>>4676Jewsh is the new 8chan. Liberals and commies run the internet now. It's over.
>>4678>Jewsh is the new 8chan.H'wut he mean by dis
>>4673>>4674updoot: "jersh" has gathered ~100k "paypig"bucks for the "lolsuit" now uhuhuhuh
considering the whole kf thing involves major network providers in unprecedented way and at intl scale, it may hit the msm. as it does, the "old media" will be forced sort of explain the situation close to a factual way, otherwise it wouldn't make much sense, 2024 the year of insanity & the year of the "lolcow". your mum and normie colleagues will know who "keffalls", "t-ranch" and "babyfurs" are, let that sink in.
>>4873i'm deliberately overstating it, but awareness of deranged faggot shit hitting the mainstream in some way is not to be unexpected.