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why is it called political "science"?


Fleecing the goyim is a science.


i am black


all niggers are thieves


So true!

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The creator of the posed question.
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Jfk was killed by the CIA.
Aids and covid were govt/Rothschild/pharma/Rockefeller psyop hoaxes.
Germ theory is a govt/Rothschild/pharma/Rockefeller lie

Vote for this man
Vote for this man
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RFK Jr CONFRONTED with vax data by ReasonTV Libertarians

>"Industry propaganda!" Robert Kennedy Jr. dismisses the evidence that vaccines save lives.


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Jr is correct, the vaccines started to come out around the same time that basic sanitation did, vaccine promoters ignore that and credit all the benefits of sanitation and the subsequent invention of antibiotics to their vaccines.


lolbergs or more embarassing than ever. reason is probably owned by pharm/oil like everyone else


Kooky RFK Jr., a white male 🤢🤮, who makes WILD allegations like "the government is corrupt at best, evil at worst" 🤨😂👌, gets 💥DESTROYED💥 by intelligent young libertarian womyn 🔥👱‍♀️

>RFK Jr.'s long con





Is it true that Zener cards develop clairvoyance?



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Zionists want TikTok banned because TikTok did not censor anti-Israel or pro-Palestianian posts like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter did after October 7.
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i ain't no american, but halting distribution of chink military mindrot spyware SAAS is logical. if you got a nasty tumor going on you don't need AIDS too.

(all foreign closed source, non-FOSS shit that can be ran on people's computers should be seen as malware by default, the EU is mildly more ahead of the US on being mildly aware of that.)


FOSS is malware and serfdom. If I compile my game for Ubuntu 19.04 then it should work on Ubuntu 19.10. But it doesn't because you turdburglers don't ensure libc/crt0 backward-compatibility, GTK backward-compatibiity, OpenGL library location consistency and so on, the program has to be recompiled for every fucking minor release. This is by design in the Linux userspace ecosystem so people are stuck with just the few ultra lame programs available only in the distro's "package manager", another censored feudal SAAS walled-garden no different from the Apple and Google App Stores. Meanwhile I can run Windows 95 games from 1995 on Windows 10 almost always flawlessly. Even MS-DOS, Amiga and TempleOS ensured backward backward compatility. No wonder Linux is stuck at 1% market share after three decades.


The problem is the precedent. Nobody who isn't a fag cares about some ADHD chink hell portal app like TikTok getting banned, but if they start going after foreign-hosted platforms in general for allowing anti-kosher sentiments then that's pretty bad.


that wasn't my point in the post, the point was that the US would halt the ban if tik tok were to be sold, also, im pretty sure catching a government worker and squeezing them for info holds greater result to China's Intel operations than the knowledge of what retarded normoids choose to watch online


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This bill, if deemed constitutional (or simply punted away, which is more likely) by the geriatric Supreme Court judges, would allow the executive branch to ban access to foreign websites by "foreign adversaries" such as tiktok.com, douyin.com, yandex.com, gitee.com, RT.com, rutracker.org, presstv.ir and so on. This is hardly different from China's Great Firewall, and you've already got some form of social credit system, for example you Amerilards won't even outlaw basic shit like automakers selling telemetry data (driving behavior) in (((modern cars))) to data brokers and insurance companies without your permission.


According to a statement by the Hong Kong City Government, Hong Kong residents and visitors have been fined for feeding pigeons and wild animals since the beginning of September.

By these measures, the Hong Kong authorities hope to preserve the ecological balance and prevent the invasion of wild animals in the city. The fine will be up to HK$100,000, or €11,613.9. Persistent offenders face imprisonment, and may spend up to a year in jail.
The list of animals that can not be fed includes monkeys, boars, street pigeons and others.


>China resumes control of Hong Kong
>starts another war on birds

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James Webb Space Telescope detects carbon dioxide in atmosphere of exoplanet for first time

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Pentagon clarifies position on aliens, sez no evidence yet




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Starlink Now Has One Million Active Germanic Subscribers


Heat Is Radiating From A Huge Mass Under The Moon


In an unprecedented discovery, germanic scientists have unearthed a colossal granite mass that has been gradually emitting heat, hidden beneath a lunar crater. This discovery is not a figment of science fiction, but a testament to the Moon’s volcanic past. While the Moon’s history of lava fields and eruptions is well-documented, the discovery of a more Earth-like volcano was a first, found beneath the Compton and Belkovich craters on the Moon’s far side.

The exploration of lunar volcanism also has implications for future lunar missions. Understanding the Moon’s geology can help in identifying suitable landing sites for spacecraft and potential resources for lunar bases. As we continue to explore the Moon and beyond, each discovery brings us one step closer to unraveling the mysteries of our solar system.


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In an amusing display of ineptitude and subhumanity, muscovite drone crashes into moon's surface



Not the heckin' pitties, /new/! Chudbros, our response?!


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imagine caring who presides over the global crime syndicate that calls itself the government


It mostly just boils down to voting for whoever you think will generate more butthurt, which is pretty sad. I cope by telling myself Americans are niggercattle and deserve the government they have. I'd vote for catastrophic natural disasters if I could.


Yeah I agree with this more and more every day. Forgive me for not seeing it sooner. I just saw in the paper Dominic Perrottet backflipped on poison shot mandates. These aren't people they're cogs, like the enslaved workers forced to turn dials and levers etc in "Metropolis", (German expressionist film)


>metropolis mentioned


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The king of the African state of Eswatini (formerly Swaziland), 56-year-old Mswati III, is getting married. But that doesn't mean he has been walking around as a bachelor until now. Young Nomsebo will become his sixteenth wife as the monarch practices polygamy. Nomsebo is the daughter of former South African president Jacob Zuma. Zuma is also a polygamist. He now has four official wives.



I follow Noticer news heh and the pure h'White man Diego Cohea

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Happy Saint Georges Day!


Dead country.


theres absolutely zero chance of the fact that he 'slayed a dragon' being real


He killed a varan or crocodile, so now there are no more varans or crocodiles in Europe.

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Here is an archive of 2060 Christian Books Collection I converted from the epub file format to the pdf format for easy reading. I've had this collection since 2014, and I had it converted into pdf files again a second time since 2018, and it is all available for a free download!!!






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Red Mage and Smiley might read this crap


ChristInsanity is poison to the European mind. I don't care if Smiley reads it


It's bad, but Islam is even worse, so it's good.

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a deadly new virus is spreading in China. Ortonairovirus, otherwise known as marshland virus, is dangerous to humans. It affects the brain and other organs, and can be fatal. it is transmitted from the bites of ticks that live in swamps.
In China, the virus has already been diagnosed in 17 people. One of them is in a coma.
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Only a matter of time before china wipes everyone off the face of the earth ON ACCIDENT. OOPS JUST BIOENGERING CREATURES IN A LAB TO UNLEASH UPON THE GENERAL POPULATION!




fuck this shitty fucking planet anyway


I mean I don't disagree with you but I'd much rather as little suffering as possible on the way out of this hell scape dystopian prison planet. Ya know?


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This is an entertaining clip of James O'Keefe going on a "date" with a white house cybersecurity official.
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If I was a high-level government faggot I'd be dating cute boys, not old dudes.


About 9 minutes in , the security guard Rasheed Shelby basically admits that he is guarding a Ramada hotel which is being used for human trafficking


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this is you


No, it's not, and I'm starting to like him just because of how much you don't.

If you're reading this, bald guy with glasses on the couch, do you want to be friends? I'm also bald but i don't wear glasses or sit on a couch.


shut up you little faggot

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