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Ey, uh, heh-heh just, uh startin' uh, 'nother thread, y'know? Heh-heh...
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"Pajeet" is now a censored term on youtube, but "Poojeet" still posts just fine.


Stop blaming hard-working immigrants for your own shortcomings, bucko!


Open bobz n vageen now


The home page looks different. HDV what hath thou done?!


Love the jpg artifacts around the logo. Pure sovl.


As long as the ponies stay that's all that really matters heh


There's stars now! Stars!


It reverted back. It's over.


H'what dis mean?!


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It's easier on the eyes so who cares.


The new look only shows up on my phone browser. Is it mobile only?


I mean, I like it.


kinda think his tables look trashy but pretty keyed video


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Was playing through the campaign of warcraft 3 tft for like the 10th time, and I found a couple secrets I'd never seen before. One was the ""brewmaster drinking area" in one of the nelf missions. In the next mission, there's an objective to destroy a naga base, but if you leave that base standing a little bit and explore past it there's some ledges maive can reach with blink that contain some pretty decent items, including a charm of spell negation and a +2 tome of agility. You have to intentionally leave the naga a couple buildings or else the mission will end though.

Made me realize that I haven't really seen any secrets or easter eggs in many modern games I've played. Maybe it's a lost art.


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As far as I'm concerned, LLMs made STEM degrees obtained after 2022 obsolete. There is so much bullshit make-work that students had to do before, for example wasting countless hours on writing stupid lab reports. Now those lab reports are done in 1 minute, they just input the values and verify that the calculations are correct. Most countries' immigration systems require people having STEM degrees with an employer's invitation or opening a business (or investing in one) that will employ X amount of people. It makes me wonder if governments will ever start to rethink the degree requirements considering how fraudulent they especially are now. And students, especially Indians, are obviously looking at their phones using ChatGPT to write answers on their exams. There are miniature Android phones designed for this purpose (e.g. Soyes XS15). Obviously since governments are inherently bureaucratic and slow to adapt there won't be any rethinking about this any time soon.


>Now those lab reports are done in 1 minute
I doubt it. Chatgpt couldn't even do basic trig last I checked. It absolutely could not solve bearing word problems for example. It was confidently wrong every time. Then if you already know which formulas to apply then you don't need to cheat. Just do the math. There's this crazy HIGH TECH LLM AI GENERATIVE MODEL that has existed since at least the 1980s called a "graphing calculator". That said, rampant cheating is nothing new and this is why professors will often force you to do labs in class. It's unreal how many people I know paid someone else to do online classes for them or just copied everything from a friend. When it comes to stuff like essays I think this could be solved by simply raising standards. The stuff chatGPT writes is dog shit, but somehow both the students and professors consider it to be adequate.


Pretty much every math guy uses matlab to do calculations. Chatgpt is likely to just give you weird hallucinations.


the appeal is that it gives you very plausible (and occasionally correct) 'intuition' about something (basically what words you need to gooogl / search in documentation urself)

but it's like being in totally blue-balls mindfatique when you realize that it's all confidently written 20 paragraph nonsense essay you've been reading and trying to run 'examples' from for 25 minutes

the other day i had to explain html accessibility to product people incl designers. they actually want to make the blinds and other cripples and normals be able to use the websight with keyboard and screen-reader. it has taken a couple weeks on and off and involved speaking to 5-10 people so far to figure the exact elements and parameters and things that would work htmlsemantically and visually in terms of copy-writing and the changes in the existing software dependencies.

it's a completely mundane thing of being on the same line with like 5 other busybodies on the outline the work required. there is nothing about that can be automated by a pathologically lying billion dollar skitzo chatbot web ui by samuel altman, that's so far detached from it.

microshart company does analyze all the teams calls and chats and stuff on the sharepoint and in code repos so maybe one day you'll have your know-it-all philosophical-zombie colleagues i don't know


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I find that I have a bad habit of going into Twitter and Youtube threads to engage in arguments with people who are clearly too retarded to see how retarded they are. I don't know why I waste my time doing it but it keeps happening. Twitter banned me twice for it, and now I'm getting messages from Youtube that my comments are getting deleted for violating their faggy terms of service. Everything is Reddit and awful.


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You would do well to remember this.


I stopped making comments at all. No point to. Even making toothless ones about liking the content or relating to what someone else said. It bothered me when I got a lot of thumbs up on a comment because it made me worry that I just said something that retards find relatable. But yeah, trying to have epic debates in the JewTube comments section is a fool's errand. Many other users are dumb kids or mentally stunted adults that fit in with them. When you get slackjawed soyboy morons like MoistCritikal as the platform's posterboy for logic and reason, that should tell you something about the audience.


There's nowhere you can discuss anything anymore. Just sanitized hugboxes. Even imageboards are pretty homogenous in opinion.


>engaging with NPCs
You are supposed to treat the nigger cattle as cattle to manipulate and discard, not as sentient human beings. You have to learn from most kikes, they got the right idea. These people are disposable goyim. You will never change anyone's mind on any issue, because "arguments" are always a waste of time. The only way to convince someone you are right is when their lives are threatened. That's how "arguments" were won throughout the centuries.


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>I can't keep more than 2 chickens per acre, and I'm not allowed to have roosters or sell the eggs
That's truly ridiculous. They're very small animals. I think 50 per acre is a more realistic maximum capacity. As far as roosters go it's typically cities that ban them and most places in the country allow them, at least in my area. Also selling food eggs is illegal in most places, so just sell 'hatching eggs'. Not that I've ever sold eggs myself. I eat them all

>I can't use an RV as a permanent home

I'm personally unaware of anywhere in the USA that it's legal to live in an RV. The economy is set up in such a way to force humans to either live as rentoids or mortgage slaves

I would recommend finding land with the following criteria-
1. Water
2. A poor area with minimal code enforcement presence, ideally zero whatsoever
3. A dilapidated structure with an address, so you can park an RV or whatever there but have the benefits of an address without the curse of legally binding utilities

If 3 isn't possible, then buy raw land and find some other roundabout way to use a legal address while living innawoods on raw land. Stealthmaxx if you do this


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While this is sort of true, a lot of people who will profess this mindset are tards who are unable to express their ideas because they don't have a solid foundation for them. It's just used as a mask to be intellectually bankrupt, uneducated, and lazy. I'd agree that on social media it's a waste of time these days, but not all arguments are in "bad faith" and they aren't only a means to convince the person you're arguing with either.


While you mumble your incoherent pseudo-intellectual wordslop drivel I will cave your skull in with a rock like a proud untamed caveman. There won't be any made-up words like "strawman" and "arguments" after that.


>A poor area with minimal code enforcement presence, ideally zero whatsoever
The lots I was looking at were in the middle of bum-fuck nowhere, but I can already see that the people in the area would seethe about it, even if I would be blocks away from them. There are a lot of people riding around on ATVs and such, so it's not like I'd be hidden.
>3. A dilapidated structure with an address, so you can park an RV or whatever there but have the benefits of an address without the curse of legally binding utilities
I've been looking for a vacant lot, but I had the chance to buy something like this a few years ago and I should have jumped on it. Also it's been hard to find proper rural zoning. A lot of these places are zoned the same way as a city even though they're in the middle of nowhere, because kikes want to turn them into suburbs somewhere down the line.


Only in your dreams, buddy.


Nah because I would go SSJ7 while also activating my Ultra Instinct and True Blue God forms and, basically, you'd be turned into a fine red mist.


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I started driving to this property earlier today to look at it because it fits all of my above listed criteria (>>98828) and I'm looking to buy more land
>has an abandoned structure with a full legal address
>water- has a small pond, wetlands and possibly a creek in the back
>14 acres agricultural zoned
Would be perfect for free-ranging sumatra mutts in the swamp. However on the drive over the cost effectiveness occured to me. I've seen the same amount of land minus the dilapidated shed and address listed for 65k cheaper. It's not worth the current price listed

I spoke to the agent and she told me that the property is "vacant land" and I could look at it whenever I want. She also mentioned that there's an offer on the land currently in negotiations. I suspect she's lying

If I were to pursue this land I would try a low-ball offer. Maybe 60 or 70k at most. They might just take it. It's mostly swamp with just a single broken shed so the 110k price is definitely steep for what's being offered

Oh and it's also 30 minutes outside of a medium sized city. Perhaps that's where the price is coming from, though still seems too steep IMO


Florida is a weird looking place. I expected more mangrove swamps and palm trees. This looks like North Dakota.


While I was at the grocery store yesterday, there was a goblin walking around with his eyeglasses hanging half off his face. He didn't seem aware of it. Like they were kind of dangling off his face from one ear, ready to fall while he's shuffling his ass around putting random canned goods in his shopping cart.

I used to think I was a weird guy, or that maybe there was something wrong with me. Nah, fuck that. Normies walk around doing shit like this. It's them that have the problem not me.


That section of the panhandle is mostly pine scrub. There's a nice variety of biomes in Florida though. I'm personally in a mixture of red titi swamp and longleaf pine scrub


I recognize my own eccentricities but it's important to be aware that normals/midwits are often fucked up in their own way that may be worse than whatever you may have historically given yourself a hard time about


About 10k per acre seems to be the standard market value, sadly. I can't even say it's an obscene price, but I'm not going to spend that much. I'd be fine with less land.


You don't need that much land. What's most important is to have good neighbours. Neighbours will make your life a living hell.


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"Get a stem degree" they said! I wonder how many of those management" positions are for low-end McWagie jobs.


A lot of them are bullshit jobs where the guy doesn't even know what his job is. Having an engineer on staff is a liability thing where they can blame failures on him.


>A lot of them are bullshit jobs where the guy doesn't even know what his job is.
I would like such a job.


Every meal I have now is just mashed potatoes with stuff thrown into it, like chicken and corn. Costs me less than 100 dollars a month to make this slop in bulk.


Sounds nice. I wonder to what extent potatoes are poisoned more than rice. I would figure as an underground crop they absorb more poison

My flesh has rejected potatoes unfortunately


>My flesh has rejected potatoes unfortunately
What does this mean?



>>98955 (checked)
I think it means he's gay


I was approaching on Fri. Went to USyd then walked the city a bit. Did some absolutely awful, embarassing approaches. Got into like 2 real conversations that I can remember. At least I tried though. I want a hijabi so bad heh. I guess I'm learning.


Here is some advice from your fellow Australian and speedrunning commentator Karl Jobst. Good luck.


Yeah I saw that before. Can't tell if that guy was trolling, lol. Thx


Ask your mom to find you a GF. It's the secret tech to getting dates.


The one good thing about Brighter Shores is that it made me hungry for bangers and mash when I was mindlessly grinding cooking XP. Think that's the first thing you can cook. I've been having that pretty often since I started playing that game and I haven't touched the game in weeks now.

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