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oh doctor fauci.... bring us vaccines....
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Jeffrey Epstein: A Little Golden Book Biography



No Refunds.


You're going to die either way. The proper term should be sacrifice. Like burnt offerings or a holocaust. This feels very biblical.


Synthetic human embryos created in groundbreaking advance

Exclusive: Breakthrough could aid research into genetic disorders but raises serious ethical and legal issues

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circus elephant sailboat


Here we see the retard in his natural habitat, a dead neo nazi inageboard.

Point and laugh at him.


Sounds stupid and I doubt it.


Post proof or eat shit, faggot.


i'm so fresh you can suck my balls, nigger

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 No.748[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Science is facing a "reproducibility crisis" where more than two-thirds of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, research suggests.
>"It's worrying because replication is supposed to be a hallmark of scientific integrity,"

> Research scientists are under pressure to get published in the most prominent journals possible, and their chances increase considerably if they find positive (thus “impactful”) results. For journals, the appeal is clear, writes Philip Ball for Nautilus: they’ll make a bigger splash if they discover some new truth, rather than if they simply refuted old findings. The reality is that science rarely produces data so appealing.
> The quest for publication has led some scientists to manipulate data, analysis, and even their original hypotheses. In 2014, John Ioannidis, a Stanford professor conducting researching on research (or ‘meta-research’), found that across the scientific field, “many new proposed associations and/or effects are false or grossly exaggerated.” Ioannidis, who estimates that 85 percent of research resources are wasted, claims that the frequency of positive results well exceeds how often one should expect to find them

When did you realize that science is all about confirmation bias and mental gymnastics?
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Agreed. I've never seen anything like it either.


Science doesn’t have an answer to everything.


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>Experimental Rugged Fitness Landscape in Protein Sequence Space
This Japanese study determined that you would need an unfathomable amount of trials to acquire the wild-type function of the g3p minor coat protein of the Fd bacteriophage and it concluded that functional protein sequences are ridiculously rare.
They had to take a defective bacteriophage that could not survive in the wild due to the fact that they removed the most crucial component to its survival (the gp3 minor coat protein) and put it inside a bacterial host in order to let it duplicate itself.

After 7 generations the bacteriophage stagnated. After 20 generations, they saw negligible changes. Beyond 20 generations they needed huge amounts of trials to even come close to the adaptive fitness in the original protein. Without the g3p minor coat protein the bacteriophage cannot infect other organisms and as a result dies out. To summarize: the bacteriophage never adapted and developed its own gp3 minor coat protein.

Bacteriophages are not able to self-replicate because they are primitive (a human cell contains billions of base pairs while a bacteriophage has tens of thousands) and thus they need external material so they can perpetuate their existence. The experiment eliminates all obstacles such as environmental factors and even host scarcity meaning the defective bacteriophage has optimal chances for survival because they select only those that show the most changes. Despite all this they couldn't reproduce the g3p minor coat protein. In short: in nature a defective bacteriophage do not survive and reproduce and they certainly do not produce proteins through uninterrupted contact with the same host.

Evolution, in other words, is not proven. When science disproves a theory then the Darwinists will ignore it and say it has no meaning or relevance.

Science, according to fedora lords, is something that has some kind of natural bias towards Darwinism.


The Fd bacteriophage only codes for about 11 proteins so there is not much room for variation. It means that evolutionary speaking you can't disrupt the protein sequences through mutation because they're not able to withstand too much change because they are so highly intertwined. If you do then the bacteriophage would instantly stop existing.
Quite a Darwinian predicament.


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The famous soyence journal Nature has announced that Javier Mile is bad for soyence.

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Poignant thread incoming
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Don't debase yourself to these people. They're not worth it. They'll never change.
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I can't conceive of ever having made the choice to get the shot


I also fibd it hard to get over how it's a white man calling for some kind of apology from an Indian or South Asian man who somehow got elected or otherwise put into power by whites. What a joke!


he wasnt elected


>or otherwise put into power by whites.


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ok retard, have fun with your 'privacy' pedo cunt


Okay, pedo. I will patiently be awaiting your personal information. Until then you have self-identified as a pedo, pedo! :)


kill yourself


You first, pedonigger.



how do you guys deal with demoralization? the psyops just getting worse and worse; and i just keep getting more redpilled

take the covaids hoax for instance. in late 2019, i thought there probably was a virus; it was just being hyped up by the media for political purposes. now in late 2023, not only do i understand the fact that there never was a virus, but viruses don't even exist; germ theory is a jewish reptilian hoax and the entire modern medical system is a fraud designed to kill people and make huge profits. how cope?

sorry for all the semicolons
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He's an actual Jew. Seriously.


Well, I don't think a lot of people burn out of it completely or turn into an enemy, they just need a gentle nudge back to the reality of the situation


The reality of the situation is we're fucked, it's never been more over, and we're unlikely to see any societal improvement in our lifetime.


explains why he looks like a mongrel


Mama, I want to strike a blow at Tel Aviv like the cool guys on 4chon

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Fucked a nog, pretty disgusting


loving niggers is howdy doody cop compliant


respect them


Good thread. Finally a thread without politic.


Unironic question, and not taking the piss - why are white people (particularly white men) over-represented amongst the transgender community?
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collateral damage


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me on the left


How much do you care about the Environment, anon? How do we consolidate human comfort and convenience with conservationism?
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>I totally buy the liberal narrative but I am offended that liberals would use their narrative to punish me.
Stupidass piece of shit. Neck yourself.


>I completely agree!


Nah, retarded contrarian faggots who can only think in thought-terminating cliché that is effectively no different than the "NPCs" they cry about like you should off themselves and botch it so they are rendered braindead or severely impaired (rather than just low IQ).


>hurr durr ur not a deep thinker and you don't post a bunch of words like me!
reddit is that way, retard.


>omg one sentance r lot word u need copypaste trite phrase liek meh hyuck!!!!1111
Zoom on, overcompensating retard.


bottom text
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>ywn get arrested and cavity searched by that british copper lassie



I'm more surprised it wasn't that already, given it's a Muslim shithole.


zoom zoom at DNC protests triggers brainwashed lefties




found another fed up zoom zoom


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you weren't here
not at this event
cluck cluck
- revenge cuck


drink my piss moron


ya don't mind if i do


I was kidding haha faggot!


>two hours of slut cope
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He made the peepee spaceship thread.


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Someone left this at my work.

This is genuinely why Australia may have a civil war if governments ever try pushing for global conflict; rural populations despise elites and they are, paradoxically, better skilled at ammunitions and fitter people, and this is the growing sentiment in said populations. They do not want to partake in the narrative, no matter how hard you may try to smear people.
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*Ethical billionaire
Pedestrian.tv told me so


shut up pseud


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Finally an optimistic message for once, from over a decade ago



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Would Basketball Be Allowed in a White Nationalist Society?
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Basketball will only be allowed in space.


Umineko means seagull in Japanese


You can educate yourself in space.


The great thing about xbox 360 is not playing games but showing everyone online that I did


You is a low-key samurai bruv

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