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Polish companies have been the predominant source of our recent uptime. However, Cogent's CEO seems directly invested in shutting us down. I have had multiple run ins with Cogent and this is their most aggressive.

Usually the Tier 1 ISPs have censored the Kiwi Farms by simply refusing to broadcast my IP addresses. However, since Liz Fong-Jones has been successful in censoring the Internet this way, I no longer even try using my IPs.

This time, Cogent has directly instructed a customer of theirs to stop providing us - by name, through the customer's own IP addresses - networking infrastructure.

No company has done this until now. This is the most invasive, direct actioning from any ISP thus far.

If you are in the industry you need to make it absolutely clear to Cogent that you intend to move your business elsewhere.

Just to confirm, Cogent's CEO is directly forcing two customers to drop us, not just one.
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Jewsh is the new 8chan. Liberals and commies run the internet now. It's over.


>Jewsh is the new 8chan.
H'wut he mean by dis


updoot: "jersh" has gathered ~100k "paypig"bucks for the "lolsuit" now uhuhuhuh

considering the whole kf thing involves major network providers in unprecedented way and at intl scale, it may hit the msm. as it does, the "old media" will be forced sort of explain the situation close to a factual way, otherwise it wouldn't make much sense, 2024 the year of insanity & the year of the "lolcow". your mum and normie colleagues will know who "keffalls", "t-ranch" and "babyfurs" are, let that sink in.


i'm deliberately overstating it, but awareness of deranged faggot shit hitting the mainstream in some way is not to be unexpected.


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my body is ready





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google bombed

as "sentinel"


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Ethnic diversity, trust, and the mediating role of positive and negative interethnic contact: a priming experiment (2014)


"Ethnic diversity is associated with lower trust for both natives and immigrants."

"For both, the cognitive salience of ethno-cultural diversity causally reduces trust."


Ethnic Diversity and Its Impact on Community Social Cohesion and Neighborly Exchange (2014)


"Our findings indicate that social cohesion and neighborly exchange are attenuated in ethnically diverse suburbs."
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of course it's beneficial. them chocolate ebony kings, queens, gods and goddesses got dat cuisine. they got dat culture. what would whitey do wiffout us niggaz being overpaid to play child ballgames and glorify crime through R.A.P. (Retards Attempting Poetry)?


kill all niggers and kikes


Wow. Those are the most beautiful words ever typed.


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>Social amoebae
>separate from the fungi, and from plants, and animals
>the multicellular slug that forms from aggregated individual cells can be motile

>Overall, we demonstrated directly the disappearance of cAMP signal oscillations and propagations between cells at the multicellular phase of Dictyostelium. Our work calls for reconsideration of the role cAMP relay has on collective cell migration in Dictyostelium and proposes a possibility that alternative mechanisms to cAMP relay contribute to the organization of collective cell migration at the multicellular phase.

So slime molds are very strange creatures. They use simple cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) to move around and aggregate into a large multicellular organism. But, scientifically speaking, they have so many different shapes and appearances that have no basis in genetics. There is no real answer as to why some of them look like flowers and some like a single erect sperm cell. Most of their genomes are know but there is no genetic explanation as to why they look different.

You could say that the same problem is obvious for human embryonic cell differentiation. When a human fetus develops inside the womb, all of the cells are identical after fertilization but later on transform into blood cells, nerve cells and muscle cells. The explanation for this mechanism is "gene expression" (some genes are switched on while other genes are switched off) but there is no inherent genetic coding in the actual cells that can be traced or shown empirically that affect this behaviour.

In fact there is no trace in physics or chemistry of the control of chemical reactions by a sequence of any sort or of a code between sequences.

So my question is: when did you realize that Darwinists were full of shit?
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How old do you think is Earth?


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>The potassium-argon method is attractive for dating volcanics since it can be applied to rocks of Pleistocene age and older, thus encompassing important periods of general volcanic activity. However it has been found that dates obtained on whole rocks and on included minerals frequently show gross discordances.

Funkhouser and Naughton at the Hawaiian Institute of Geophysics used the potassium-argon method to date volcanic rocks from Mount Klauea and got ages of up to 3 000 000 000 years when the rocks are known to have been formed in a modern eruption in 1801.

>Where is the Earth's Radiogenic Helium?

If the earth is billions of years old, the radioactive production of helium in the earth's crust should have added a large quantity of helium to its atmosphere. Current diffusion models all indicate that helium escapes to space from the atmosphere at a rate much less than its production rate. The low concentration of helium actually measured would suggest that the earth's atmosphere must be quite young.


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>The long-term evolution experiment (LTEE) has become a cornerstone in evolutionary biology that researchers continue to mine for insights. During their 75,000 generations of growth, the bacteria have made huge gains in their fitness — how fast they grow relative to other bacteria — and evolved some surprising traits.

>The LTEE isolation of Cit+ mutants has become a textbook example of the power of long-term evolution to generate new species. But, based on our results, E. coli arrives at the same solution to access citrate in days versus years, as originally shown by Hall. In either case, genes involved in the process maintain their same function but show expanded expression by deregulation. Because of this, we argue that this is not speciation any more than is the case with any other regulatory mutant of E. coli.


take it from the evolutionist seriously and lay me down a sick line of osage beats.

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White woman saved by shark """encounter""" by 2 happy, healthy married possibly Jewish women

This sounds like one of those /tv/ movie outline writeups which unnecessarily mention race and age and marital status heh (I love those)

Heaps of news about this

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Idk what you mean by clipboard. I take the shots and it goes to My Pictures as png


Have you tried greenshot?

Or there's a Firefox add-on to save to Downloads in one click after right-click if you're too lazy to click Save Image As


I tried Greenshot and didn't like how it ran and it seems I can't ctrl-s to save like I can with Ls. But also I tried screenshotting the same thing with both Gs and Ls and they both came out as 700kb, isn't that why you want me to use something different? Cos its less bandwidth or w/e?


By saving as JPG not PNG. Greenshot at least allows you to change the default format in its options.

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Douglas Murray is the new Jordan Peterson.

He is being pushed everywhere for his soft anti-Islam stance.

e.g. (he's on Sky News practically daily)

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finally based content(((tm))) for us wiggerservatives


finally, for us sneakers and hats collectors (sneakerheads), there is somebody who speaks up for us - (((ben shapiro))), as always, dropping those facts, and some wigger with braids meth-uncle doing the cool hibbidybop

and statistically there must be SOMEBODY out there (we want the 30 to 50 year old midlife crisis eminem-remembering audience) who thinks this is cool


I was watchin this last night its GOAT



fuck now i must get a used bmw and "race" it on an icy road wearing my best hat & with a toddler in the back seat

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Alphabet agencies are seriously getting desperate. What's the bet they were basically following this kid and knew he was going to do it?


Killing federal employees is good though.


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I've always wanted to live in a secret underground lair, like the ninja turtles. Is that so wrong?


It is if you have a bizarre stockpile of child-sized mattresses with mysterious stains on them


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noooo you can't just say that its antisemitic


kikes and spics
>Later, the men, most of them in their teens and early 20s, took up a collection and hired a group of migrant laborers to finish the job, Kalmowitz said, describing the workers as “Mexicans.”
>“The Mexicans lived in the building for three weeks during the work,” said Kalmowitz, adding that the migrants did the work “correctly” and installed support beams. “They slept and ate there because it was a secret operation.”


Big if true

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Ok I had sex. I still think women should have their rights taken away.


Where'd you meet him?


It was your dad

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I can't help but not jerk off to my thick avatar female creations that look realistic it's a feeling that hentai and regular porn doesn't give off
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They're amending copyright law which is very American. It's not a morality law like in some Muslim countries or China. Pornography is one of the only remaining things Americans produce and export besides weapons, drugs and movies so they won't want to hurt this industry.



Reported for offtopic

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-xxx(Stop being retarded )

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>play roblox
>used the new sporling avatar to make thicc avatar
>jerk off to it
>deletes account and everything
only this once why did i do it


You did it because you're kanye west.


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that's, what i'm asking you.



You're not Kanye West. That's why you don't understand.


jesus fuck, dude. i ain't been on roblox since 2017 and it seems like coomers, like you, are everywhere in that game nowadays.

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Watermelon Man shot to death by 15 year old chimpanzee in Memphis

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WMC) - The Memphis Police Department has confirmed that a 15-year-old has been charged in the murder of a beloved street vendor affectionately known as ‘Red the Watermelon Man.’

The teen’s identity and charges have not been disclosed.

Meanwhile, family, friends, and customers in the Berclair neighborhood are grieving the death of 76-year-old John Materna after he died Monday after being shot two weeks ago in an attempted robbery.

All day Tuesday, community members stopped by to leave flowers, teddy bears, and take photos to remember the friendly face on Homer Street and Wayne Avenue who sold them watermelons for three decades.

“Seven days a week, I’ll see him and his wife, at least once, and he speaks to everybody,” said Christian Butler, one of Materna’s customers.

Without fail, Materna would set up shop every morning, greeting people with a friendly smile and selling his fruit to customers.

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Ohio tier


85% of black women rote professional jargon and wear trucker jackets


Post more nigger videos

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>there will never be another fake pandemic
>you will never again be able to piss of sheeple by not wearing a mask in public


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>you will always be able to piss on sheeple in public


I was getting paid twice my paycheck to do nothing for almost a year, while I heard endless bitching about non-existent "lock downs" in my area, by morons who thought they were righteous freedom-fighters by arguing with unfortunate wagecucks who have no power whatsoever about MUH MASKS.


I see mask tards every day and I would say a good half of the people I encounter who wear masks are now trannies unironically.


They need an excuse to hide their troon face.


Long wait

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