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 No.96744[Last 50 Posts]

new /meta/ thread


Avid is gay and retarded.


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I'm thinking about coming back full force as concrete avid posting hayley williams on every post and generally being a based goofy cunt


I stuffed a cheeseburger up your mother's maw last night and she loved it you greasy Zimbabwean pickpocketer


God, what the fuck happened to her? She looks weird as fuck now. I was dating a girl not too long ago with the whole Hayley Williams aesthetic. Even she looked better than whoever the fuck this version of her is.


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you're just mad because I slapped your sisters pussyflaps


also I didn't even read your comment fully


I guess she just got old, or had some really bad plastic surgery. Damn.


>avid now spamming some random post wall celebrity in an attempt to show 4chon how straight he is


nah you're just gay
you're also gay



you should make a discord server for 4chon


there already is one youre just not invited, nobody wants to read "avid bad" 20,000,000 times on account of your destroyed arse




and true


I have a theory, posters here are so arsewangled at my posts because they have no life and they need to make friends here instead


>every1 else is butthurt not me!!!12


There's a couple of them. Avid runs one and it's a shitshow like you'd expect. The other one isn't accepting new people to keep the schizos out.


>they have no life
Avid you post basically all day here, on a board that universally hates you and tells you to fuck off daily. You are the most lifeless loser imaginable.


Let me in just kidding, don't have discord


no I dont, I dont have a discord account anymore
I'm not im the most based person here


"based" is ebonics. You have a niggerbrain (oxymoron).


you got me there I am infact black


gotcha. no worries


If there's demand I could make one I suppose. I prefer chatting on the imageboard but it's pretty tough when retards like avid constantly shit the place up, and the mods do nothing.


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cry about it, nobody cares about your dreams of a bustling circlejerk hug box, man up, its a fucking shitty imageboard, if you had friends IRL you wouldn't be trying to make online friends, you sad cunt


No, sir, I am not interested in your tyranny-pedophile VOIP software.


You are foky-tier.


He's far worse than foky. Foky had moments where he was amusing at least.

Avid is the new dwarf.


would be neat tbh.

i kinda miss old 4chon and, the much later, early 8chan groups. the insane people especially were fun to chat with.

at the time I just thought it was normal, but now as I'm older I realize that time was special


dubs say avid is gay


Hdv replied with "lol" so I take that as approval of the idea.




Were you on the 4chon irc?


Why fragment discussion more?


And on the worst platform possible no less.


Be nice to have a discussion that doesn't devolve into avid-baiting.

I'm fairly ambivalent to the idea. Could be fun but could turn into a shitshow or damage the board further.


Discord is inherently the polar-opposite of why I continue to use this back-water site. At least use IRC like someone who isn't a gay zoomer.


truth hurts
ask me if I give a fuck
you just want to circlejerk about anime without getting owned by me afterward


Will it help change your mind if I engage him less? I imagine he deliberately wants to kill the board and me engaging him just magnifies the shitting-up of the board.


That's fair enough. An irc server would be superior in my mind as well. I know some ex-4chonners who run a fairly private one. Could ask if they would be willing to host a channel.

Would be nice heh. It was funny at first but it's definitely increased avid's obnoxious posting.


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>I imagine he deliberately wants to kill the board
the boards been dead retard, boards been fucking dead since the 8chan board got axed, how new are you?
>muh on topic le deep talk
there's sites like mefi that piss all over any discussions that have ever been had here, why are you so desperate for this site to be tolerable anyway, so you can waste even more time here talking about anime children?


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>Would be nice heh. It was funny at first but it's definitely increased avid's obnoxious posting.
I'm trying to liberate you fucking retards, do you honestly see yourselves sitting on this corpse of a site lamenting over the 'good old days' for the rest of your lives? what's with this spoilt brat attitude of this site having to be something enjoyable for you? fuck right off, the world doesn't revolve around you


I was thinking earlier about making a new 4chon board, that actually had a mod that could remove the retards. I realize it's probably too late for that. The time to do it would have been when this place was first created. With respect to HDV and his leadership, I genuinely feel that his tolerance of mentally ill retards like foky is what tanked the population of this community. Nobody wants to deal with that shit. It wasn't just foky either, there's been an entire train of retards run on 4chon over the last few years, to the point that this place feels like a mental health facility. Foky, dwarf, dog, squiggle guy, avid... where the hell do these subhumans crawl out of? There's people literally word salad posting for fucks sake.

Awhile ago there was a sticky here where hdv announced he was removing the retards but it didn't really end up happening.


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HDV is an inept little virgin faggot but seriously this isn't your site, you want on topic posts fuck off to reddit, youre acting like your life won't be complete if 4chon isn't a boring hug box, it's more telling of the state of your life, if you had someone to do outside it wouldn't be as much of a problem for you
>"there is shitposting waaaaah"
and? what the fuck do you think 4chon will achieve if posts were all normoid tier? you think we'd hit a new zenith of online communication?

if you want to chat about tv shows and shit that ultimately doesn't fucking matter, join the 4chon telegram, steam group or message fag boy HDV

sad cunt


I don't know what I hate more, lack of moderation or overmoderation. My feelings on moderation are generally to just delete illegal stuff. If I have tools to block/hide stuff I don't like otherwise and don't utilize them, then that's on me. So I probably hate overmoderation. Well, honestly, it's probably a bit context-oriented, all of it.


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ok guys I'm gifting you with my absence, I feel I dont want to associate with people as pathetic as yourselves, enjoy being online retard friends together


>Well, honestly, it's probably a bit context-oriented, all of it.
Of course. I think a mod has to kind of "read the room" a bit to know what's acceptable and not. I remember on steechon, it was ridiculous what people got away with by skirting around the autistic rules, and how many otherwise good posters were attacked by the mod staff because they just didn't like them or because they ran afoul of some stupid rule. At some point you almost had to root for the "imageboard terrorist" types, for fighting against that sort of shit. I've always been pretty anti-mod but there's a point where those tools are needed I feel. This is maybe one of those times and places.

Back when 4chon.me was first created foky was responsible for fully 2/3rds of all posts on the site. He bumped random threads, posted gibberish like "FuCk OFF tURKsPErGY LOL i SHART n PISS" which was actually pretty fucking funny but less so when the entire board is nothing but that. Now avid has basically become that. The tard is in every single thread actively trying to sabotage the site, which he admits to doing.

These sorts of bad actors destroy websites. Everyone complained about foky, and they complained and complained and then one day they decided to just leave. People have limits to how much bullshit they can tolerate.


You're not being realistic nor properly looking at things in perspective.


HDV has a good take on moderation. I like the chaos of the current incarnation of 4chon. Far better than overbearing mods fucking with everyone

Also Hayley Williams is literally in the Illuminati as one of their fuck-puppets. She does their gang symbols all the time. Stop posting this illuminati jew-cumrag post-wall hag that sold her soul (and 3 holes) for 5 minutes of fame


File: 1735659910727.webp 454.87 KB, 1042x8043, 1720535869427.webp

Literally who?


The sticky was about him removing the CP spammers.



Maybe just on my end, but hiding posts seems to be broken only for mobile. It displays [+] as if the post is hidden, but it still shows the comment body.


CP has never been tolerated on this site. It was about dwarf and other tards.


It's borked yeah.


File: 1735676644089.webp 454.87 KB, 1042x8043, 1720535869427.webp

Literally who?


just ur end


File: 1735685073893.jpg 75.28 KB, 897x270, example.jpg

It breaks upon reloading the page. It hides images properly, but not the comment body in mobile view. Also don't have anything against this post, just using it as an example.


Is this implementable here? lol



Would be sweet.


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Sounds right. Her song about her bf losing his virginity without her, was a direct reference to her losing her own virginity to a group of music producers. When I learned about this way long ago, I was like, “Damn this bitch will do anything for fame, even to get a train ran by old men taking her virginity.”


Just a heads up to the few VPN users, I will implement a total ban on VPNs soon. From what I've seen the recent CP spam IPs at least in the past weeks are all covered by this VPN IP list. Not procrastinating on that anymore ( https://sushigirl.us/yakuza/res/1198.html#q1276 ) since we don't really have that many active mods and I will no longer be able to visit regularly due to personal circumstances, i.e. mostly due to crunch time work especially this month, but I can't complain because at least it's not roofing out in freezing cold or sweltering heat from 6 AM to 7 PM for minimum wage, as well as recent health & mobility problems with my parents so I have to help them, dad's recovering from ministroke or w/e caused his faint and pissing his pants a couple months ago, mum's recently got some hip issue since last week and is wailing in pain when standing even with opioid medication and can't really walk, haven't got x-ray results yet, but from what I know I'm sure they'll fully recover in a few months, plz no fake condolences or well wishes, I don't care about formalities or what you think about me or my family, I don't know you and you'd probably hate me IRL knowing my luck, just blogging you on what's up and why you will not be able to post with VPN anymore soon so you don't whine about why you can't shitpost with your VPNs anymore. Shitty new year for me but what can you do, I know fate is that my life only gets worse, I will see it to the bitter end.


Fug. Have you considered hiring jannies?


>posting on some site seisetsu is an owner of
Am I sensing a chon conspiracy?


I didn't think it was so serous to warrant such a reaction, though you can't expect users to know even half of what's going on behind the scenes. I don't think a blanket ban on VPNs is the right choice anyway. If you need help, I would take on some burden of minor moderation privileges, like being able to remove posts from sight but not outright delete them and their content personally, or just to delete/unlink files, lock threads, etc. I check this website pretty often when I'm not asleep or outside (sometimes I check if I have a connection outside, though). I have moderated boards before; upon being requested to and consciously tried to separate my ego from mod actions, in fact preferring to argue with posts I disagreed with instead of censoring them. If you don't trust me with any sort of moderation privilege that would be sufficient for suppressing outright-illegal spam, that's fine. I personally don't access this site (or any others) through a VPN, but I still don't think it's a healthy move to block them wholesale.

You mentioned that you don't want condolences for your parents' deteriorating health, but you spent a lot of your post discussing it so I will say that it's a very arduous process to go through. Not quite there with my own parents, but have gone through it with my grandparents and a couple other old folks I cared about. It's certainly not fun to watch your loved ones deteriorate into something pathetic or even unrecognizable. To ensure you that I'm not fake-caring, I'd like to demand to know where the fucking Roddy Piper/Nada flag is, you emo bugman faggot. A blanket ban on VPNs is fucking retarded regardless of if you feel comfortable of granting me some level of mod burden. There are far more active boards than 4chon with lazier moderation. Saw 3+ CP spam threads up on a higher-traffic board for a whole day within the last few days and I haven't ever seen the same here as far as I can remember. Whatever, you made up your retarded mind about this shit anyway. Fuck you.


Sorry lad. My parents have been needing assistance for a while so I understand what you're going through a bit, although they're in more predictable, stable condition these days. Try and encourage your mom to seek a chiropractor. While their standards aren't as uniform so it can be scary, they represent a pretty cost effective access to an x-ray and diagnosis-and if nothing else often have good inroads with spinal professionals outside of the chiropractic profession specifically if it turns out to be something that needs a more intrusive surgery.

Both myself and my mother would likely have ended up on a lifetime of pain medications without the 5 or so chiropractic adjustments we'd had. In my case I hurt my lower back from bad posture at work and lifting something heavy wrong, and in her case it was bad posture, in both cases I truly believe we'd have been permanently impaired without the chiropractor.

Reason being: I had waited several months in a literal hunchback-like state before I realized whatever happened to me wasn't likely to get better on its own

I sought treatment for my mom within two weeks on the back (pun intended) of my own success employing that method as she was in terrible, wailing pain much as yours seems to be; she needed assistance to stand and sit, meaning I had to sleep nearby and help bring her to the bathroom in the middle of the night and stuff so I felt more emboldened to try asap

Turns out that-once again-in 5 sessions or so she basically made a full recovery the same way I did. Hopefully you will find similar success.


>though you can't expect users to know even half of what's going on behind the scenes
Until today I thought hdv was the site admin. The administration of the site is very opaque.

Ditto on volunteering for janny position. Also have mod experience. Here forever. Don't really wanna do it but if the alternative is this website going completely unmoderated or losing a whack of users from a vpn ban I'll shoulder the burden.


am I on a vpn?

I don't come here often enough to see any naughty spam.
is it hot at least?


Not unless you're into 4 year olds.


I will put a quiz that only 4chonners would be able to answer correctly as a 24-hour VPN IP bypass.

We don't know what it is yet (fracture? hip burstitis?) but will consider that, she'd likely to have to wait many months for surgery anyway if it's needed so may as well try that assuming there's no sign of recovery in the coming weeks, if it's not a bone issue maybe they'll just inject a steroid if it will reduce the pain, cost isn't an issue since she has insurance as she still works at 70.

Your VPN is on the list yes.


>Both myself and my mother would likely have ended up on a lifetime of pain medications without the 5 or so chiropractic adjustments we'd had
I typed out a lengthy account of why chiropractic therapy is not beneficial in every case, but said fuck it and tried to condense it all. My grandma was my favorite person and her replacement young doctor (too disgusted by old bodies to properly evaluate them from the sounds of it, even though she had a frame like a tiny Japanese granny) recommended chiropractic treatment which destroyed her spine and she ended up spending her last month of life on heavy doses of morphine in a hospital bed dying to a sudden spread of cancer directly due to the chiropractic work recommended by her "doctor". Not the chiropractor's fault, obviously. He was just following a prescription.

Maybe it could help his family, but you never know.


>I will put a quiz that only 4chonners would be able to answer correctly as a 24-hour VPN IP bypass
A captcha-quiz thing could be nice, but either some asshole disgruntled old user (like ****) or whoever writes the CP spam bot could probably figure out how to automate such a thing eventually too. I don't know what you exactly intend to implement, I suppose. Is the spam really a big problem here yet? I try to stick to small boards like this and, like I said, I saw CP on a more active board remain for much longer in the past few days than I've ever seen it remain up on here.


And if you trust either one or both of us (the Izutsumi poster and I) to help avoid a total traffic death via VPN ban with some level of mod privileges to delete outright illegal content, that avenue is always there. If the problem is a lot worse behind the scenes, I apologize. Just doesn't seem that way given what I witness on other places being hit with the same or very similar styles of spam.


It's usually in /new/. Nobody goes there so it can stick around awhile.


I check new a lot, too, but don't see a lot of spam there. Not saying illegal stuff has never been posted there. I've seen and reported stuff, hadn't seemed to take long for that board to be cleared when it happened.

Well, I'm gonna sleep now. Not necessarily going to officially check back in as I'm supposed to wake up.


Partial ban on VPNs is now in effect, they can no longer upload files without solving the (relatively easy) quiz for a temporary bypass.
If the quiz ever gets figured out by CP spammer, there will be no temporary bypass for VPN file uploads.


File: 1736747134300.jpeg Spoiler Image, 100.99 KB, 770x1162, IMG_0105.jpeg

testing for science


it worked! I don't really remember the first one.
the 2nd one is maybe too easy lol


Unfortunately, there was a CP post on new about 5-6 hours later. Hopefully it's not consistent.


Is it a butthurt ex-4chonner doing it then? Or at least, someone familiar with the website.


I don't think it is. There was the same CP spam posted on ZZZchan around the same time. Interestingly enough, both were posted in existing threads instead of being made their own. Don't know what the hell is going on there. Maybe the developer didn't enable the quiz for the replies' privilege to post images at that point.


That IP range was not on this VPN list. I can see which exact IPs have passed that quiz lately. Anyone can just open a data center VPN service in Belize the next day for an affordable price, which was where that latest IP (that wasn't on the blocklist) pointed to, unlike in the first world where you need half a million $ minimum to start a data center (similar to how you can find detatched residential property in Belize for low 5-figures, same kind of bidding, monopolization and regulation dynamics determining pricing), no volunteer-run list will catch every VPN in the world. This guy knows where to find the most obscure VPNs that sprout up now it seems, there's likely a forum or something for that like lowendtalk/lowendbox for servers and VPS's, because he's no longer using basic bitch VPN providers that he was using earlier last year, there was significant pause in between.
No. You can read that thread I linked earlier but Soysatsu and his buddies have a better understanding of who it is and what his likely motivations are since they've went through the links he posts (presumably with their own VPNs, wouldn't want to rawdog a potential honeypot), usually redirecting to telegram channels and forums they post on. Actually in that exact thread in sushigirl around Christmas time I saw the CP spammer taunted Soysatsu to show he's bypassed his endpoint thing, which is why I suggested around that time to try banning all VPNs like I did recently. Anyway they won't discuss the details of what they know publicly but you can go on their Discord if you're interested to see what they know, I'm not really interested in going there, nor do I care that much since it wouldn't help anyway. One thing I know is the spammer is likely German-speaking because you might recall a significant portion of the spam together with the shortened redirector URLs was written in German and not just English.


>the spammer is likely German-speaking
It was KC tier and it was on the chon


File: 1736797717166.jpg 175.93 KB, 766x1024, 1637297515120.jpg

I see. I suppose the vpn block wouldn't work then if they have access to ip ranges outside of normal lists.

>Actually in that exact thread in sushigirl around Christmas time I saw the CP spammer taunted Soysatsu to show he's bypassed his endpoint thing

>Anyway they won't discuss the details of what they know publicly

So it's one of seisetsu's tranny irc circlejerk people and this is all just a pissing match between him and some pedophile turboautist. For fuck's sake. Hard to believe that years after we broke away from stee this shit still crops up to haunt us. 4chon really is cursed.

>I'm not really interested in going there, nor do I care that much since it wouldn't help anyway.

No, it wouldn't. I can get ahold of ferus or seisetsu on irc/discord but I'll tell you right now you won't get anything useful out of those mouthbreathers.

>One thing I know is the spammer is likely German-speaking because you might recall a significant portion of the spam together with the shortened redirector URLs was written in German and not just English.

Honestly, I never looked long enough to notice. I just report the post and move on.

You did some good investigation with this. You're to be commended.

Something I brought up with hdv outside of the site a few years ago is the idea of making an account system for the site. 4chon already has the apparatus for that in place to some extent, and some sort of verification before posting would curb a lot of the spam problem (although it would make the site more difficult to access for genuine new users and these 4chon refugees who occasionally show up to make a nostalgia thread).

My idea at the time was that the account wouldn't be linked to any name or post count or anything like that, because I do still believe in the original vision of imageboards being places where people can discuss things unburdened by internet identities and forum hierarchies. I realize that with some users accessing the website via vpn already, they likely don't want to leave a digital fingerprint here so would be opposed to the idea, but you're currently arguing in favor of banning their ability to post entirely so it seems like a lesser compromise. It is also nontraditional to go down this road so there'd be some flak from purists.

Or you could just make some janitors to clean up the cp spam, which is the usual way imageboards deal with this.


bug fixes changelog for mods:
erroneous duplicate reports displaying in reports page should be fixed
mod post controls on mobile shouldn't overflow off screen anymore

>you're currently arguing in favor of banning their ability to post entirely
No just banning file uploads as the worst case scenario, decided against a total ban for known VPNs since there's nothing to gain from that, and that's only if the CP spammer passed the quiz and posted with a bypassed IP. That hasn't happened yet, we'll see.
>Or you could just make some janitors to clean up the cp spam, which is the usual way imageboards deal with this.
This is the only realistic solution for HDV if it starts to become unmanageable in the future.


>So it's one of seisetsu's tranny irc circlejerk people and this is all just a pissing match between him and some pedophile turboautist
I honestly don't think it's that personal. This very same asshole has been indiscriminately spamming most smaller boards for at least several years.


Just saw the spammer made rounds elsewhere a few minutes ago, so maybe your method is working.


will any action be taken against the indian ai slop that has been posted on here?


cp spammer is back


H'what the fuck?


Seriously, advertisers?


1. install firefox
2. menu button > Add-ons
3. Tap the + button next to uBlock Origin

now you have a web browser that blocks ads
use your current browser just for your survey stuff

and disable firefox's accessibility services so the browser doesn't slow down randomly, stupid bug mozilla refuses to fix:
1. type about:config in the address bar
2. type in accessibility.force_disabled and set it to 1 instead of 0


That's what you get for being a cumbrain.






Seen the spammer spam other boards twice since it got through here earlier, think around 2 hours ago and past 15 minutes.


File: 1737982505157-0.jpg 234.4 KB, 2048x1316, Reki and Rakka.jpg

File: 1737982505157-1.mp4 15.19 MB, 640x360, Grimes - Genesis.mp4

You should add Rakka and Reki from Haibane Renmei as flags. Same creator as Lain. Really good anime. If you never add them because you hate me, I only feel bad for you. I also understand that you're stressed, so not pressuring you.


my bad should've tested posting before leaving after making a seemingly minor code change


Posting seems to have been working fine.


think it was down for a couple hours from a typo but i dunno


Judaic anime.


don't spoil it for me


Don't see what makes you feel that way besides the characters being designed to look like angels. I'd like to see your argument so long as you spoiler it out of consideration for anyone who may watch it someday.


Doesn't seem like a pressing issue, but something involving thread deletion and catalog view might be broken? There was a thread on new with some AI slop including a QR code and body text reading "Seriously" that was deleted earlier. However, it was still showing up in catalog view (the OP image was broken and clicking on the thread returned a 404 page). I posted and deleted a thread to test just now to see what would happen. It no longer shows the previous thread, but now shows my thread in its place, so I don't think it is something that can be abused. Not sure how it appears from the backend, so felt like pointing it out.


Jews are very bad, and angels are also bad.


cuz tinyboard/vichan is a badly written clusterfuck


} elseif ($action == 'post-thread' || ($settings['update_on_posts'] && $action == 'post') || ($settings['update_on_posts'] && $action == 'post-delete') && in_array($board, $boards)) {

in other words it is evaluated as:
($action == 'post-thread') || 
($settings['update_on_posts'] && $action == 'post') || 
(($settings['update_on_posts'] && $action == 'post-delete') && in_array($board, $boards))

removing that last in_array condition fixes it because the way the parentheses are grouped it's effectively only tied to work with the condition $action == 'post-delete' being true, and we've seen the catalog doesn't update when it's a post delete action.

i refactored it to:
} elseif ($action == 'post-thread' || ($settings['update_on_posts'] && ($action == 'post' || $action == 'post-delete'))) {

no clue why the in_array call was written there, it always evaluates to false, is it to limit updating it to one board's catalog instead of every board? who knows


>Jews are very bad
I wholeheartedly agree.
>angels are also bad
I disagree, at least insofar as what the European and subsequently Japanese idea of cute angels ends up being for the purpose of this show.


>no clue why the in_array call was written there
You answered yourself here probably:
>cuz tinyboard/vichan is a badly written clusterfuck
But I really wouldn't know. I did some html for a college thing like 20ish years ago and did a wee bit more stuff in very amateur, casual settings since, so my brain is absolutely shitty mush to bounce off for this kind of stuff. Sorry. Your stuff looks more concise than what was previously written, but I can't say I know for sure that it fulfills all functions of the first line.


Bump because apparently pedophilia is back on the menu despite the VPN ban against such shit. Fucking autistic retards.


Don't even go there. I have countless receipts of you making pedophilic posts and ironically the exact same accusations leveled at you just a few months ago. Stop trying to escalate things beyond where they need to go and just move on.


You have no such evidence besides avid being a retard. Shut the fuck up, you incompetent dipshit.


Lol. Every accusation is an admission, as they say.


I actually do. I can show HDV privately all the relevant posts and he'll see you've gone bipolar and hypocritical.


>n-no u in so many words
Remind me who was posting some dumb Chinese bitch's ageplay content and crying about muh roasties


Nah, you could show it here and now if you had it.


Mods are not allowed to link/identify users publicly, directly or indirectly. Only HDV, the owner, is allowed to mediate disputes or make final decisions.


Seems legit NOT!


Tell HDV to post here again. Miss that nigga.


Is HDV really an absentee landlord? I thought he was one of the pony posters.


lol no he posts every now and then


File: 1740534998012.jpg 95.35 KB, 1024x896, 1740494889267642m.jpg

I haven't noticed anything sussy though I admittedly skip a number of threads. Haven't seen anything underage


Retard is posting some Chinese bitch doing 7-year-old ageplay in the cow thread.


A 20-year-old Chinese TikTok cosplayer being cute != whatever you're claiming

If it's a crime to find adult women cute then I'm guilty.


You wouldn't find her cute if it weren't for the camera angle, filters, makeup, etc, you kike pedophile. You'd call her a "roastie" and disregard her if she weren't entertaining your mental illness.


Some guy is posting an adult chinese cosplayer in the /cow/ thread and avid decided he was very upset over this and wanted to moralfag. It's just avid being avid.


>wears yellow hat and red backpack strongly associated with kids in primary school
>uses camera angles, filters makeup to look tiny and physically appear like a child


Cute is cute. You don't find women attractive so you wouldn't get it avid. Maybe there's some african musclemen you can look at instead.


Not avid, but please tell me more about these cute 7-year-old "healthy young women" of breeding age, Sandeep.


Are the pedos in the room with you right now avid? You better hide, one might burst out of the closet.


>You wouldn't find her cute if it weren't for the camera angle, filters, makeup, etc, you kike pedophile. You'd call her a "roastie" and disregard her if she weren't entertaining your mental illness.
sigh.. do I really have to reveal personal info to prove how totally wrong you are?
Here are some of my old posts:
And I never used the term "roastie" in my life, I couldn't care less about labia shapes even if others call me a "simp" for that.
Here's me telling someone (in a regrettably mean way) to stop worrying about her labia.
>and avid decided he was very upset over this and wanted to moralfag.
Those weren't my posts, I was gone for most of the day working until about an hour ago.


Not avid and not in my house, but certainly in this thread and on this website at the moment. Imagine making avid look reasonable by being such a die-hard pedophile dipshit lol.


Here is a good example of the falseflagging nigger.


It's just some hag cosplaying. Filters, make-up, etc. are creepy looking but harmless


Give these kinds of freaks an inch and they take a mile. This is quite a few steps past drawn shit and you're going to let it slide anyway. Good luck and go fuck yourself, dumbass.


I don't believe you are avid. Avid is a savagely homosexual bipolar rageaholic and you seem the opposite of that.


>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Unironically insane. I'm amazed you can still use a computer and aren't pushing a shopping cart down the sidewalk screaming about "pedos" and taking small change from boomers to support your meth habit.


>retard is clearly trying to pretend to be someone who hasnt posted on 4chon in months in the wake of the same retarded behavior happening on another board recently
Just shut the fuck up and kill yourself, useless moron. "People" like you are why the world sucks and your kind are the first to be purged. Human livestock through and through. I'd honestly take great pleasure in offing you if the kikes granted me the privilege because fuck you retard.


Are you sharpening your katana for the day of the rope? Making a second iteration of smileys list?



Be sure to dial in that sharp logic and wit of yours. Surely you'll be a thought leader and see success in pushing genius ideas such as how 7-year-old sex should be legalized to the masses soon enough. The next Foucault, some might say!


File: 1740538038050.webp 640.08 KB, 625x5636, my_posts.webp

Here you go, Yandere-kun. These are my shitposts I made today, hope this clears things up.


This doesn't say anything, dipshit. Gee, it's almost like you aren't from around here.


The green circles show which are my posts, Yandere-kun.
By the way I won't tattle anything about you to HDV, forget what I said earlier here >>99230, I feel sorry for you, I think you're just having a bad day and hope you get better soon and we get put this behind us.


Not a landlord anymore, I think. I think he has mod powers but the running of the site has been given over to some other fella (presumably the guy who talks about programming a lot, if I were to guess).


Like I said, you're the falseflagging nigger retard. Apparently you're an actual pedophile too. No receipts, just empty threats. You know you are full of shit.


This same retard was calling someone "closet-kun" when called out on the other board for posting faggot shit. The joke ultimately isn't on me, but dipshit mods who fall for this transparent troll.


>Apparently you're an actual pedophile too.
I could say the exact same thing about you but I won't because it's not my style to randomly accuse and project things onto people.


You couldn't and, according to your super-legit screenshot, it's not random for me to be calling you a pedophile, pedophile.


>accuse random people of not being from 4chon
>constantly reference some other board that you admit you crawled out of to come here
Every accusation is a confession. Mental illness off the charts.


I wonder how much you will have to repeatedly project here to convince the regular retards of this board that you aren't pulling shit.


File: 1740545953533.gif 521.15 KB, 541x560, 1737143868683.gif

I'm currently running a imageboard that I'd like to gain more traction and would really like to work with long time imageboard admins with development and potential buying different sites
Ps I really like your guys flags we had a similar system on a old imageboard I ran but


It was called rizz and had significant less options and was blatantly stolen from bant culture


First thing is you need to block VPNs from being able to post images or you and your mods will get burnt out from the CP spam. I can show you here but you need to have at least a very basic understanding of Linux (command line), cron / crontab, SQL, Python and PHP. If it's anything other than vichan, like lynxchan or jschan then you'll have to figure out how to integrate much of it on your own.


I think you miss understood the original post
It's already all set up with the VPNs blocked and my own collection of mods set up
The part I'm on is getting users and making the best site I can
If you have a telegram or email I can disclose more with out directly linking things


Hi, glownigger! Inquire about their 7-year-old special. It's all UBERLEGAL and jam-packed with MEGA COPES. And of sound mind, too. Guaranteed by Klebold and Lanza Inc.


I'm too busy for that but if you have a specific technical question you can ask it here.


Yeah, sure. We can hash out the details on telegram. Look up realpseudopredator.


I'll keep that in mind
Also the current vichan is very buggy and that's what I'm using
Due to the fact we only have 5 members I don't really have to worry about losing anything if I reinstall to something else. What would you recommend because having to go into the server for locking the board is getting really old


Just let that shit flow like mother nature. All that crazy stuff is natural, y'know?


Also is a flag recommendation thread up? I would make some if I knew the requirements for it just so I could use it


Sorry, the nursing home sweatshop isn't quite running yet


ILL make it nigga
Let me post as gappy


What do you mean?


File: 1740548265942.png 54.78 KB, 744x1150, ssh-login-script.png

>I don't really have to worry about losing anything if I reinstall to something else. What would you recommend
They are all bad, and lynxchan and jschan take too much RAM compared to vichan (provided you make sure to reduce PHP-FPM and MySQL defaults in terms of RAM usage). I don't know much about jschan but lynxchan is overengineered, just look at the source code, no one can understand it.
>having to go into the server for locking the board is getting really old
see pic, can't really avoid SSHing, and putty for windows should have similar quick shortcut to log in
>Also the current vichan is very buggy
you'll have to be specific on bugs


Also this might be showing my hand to a point where you can tell what imageboard space I'm from, but the primary issue my previous imageboard that lasted a year suffered from was a group of gen z users that posted illegal content while promoting their discords
Did you have to deal with anything similar or is it just gen z that attracts these types?


What? That's all normal here. The only vichan bug I can locate at the moment is that it isn't properly detecting 7-year-olds.


>You have to specify on bugs
First of all, most noticeable Is no changes can be made directly on mod.secrets you have to manually edit everything which is very tedious
Along with that I had to go to a previous version and rip the captcha out of my old site and use it here
I regularly message the current upkeeper who admitted to using Chatgbt to code it and he is too lazy to help me fix the shit he broke


A 7 year old would be more coherent I'm just retarded


It could be me breaking shit but I have a coadmin bitching about the same things


Then maybe jschan or lynxchan are better options that you should try, vichan requires a lot of tinkering with PHP to configure things or fix bugs, a lot of things are custom here like the captcha


Don't mind the resident schizo.


I'll check this thread tomorrow I'm going to bed it's late for me
Consider joining the moderator team if you want it would be a big step up from the group I had to pull mods from


Sorry, what I meant is the software searches for children, but it's glitched on some adult woman that is spending a lot of time trying to look 7. Don't mind the resident troll.


I am leaving then to get you to calm down and stay so you don't have to see any more of my TikTok videos. Site functions autonomously and is in good hands with the other mods. I've more pressing things anyway to deal with coming up soon (e.g. caretaking family member with bypass surgery scheduled next week, etc.).


Nah, it's your website. Post all the creepy shit you want, nonce.


>avid's psychotic spam actually scared the moderator away


I didn't tell the pedo to tattle on itself and fervently defend pedo content. Retard hurt itself in its confusion!


Hope there are complications with the surgery, by the way. :)


Correction*: aren't


LGBTQP mod can't back its empty accusations up, but it can see that you aren't me.


Correction: I'm a fussy baby that needs my napnaps. When I get up maybe I'll be less of a bitch.


Don't you have some important, unprompted age of consent discussion to get back to in the anime thread or something? You're like one of those dolls with a pull string, but all your phrases contain fawning for a literal retard from England or a Freudian slip. Sometimes both.


Correction: me so sleep me need mommy wah wah wah


Schizophrenia above me


Seems like it was a slip that time.


Delete /new/


Fite me IRL fagit


This. Six days now since the last non-spam post on the board. Avid's opinion can be safely discarded.


Snort my shit, nigger-lover. Also didn't click lol.


May as well delete lounge too, since it's all vertical video spam of ageplay and bestiality crap. Make /snapgramtok/ to reflect that this site is a redundant dump for failed normalniggers.



Seems legit.


>avid still having a meltdown over cute girls doing cute things several days later
Not beating the gay allegations.


Posting in /new/ used to feel like it meant something. These days, there's nothing in news to fell anything about. It's all the same dismal spiral into the abyss. Nothing's building up to anything, there's no hope for anybody to do anything that matters, it's all just so over. Truly these are the retirement age years.


This. It isn't worth following anymore. The whole charade is a giant circus designed to keep you feeling depressed and helpless in the face of evil.


Still not your boogeyman no matter how many times your swiss cheese brain compels you to screech about him and you aren't ever beating the chomo allegations.


You are unreasonably ornery no matter who you are.


[Sad News] Someone posted a real post in /new/ today about tate. The count has reset to 0 days.


To be honest avid isn't that obnoxious and butthurt, even when he's in spam mode.

Given the tirade of death threads, day of the rope list making, and poorly disguised pedophilia it could be smiley. Has the cringe wizard returned?




Remembering that time when the dev cuck was trying to court ((([REDACTED]))) for at least a couple weeks, haha. Beta moment.
It's almost like I had a revelation in the past couple days or something.
>tirade of death threads [sic]
Telling you to kill yourself or hoping for your fat fuck mother to croak during her bypass surgery aren't death threats.
>day of the rope list making
This is either redundant with the first point or incoherent schizobabble. I just don't feel any levity with you chomos at this point.
>poorly disguised pedophilia
I'm not the one spamming and defending ageplay shite, champ. Look in the mirror.
>it could be smiley
As far as I recall, he's a kike pedophile as much as you dumb cunts are. Throw some more names out, it's fun to see you feminine freaks speculate.


Plant a tree. I just harvested and planted 20 willow cuttings


Correction: Me want my bottle! Waah! Me don't wike cooties!


Another slip.


Correction: wah wah, me just baby who outsmarts you and evwee-one here with my wittle binky logic. Oopsie, me made a boom-boom in my diaper for evwee-one to smell, me need you to clean up my poo-poo now, stinkie!


The slips keep getting more and more deranged.


>It's almost like I had a revelation in the past couple days or something.
That you're only loyal to the BBC? Wow, we would've never guessed avid. Explains the withdrawal symptoms you've been having lately


>randomly starts talking about nigger dicks and boogeyman
>sage as a downvote
You're almost beginning to sound half-sane and not-butthurt, keep it up!


See >>99440
>deleted previous post to also project about addiction problems
Keep those slips coming, champ.


Is schizophrenia another symptom? Damn avid I guess you really are itching for your next fix.


>i-if i keep imagining it's my boogeyman, then it really will be!!!1
I don't think you're in any position to be accusing others of schizophrenia.


Avid needs his fix. Get that man a nigger, stat!


does every imageboard have boogie men that get seethed about? is this just a consent everywhere?


also a little note as a update for me trying to run a site
iv been trying to get into contact with the former admins of 711chan (dead site completely that is read only) to buy the domain and collect some redirects
the unfortunate part is im almost completely new to the space everywhere except the place i dont want users from


i think they would let me buy the domain but i really dont want lulwut apart of my staff because he modded for kolyma


admin add /o/ - overboard
so we can see both new and lounge at the same time


Avid is a boogie but she's a girl (male). Please don't misgender her, chud.


Not a bad idea, honestly.


Still praying for dev cuck's demonically fat and worthless sack of shit family member to die soon regardless of the specialized express bypass surgery for fat asses outcome. Would be a pro death worth a lot of points...


Avid is still raging about "pedos" while fondling his non-functional HRT dick and spamming cp links on imageboards.


File: 1740806564370.webp 36.74 KB, 391x385, Goku-heart-virus.webp

Not sure why you're obsessed with me. I suppose I should be flattered that I live rent-free in your head every waking hour of every day. Never thought I'd have my very own gay yandere stalker ;^). But anyway he's a thin, physically active tall guy but has been a stubborn smoker (until now, I think this finally has scared him straight), smoking is very common and socially acceptable in Germany, he picked up that habit from work as an import-export company director, for example it was (maybe still is?) very common in business meetings between directors, executives and trade ministers to be offered a lot of cigarettes and alcohol. He "failed" a routine physical stress test from analysis of ECG and after further testing they said he has to do a CABG due to partially blocked arteries. I'm not worried at all because the mortality rate is like 1% (and even if he dies I've gone through enough deaths I'm used to it, no one lives forever, etc.), but I'll have to help them out for a week or two.


This is really uncalled for. Hdv is a cool dude and I appreciate him keeping this little bit o nostalgia alive for us



99488 chomo schizo is still raging about boogeyman and now imagining he was posting the cheese pizza he likes gooning to


Didn't read because it looked boring and you opened with tranny babble. Looking forward to disease running in the family. :)


The only one who's boring everyone with your BBC craving antics is you avid


>avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC avid BBC
In addition to slinging accusations of schizophrenia, you also don't have any room to be calling anyone else boring when all your comebacks are Freudian slips regarding nigger dick cravings or CP, or sperging about your boogeyman. Also countersage, faggot.


Calm down now avid, you'll keep scaring away all your matches from Grindr if you keep acting that way. Take a deep breath, it's gonna be ok.


Didn't ask about your favorite dating app, cumbrained nigger. Take a deep breath and hold it for a couple days.


Maybe you need better opening lines avid, this attitude is just gonna make your matches on Grindr flee. But what do I as a straight guy know, as you've indicated before, only you have extensive experience in the gay dating scene.


>"as a straight guy"
>cant stop having sexual thoughts about niggers, men, trannies and kids
Biggest lie yet.


Just fuck already


No can do avid I don't swing that way


Your dick doesn't really swing at all considering how tiny it is. Probably why you ended up being a "power" bottom.


Why is avid such a nasty guy? All he seems to be able to do is insult people on dead imageboards like a 5 year old.


I wouldn't call shitskin pedophiles "people", no. Also,
>like a 5 year old
How many slips are we up to now? Seems like all you do is fantasize about children.


Well wait if he's a power bottom, wouldn't that necessitate having a large cock? Power bottom implies he's the driving force of the scenario, doesn't it? I don't know fag lingo but I'm pretty sure that's how that works.


Thrust force doesn't originate at the dick. Don't even need to have had sex at all to know that.


You seem to enjoy thinking about gay sex a lot.


You're the one posting about it all the time, typically involving niggers. Nice self-awareness, champ.


100% chance of toxoplasmosis brain between the cats and mettbrötchen


It just means he's the dominant one personality wise, but he still takes it up the butt. It's like femdom.


Toxoplasmosis is good. You can draw a direct correlation between cats spreading to areas and the development of higher civilization. The toxo unlocks the potential of the human brain.

About 50% of germans have it, vs like 10% of Amerigoblins.


pmt if you want to gauge someone's negritude ask them what they think of cats

love cats: very civilized and autismal
meh on cats: neutral NPC
hate cats: violent retard alert

do NOT accept "I'm a dog person" as a dodge to the question


>brain-eating parasites are... LE GOOD!!!11
It really seemed to help you in those big wars.
Nowhere did I say I hate cats, ESL retard.


Very true.

>avid declares he doesn't hate cats out of nowhere, to someone who isn't replying to him
Lol. Well avid is a violent retard after all.


You kvetching about your boogeyman forever thinking it will eventually turn me into him is a symptom of schizophrenia brought about by your brain parasites. So is being retarded enough to believe toxoplasmosis built civilization as a coping mechanism. Have fun dying when you get sick from anything worse than the common cold, nigger.


no one accused you of anything, saar.

avid is a remnant of the medieval peasant anglos who killed cats because they feared every one of them was a potential witches' familiar

luckily most of them died from rat-carried diseases and the surviving ailurophiles went on to conquer much of the world


You managed to catch schizophrenia without any help from cats, avid. Go shake your twink ass on youtube or something.


>n-no u
>another mention of boogeyman
>more faggot shit
To be expected of someone afflicted with brain-eating parasites.


They've done many studies on feline control of the rodent population and they all show that cats have near zero effect on rats. They're too large, intelligent and difficult to catch. Cats prefer easier prey

In my personal experience a cat will kill 10 songbirds for every 1 mouse it catches. I like cats but they're truly cursed animals filled only with the Devil

Traps and snakes are far superior at rodent control


>I like cats but they're truly cursed animals filled only with the Devil
I see the medieval peasant mentality is still alive and well on 4chon. Animal trials soon.


I am once again asking for /new/ to be deleted.


HDV has a price. What are you offering?


Avid's gorilla grip bussy.


>>99577 (dubba dubba dubba)
he's had it many times, m80. as has phanny, gaysatsu and learningchode


Avid's frequent gay encounters have only toned the muscles of his ass for greater pleasure. If anything his ♂ muscular man masturbator ♂ is more valuable as a result.


if anal sex was an olympic sport avid would be bringing gold after gold back to merry olde england


Avid's mouth muscles are so strong from continuous dick sucking that he can vacuum up ants like an anteater. This is how he supplements his almost cum-exclusive diet.


>>99599 (double your pleasure, double your fun)
he's in the top percentage in both oral and anal skills? hatchi matchi! avid is incredible!


He's certainly one of a kind.


Thank you for deleting schizo squiggle guys spam, mod-san.


File: 1741239095934.png 67.51 KB, 670x514, 1386441841403.png

memories.. light the corners of my mind..


Post your classics. Got any stee edits?


better to post it here >>38724


>some dead thread that hasn't been posted in for 2 months
Lol, fuck off avid. Post them here.


File: 1741240857697.jpg 340.74 KB, 719x896, 1626340905783.jpg

It's too late.


that guy is way whiter than FoKvid


Why can't normal/cool people find this website, it's always crazy niggas lol heh


I think the crazies scare off the normal people.


You are probably abnormal if you're still using backwater imageboards in 2025


normies don't even use 4channel- they hear about how ebil it is from true-crime youtubers and wonder why it isn't shut down by the FBI


False. 4chan is reddit 2.0. Only prime nigger-cattle could post through that captcha or actually pay for 4CHAN GOLD.


A surprising number of facebook normies use the site. It's one of the hotspots for qtard boomer types.

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