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 No.96744[View All]

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Didn't read because it looked boring and you opened with tranny babble. Looking forward to disease running in the family. :)


The only one who's boring everyone with your BBC craving antics is you avid


>avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC
In addition to slinging accusations of schizophrenia, you also don't have any room to be calling anyone else boring when all your comebacks are Freudian slips regarding nigger dick cravings or CP, or sperging about your boogeyman. Also countersage, faggot.


Calm down now avid, you'll keep scaring away all your matches from Grindr if you keep acting that way. Take a deep breath, it's gonna be ok.


Didn't ask about your favorite dating app, cumbrained nigger. Take a deep breath and hold it for a couple days.


Maybe you need better opening lines avid, this attitude is just gonna make your matches on Grindr flee. But what do I as a straight guy know, as you've indicated before, only you have extensive experience in the gay dating scene.


>"as a straight guy"
>cant stop having sexual thoughts about niggers, men, trannies and kids
Biggest lie yet.


Just fuck already


No can do avid I don't swing that way


Your dick doesn't really swing at all considering how tiny it is. Probably why you ended up being a "power" bottom.


Why is avid such a nasty guy? All he seems to be able to do is insult people on dead imageboards like a 5 year old.


I wouldn't call shitskin pedophiles "people", no. Also,
>like a 5 year old
How many slips are we up to now? Seems like all you do is fantasize about children.


Well wait if he's a power bottom, wouldn't that necessitate having a large cock? Power bottom implies he's the driving force of the scenario, doesn't it? I don't know fag lingo but I'm pretty sure that's how that works.


Thrust force doesn't originate at the dick. Don't even need to have had sex at all to know that.


You seem to enjoy thinking about gay sex a lot.


You're the one posting about it all the time, typically involving niggers. Nice self-awareness, champ.


100% chance of toxoplasmosis brain between the cats and mettbrötchen


It just means he's the dominant one personality wise, but he still takes it up the butt. It's like femdom.


Toxoplasmosis is good. You can draw a direct correlation between cats spreading to areas and the development of higher civilization. The toxo unlocks the potential of the human brain.

About 50% of germans have it, vs like 10% of Amerigoblins.


pmt if you want to gauge someone's negritude ask them what they think of cats

love cats: very civilized and autismal
meh on cats: neutral NPC
hate cats: violent retard alert

do NOT accept "I'm a dog person" as a dodge to the question


>brain-eating parasites are... LE GOOD!!!11
It really seemed to help you in those big wars.
Nowhere did I say I hate cats, ESL retard.


Very true.

>avid declares he doesn't hate cats out of nowhere, to someone who isn't replying to him
Lol. Well avid is a violent retard after all.


You kvetching about your boogeyman forever thinking it will eventually turn me into him is a symptom of schizophrenia brought about by your brain parasites. So is being retarded enough to believe toxoplasmosis built civilization as a coping mechanism. Have fun dying when you get sick from anything worse than the common cold, nigger.


no one accused you of anything, saar.

avid is a remnant of the medieval peasant anglos who killed cats because they feared every one of them was a potential witches' familiar

luckily most of them died from rat-carried diseases and the surviving ailurophiles went on to conquer much of the world


You managed to catch schizophrenia without any help from cats, avid. Go shake your twink ass on youtube or something.


>n-no u
>another mention of boogeyman
>more faggot shit
To be expected of someone afflicted with brain-eating parasites.


They've done many studies on feline control of the rodent population and they all show that cats have near zero effect on rats. They're too large, intelligent and difficult to catch. Cats prefer easier prey

In my personal experience a cat will kill 10 songbirds for every 1 mouse it catches. I like cats but they're truly cursed animals filled only with the Devil

Traps and snakes are far superior at rodent control


>I like cats but they're truly cursed animals filled only with the Devil
I see the medieval peasant mentality is still alive and well on 4chon. Animal trials soon.


I am once again asking for /new/ to be deleted.


HDV has a price. What are you offering?


Avid's gorilla grip bussy.


>>99577 (dubba dubba dubba)
he's had it many times, m80. as has phanny, gaysatsu and learningchode


Avid's frequent gay encounters have only toned the muscles of his ass for greater pleasure. If anything his ♂ muscular man masturbator ♂ is more valuable as a result.


if anal sex was an olympic sport avid would be bringing gold after gold back to merry olde england


Avid's mouth muscles are so strong from continuous dick sucking that he can vacuum up ants like an anteater. This is how he supplements his almost cum-exclusive diet.


>>99599 (double your pleasure, double your fun)
he's in the top percentage in both oral and anal skills? hatchi matchi! avid is incredible!


He's certainly one of a kind.


Thank you for deleting schizo squiggle guys spam, mod-san.


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memories.. light the corners of my mind..


Post your classics. Got any stee edits?


better to post it here >>38724


>some dead thread that hasn't been posted in for 2 months
Lol, fuck off avid. Post them here.


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It's too late.


that guy is way whiter than FoKvid


Why can't normal/cool people find this website, it's always crazy niggas lol heh


I think the crazies scare off the normal people.


You are probably abnormal if you're still using backwater imageboards in 2025


normies don't even use 4channel- they hear about how ebil it is from true-crime youtubers and wonder why it isn't shut down by the FBI


False. 4chan is reddit 2.0. Only prime nigger-cattle could post through that captcha or actually pay for 4CHAN GOLD.


A surprising number of facebook normies use the site. It's one of the hotspots for qtard boomer types.

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