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Your response, goy?


This person is a retard and should be shot.


This person is a retard and should be shooted.


>dude like dude being a guinea pig and taking government mystery juice in your veins is just like my food analogy, dont u feel dumb now?
What's funny is you could make a good food analogy against the COVID vaccines since food regulation is just as abysmal as medicine is in USA.


You're all niggers to me.


I dont respond at all, as I am not required to


What's the difference between a shitlib who complains about the Whiteness, Israel, U.S. Imperialism and the European Colonialism and a reactionary who complains about The West, Israel, NATO and the Globohomo?
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The point is they're complaining about very similar things under different labels.


These shitlibs are the result of KGB in the universities fucking with their brains, same with the reactionaries but through epic edgy memes and shilling on fringe websites. Both groups are NPCs with no pattern recognition.


Nothing; both of those people have identified that pedophiles with personality disorders run the world and are being used.


divide and conquer controlled opposition psyop



We live in a distopian hell scape and yes whores(umm...sex workers? ) have always existed since money but since when did they start broadcasting this porn shit to the general populace?

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If you take a step back from moral indignation this entire event is pretty funny. Women are nature's clowns. Hard to believe anyone takes their opinions seriously.


You can't respect the men in this situation, either.


No, coomers are pretty pathetic. The fact she managed to line up a thousand of them speaks for a lot.


>why do you always fall for fake shit
>believes in hiv


You'd best start believing in HIV avid.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ho_Yeow_Sun#Personal_life what this means "earning come from these love gifts" so she dont sell a single damn albums? that's kinda hilarious. i might actually be elton john then.
also in mistook yeow being a kong's real name. maybe ill mistook her for that other singaporean lennon next time i get real dementia. also it's probably real. it's like, not even a kilo.


esotericisim + psychonautics
server and discussion thread


There's multiple things we humans were given by the aeons to free our minds and save our souls,
it's no news. Diphenhydramine, diethylamide, Dextromethorphan, divinorum, datura, whatever. Those can be used to open "portals" as I like to call them,
gates to enter new versions of reality. It's like breaking through the barrier of your mind, there is so much you are missing on if you haven't broken
the barrier yet...Dreams you can manipulate yourself, witness shadow humanoids that scream through your head and the infamous hatman haunting you, and more beyond that point.

(other discussions are welcome)
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You're attempting to siphon discussion away from here to your gay little hugbox of sheer faggotry on some glownigger honeypot for zoomer trannies.


There's more trannies on here than in the server, such as yourself.

Having people to speak to actively and maintain discussion is better than faggotized, niggerbrained retards like you polluting the replies.


>n-no u
Impotent and witless comeback LMFAO. If you really think this place is full of trannies, then you're an even bigger retard for trying to recruit new orbiters from here. Goes to show discussing schizo shit in your hugbox would have been a waste of time anyway since you possess an astoundingly low IQ. Stay in your glownigger playpen, kid.


THIEF. now i gotta resuffle. good job creep.


if your dickscord is so good why don't you marry it

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Absolutely unlistenable shit made by some 14-year-old edgelord favela monkey.


>i hate 02
>i hate jrpg
>i hate ur mum
>we shd go back to iwojima
>thats not even japan\
>i knowitsclint eastwoof
>what of westwood\
>no moa bushido
>i mean it tickles,
>like franki
>i guess it gonna b
>Ch-uu-seyo-oh-mai-go-death ~*


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its not just their milk I'd drink but their piss sweat and pussyjuice too


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judge not, let ye be judged




LET HIM ALONE! ... Let that poor Pokemon trainer alone...

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Does anyone know where phantasm was at time of shooting, bisexual dude chimping out after going to snap city sounds familiar


I was in my bedroom, modding Fallout New Vegas and pretending I don't exist


You just wanted that sweet leftover radioactive knickerbocker glory


you mod fallout new vegas?

hell yeah my nigger


Unfortunately, Phantasm's eyebrows don't match the shooter's. So unbased.

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>World’s first nuclear-powered diamond battery with 5,700-year lifespan unveiled by UK



i god damned hate british faggots so fucking much


cry about it

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Th, that's not what "unexpected" means. They must ve bet it's 6:66 instead of 6:65 isn't it https://www.thegamer.com/dungeons-metaphor-refantazio-distracted-side-quests-favours/


What are you suggesting, aliens did it?


>>8193 WH? lol, hilarious, you must crusturdian, or cursdtian or courtstian. like you are court but no matter what you are just made to rain-car-mate.
or just theist. it's hilarious but your joke needs graham norton to reinterpret to me. or just any gay ones.


I fully ascribe to the vaccine being a vector for disease and sudden death but this lady is much older than pre-covid life expectancy so it's hard to blame the depop shot on this anecdote in particular.


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You know what you can do though is search for "dies" in the search bar and you get a lot of names. Many in their 50s and younger.

I would say if someone dies significantly younger than their country of origin's life expectancy in the past 4 years there's a significant probability the clot shot was involved

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It finally happened. David Irving has passed away. Goodnight, sir. Rest well.
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Hell yeah, homey. Pulling ollies and riding the rails.


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Allegedly David Irving is still kicking. The family been revamping things, trying to keep the train chugging along.


sending all my love and energy to that man
keep David Irving in your thoughts and prayers, guys


Why did that retard Griffin come out and say he died 9 months ago?

(he's brain dead with dimentia or something now, huh? terrible)



Why does anybody say anything. Whatever Irving's sick with, the letter implies he still has some awareness as he's "deeply appreciative" for all the support. Who knows. Hopefully he makes a recover so his last years aren't stuck with some nigger nurse looking after him. Nevermind the three books he still wanted to complete.

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Looks like you've gotten yourself quite comfortable over here.
Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds.
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what's the rationale for this


Whites killing each other is bad, semites killing each other is good.


the french are so fucking gay man i swear to allah


are jews worth more than niggers in the oppression olympics?


jews rock!

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is this news? www.msn.com/id-id/gayahidup/berita/kisah-mark-boyle-pria-irlandia-yang-hidup-tanpa-uang-dan-teknologi-moderen/ar-AA1v24Zb?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=5ed64576dd114bf9b41ebfb418445bb7&ei=50

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They look like they're having so much fun. Where do I sign up to do that?

>they spreading they hate


wonder if they hire them via casting agency


The CIA would.



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