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This is an entertaining clip of James O'Keefe going on a "date" with a white house cybersecurity official.
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If I was a high-level government faggot I'd be dating cute boys, not old dudes.


About 9 minutes in , the security guard Rasheed Shelby basically admits that he is guarding a Ramada hotel which is being used for human trafficking


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this is you


No, it's not, and I'm starting to like him just because of how much you don't.

If you're reading this, bald guy with glasses on the couch, do you want to be friends? I'm also bald but i don't wear glasses or sit on a couch.


shut up you little faggot

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Is there anyone who know about crypto like bitcoin, ethereum, solana or so on?

If so show me your portfolio anon! Be honest!
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>t. bag



....i mean I am anon. I'll admit it. I am salt.


Oh no no no HDVbros we got too cocky



Since it's only 50 drones that Iran sent (Russia used about 4000 in their war)... buy the dip?

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KIKE Record Labels Hit Internet Archive With New $400m+ Copyright Lawsuit

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their eggs hatch inside the water tower. the larvae latch into the flesh that cannot escape.


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Ur mums puccy is for mah dick LOL


a dyslexic wise guy, eh? then yeah look, go easy on 'em right to the moon; we get 'em out this way all the time.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


circulating jew media for free is fairly cuck'd. archive.org should delete all the zogslop and dedicate themselves strictly to the task of preserving the works Wyatt Mann


one of the niggers booked a turkey special.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

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where did he go on the internet?
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Suck me off at the next station ya dawg


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Ye mens


Legendary Aussie video if you haven't had the pleasure of seeing it


Up it goes



Daily reminder that higher technology has ruined your life.
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They renamed it to gemini recently. It's google's competitor to chatgpt.


pretending to be religious basically like ur mum & pa (the NORMIES) but, heh, with a clever twist - like a manic almost deeply philosophical sigma male movie villain monologues and uh..

NON-TECHNOLOGICAL (like no more couch on the wheels suv-s and induction ovens to evenly cook food ok)

is going to show ..them.. you have CONVICTIONS and that u were always DETERMINED & MATURE & HARD & will be moving to a frozen tundra & subsisting on pemmican soon

(not to be judged by another 6000 h logged on the 4th or 5th steam online account at the age 30 & discord going constantly)


Would Internal Power Struggles Between the Ruling Classes Occur in a White Nationalist Society?
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What kind of ideological conflicts do you foresee may emerge in a White Nationalist Society?


Who is whiter than who probably, who has slept with a non white, who owns a non white tech product


Meds vs Germs.


...but h'why tho?!


What are the social and political implications of these findings?

Also, I shit you not, I genuinely believe that they are rampant on 4chan. The other day I was on /tv/ and talking about Oppenheimer, and someone thought I was a 9/11 conspiracy schizo truther because I mentioned the documented fact that the rescue dogs would get depressed/listless at finding corpses in the rubble, so the firefighters would pretend to be under there to cheer them up. Somehow, some dumb cunt zoomer that hadn't been alive during 9/11 took that info, and with his dumb cunt brainlet head thought that meant I believed 9/11 never happened.
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They might not know what an acronym is, but they use plenty of them. Their problem is their low attention span and comprehending the point of what they're reading, not that they can't read. They could read a paragraph, but they can't digest its meaning.


Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company. I have no reason to assume it's a joke. If you're laughing your head off thinking people are angry because you're pretending to be a retard, I have bad news for you: not only are they unlikely to be all that angry about your reply in particular, but you probably are an actual moron, who's using "trolling" as an excuse for your own ignorance
It actually does make me angry to think about what low-effort "trolling" has done to internet discourse though. Why is there so little original content on image boards? Why can't you discuss anything with a shred of depth anymore? Because we let retards run rampant and it disincentivized putting any effort into posting what-so-ever. We used to like tl;dr posts on /new/. Imageboards had quality essays and lengthy debates with sources once.


Read the 2 bullet points right after that.


>phagtasm thread


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I can't help but not jerk off to my thick avatar female creations that look realistic it's a feeling that hentai and regular porn doesn't give off
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They're amending copyright law which is very American. It's not a morality law like in some Muslim countries or China. Pornography is one of the only remaining things Americans produce and export besides weapons, drugs and movies so they won't want to hurt this industry.



Reported for offtopic


My hot take: I unironically believe that Africa would be better off if Marxism hadn't spread post-colonisation. They certainly wouldn't have approached Western standards, but they would've been far, far better. Maybe a step below Yugoslavia.
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Phantasm still in denial that niggers exist.


Phantasm in denial that he's part nigger.


Black Africa during the cold war wasn't ideologically committed to Marxism in any serious manner apart from its overlap with decolonization. I think Burkina Faso under Thomas Sankara might've come the closest, but even that was a short lived experiment that was cut short.

The fact is that once 1991 hit, African states just dropped the commie flags because they couldn't get economic support from the Soviet Union or Cuba anymore. It was just a veneer for gibs. The Angolan civil war was won with Cuban troops and the second the MPLA got control, they just hard switched to "libertarian socialism" and made peace with the west. Somalia and Ethiopia both switched superpower support at a moments notice during their war in the 1970s, thinking nothing of having a red flag and fighting another red flag.

It wasn't even a poverty thing either, because China at the time was poorer than Black Africa and was hard committed to Maoist thought, shilling their little red book to anyone who would take it, blasting revolutionary radio channels across asia non-stop.

I don't think it would've made any difference Phantasm, they still would've believed in Dependency Theory, which is more the rationale for the African drive towards collectivism.


>China poorer than black africa
That's actually pretty wild to think about


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Black African niggers don't have brains, retard.

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What are the political implications of AI having racial biases? Is it possible, should an AI become sophisticated enough with said biases that it could be used to create biological weapons in ethnic conflicts?
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Douglas Murray is the new Jordan Peterson.

He is being pushed everywhere for his soft anti-Islam stance.

e.g. (he's on Sky News practically daily)

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fuck now i must get a used bmw and "race" it on an icy road wearing my best hat & with a toddler in the back seat


An anti-Islamic attitude is a good thing. Islam under Shariah law executes apostate Muslims with the death penalty. This automatically makes Islam not a religion but a dangerous sect. Islam is not compatible with culture, it forbids playing musical instruments, sculpting, painting portraits, and even the depiction of flowers and plants on carpets and clothes.


Damn those rules sound retarded heh


I have this weird feeling I've met Murray, like 15 yrs ago. But it very well could just be that I've been getting too high and delusional.


The Quran isn't a holy book and Islam is not a religion.

The Quran is a warlord's manual. Islam is a militant organization.

That's my conclusions after reading translations of the Quran and watching videos about the history of Islam and its origins.

Calling it a religion is ridiculous. It's like Confucianism which is another non-religion obsessed with how to run a state.

Most of the Quran is how to deal with orphans, slaves, soldiers, etc. and muh rules.

I'm not saying this to bash Islam or Confucianism btw I just objectively see these two things as political aka focused on how to live life, the mundane / the world. They lack psychological and spiritual and most important metaphysical elements that would make them proper religions.


Look, I am not going to make the conclusion that they were unable to understand that fire.... hot 🔥

But...what other conclusion can you make here?

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>you can just put them back in nappies and have them live in the desert
Incorrect. The aboriginal species of australian origin survive off petrol. They have to be able to consume it 24/7. If they do not have access to petrol, they all die.


niggers are black



vantablack niggers deserve double-death for being so dark and niggery


blame the Sun for making them black. But now they don't get cancer in the equatorial belt under the rays of the Sun, unlike people with light skin.

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Election Day for Hitler's grandchild
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jesus - kicks money changers out of the temple, killed for it, but not directly by the jews, they used a proxy in order to make it seem like someone else was responsible

hitler - kicks rothschild central bankers out of germany and austria, killed for it, but not directly by the jews, they used proxies in order to make it seem like someone else was responsible





ackshually it was only the legislative election and the presidental election is next month




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"We Own The Science": Jewnited Nations Official Admits That They Partner With Jewgle To Control Search Results

The UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, Melissa Fleming, recently admitted in a discussion with the World Economic Forum that the globalist institution has partnered with Big Tech platforms like Google in order to control search results on subjects like climate change, making the establishment narrative the predominant narrative while suppressing information and data that runs contrary to the UN's climate agenda.

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EUSSR Imposes The World's Largest Carbon Tax Scheme, Inflationary Madness Sets In

>First, (((they))) came for the oil, now they're coming for the cows




Very interdastan metaphysical theory from Ken @24m30s on why evil fucks like Schwab always tell the soyimses of their plans openly and in advance before going thru w/dem


theres this thread here and the jidf soyence coooomer is still here spamming lame jewish soyence spam all over the rest of the board even though everyone knows its fake


I hope you grow mentally mature one day and get the meme addiction out of your mind


t. posting on a ps vita because smartphones are outright demonic

The galaxy flip ad on tv was one of the last things I remember before voluntarily going to the fun bin lol

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At what point does work become a substitute for living? Is that the only purpose there is to people in this day and age? Apparently all you do is acquire wealth and buy goods and services which seems to be the driving force for almost the majority of inhabitants in the U.S. "The American Dream" is the concept of purchasing a house and a piece of land with your earnings and that somehow proves you're a good person and a worthy member of society.
If you look at the technological progress that started with computers, everything is being automated at a speed unprecedented in history. Wait another 400 years and there will be no need for any human manual labor because you can let machines do everything for you and the ultimate ramification will be that money becomes useless since wages are only needed to incentivize competition among humans.

Work itself and monetary status become obsolete. What is the purpose of life when all the jobs are not needed anymore?
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Normalize bicycles made of bamboo and cactus skin with like 100mm chainrings on them that can go 60mph


I've been trying to explain this to anti-depopulation advocates for years now. Virtually infinite and easily replaceable slaves are in fact a lot more efficient than complex, difficult-to-maintain systems. Never mind the fact that most of this soyence-coomer trash isn't even viable in the first place.


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>Resource scarcity
>won't be enough copper and other materials

>It is unsurprising that the Washington Monument, similar to architecture all around the capital, was built with marble. What may surprise you is that the capstone resting on the top of the monument is made of a $225 pyramid of aluminum.
>Costing $1.10 per ounce, aluminum was considered as valuable as silver.
>Less than two years after the placement of the capstone, the value of aluminum dropped dramatically when a young chemist discovered a simpler method of processing the metal.

Same thing has happened with diamonds. You can now create laboratory-grown diamonds. Resources aren't infinite but you can easily reuse existing metals and make it less expensive.


H'whats going on in that set of photos?


The problem isn't that there aren't enough resources necessarily. Usually the problem with soyence coomer schemes boils down to issues with energy, time, or economy. So for example: You could launch a few satellites far out into orbit and you could provide internet to a lot of people at a minimal cost, accepting the reality of latency, or you can be a retard like Musk and try to launch thousands of satellites into LEO, spending so much on launch costs, production, and maintenance that even if everyone on earth was a starlink subscriber it would still never be profitable. This is the kind of thing tech faggots do. If their ideas aren't out-right impossible, then the things they propose are completely impractical. Many of these ideas were rejected by better men decades ago. Things haven't changed just because "it's the future". The reality is we haven't had any major technological breakthroughs since the transistor. Everything since then has just been logical iterations. They don't even have proofs of concept to show otherwise. In the case of "automation" or "AI", it's not some kind of self-sustaining system. The latter lives on profuse injections of investment capital. It wastes significantly more than it produces and it cannot exist without nigger-cattle to feed it. It may look fancy, but there is in fact just a man behind the curtain. Believing AGI is going to emerge and that robots are going to maintain themselves, that the economics are going to be irrelevant, and that were all going to be lorded over by Mr.House and his securitrons is like believing in a perpetual motion machine, literally.

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