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Why are African niggers so much smarter than American ones?
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they should do something about how they smell too


Unfortunately niggers can't do anything about anything and that's why they're niggers.


God, I hate niggers.


god I hate whites

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I am short to pay for my university semester exam fees which is 1500$.

Any anon here or any biz friend who can help me with 1500$ through crypto? If so, please send me an email to shaokrahman100@gmail.com

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Another day spent in my thoughts
>disgusting identity
>low inhib
>disgusting world
>low inhib

I wish hitler would have won instead of these fucking ameritards and british mutts, maybe people like me being killed off is not a bad thing... just dont rub it in my face, my unreasonable self preservation will get me defensive.
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how 2 stahp neldom
pls halp


Become gay chud-chewing nigger-cattle like Avid.



become cumbrained narcissist manchild like you


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this is you lol, I automatically win irregardless of anything you might say to me

stay goblin, you look like what an AI would produce after using the prompts

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How the fuck i avoid this 4chan ip ban? I don't want to use my own IP. Using VPN, and every ip seems blacklisted. faackkkkk!!!
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how do i buy a pass if coinbase doesn't work in my country?


not news


>buying vpns
just become a hacker on steroids, get some skills an sheiiit. if you do that you'll be able to circumvent any b& anywhere for free and with no hassles


one good trick for avoiding 4cvck bans is to spam the report queue with reports of your enemies, that keeps jannie busy and the reports of your own posts might end up getting ignored.
its best to do your reporting via a separate IP than the one you're posting from, preferably via multiple different IPs. if you can report via multiple IPs that makes it more likely your enemies will get b&


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Atheism is the worst thing that can possibly plague a society.
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trips of truth


religion vs atheism debate is the worst thing that can possibly plague a society


>Cain Martel
>Main Cartel?


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I didn't come up with the name Cain Martel, I "stole" it from someone's facebook profile. I'm pretty sure it wasn't his real name. I think it's derived from a retired hockey player named "Kaine Martell"

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how do i become a sportsball cuck ?


Start gambling. Sportsball has had a surge in popularity since the laws around sports gambling were loosened. Now you can worship niggers and put yourself into poverty while you do it!


All while enriching the jews since they own the gambling industry


not news

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>Not being a rapist
erm no just no


not news

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Castrate whore mongers in Minecraft


>Australians are the highest per capita users of cocaine in the world.
Wonder if this might be related?


(butt) secks is good retard


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Canada almost wiped out syphilis. Now rates are skyrocketing — as more women, infants getting infected


The crisis is Canada-wide. In Ontario, rates hit their highest level in 2022 at nearly 24 cases per 100,000 people, with a year-end tally of more than 3,500 infections. (That's close to the same number of cases reported across the entire country in 2016.)

The proportion of infections among men who only have sex with women, and women who only have sex with men, has risen dramatically during the same five-year span — with those two groups now making up the vast majority of all syphilis infections in B.C., jumping from 14 per cent of the grand total in 2018 to 65 per cent last year.

He called that a "devastating, preventable" outcome. (Syphilis caught during someone's pregnancy through a prenatal screening can be treated with a basic regimen of penicillin.)

Shifts in sexual practices may be fuelling STI rise

While vulnerable communities may be more at risk, several experts suspect shifts in overall sex practices are partially fuelling syphilis's comeback.

The rise of online dating apps, resulting in more people having multiple sexual partners, is one leading theory. A trend toward more oral sex could also be playing a role, said O'Byrne from Ottawa Public Health, who stressed that people think it's safer because it's not a likely transmission route for HIV, even though it's a common transmission route for syphilis.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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another day another brown eyed non white spouting WS shit on omegle



Don't debase yourself to these people. They're not worth it. They'll never change.
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I can't conceive of ever having made the choice to get the shot


I also fibd it hard to get over how it's a white man calling for some kind of apology from an Indian or South Asian man who somehow got elected or otherwise put into power by whites. What a joke!


he wasnt elected


>or otherwise put into power by whites.


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it had a little niglet pissing in his mouth and then taking a huge shit on his face, while he was praying to jewish god yahweh


post the vid then

exactly, it doesnt exist


Then the bulls came out and unleashed their BBCs!


it doesn't exist, because jews keep it as their blackmail on him
he attends these orgies with niggers on a daily basis almost, he cannot stop craving shit logs
then again, it shouldn't be surprising, cuckservatives, especially the kind that wears kabbalah bracelets love BBC and nigger shit on their faces


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I miss him.
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Dat means da police, honky!




jonky fwonk


thats just you screencapping your own spam


smiley does this all the time aswell

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jew'd hard


Source? (important)


farting competition


up ur ass LOL

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>Victorian wholesale power prices increased to $16,600 per megawatt hour this afternoon, compared to $29.61 in Queensland and $286.97 in NSW.

This is fucking horrifying


when r u buying a 10kW solar kit with 30kWh battery


How is that even possible?
Who the hell needs that much power? Consoomers are too wasteful. Doing your own home solar installation is pretty cheap and easy though.


it's a joke, i don't recommend it as an investment unless you have no choice and live somewhere off-the-grid. the $30k for a 30kWh battery would be better spent on something like bitcoin the next time it crashes (it's peaking right now so it's a bad time to buy it despite what reddit claims) and wait a year or two for the value to double again and sell


>This is fucking horrifying

youre gay as fuck, stop posting here

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