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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.58490[Last 50 Posts]

Decided to remake 4chon.me/new on a h'whim ama


Why tho lol


Ok i moved some of foky's news threads there, you should email him to let him know he has a safe space heh

Yo Avid do you want your news general thread moved there or keep it here? I'm assuming /lounge/ is catch-all anything goes, whereas >>>/new/ may or may not have stricter posting rules (other than allowing necrobumping and /new/ memes like butthurt-faggot.jpg to give foky immunity), idk


Based HDV


if you want yeah move it, makes more sense to have it there


>Ok i moved some of foky's news threads there
Are you fond of reaching into the toilet to retrieve your turds after taking a dump as well?


On G-d idk, I just figured it'd be something interesting to shake things up a bit heh

lol, rude smdh


Move function is semi-broken, it will only move part of a thread unless you delete all spoilered images and attached files (PDF) because of the move function seems to have the wrong thumbnail paths for those two specific thumbnails, so do not use it unless you're aware of that. I'm going to disable it soon after I move a few more foky/hitler/holocaust threads. I don't have time this month to fix it, I'll take a look in a few months™


Thanks, King


There's still time to undo this if you change your mind. I question the idea of making a new board when this board effectively has a post rate of like 7 per day if you exclude the dozens of posts where avid just spams gibberish in his own thread which is why the front page stat is misleading


Why not just ban foky? What you've basically done is shadowban him with extra steps.


He already stopped posting here a while ago other than occasionally bumping this thread >>14776


I don't see it like that, I'm hoping the board does well. I guess it remains to be seen if it will, though.


We'll see what happens. If it remains dead for a long time who knows, but for what it's worth most old imageboards can often have a dozen or more dead boards, many that probably shouldn't have been created to begin with (at least imho-if they have too much overlap with others). In our case /new/ has always been a part of our storied legacy come what may. Not being able to migrate the threads is a significant road block though, I must admit.


>some of

Move the rest too pheggit






I'm enjoying having /lounge/ more apolitical
I come here to shitpost, not ponder deeply on the diseased condition of the world



This tbh. I don't come here to be serious.



Their pussies are defiled by the judas line, busted and destroyed destined to be nothing more than a tired fuck hole

I can't WAIT to see if they are keeping that same energy when they are old and used up




Where are the actual trad women these days?




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>I’m a black woman. He’s a bald white guy with a pickup truck. Here’s what happened


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>My parents were both college professors. His parents hadn’t gone to college. My parents were Baha’is who didn’t celebrate Christmas. His dad played Santa Claus in various malls below the Mason-Dixon line during the yuletide season. My boyfriend listened to emo rock, for God’s sake!
This is one of the rare, cream of the crop black women. She exists to be bleached


why the fuck are they all bald lol


Do you have a visceral prejudice against bald men? I ask again, young sir: do you have an uncontrollable hatred filling your whole being when you observe a bald man?



i observe one every day in the mirror




Found a nu e-thot




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wise words.







I just have a few questions now that I found out about this website. What is "kek"? Do you guys really like Hitler (kinda weird, not gonna lie) or is it just jokes? How do I reply and vote (reddit has upvotes, not sure if you guys are aware) to somebody here? Also, I get the whole "my first amendment" thing, but is the N-word really accepted here for real? We're in the age of acceptance here guys let's be civil please. How can I become a mod? I'm on unemployment so I have some free time and would like to help keep some of the nasty stuff I just saw here away. I'm sure it would benefit this website on the long run. I have a good number of followers on insta, Twitter, and TikTok, so I could expose this website to my followers in exchange for a mod position here. Be honest, 4chon is not really popular with the mainstream, and I think I'd be a great addition for the team and help with it's growth! I just found the "report" function, and found it really good! I will be spending some time on the front line reporting inappropriate stuff so you guys don't have to! Basically what I would do on Reddit, which consists of browsing the "New" page and filtering good and bad content by upvoting or down voting. Also, I will be requesting the mod team for a "Sticky thread" to be made in regards to the inappropriate content here. I'm sure it would make their job easier if they're not constantly having to delete stuff because people don't know what they can or cannot post. I'm just full of ideas, and I hope to be the next Moderator so I can apply my ideas. Thank you guys, and I'll see you on the front page ;)


If you want to be mod suck the admin's peepee until he gets hard.


...b-but that's h'what his peepee spaceship is for and that doesn't work, either.


I just upvoted your post and gave you 4chon gold. There must be something wrong with your settings if this site isn't showing up as a replica of reddit.


You don't have what it takes to be a mod then.


I don't want to be a mod.


You just have sour grapes due to your poor cock-sucking abilities.


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Hello, is this customer service? Where can I redeem my 4chon gold for a qt tradwife Natsoc Asuka gf?



Can I be a mod HDV as I don't think there's a single European mod


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Does anyone have the "go back to /new/" barbershop quartet image we used to post in chon9k? We're gonna need it for lounge now


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Fuck off FoKy



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Lost at the hand wiggling, smiley is a funny guy




I don't understand the video


I still think about him


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He's trying to make the lighter fall over


Yo smiley if you see this, may I suggest a couple changes you could make to your approach as seen in the mp4

>clasp fingers together (like you would when slapping someone)

>each 'strike' must be perfect, breathe in, concentrate, envision and then release
>maintain a strong footing
>wait longer between each strike


...with his mind powers.


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public nudity is a cherished white activity



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Found nother nu e-thot



Struck a nerve, didn't I? >>59801



please don't post my wife here, thank you


No-fap is physically bad for your health.


oh no i can't afford it, what should I do?


H'what you mean?


what should i do when i can't afford myself enough to make them shut up?




It's dogi having a skitzo moment



██]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 10% complete.....
████████]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] 35% complete....
████████████]]]]]]]]]]]] 60% complete....
█████████████████] 99% complete.....

🚫ERROR!🚫 💯True💯 Brothers of Islam are irreplaceable ☪I could never delete you Brother!💖
Send this to ten other 👪Mujahideen👪 who would give their lives for ﷲAllahﷲ Or never get called ☁️Brother☁️


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Literally me in a few years the way things are going.


So I found out where Liberal Feline went off to and earns his money


now THAT'S some good Ol' fashioned CHURCH


The innocent Asian lady or the ugly gross old Canadian man who abandoned his family?


Yikes, that's some weird noncey Nicholas cage tier shit


Dogcunt please just leave this site



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Decide to hide this shit sticky on a h'whim ama oh wait i won't respond it's hidden lol







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Average Western Christian timeline


>I want to date a stripper but I'm too pussy to deal with a real stripper's baggage


when your woke local veteran's association has made vague references to the "bingo game", as maybe they have known you before, then you know you're skid marked in shit without a tattoo.


I tried to look up "veterans association bingo game" and didn't find anything. No derogatory slang. Nothing.


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File: 1688845716415.mp4 1.62 MB, 640x360, videoplayback.mp4


Look, I fucked a 54 year old methhead bitch, but I wouldn't fuck you. You are not attractive and are delusional to think that. You just have desperate men, men more desperate than me, around you giving you false feedback. You are nothing special. Get rid of this nonsense idea you're "attractive". You look like a mentally disturbed person with inferior dark eyes and dark hair. Yeah you're not a nigress or a chinkess so you've above these subhumans but for a white person you're really ugly. And the sad thing? It's an ugliness that can't be fixed; it's not like obesity or something is causing you to be ugly. As far as I can tell this is a good as you'll ever look. My 54 year old gf is better looking than you, she has prettier eyes, red hair, freckles, is tall. You are just… mediocre. If I was married to you I'd have to get you to wear a mask so as not to publicly embarrass me as people would taunt me for having an ugly girlfriend. I don't know what is worse; having an old girlfriend or an ugly one… ah I think I'll stick with my old lady. A woman's value usually comes down to her looks because women don't have anything else to offer in terms of character, virtue, intelligence, etc. so if you don't even have that then you are just nothing but a miserable femcel who will only be pursued by the most bestial and subhuman of "men" that would fuck anything. The best you could do is get a sperm donation from a real man like me because I wouldn't stick around to raise the child with you, you're too ugly to have around, hopefully my superior genetics would be an upgrade for your lineage else the child might curse me forever for having given you my seed.








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Smiley is based, dogisaga however is just a laughable genetical dead end


File: 1688857316912.mp4 2.65 MB, 406x720, 1688328526178.mp4

What's dogisaga have to do with smiley?


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Implying smiley isn't a genetic dead end.

Did smiley trick some poor SOB with his plastic surgery, lies and cohearsion to reproduce with him?


Xhe is the one spamming smiley hate posts incessantly
Implying you aren't yourself a genetic dead end


>the one
This is anonymous imageboard. Proof or gtfo.
>hate posts
>implying you aren't


Smiley deserves the hate he gets.


He still wears that shirt. Omg.



Vid related.




The chon needs smiley's degenerate list asap!


I can't believe this is who smiley really is. It's not some sort of comedic bit. It's not just a phase mom?


masonic wizard chris


Disturbing how much he resembles Ben Franklin now.


He's not a wizard. He lost his v-card to a prostitute.




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almost funny?

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