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i am blak
umad ytboi?


ywn be a book case


the feeling strikes


why does this shit has no fucking history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outlaw_motorcycle_club#Organization_and_leadership is it actually part of sons of anarchy fandom?


it's just a bunch of guys with small penors


wtf is a penors.


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it means they own small roller coasters

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deranged shitskin immigrant sets innocent woman on fire on the NY subway


incidents like this are only going to get worse once the honeymoon period of being in a new country disappears for these water brained bastards
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McFucking kill yourself, Thai ladyboy pedophile. You will never make a dime off your monkey scribbles.


>regardless of cost and while i oppose the commutations i don't think death penalties should be easily handed out considering how common wrongful convictions are
Very true. Can't ever have a clean, simple solution because pigs and the justice system in general suck.


sleep sheep, we own the banks!!! :DDD


You own nothing, you're even worse-off due to jewish banking. You're the true loser. Kill yourself.


more NEL from you I see


Based ethnonationalist jewfu spits some serious truth.
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Holy crap it's the meme.


every person with brown eyes is a mutt


tits mcgee


>t. blue-eyed kike


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Christianity and Democracy have been among the worst disasters to ever befall the human race.
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this might be the best bait, anon.


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The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. Also, christcuckoldry is the blueprint for communism. Two more millennia. Trust the plan.


That's quite the victim complex you have.


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Rather complicated. Basically Thailand caused it? Kinda confusingly make no sense.


From what I'm reading, the value of Thailand's money fell under what it was worth towards paying off foreign debts. That they were "forced"(?) to pay such debts that they couldn't afford, the trust and value of their money spiraled down the shitter and took other countries down with it.


>>8410 how is that possible? What are they? Uncle shamph?
Its confusing even more because I only experience the 98 session and it's barely international or even national. This one year stretch and thick amount of text about, sublime things.... It's just so unviolent. I guess.


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>how is that possible?


Well that's a disgusting shin megami tensei/cal of duty collector's edition hat. Eh sorry, offensive. Eh no, I uh, I'm not sure what's this. Dint hear much Jewish influence here.


Chat, is this real?
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alien niggers tounge my anus


she isn't, she kinda just cries all the time and is depressed


She was the least emotional character since she's the clone of the alien that created humanity, basically autistic.


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Rei more like Gei


malaise is an emotion too

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The German-Bavarian brewery Schlossle-Bier, opened 334 years ago in city Neu-Ulm, will cease operations at the end of December 2024 after ten years of unprofitable business in a row. The restaurant at the brewery will continue to receive visitors. The brewery's owner Christa Zoller told the Bild publication.
‘Beer consumption is falling and the prices of raw materials and energy are rising. We have been making losses in the brewing business for ten years,’ said Mrs Zoller. If in 2018 the brewery bottled 150 thousand litres of beer, now the production volume has decreased by a third - to 100 thousand litres per year.
According to the hostess, small production can not compete with large companies: ‘Prices would have to be almost twice as high for us to be able to buy new equipment again. But this is impossible to achieve on the market.’ Mrs Zoller also complained about bureaucratic difficulties in running the business.
The restaurant at the brewery still generates income and will not close with the production. Christa Zoller believes it should be preserved as ‘a place of beer culture’. Schlssle-Bier has been in operation since 1690 and is one of the oldest traditional breweries in Germany-Bavaria. The business has been owned by the Zoller family for over 135 years.
According to the German Federal Statistical Office, beer sales in 2023 fell by 4.5% year-on-year, i.e. by 394.2 million litres. As explained by Nina Gellinger from the Association of German Brewers, the decline in beer consumption is due to rising prices due to increased costs for raw materials, packaging and transporting the product.
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that is genuinely awful. we don't respect things until they are gone.

Also, tl'dr


always good to see filthy drug dealers put out of business


Sad. Sad!


Germancucks destroying their own economy for the lulz?


Truly, the West has fallen.

It's actually over.


Why are they like this


They really do be like that.


Because the reality is normalfags start these conversations 99% of the time and it gets taken into territory they can't handle. They go into a topic, ask your opinions about things, and then get asshurt that the conversation didn't go the way they wanted it to. Let me give you an example: lately I've been talking about the pajeet issue, because people keep asking me about Trump. If they don't want to know why Pajeets are sub-human scum, they probably should ask fewer questions before we get to that point.


Exhibit A gentlemen.



I have become spiritually black, and I don't feel any problem with black lives.

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DoorDash By Drone: Google's Wing Subsidiary Now Delivers In Dallas-Fort Worth



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>"Harry potter, bix nood muhfiggin bitch ass honkey cracka azz nigga hoe"


you'ze a wizard n shieeet


*monkey noises*


ayo potionology teach, when we gone learn how to make crack up in this biyatch???


>"eyo Harry yo moms was a fine ass bitch"

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Selective abortion seen among Indian diaspora: Indo-Canadian professor


>Toronto: Indo-Canadian professor Prabhat Jha has found that the practice of selective abortion of females in second and third pregnancies is more pronounced among the families in which the mother was born in India but living in Australia, Canada, the UK, or the US.

>Missing girls from selective abortions are contributing to a large deficit of girls within China and India. Jha suggested that understanding the cultural preferences for boys and the fact that such preferences accompany migration could prompt more societal debate and discussion, particularly within India to address the marked demographic deficit of girls.


We're racing to ruin the racial stock of those countries already, so might as well just demographically fuck them all six ways to Sunday. Screw it. West has fallen, billions must die, etc.


this is known, shitistan is fucked, in a lot of cases they abort once they find out the child is a female, I saw one vid on I think liveleak where some streetshitters caught another streetshitter after they just buried their newborn alive, they're disgusting over there

what are your thoughts on the absolute tsnumai of shitters pouring in to Canada?


billions must shit


Pakistan and India are not the same, Pakis don't abort daughters anywhere near as much as Indians, their natal femicide rate (sex selective abortion) is comparable to European countries.

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The southport stabbings suspect is potentially a muslim and this has been hidden until they can bury the story with the release of their tax increases. Quite possibly one of the darkest events I've seen. I won't even mention the people locked up for posting about the (now somewhat confirmed) fact that he was a muslim.

Tax increases across the board. Inhertiance tax increases will kill of most family businesses. I can't tell if it's malicous or they're just thick but this is punishing the sucessful and people who want to make this country more.

It's just L after L for the British people and there's no actual dissident movement that's worth mentioning. Conservatives a full pozzed and now have kemi as leader... It's hard not to be too blackpilled but I can't see any route for improvement.
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british people suck lol


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allahu ackbar


Morgoth's Review made a good video on this. One of the possible scenarios he sees is the starmer regime not changing its course, instead isolating itself from the world to keep their political agenda going. He provocatively called it "the North Korea of Woke".


depends which..
>southerners: absolute cringe nancy boy retards
>northerners: based pasty making farm owning legends


did the devil had one with 17 year old girls? was there sex? is there 17? was there number? italian bankers? what else?

also i havent read of this personat all. that looks like a jail rapist face. tell me abt it. or those that regulars toilet shifts around pennsylvania and seven eleven,

oh wait. it's eve. IF. If. dang. those things goes everywhere. or takes anything. hahahah. hmmmm.... wait it's actually sex?


has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


Isn't Mary supposed to be 14 or something when the kike death cult god impregnated her?


le wordsalad retard


lack of, jewish interruption? psychological inept, imagination? end of a franchise???


Why does Tim Allen sound like Snape?


I dont know but I hit my elbow today and it hurt like a motherfucker and now still does hours later

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