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its a sandnigger


article written by

this ugly cunt

even says in the article in her own words this

>Of course, the unspoken subtext being perpetuated in every single article about the Letby case is that there are some people we can imagine perpetrating these crimes and some we just cannot.

>Perhaps an immigrant nurse with subpar English and a foreign name could be a fitting figure for these unthinkable murders.

dumb cunt revealed her inner thoughts projecting a gaslight onto upstanding IQ having people with this one, such is the libcunt mind to reveal about themselves the xenophobia they acuse other people of

its the same obviously with the white pink haired cucks implying blacks need more help than others


She's not the problem. In backwards countries like England, where men let women do whatever they want, they do stuff like this. It's like getting mad at cattle for shitting wherever they please or at a woodpecker for pecking on wood. In more advanced countries like Afghanistan there wouldn't be a "Glamour Magazine" and she wouldn't be allowed to have this job.

Quran 4:34 (Surah An-Nisa, 4:34): "Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned by Allah over women and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. And righteous women are devoutly obedient and, when alone, (and) guard (the property and honor of their husbands) in (their) absence with the protection given by Allah. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) discipline them; but if they change their ways, do not be unjust to them: For Allah is Exalted, great (above you all)."


Kill yourself philosemite.



Here it is guys, spread from fruit bats apparently, articles and info to follow in posts below.

for reference covid has a 2-3% mortality rate

is this an actual happening?
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>2-3% mortality rate
Last I did the math, it was barely 1%.
>70% mortality rate
I fucking wish.


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Virology is pure pseudoscience. We might have another ventilator-demic on our hands.


Tall and robust, as was the hugest cocaine condom that could plug up even our bravest brass. That's what you call a fucking hero, not a chicken-shit fucking barbarian. a hero. I wouldn't say that wasn't ham-fisted, no, I said it helps us learn from them.

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umm... bros?
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Unironically what is that? lol heh


The penguins rise.


Laser from a satellite, it's been caught by hobby astronomers throughout the world and keeps showing up on webcams. Made the news when it was first seen in Hawaii a few months back.

Purpose of the laser is probably an automated calibration process.


>5g is safe (((they))) said


Jewish space lasers
I don't know if you'll understand just how dangerous lasers are
One man can pay 50 bucks on ebay and blind airline pilots

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Did you guys just fuck around with me when I did the remote viewing demonstrations and you told me I was accurate and did indeed see my targets?

I haven't been practising remote viewing as instead I am obsessed with strengthening my body right now and doing a little research into telekinesis and lately I've been reading up on DMT (just finished reading DMT The Spirit Molecule a few days ago)... and because of the large passage of time in which I haven't seen anything paranormal happen (other than a lot of instances of telepathy with people I have a high degree of rapport with) I'm starting to doubt myself.

Were your reactions to my remote viewing genuine? Did I really see my targets?

I want to at some point, not any time soon as again my physical cultivation is everything (I want to run 100 miles and am training for that now every day since last October so almost a year now), start remote viewing again but modified to just trying to see pages in books or to seeing things where the other side gives proof I saw the target correctly. I'm also just doing things that I believe will optimize my abilities and techniques so everything can be done in a shorter period of time instead of hours and so that I have the energy system in place to support the heavy demands of intense psychic work without depleting myself. I notice both intense exercise and intense meditation tend to cause me nausea as they seem to deplete my stomach / solar plexus in some way.

I wish that back in the day I was more careful/rigorous about experimental design and feedback because if I did things right I could have not just impressed others but made sure that I myself knew I succeeded. I just took it for granted that if a person responded that I had succeeded, than I did indeed succeed, never thought at all about the possibility someone could deceive me with false feedback. I PROBABLY wasn't deceived with false feedback but I can't know for certain now and that bothers me.
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all men are not equal, whats perfection in your case in terms of your body and mental state, could be absolute trash compared to another mans


>One man's trash is another mans treasure, okay homo.
At least you recognize that and are hoping someone thinks YOU ARE A PIECE OF WORK...that belongs in some sort of musium, just like everything else in your parents house. I guess people are just jealous that you are what peak performance looks like.


Spirit Molecule is pseud shit. Spirituality (at least all the culture surrounding it anyway) is pseud shit.
t. used to trip balls all the time


i hit a nerve didnt i




A family with four underage children aged 6, 11, 12 and 13 lives in the village of Krasnaya Sopka (Red Hill), Nazarovskiy District, Krasnoyarskiy Krai, Russia.
The family bought chicken and dumplings for dinner at a local shop.
The family had a dinner of dumplings and chicken, and in the morning they all showed signs of poisoning. On the morning of 21 September, all showed signs of food poisoning. At around 11 am, the parents and children sought medical help at the hospital with signs of nausea and vomiting. As a result of a sharp deterioration of health, two children - a 6-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy died in hospital. Later, according to RIA News, the Investigative Committee reported that another child died, his age is being ascertained. Investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia for Krasnoyarsk region and the Republic of Khakassia within Russia initiated a criminal case under the article ‘production, storage, or sale of goods and products that do not meet the safety requirements of life or health of consumers, which caused the death of two persons by negligence’
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he could have added sour cream, known in Europe as smetana, if I've translated it correctly, and chopped dill and chopped parsley, they complement the dumplings perfectly.
Some people add mayonnaise to dumplings, but mayonnaise makes you fat, and you can even eat sawdust with it, it takes away all the flavour.


Beauty is a combination of genetic heritage of father and mother expressed in children, unfortunately some Europoid women choose a big black cock advertised by American porn and a black man attached to it.
The queen of Norway recently did a foolish thing and married a foreigner, a black-skin shaman from Africa, a commoner not a nobleman.


After expert examinations, the version that the family's dinner - chicken and dumplings - could have been poisoned with pesticides was not confirmed.
The main version of the investigation now is that the adults treated the house against insects with dihlophos and poorly ventilated the room afterwards, the source told Ren-TV.
Overnight they inhaled toxic vapours, and in the morning everyone felt ill.


> American porn
thats jewish porn


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(((They)))’re Not Going to Talk About Microplastics and What They’re Doing to You

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Based thread, upboat xd


Foky's low-T has little to do with microplastics. He is a chronic masturbater and dysgenic subhuman, who was born with AIDs.



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The Human Heart May Be Covered in Microplastics, Germanic Surgeons Discover


> Germanic Surgeons

I laff

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ongoing troonout in the free and open source software (TM) world, classical-libs and techbro meritocracy btfo, corporate & govt infrastructure backing free and open source software (TM) communities (TM) btfo


dunno maybe these people only need to be encouraged to act as unhinged and be as annoying and as much liability to have around as possible

help them, give them like lists of things to raid and spam and maintainers with careers and families to bother

so they scuff shit like docker, podman, homebrew, ansible and other shit that the corpos depend on
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For free software advocates NixOS isn't considered free software as it contains binary blobs in the default kernel. Binary blobs are 'open source' but signed with encryption by the manufacturer so you can't modify and run it on hardware without using their private keys. You can't even be certain that the source code provided is what was used to produce the binaries.

Some attempts at reverse engineering those binary blobs have been successful but it takes a lot of work.


the irony is that, by acting this way, trannies are making people hate them if they already hadn't.


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GNOME Project GitHub Discord Soviet Workers District Democratic Committee is currently having a spergout and a shoot-on-sight policy bout some elected project manager sharing a fascist (((✡️Lunduke (HEBREW, JEWISH✡️)))) authored article, mentioning the (((✡️Lunduke (HEBREW, JEWISH✡️)))) is insta-ban, objections are insta-ban, saying anything is insta-ban, these people are completely on the edge and openly hostile and paranoid about everyone around them not passing their virtue-checks

Well, huh, there is a recurring theme of extremely aggressive, divisive and offensive public communications in "Open Source Software(TM) Companies" like that


>these people are completely on the edge and openly hostile and paranoid about everyone around them not passing their virtue-checks

BTW I like it, it gets more hardcore every time one of these situations gets brought up.

Outside of the internet, most of these people's relatives must be "fascists" that need to be purged because of their outdated 2008 beliefs.


>elected project manager sharing

I misread, it's currently about the Manjaro distro GNOME package maintainer sharing an article about GNOME not disclosing info on banning an elected project manager whatever



>Social amoebae
>separate from the fungi, and from plants, and animals
>the multicellular slug that forms from aggregated individual cells can be motile

>Overall, we demonstrated directly the disappearance of cAMP signal oscillations and propagations between cells at the multicellular phase of Dictyostelium. Our work calls for reconsideration of the role cAMP relay has on collective cell migration in Dictyostelium and proposes a possibility that alternative mechanisms to cAMP relay contribute to the organization of collective cell migration at the multicellular phase.

So slime molds are very strange creatures. They use simple cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) to move around and aggregate into a large multicellular organism. But, scientifically speaking, they have so many different shapes and appearances that have no basis in genetics. There is no real answer as to why some of them look like flowers and some like a single erect sperm cell. Most of their genomes are know but there is no genetic explanation as to why they look different.

You could say that the same problem is obvious for human embryonic cell differentiation. When a human fetus develops inside the womb, all of the cells are identical after fertilization but later on transform into blood cells, nerve cells and muscle cells. The explanation for this mechanism is "gene expression" (some genes are switched on while other genes are switched off) but there is no inherent genetic coding in the actual cells that can be traced or shown empirically that affect this behaviour.

In fact there is no trace in physics or chemistry of the control of chemical reactions by a sequence of any sort or of a code between sequences.

So my question is: when did you realize that Darwinists were full of shit?
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How old do you think is Earth?


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>The potassium-argon method is attractive for dating volcanics since it can be applied to rocks of Pleistocene age and older, thus encompassing important periods of general volcanic activity. However it has been found that dates obtained on whole rocks and on included minerals frequently show gross discordances.

Funkhouser and Naughton at the Hawaiian Institute of Geophysics used the potassium-argon method to date volcanic rocks from Mount Klauea and got ages of up to 3 000 000 000 years when the rocks are known to have been formed in a modern eruption in 1801.

>Where is the Earth's Radiogenic Helium?

If the earth is billions of years old, the radioactive production of helium in the earth's crust should have added a large quantity of helium to its atmosphere. Current diffusion models all indicate that helium escapes to space from the atmosphere at a rate much less than its production rate. The low concentration of helium actually measured would suggest that the earth's atmosphere must be quite young.


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>The long-term evolution experiment (LTEE) has become a cornerstone in evolutionary biology that researchers continue to mine for insights. During their 75,000 generations of growth, the bacteria have made huge gains in their fitness — how fast they grow relative to other bacteria — and evolved some surprising traits.

>The LTEE isolation of Cit+ mutants has become a textbook example of the power of long-term evolution to generate new species. But, based on our results, E. coli arrives at the same solution to access citrate in days versus years, as originally shown by Hall. In either case, genes involved in the process maintain their same function but show expanded expression by deregulation. Because of this, we argue that this is not speciation any more than is the case with any other regulatory mutant of E. coli.


take it from the evolutionist seriously and lay me down a sick line of osage beats.


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I've always wanted to live in a secret underground lair, like the ninja turtles. Is that so wrong?


It is if you have a bizarre stockpile of child-sized mattresses with mysterious stains on them


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noooo you can't just say that its antisemitic


kikes and spics
>Later, the men, most of them in their teens and early 20s, took up a collection and hired a group of migrant laborers to finish the job, Kalmowitz said, describing the workers as “Mexicans.”
>“The Mexicans lived in the building for three weeks during the work,” said Kalmowitz, adding that the migrants did the work “correctly” and installed support beams. “They slept and ate there because it was a secret operation.”


Big if true

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where will he go? what will he do?
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big machine guns with rocket propellers. boom-box speaker weapons, thorough-bred for this


kinda you know because its the chariots of war they have to use when to conquer them, with math



This is actually how a sizeable proportion of the population processes information, especially academic types with their “peer reviews”. Tariq literally believes they are white men because they are listed that way on a police document. ie “some authority said it so I will difer to them as they are infallible”.
>“This snack is FDA approved so it cannot negatively affect my health”


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the kikes are doing this to pad out the statistics


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It doesn't really matter what blacks think. They have no institutal power and everything they have has been given to them. Nothing was fought for, nothing was organic. Jews run all their organizations.



Stupid goy. Blacks have control of vibes




These are the attendees of the Melbourne Marxism Conference, /new/. Say something nice about them.
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ginger girl is qt


When was this, I mean why are they still wearing masks


People asked this in the /pol/ thread too. It's because the event specified you must wear masks to attend.


not a single one of those fags at least thought "hey it's a bit excessive & who cares imma take it off and politely put it back on only if someone really insists"?

>love me some breathing through 3 layers of aliexpress nylone polyester mesh that still smells like the plastic factory cancer dust whilst sitting for 2 hours


why didn't you save her

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 No.2929[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

"The Mohammedan religion would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?"
- Adolf Hitler

>According to Speer, Hitler wished that the Umayyad Caliphate had won the Battle of Tours against the Franks in 732. This particular battle is credited with stopping the influx of Islam further into Europe and saving Christianity in Europe.

"Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers — already, you see, the world had fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing was Christianity! — then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies heroism and which opens the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so."
- Adolf Hitler

>According to Speer, Hitler was convinced that had Islam taken root in central Europe at this time, the Germanic people would have become the “heirs of that religion” with Islam being “perfectly suited to the Germanic temperament”. Hitler said that while the Arabs, on account of their “racial inferiority”, would have been unable to handle the harsh climate and conditions of the region, and that instead the Islamized Germans would have “stood at the head of this Mohammedan Empire”. A “religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and in subjugating all nations to that faith”.

>As per the book “Islam and Nazi Germany’s War” written by David Motadel, Muslims fought for both the Allies and the Axis in World War II. However, only the Nazis and the Islamists had a “spiritual romance” sharing mutual hatred of the Jews, the Bolsheviks, and liberal democracy.
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Taliban bans sales of video games, music, foreign films in Afghan city


The Taliban-led Afghan government has banned video games, foreign films and music in the western city of Herat, branding them as un-Islamic, the media reported. The ban imposed by the Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, which came without warning, has forced more than 400 businesses in Herat to close.

It followed crackdowns on other forms of leisure and entertainment that clash with the Taliban's extremist interpretation of Islamic Shari'a law.

Earlier this month, also in Herat, the Taliban closed restaurant gardens for women and families.

In October 2022, the group shut cafes offering hookahs -- the smoking of which is a popular pastime among Afghan men -- across the country.

Earlier in May, the Taliban banned men and women from eating together in Herat's restaurants and shut down women-owned and women-run restaurants in the city.

Scores of shops lining narrow corridors also sold foreign films and TV serials on DVD. They offered Indian, Iranian, and Western music on CDs and cassettes, RFE/RL reported. But the once-teeming market that echoed with Afghan and Iranian music has now fallen silent and almost all its shops are closed.
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Chadliban Marks 2 Year Anniversary Of Return To Power In Afghanistan With 'Victory' Holiday

While still not formally recognized by any country, the Afghan Taliban on Tuesday is holding public celebrations marking the two-year anniversary of its return to power and 'great victory' over Western forces.

A public holiday is in effect, complete with military parades hailing return to an "Islamic system", and also commemorating the Taliban's rapid takeover of Kabul as American forces retreated and attempted a chaotic airport evacuation of foreign citizens.



I respect when any so called religious person or organization actually follows their holy text. It goes without saying that 99% do not

Only Yemen and Afghanistan actually follow Sharia Law


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Afghanistan marks two years of women and girls being banned from schools


Last quote below here is the most intredasting:

>The UN General Assembly is set to hold key debates on the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan this week, two years after they were stopped from receiving education in schools and universities.

>In their initial edict, the Taliban claimed they would open high schools for girls, only to later say such a move would not comply with their interpretation of Islamic or Sharia law.

>For 15-year-old Adeela, the overriding emotion is not so much fear towards the armed Taliban fighters who have taken control of her school, but rather sadness at watching her books gather dust for two years and having nothing to fall back on.

>“I am not afraid of the Taliban but in the last two years, I have been tied up inside the house without any schooling,” she tells The Independent. “I am not aware of my other batchmates, how they are doing, but I think they are hopeless and broken like me.”

>Asked what her biggest dream would be, the teenager in Afghanistan’s Wardak province said that it was for the Taliban to open her school again so every girl there can believe again in their future.

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On the evening of 2 May 2024, three young men in Novoalexandrovsk (Russia) destroyed the New Testament and threw the holy Christian scripture into a brazier. The burning was accompanied by hysterical laughter and shouts of "God is ashamed!". The guys filmed the hooliganism and spread it in one of the messengers.

Russian law enforcement authorities quickly reacted to the video. The next day the young men were detained and taken into custody.

The accused, two born in 2003 (20-21 years old) and one born in 2007 (16-17 years old), admitted guilt, repented and apologised for their actions. The boys promised that they would never do it again. The punishment could not be avoided after that.

The Bible arsonists were prosecuted under the articles ‘Insulting the religious feelings of believers’ (a fine of up to ₽300,000 or up to a year) and ‘Hooliganism’ (a fine of up to ₽500,000 or up to seven years).

The investigation was completed and the materials were submitted to the court for consideration. The sentence was passed on 5 September 2024.

‘By the court's verdict two adult young men were sentenced to two years to two years two months of imprisonment with serving time in a penal colony of general regime, a minor - one year 10 months of imprisonment conditionally’, - reported in the Investigative Committee of the Stavropol Territory.
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Burning a Bible is pretty tame, shooting up a mosque or burning a church preferably doing these two things every single synagogue in the area is another. Should have killed some shitskins with kikes, plenty of them in Moscow.


The Torah is not burned because it is written in Hebrew, only fierce Jews can read it. Russians don't know Hebrew, therefore can't read the Torah, and therefore can't decide to burn it or not.


Hmm not sure I'd burn a bible heh. I just don't follow Hebrew religions and want them out of the West. I respect their traditions. Though I'm not quite sure what "respect" means, truly, I think it's always a matter of debate, as we are all of us, always pushing for our own dominance.


On Telegram, joining the Frenschat thing, idk why they want me to denounce the talmud. It just doesn't make sense to me. I'm a a White man (99.7%), it doesn't make sense for me to denounce something that is not mine... Jewish books for Jews, Islamic for Islamics, and so on.


Sounds like they're probably the kind of useless retards that think the h'White race can be saved by posting the reddit frog on social media. I wouldn't doubt they believe demanding that new members denounce the Talmud is effective vetting. I'd say don't waste your time on those morons, but just don't ever give any personal details because you can be assured that shit is comp'd.

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I miss him.
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Dat means da police, honky!




jonky fwonk


thats just you screencapping your own spam


smiley does this all the time aswell

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