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(((They)))’re Not Going to Talk About Microplastics and What They’re Doing to You



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>[Microplastics] are why women are fat and aggressive. The endocrine system is a delicate balance. Anyone who has been around steroids knows this – if you inject testosterone, your body overcompensates by producing extra estrogen.
>Just so, women flooded with estrogen will end up producing extra testosterone. Western women are also literally taking estrogen pills, in the form of “birth control,” so they’ve got all kinds of problems, and have literally been driven over the edge by these disruptions (women are not emotionally stable to begin with).


reported for /new/ related faggotry


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STFU and put your trip back on already, turktard

90% of threads in the catalog right now could be construed in the same way, the OP topic itself is not "/new/ exclusive" in the first place thoughever


Wrong board, retard.


Based thread, upboat xd


Foky's low-T has little to do with microplastics. He is a chronic masturbater and dysgenic subhuman, who was born with AIDs.



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The Human Heart May Be Covered in Microplastics, Germanic Surgeons Discover


> Germanic Surgeons

I laff

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