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Here is an archive of 2060 Christian Books Collection I converted from the epub file format to the pdf format for easy reading. I've had this collection since 2014, and I had it converted into pdf files again a second time since 2018, and it is all available for a free download!!!






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Red Mage and Smiley might read this crap


ChristInsanity is poison to the European mind. I don't care if Smiley reads it


Would Basketball Be Allowed in a White Nationalist Society?
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Basketball will only be allowed in space.


Umineko means seagull in Japanese


You can educate yourself in space.


The great thing about xbox 360 is not playing games but showing everyone online that I did


You is a low-key samurai bruv

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Step 1: Create a professional looking basic website, with the overall idea to get indian schools to pledge to help create a Covid-Free India by making the covid vaccine mandatory at their schools. Have a section where you list the schools that have taken the pledge.

Step 2: Create a list of the biggest medium and small range cities in India. You can find that on Wikipedia. You can skip the big cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata

Step 3: Google each individual city and look up the schools there. There will be at least 50 to 100 schools per city. Try to find the smaller ones, not affiliate with huge school networks.

Step 4: Find their email address on their page, and send them a professional sounding email asking them to pledge that they will require the covid vaccine for all school children attending their school. Ask if they would also like to list their name on the website as one of the schools that have made the pledge for a vaccine mandate at their school. Be sure to use the word "international" in your email and website, since that word tends to impress indians.

Pretty simple plan. Feel free to add your own input and make it even more professional. Perhaps use an email scraper program, and a mass-emailer program, so you can instant email 1000s of indian schools at the same time.

Good luck! Let's make sure India is 100% vaccinated for Covid, including the children!


> child


send them all to HELL!!!!!!!


send them to the bottom india

there is an india below the india


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does it work on linux?


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Faggot spamming whatever this bullshit is on multiple sites


there should be a videogame where you clear rooms using dual wielded sledgehammers and automatic weapons shooting steel depleted uranium rods, and big 80s hair and boomer choppers and chinky engrish lvl titles of >>4629 nature


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An indoor fake ski resort. This sounds incredibly bad. Weird and tacky. Makes me think of the Paul Fussell book on class. It would be the most prole thing ever, makes me cringe to imagine a family "holidaying" there.


in professional sports (one of the few and most important government media synergy surrogate activities to signal and remind of all-encompassing-transcending social cohesion and trust to a central authority in "atheistic" postmodernity barren consumer wasteland) they also ride man made slopes carved out of wood and steel layered in man-made snow outdoors and indoors, and ice halls and attraction parks are also a thing...

the fake outdoors + wood cabin set around it though, bit of them fallout trumanshow airport car-park underground bunker civilization vibes
but it's NOVELTY attraction park for sun-baked urbanite strayans shouldnt overthink it huh


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nukes dropped and u will die trying to reach the surface njoy ur freemason airport carpark underground tunnels mountainrange


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The entire point of these new resort parks are for influencers to take pictures at to post on social media as living advertisements for the venues, clothing and sporting goods.

People used to laugh at Dubai for building an entire city on these types of attractions and being a giant shopping mall but that's what attracts young people who have no intention of founding families. For them the world depicted in Logan's Run is a paradise.


Idk. Young people have no money and it doesn't sound like fun for a young broke couple. My sister went to wet n wild or some waterpark with her kids. Seemed like a waste of money and drive honestly cos we have a beach house, though she went there too.

I thought rich ppl or yuppies were still having children and can be pretty trad really. I guess I have some cousins who have been skiing. I havent.


Killing younglings!?

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What Will Become of Cities?

Everyone was supposed to be back at the office by now. It’s not really happening, however, and this has huge implications for the future of the American city. The signs of doom are everywhere. A poll of New Yorkers has 60% saying that life quality is falling and this is in part due to far less quality foot traffic. San Francisco has record office vacancies. Even large cities in Texas have 25% vacancies. Population declines in many cities are continuing long after pandemic restrictions have been lifted.

No serious efforts are underway to reverse the damage of pandemic lockdowns and vaccine mandates and segregation. This is partly because there has been zero accountability or even honest public debate about what governments around the country did from 2020-2022. We live amidst the carnage but justice seems farther off than ever.

Yes, a complete reversal is possible but it seems ever less likely, especially with the continued efforts to purge from public life those who dissented during the crisis, as well as the intensifying censorship on all mainstream media platforms.

Once you step back from it, nothing really makes sense. One might suppose that when a whole society – and really globe – embarked on such a crazy experiment and utterly failed in every way, that there would be a major effort to come to terms with it.

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Retards will kill themselves while anyone with a brain will most likely abandon it. Niggers will rape vegans (and eat them lol). Massive theft because retards living in cities cant reproduce anything to trade other than kids and women. Fat people will eventually become skinny after running through all of their goyslop rations & flouridated plastic filled water.
Tranny's will GLADLY bow down to niggers and become fuck toys until they are eaten alive. Christtards will sacrifice themselves for their schizophrenic rapture event all while pitbulls will roam the streets.
They really don't need nuclear explosions. It's much more destructive and harder for el-ite to rebuild after hiding in their underground tunnels/bunkers.

Even with a "collapse" they will soon have technology to create their own golem from scratch.


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One might say agriculture is the biggest meme in human history. Same goes for this soyciety.


I've needed to go into the city (pick up a new set of glasses) and procrastinated on it for like 6 weeks or more. It's just hard to find the motivation and the commute (about 1hr or 1hr15min) is a pain.


based rural liver


No I'm suburban

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Celebrate queer trans islamic jihadis of color


I caught them, they were dealing auto parts and in broad daylight to deserve immediate shutdown, just like Tilly


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tranny with a gun & on psych meds is the new characterization of the amerikwan hwite suburbia consumer self-actualization nightmare

that shit is hilarious

like ed edd eddy characters

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>‘Ticking Time Bomb’ – Some Analysts Warn of Trouble Ahead in Commercial Real Estate Market

>Global banks hold about half of the $6 trillion in outstanding commercial real estate debt, Moody's Investors Service said in June, with the largest share maturing in 2023-2026.


And they are currently building more "cool" office buildings in my country's capital from the projects signed off in the previous decade & before the COOVID, while there is shortage of new residential housing.

Please think about the landlords and creditors, what will they do with those half-empty po-mo style cool "open-space" plan office buildings!! Think of theconomy! Go back to living in the cities and dwelling in traffic for the hustlebustle dynamic!


Mah diccs ticking time bomb going 2 release in OP's mom's mouff LOL


Penis goes into vagina.


lmao this goy actually believes that kike banks might lose money on an investment. as if they won't get a money printer bailout whenever they want

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@erica mentioned @back_door_man


Charlie Kirk seems kinda dumb, I hate his argumentation style.


I'm guessing Kirk isn't going to say very much in this interview. He's pretty young, seems like a neocon grifter.


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I'm down with the madness.

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oh doctor fauci.... bring us vaccines....
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Jeffrey Epstein: A Little Golden Book Biography



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No Refunds.


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You're going to die either way. The proper term should be sacrifice. Like burnt offerings or a holocaust. This feels very biblical.

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 No.3929[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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>Terrible but prolific rapper Viper has been arrested for keeping a woman prisoner in his home for years as a sex slave


Just heard that too. Wild stuff.


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US, UK and Israel are launching missile attacks against Yemen's capital Sanaa


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If they actually false-flag the US into a war with Yemen, one of the main justifications by the Biden administration will be to bring them "women's rights." Western NGOs have been constantly whining about the lack of sexual rights for Yemeni women.


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 No.1411[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>The question about religious affiliation was dropped from 1960 and 1970 census due to the demand of Jewish groups.
>Revelation of the true number of Jews in the U.S would undermine the myth that the Nazis killed six million Jews. The truth is, there are six million more Jews in the U.S than Jewish organizations admit...The Immigration Service reports that there are 8 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. Actually, there are at least 14 million.

>go to this website
>click [Series 3: General Correspondence of Roswell D. McClelland: January 1944-July 1945]
>download pdf for Jews in Europe (1), July-August 1944
>find this letter (pic 4, Landreth letter)

The US government official Landreth M. Harrison wrote this letter that confirmed that ‘Ausrottung’ and ‘Entjudung’ do not imply killing, and that to suggest they do would be a mistranslation.

>MR. DODD: Are you very serious in pressing this apparent inability of yours to agree with me about this ward or are you trying to kill time? Don't you know that there are plenty of people in this courtroom who speak German and who agree that that word does mean to "wipe out," to "extirpate?"
>ROSENBERG: It means "to overcome" on one side and then it is to be used not with respect to individuals but rather to juridical entities, to certain historical traditions. On the other side this word has been used with respect to the German people and we have also not believed that in consequence thereof 60 millions of Germans would be shot.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>An SS member, Paul Waldmann, testifies to their existence. He was one of the participants in the crime perpetrated by the German fascists when 840,000 Russian prisoners of war in Sachsenhausen were annihilated at one time.

>On the 2d day of May 1945, there was captured in Berlin a member of the SS, Paul Ludwig Gottlieb Waldmann.
>He provides more detailed information on the murders in the camp at Sachsenhausen.
>"In this small room there was a slot in the wall, approximately 50 centimeters in length. The prisoner of war stood with the back of his head against the slot and a sniper shot at him from behind the slot. In practice this arrangement did not prove satisfactory, since the sniper often missed the prisoner. After 8 days a new arrangement was made. The prisoner, as before, was placed against the wall; an iron plate was then slowly lowered onto his head. The prisoner was under the impression that he was being measured for height. The iron plate contained a ramrod which shot out suddenly and poleaxed the prisoner with a blow on the back of the head. He dropped dead. The iron plate was operated by a foot lever in a corner of the room.

>be German

>get captured
>confess that 840 000 billion Russians got killed by a brain bashing machine in a concentration camp
>no actual physical evidence is presented
>no real physical evidence has been found

Astounding "confession". It's like he told them what they wanted to hear.


Remember, kids. All confessions are genuine and voluntary. They are never coerced.

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