>>3472https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0000096>Experimental Rugged Fitness Landscape in Protein Sequence SpaceThis Japanese study determined that you would need an unfathomable amount of trials to acquire the wild-type function of the g3p minor coat protein of the Fd bacteriophage and it concluded that functional protein sequences are ridiculously rare.
They had to take a defective bacteriophage that could not survive in the wild due to the fact that they removed the most crucial component to its survival (the gp3 minor coat protein) and put it inside a bacterial host in order to let it duplicate itself.
After 7 generations the bacteriophage stagnated. After 20 generations, they saw negligible changes. Beyond 20 generations they needed huge amounts of trials to even come close to the adaptive fitness in the original protein. Without the g3p minor coat protein the bacteriophage cannot infect other organisms and as a result dies out. To summarize: the bacteriophage never adapted and developed its own gp3 minor coat protein.
Bacteriophages are not able to self-replicate because they are primitive (a human cell contains billions of base pairs while a bacteriophage has tens of thousands) and thus they need external material so they can perpetuate their existence. The experiment eliminates all obstacles such as environmental factors and even host scarcity meaning the defective bacteriophage has optimal chances for survival because they select only those that show the most changes. Despite all this they couldn't reproduce the g3p minor coat protein. In short: in nature a defective bacteriophage do not survive and reproduce and they certainly do not produce proteins through uninterrupted contact with the same host.
Evolution, in other words, is not proven. When science disproves a theory then the Darwinists will ignore it and say it has no meaning or relevance.
Science, according to fedora lords, is something that has some kind of natural bias towards Darwinism.