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This is the same kind of shit the Soviets were starting to say when their shit empire was collapsing.

Sure, China. We believe you. You have a million AI doctors and you're gonna last a thousand more years!


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USSR did not has AI doctors and the state monopoly on alcohol, plus state advertising of alcohol in films and newspapers, damaged the nation's gene pool.


>You have a million AI doctors and you're gonna last a thousand more years!

Chinese civilisation is very ancient, compared to the history of China, the USA is a butterfly living one day. But that's no reason for enmity, is it?

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Zuckerberg regrets taking down covid-era vaccine criticism as well as the Hunter Biden story

>I guess having half your human user base die suddenly/unexpectedly will have that effect huh? heh


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if there was any truth to his statement shareholders would be in an uproar. The next major event that corporate cult will react in the same manner with the same carefully orchestrated ineffectual pushback to cover their asses.

The world where the Pentagon's LifeLog project could rebrand as Facebook to help sell it to the public is long gone, even the dumbest people are starting to figure out that it's all bullshit. Those that would have scoffed at such an allegation a decade ago now must admit that even if they never had a Facebook account there's a shadow profile of them being used to run simulations on to improve predictive capabilities or help improve psychological operations. It turned into exactly what LifeLog was supposed to be.


They always 'regret' it once they get found out. It's always whoopsie poopsie. Literally it was whoopsie doodle 'sowwy for taking way your human rights for nearly two years' :( back in 2022-2023.


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Yeah and it's a LITTLE itsy-bitsy-BIT TOO LATE!! ggggggrrrreeeaaatttt jjjooobbb backpedaling ZUC!!


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that's a nice picture.

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ALIEN UFO Videos And Pictures.zip 8.3 GB Download

This collection contains a great amount of files saved over the years about Aliens and UFOs, all collected into one big download!!!



is there any ayylmao giving succ vid?


We don't need videos and pictures of aliens. We need technology to build spaceships like theirs, because an asteroid belt of metals and rocks awaits us!

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Udemy-Business-Gen Z in the Workplace Survey Report.pdf

>This generation has been shaped by a global pandemic during their formative years, the war on terror, an understanding of broad social injustice, and the increasingly apparent fact that the global climate is in peril. In many cultures, they are also rethinking identity and traditional labels, often embracing non-binary gender and sexuality. Many Gen Zers are also confronting mental health challenges, with only half of them rating their mental health as good or extremely good.

'magine being mentally healthy while being day-to-day hardcore gaslighted about things the same way email scammers would do to their victims (thinly veiled threats, shaming and guilt tripping, sense of urgency etc.).

messaging in past 5-8 years is more 1-directional and assertive than it has been in last 25 or so years of the mass interwebs.

also you can gaslight the younger end - still-literal-kids about everything like that spending time in traffic going to back to da office to be surrounded by noise while hunched over a laptop is good 4 u somehow because building leases

anyway im still reading this crap
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i'm getting tired of seeing zoomers try to act special when millennials had to deal with this shit and more then these dumb niggers. I feel like zoomers literally believe millennials are gen X because millennials have had to deal with the same exact "propaganda". 90s had the same shit then 2000s the same shit. Most were still in school during 08 recession all that shit. If anything zoomers had it fucking great. I would have absolutely loved to be home doing my HS. fucking faggots. I hate zoomers.


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you are now aware that there are actual zoomers and gen-alpha kids being relentlessly bullied in every school district they relocate to because of their onlyfans moms


>"well akchually uh im proud that muh mum is a prostitute who sucks penis and gapes and poops out dad's cum on camera" sez zimmy ssri ze troon


like there was a massive propaganda campaign (eventually over-shadowed by the 202x covid vaceen campaign) to convince gen x to z wamen that they can be self-made-wamen and its hipper than an IT firm email job and duper-individualistic if dey make an EASY account & gape their butt at iphone camera & its real work to


this poor black guy is damaging his brain with nicotine, and his brain is not outstanding even without nicotine use.

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How are Italian dumplings called?


Are you have Italian dishes similar to pelmeni (Russian-Siberian meat dumplings)?

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Thank you Gods for these funguses!


New Jordan Peterson and Douglas Murray podcast... Gentlemen!

I only watched this clip so far, its interesting how off the cuff/unrehearsed it seemed. The rest seems like it might be worth watching.




>juden peterstein
>worth watching


plus it isnt exactly a brave position to take the side of someone standing against shitskins systematically raping and murdering little girls. guy is still shabbos as fuck as far as i am concerned. doesnt even matter if the stabber wasnt a discount jeet muslim. shitskins are universally bad, especially the ones being imported en masse to europe and usa.

>we dont know what to do to tackle "grooming" gangs (read: ORGANIZED RAPISTS) and stabbings

uhhh, here's a spark of ingenuity:


Hot off the press

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search operators like "site:" reportedly don't work with politically themed searches fo sum users

you WILL be gaslighted. this is normal and not weird. there is no implication. this is nothing like china or nkorea. you were supposed to be presented select list of obviously only handpicked and hardcoded results only on certain topics.


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everything is a subject of controversy to the tech-jannies


Oftentimes busybodies without notable contributions are the ones raising fusses.


proprietary projects have managers chad ron stacy bryce mark to tardwrangle the overgrown 2000s counterstrike anime web forum power-tripping tismos swiftly, but not the foss


None of the search operators work on google anymore. The website is broken and has been for years.

Use yandex.


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I tried that and only got .gov results

Whats the meaning behind all this

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bottom text
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>ywn get arrested and cavity searched by that british copper lassie


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I'm more surprised it wasn't that already, given it's a Muslim shithole.


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zoom zoom at DNC protests triggers brainwashed lefties




found another fed up zoom zoom


Post stuff you feel like posting

Heh @ "post-Bondi"
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Mass immigration leads to crime, that's my 5 second take/analysis. That asian guy is going buy a house and inflate the re. market.


kill yourself cunt


kys its private


Yeah it got taken down as I mentioned in the 2nd post.


Be nice please!

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>the joke just writes itself
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I'm trying to find the Livestream/her channel. Liveleaks is gone but surely there must be some other dark, twisted, fucked up site that has this video.


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I have accepted defeat but if anyone finds anything, please put it in this thread. Thanks.


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Vid related is all I can find, unfortunately.


gross weird tits, fat, ugly, blind

just lmao goblinsaga just give up

mentally ill samefagging

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Not the heckin' pitties, /new/! Chudbros, our response?!


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imagine caring who presides over the global crime syndicate that calls itself the government


It mostly just boils down to voting for whoever you think will generate more butthurt, which is pretty sad. I cope by telling myself Americans are niggercattle and deserve the government they have. I'd vote for catastrophic natural disasters if I could.


Yeah I agree with this more and more every day. Forgive me for not seeing it sooner. I just saw in the paper Dominic Perrottet backflipped on poison shot mandates. These aren't people they're cogs, like the enslaved workers forced to turn dials and levers etc in "Metropolis", (German expressionist film)


>metropolis mentioned


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how will he get around this?
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lets fucking go


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death to the great satan and the little satan


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Watched this, was pretty based

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why is it called political "science"?


Fleecing the goyim is a science.


i am black


all niggers are thieves


So true!

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