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Nu Kangz & Generals goyim

How Kyivan Ruthenians almost won the war last month when Prigozhin marched on Muscovy
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but i put a ukraine flag up outside my house!!!!!


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"(...) If the US manages to pull the trigger on a Nigerian invasion of Niger, it’s going to be like nothing the world has ever seen before."



Main issues with Kyivan Ruthenia's offensyiv explained


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(((They)))’re Not Going to Talk About Microplastics and What They’re Doing to You

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Based thread, upboat xd


Foky's low-T has little to do with microplastics. He is a chronic masturbater and dysgenic subhuman, who was born with AIDs.



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The Human Heart May Be Covered in Microplastics, Germanic Surgeons Discover


> Germanic Surgeons

I laff

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"We Own The Science": Jewnited Nations Official Admits That They Partner With Jewgle To Control Search Results

The UN’s Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, Melissa Fleming, recently admitted in a discussion with the World Economic Forum that the globalist institution has partnered with Big Tech platforms like Google in order to control search results on subjects like climate change, making the establishment narrative the predominant narrative while suppressing information and data that runs contrary to the UN's climate agenda.

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EUSSR Imposes The World's Largest Carbon Tax Scheme, Inflationary Madness Sets In

>First, (((they))) came for the oil, now they're coming for the cows




Very interdastan metaphysical theory from Ken @24m30s on why evil fucks like Schwab always tell the soyimses of their plans openly and in advance before going thru w/dem


theres this thread here and the jidf soyence coooomer is still here spamming lame jewish soyence spam all over the rest of the board even though everyone knows its fake


I hope you grow mentally mature one day and get the meme addiction out of your mind


t. posting on a ps vita because smartphones are outright demonic

The galaxy flip ad on tv was one of the last things I remember before voluntarily going to the fun bin lol

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Niggers: Making Things Inconvenient at the Convenience Store

Last Saturday night at about 8:15 in a mostly white neighborhood in northeast Philadelphia, about 100 marauding youths — every last one of them black — brought psychedelic shockwaves of vibrancy to a Wawa convenience store. They looted items, knocked down display cases, and jumped up and down on cars outside with hormonal teen-primate fury. At least one of the looters, apparently a female of the species, was filmed twerking on a counter inside the store.

Although a writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer said it “was like a scene from the apocalypse,” there was nothing exceptional about the incident. It was only the latest iteration of black America’s ongoing collective assault on our nation’s fast-food establishments. Things like this seem to be happening daily across the country. As far as Negro-driven ransackings of public eateries go, the incident was quite ordinary. There weren’t even any reported injuries.

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Coca-Cola Company funded NAACP & other civil rights groups to call opponents racist to ensure sugar taxes failed and that soda was included in food stamp funding


One dumb stinky nigger spotted drinking (((Coke))) here: >>36817


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>It’s very strange that [niggers] outright refuse to learn how to shoot guns, given how much they enjoy shooting guns.
>Like, imagine if someone was really into golfing, and went golfing every day, but never learned how to play at all, and used a putter as a driver and knocked balls in the pond every day. He loves golfing, is obsessed with it in fact, but refuses to learn the very basics of the sport.

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 No.1680[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Everyone report in. Whats the covid status in your area?

I'm noticing EVERYONE i know that took the jab now has covid or recently got it. Shits making rounds again. Many of these people already had covid once before too
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I don't read Zero Hedge because Tyler Durden is a gay pseudonym. Fight Club sucks ass. Posting horses along with the article title just has me assume it's another anti-ivermectin hitpiece like the dozens I've seen before, so I didn't feel like wasting time reading another. I don't like medicine kikes shilling against one of the few actual drugs to exist that cures people instead of getting them physically hooked or making their quality of life reliant upon it. I see my assumptions were wrong. I am sorry.


no1curr faget LOL


Ken h'Wheeler: Nu plandemic lockdowns cumming in mid-September according to TSA leak


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>"(...) They did this exact same thing with global warming: they were pushing it wildly in the early 2000s, then they dropped it for a while because people started talking about how it was retarded. Then, they brought it back in full force."
>(...) The coronavirus hoax is coming back. That’s a certainty. It’s just a matter of when."


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Jewtube goes scorched Earth against nutrition, superfoods and natural medicine, announcing new policies targeting so-called “medical misinformation”

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"Like We Just Split The Atom": ChatGPT AI Shakes Up Tech

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Deyre both bad things


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AI Bigger Than Industrial Revolution, Jewnited Cuckdom Deputy Prime Minister Sez



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ChatGPT 'Politically Biased Toward Left' In The US & Beyond: Nu Research Finds

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 No.1276[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In Groundbreaking Redpilled Landmark Speech, Xi Vows To Guide China To "Incomparable Glory", Defeat ZOG
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Anglin the racemixing faggot should not be calling anybody else retarded when that's his understanding of the China-Taiwan situation. It is completely possible to simultaneously hate the US government and be honest about China being a miserable shithole. I'm always reminded why I don't read DS whenever I read something of Anglin's. He's simply a contrarian idiot and he puts in no effort to research whatever he wants to bitch about that day.


Chyna's DEADLY Single Women Crisis


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China’s farming push is about war

Beijing wants to produce enough food to satisfy its massive demand, to withstand a potential blockade by the Joonited Snakes



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>The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Eastern Theatre Command has released a kinomathic video showing troops practicing a coastal invasion of Taiwan. The video first appeared on the social media site WeChat Thursday, and features waves of PLA soldiers storming beaches, including armored vehicles and tanks driving into attack positions.

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James Webb Space Telescope detects carbon dioxide in atmosphere of exoplanet for first time

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Pentagon clarifies position on aliens, sez no evidence yet




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Starlink Now Has One Million Active Germanic Subscribers


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Heat Is Radiating From A Huge Mass Under The Moon


In an unprecedented discovery, germanic scientists have unearthed a colossal granite mass that has been gradually emitting heat, hidden beneath a lunar crater. This discovery is not a figment of science fiction, but a testament to the Moon’s volcanic past. While the Moon’s history of lava fields and eruptions is well-documented, the discovery of a more Earth-like volcano was a first, found beneath the Compton and Belkovich craters on the Moon’s far side.

The exploration of lunar volcanism also has implications for future lunar missions. Understanding the Moon’s geology can help in identifying suitable landing sites for spacecraft and potential resources for lunar bases. As we continue to explore the Moon and beyond, each discovery brings us one step closer to unraveling the mysteries of our solar system.


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In an amusing display of ineptitude and subhumanity, muscovite drone crashes into moon's surface



How much do you care about the Environment, anon? How do we consolidate human comfort and convenience with conservationism?
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>I totally buy the liberal narrative but I am offended that liberals would use their narrative to punish me.
Stupidass piece of shit. Neck yourself.


>I completely agree!


Nah, retarded contrarian faggots who can only think in thought-terminating cliché that is effectively no different than the "NPCs" they cry about like you should off themselves and botch it so they are rendered braindead or severely impaired (rather than just low IQ).


>hurr durr ur not a deep thinker and you don't post a bunch of words like me!
reddit is that way, retard.


>omg one sentance r lot word u need copypaste trite phrase liek meh hyuck!!!!1111
Zoom on, overcompensating retard.

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>Be Australian
>Eat a mushroom
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it was seisatsu who showed his dick not stee, newfag


STI was just another fake personality that Michael D. Reilly (better know to you as Seisatsu) invented as a means of escaping personal responsibility for his hand in creating and managing 4chon. STI is the meximoot of 4chon.net and you are a noob for having not realized that from the get go.


nice made up story retard


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u been hornswoggled, kid


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ah for fuck sake man bloody ya little bloody fuckin, ahhh fuck sake man, well at leas- at least...


piss you ya grubby little bloody troller

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"Net Energy Gain" - Germanic US Scientists Make Breakthrough In Nuclear Fusion
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>called 60 minutes
>is 40 minutes long
Frickin' commercials heh


I laff


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>The slap particle

I laff at dis

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So apparently France is in something of a civil war as Muslim hordes are now rampaging across the country.


You'd think people would've seen this coming. Especially after the fucking subhumans burnt down Notre Dame. Oh well, eh? Societal collapses gonna societally collapse.
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I hope this bald manlet faggot gets kidnapped by oil barons, extorted for his money, cloned and mauled to death by lions


Only... it's not a civil war. It's a foreign invasion. It's an actual war.


That's based. Whites are a threatened and endangered species. They have every natural right to fight for their survival by any means necessary. They should be doing this instead.


This plays to your prejudices, but is wrong. Stores with greater diversity tend to be where minimum wage is higher and therefore the pressure to unionize from within the workforce is lower.


No, they should be fucking more and making it easier for their offspring to have children.

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They call me Pedo Pete, I'm the king of the West Wing suite
When I sniff the lolis I go chick-chicky-coom, chick-chicky-coom
Yessir, I'm Pedo Pete, my brain's mush and obsolete
When I sundown, everything goes chick-chicky-coom, chick-chicky-coom
The senoritas they plea and they flee in terror-o
It's very cringe, when I infringe
And when the cameras catch me anons see and they kek-o
Memein' a song, all the day long
So if you like your girls petite, take a lesson from Pedo Pete
And I'll teach you to chick-chicky-coom, chick-chicky-coom, chick-chicky-coom
(He's a really immodest guy, although he's the oddest guy
In Washington, in Washington)
Si, senorita I know that you would like to chicky-coom-chick
It's very cringe, when I infringe
I'll place my hand on your hip, and if you will just give me your hair
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Is that the sing-songy pedo bitch from YouTube that made a dumb fuck "apology" video?


I don't like sand.


From my point of view, it's the grass that is evil.


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>that's a cute little baby


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umm... bros?
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Unironically what is that? lol heh


The penguins rise.


Laser from a satellite, it's been caught by hobby astronomers throughout the world and keeps showing up on webcams. Made the news when it was first seen in Hawaii a few months back.

Purpose of the laser is probably an automated calibration process.


>5g is safe (((they))) said


Jewish space lasers
I don't know if you'll understand just how dangerous lasers are
One man can pay 50 bucks on ebay and blind airline pilots

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Jfk was killed by the CIA.
Aids and covid were govt/Rothschild/pharma/Rockefeller psyop hoaxes.
Germ theory is a govt/Rothschild/pharma/Rockefeller lie

Vote for this man
Vote for this man
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RFK Jr CONFRONTED with vax data by ReasonTV Libertarians

>"Industry propaganda!" Robert Kennedy Jr. dismisses the evidence that vaccines save lives.


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Jr is correct, the vaccines started to come out around the same time that basic sanitation did, vaccine promoters ignore that and credit all the benefits of sanitation and the subsequent invention of antibiotics to their vaccines.


lolbergs or more embarassing than ever. reason is probably owned by pharm/oil like everyone else


Kooky RFK Jr., a white male 🤢🤮, who makes WILD allegations like "the government is corrupt at best, evil at worst" 🤨😂👌, gets 💥DESTROYED💥 by intelligent young libertarian womyn 🔥👱‍♀️

>RFK Jr.'s long con




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