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The pedohapa's account is still around and he's still active, you mouthbreathing dumbfuck retard. Did you sniff some glue and got high off nigger semen again?


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


Of course xhe did, faggot has to perpetually be smoking meth or on another substance that makes one this retarded (or xhe is just retarded) to be freaking out like this no matter how many times it gets proven wrong all the time.


Foids can't be p*dos. Every man wants straight shota


I dunno fam, I think every man wants a hot girl to molest a shota version of them, not a fat schizophrenic cow like dog.


I don't remember Avid being this deranged in the past, but maybe I just didn't notice because of the plethora of other schizophrenic morons infesting the site at that time. Dwarf, dog, foky, etc. Hard to say if he's on drugs or if he's just insane though.

Really seems like Avid has gone downhill mentally. He always had the mind of a child but now he has entered word salad spamming mode, the terminal stage of the 4chon schizo before they disappear. Hopefully he isn't long for this world.


the AIDS has spread to fagvid's brain


poor fagvid can't even formulate sentences anymore
he just copypastes the last thing he said before the darkness set in over and over


File: 1734570378417.webp 454.87 KB, 1042x8043, 1730312960596.webp

Literally who?


this bitch


Seems too coherent to be dwarf.


shut up lardplanet


You have really bad autism face blindness also called Prosopagnosia.



File: 1734625050607.webp 454.87 KB, 1042x8043, 1730312960596.webp

Literally who?


tf are you talking about
retard thinks posting the definition is worthwhile
literally fuck off


File: 1734680306103.jpg 98.03 KB, 536x466, 3eusg3.jpg

That woman isn't the same person as.. wow, your tissim is so bad that it's not even worth the effort to explain because you're just going to sit and eat chalk&crayons&glue etc in your room drool everywhere and lick the windows. You're stuck in this tissim loop until you die. R.I.P in advance retard. You won't be missed. Have fun repeating shit called eccokealia or whatever... forever. Have fun never understanding any joke ever in existence. Damn. You going to explain that you're only pretending to be retarded and are trolling?


I have autism you RAT


Yeah, no shit. It's pretty fucking obvious. Doesn't mean anyone here has to coddle you like your social workers do, retard.


Very funny thred!


That big'tism haver is unable to get their ass handed to them because they don't understand shit.


it actually does otherwise its a hate crime against the mentally different


Nope. Eat shit and die, retard. Don't hide behind your brain damage like a pussy.


lol rage more


Go punch some more lampposts and whine about how you're being driven to suicide by posts online again. Hopefully you do get pushed over the edge and delete yourself one day.


Hate crime on an anonymous imageboard, anonymous? How?


Everyone here has autism. It isn't an excuse for your retarded behaviour.


Autism is good... RETARD! Only idiots don't have autism.




It's not good when you use it as an excuse to be an insufferable faggot.


shut up you little rat
yes it is, why do you retards want everyone who posts here to post how you'd like them to anyway
you're literally NEL, even more so than me, at least i have periods of sporadic positivity (see my endchan board)

you're just a cunt all of the time, I bet your life is shit


>you're literally NEL
>at least i have periods of sporadic positivity
Schizophrenic delusions
>thinly veiled dead board hugbox advertisement
Lol, pathetic. No thanks queer
>you're just a cunt all of the time
More projection
>I bet your life is shit
Yet again, projection. Spending the holidays with your social workers, retard? Or alone jacking it to gay niggers? Kill yourself either way.


>why do you retards want everyone who posts here to post how you'd like them to anyway
Because when you're in any community, including anonymous online communities like this, there's a certain code of conduct. A set of social rules to facilitate discussion and civility. What you do when you come here, is you spam and shit everywhere, and post word salad gibberish. This is not conducive to discussion, and in fact, makes it more difficult for other people to talk to each other because it's distracting and disgusting. In any normal community, you would have been banned a long time ago, but hdv has a bizarre obsession with collecting schizophrenic loons and drooling retards and depositing them on this imageboard. He's like some sort of zookeeper, which is a fine hobby I suppose but it's disrespectful to the people who hung out here before it became a retard zoo.

Thus it falls to me to tell you to kill yourself, you disgusting, homosexual, retard nigger monkey. Not a single person wants you here, and yet you come back time and time again. You aren't autistic, you're fucking braindead to have not gotten the hint.


>Schizophrenic delusions
well not really though, there's plenty of positive posts I've made
>Lol, pathetic. No thanks queer
not really, it was a source to my claim and nothing more
>More projection
you literally are though, others here and you yourself can look at post containing the flag youre using and they'll find nothing more than NEL and homosexual ramblings, infact give me a bit and I'll link them all to you
>Yet again, projection. Spending the holidays with your social workers, retard? Or alone jacking it to gay niggers? Kill yourself either way.
more NEL, projection and homosexual drivel
>there's a certain code of conduct
you're a commie retard, have a discussion if you want, there was one in the /v/ thread that I didn't get in the middle of at all, if there is a genuine discussion taking place I leave out of it, its when closeted homosexuals like you that keep posting shit along the lines of
>"blah blah blah this is what avid would like because he's gay" day in and day out that i feel I need to shitpost and make you rage out like you are right now, if you didn't keep typing out those posts I wouldnt have anything to troll you for, which btw is too easy to do


>well not really though, there's plenty of positive posts I've made
>not really, it was a source to my claim and nothing more
It doesn't fucking matter because you shit this place up. I don't give a fuck if you're all sunshine and rainbows on your dead bunker, stupid nigger.
>you literally are though, others here and you yourself can look at post containing the flag youre using and they'll find nothing more than NEL and homosexual ramblings, infact give me a bit and I'll link them all to you
You're going to cherrypick posts not made by me or made by me to mock your nasty proclivities. Not an argument.
>more NEL, projection and homosexual drivel
It's making fun of you and what you do, you braindead crackbaby.
>schizo moron included rest of reply to other poster
Note how you don't see me getting into long-winded pissing matches with any other poster at all. All you do is come and smear shit all over the board because you're an abrasive retard and, unfortunately, I enjoy berating losers like you. You've spammed this place multiple times, boasted about how you're going to get it shut down, eternally screech about a dozen different people because you believe every post you don't like is made by one or all of them and respond to everything else in general about how shit it is, everyone else is retarded, etc. You're more annoying than every poster on this website put together and yet you still possess a victim complex somehow. You really do need to go push up daisies, fucking faggot.


>It doesn't fucking matter
so it doesn't matter that I've made positive posts
>shit this place up
and just what do you think youre doing right now?
>I don't give a fuck if you're all sunshine and rainbows on your dead bunker, stupid nigger.
of course you dont, because that would conflict with the narrative you're trying to spin
>You're going to cherrypick posts not made by me or made by me to mock your nasty proclivities. Not an argument.
I'm not, I'm going to link you all of the posts made with that godawful flag
>Not an argument.
literally how not?
>It's making fun of you and what you do, you braindead crackbaby.
what i do? what would that be?
>you braindead crackbaby.
strawmanning again here
>Note how you don't see me getting into long-winded pissing matches with any other poster at all.
that's because youre not obsessed with anyone else here
>I enjoy berating losers like you
trust me, you're not looking good in these exchanges
>You've spammed this place multiple times
I have and did so in response to HDV not seeing my side of things and putting a kibosh on the harassment of me on account of a handful of posters here, I'm not denying that I've done so
>boasted about how you're going to get it shut down
yes I've also done this
>eternally screech about a dozen different people
I dont, I complain about dogisaga and you and possibly the other anon who calls me gay all the time
>everyone else is retarded
not everyone else actually, only the aforementioned libelous morons
>yet you still possess a victim complex somehow
you try having people call you gay since 2015 then, see how Buddha-like you are after
>You really do need to go push up daisies, fucking faggot.
oh grow up will you


>autistic wall of text denial
>b-b-but ur replying to me its ur fault too...!!1
Yeah, I'm done babysitting your faggot ass for the evening. Going to do something more fun with my night. Have fun pretending that being perpetually bitchy and cynical is having a real personality. You are the posterboy for euthanizing retards.


>autistic wall of text denial
I'm sensing that you're copping out
>b-b-but ur replying to me its ur fault too...!!1
it literally is, I take responsibility, seemingly you cannot
>Yeah, I'm done babysitting your faggot ass for the evening. Going to do something more fun with my night.
good, don't come back
>Have fun pretending that being perpetually bitchy and cynical is having a real personality.
when did i say that?
>You are the posterboy for euthanizing retards.
you always end your posts with a cringe sentence in that same tone



I like how almost all of these are just calling you autistic and telling you to die. Moving goalposts. Thanks for playing retard, better luck next time.

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