes."


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>Between 2005 and 2009, there was an annual average of 1.44 fatalities per 100,000 flying hours in non-military helicopters. Over the same period, there were 13.2 traffic fatalities per 100,000 population in the United States annually. Since the average American spends around 780 hours per year (PDF) in the car, that means the fatality rate per 100,000 hours of driving time is just 0.017. Based on hours alone, helicopters are 85 times more dangerous than driving.

Note to self: avoid going in a helicopter.


trash format, just post the headline and a link retard


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"I will keep Elizabeth Warren and her goons away from your Bitcoin."

"And I will never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency."

"If you vote for me, I will commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht."



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Is this the crossing of the rubicon?


Doubtful. MAGAniggers didn't do anything about the election robbery (not sure if it even was one, doesn't seem like it matters who wins past a superficial level) or the continued tyranny imposed against the participants of the Jan. 6th protest. I strongly doubt Trump will serve time anyway.


NATO is firing missiles at Russia
POTUS is a convicted felon
Theyve made a cure for cancer

Bottom Text


Helicopters are for news teams and USMC circa 1968


you are gay


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MAGAts and in-duh-pendents will support Sheldon Adelson's favorite candidate Jewmp like he's the second cumming of Christ, even though he's the biggest supporter of civil asset forfeiture (indefinite seizure of assets and properties by cops without a conviction or even a warrant), which primarily affects low-to-middle-income Americunts and white-owned small businesses. MAGAts think this makes him look "tough on crime" and that the feds/cops will only go after Mexican drug cartels and gangs, when in reality these thugs will instead pull over these MAGAts' cars and confiscate their cash from their wallets, because feds/cops would much rather rob from defenseless law-abiding working-class h'whites to meet their quotas than risk getting a scratch let alone a shootout with cartels, gangs and traffickers. Yet MAGAts pretend the 2nd Amendment protects them from government tyranny when they already live under it.

>According to a recent Cato Institute/YouGov poll, a substantial majority of Americans, 84 percent, oppose civil forfeiture.

Biden is no better on this issue (see below), but MAGAts live up to their brand of cuckservatism.



It's just Ukraine. Always was. The kvetching about NATO must cease. The closest thing is volunteers from western countries.


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Who knew Jewmp was a liar who talks out of both sides of his mouth to appease everyone (but in reality sides more with neo-cons and Wall Street) to get as many gullible Amerilards to vote for him?


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My honest reaction to that information


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Where we go, we all we go. #WWGWAWG #BasedMAGA #IsraelStrong #Winning #QAnonResearch


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Trump's body must be 70% jewish cum by this point. No wall is coming since swarthy castizo tradcath beanerfags are a big chunk of his voter base.




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can close a chinkshit "200 lbs" one, but the "350 lbs" one barely over halfway when it comes to a steep stop. need to git gooder


I haven't found a good forearm exercise yet. Some exercises give me forearm doms, like incline dumbell chest flys, but I don't think they target the forearms that directly. I tried doing some kind of wrist curl seated or standing but haven't really got the form down yet, or maybe its about the dumbell weight idk... When I want to do some forearm work I just end up squeezing something tight or hanging off a chinup bar for a bit.


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On aliexpress you can find tons of grip strength devices for a few dollars each, some of the ring type models are small enough to keep in a pocket. Others are adjustable or have different forms to train different parts of your forearm.


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this just happened a bit ago


No. Remember. Subscribe to Redtube




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(Allegedly) from the guy


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wonder who caused that outbreak..

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