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 No.1648[View All]

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Trump's body must be 70% jewish cum by this point. No wall is coming since swarthy castizo tradcath beanerfags are a big chunk of his voter base.




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can close a chinkshit "200 lbs" one, but the "350 lbs" one barely over halfway when it comes to a steep stop. need to git gooder


I haven't found a good forearm exercise yet. Some exercises give me forearm doms, like incline dumbell chest flys, but I don't think they target the forearms that directly. I tried doing some kind of wrist curl seated or standing but haven't really got the form down yet, or maybe its about the dumbell weight idk... When I want to do some forearm work I just end up squeezing something tight or hanging off a chinup bar for a bit.


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On aliexpress you can find tons of grip strength devices for a few dollars each, some of the ring type models are small enough to keep in a pocket. Others are adjustable or have different forms to train different parts of your forearm.


this just happened a bit ago


No. Remember. Subscribe to Redtube




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(Allegedly) from the guy







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wonder who caused that outbreak..



good fucking lord


Thank god I switched over to using a menstrual cup. No wonder I feel better.








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You can get them on temu or eBay for a low affordable price.


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Best applicator. Pic related.


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u cant fuck w/ dat shit in ur cunt doe, u got a disc or sea sponge?




Yes, Anon. Those can be bought at a drug store.


fuck off methkike


Avid. Lay off the crack.



Another wretched shitskin stabs a bunch of children in Southport, so far 3 have died. News at 11.




>that picture

fucking kike media using the most innocent picture they could find of him, thr mental gymnastics here is disgusting



If you spot this plant DON'T GO NEAR IT AND REPORT IT!


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