U can work for The Biden for President (BFP) campaign making cool internet memes and engaging with the audience,
citing your extensive 4chong, 4chang, 8chang, reddit, digg, myspace, tumblr, kiwifarms, somethingawful, gamefaqs, ed, worldstar, efukt, liveleak experience 2 posts omitted. Click reply to view. No.5991
Direct those voters to the best hentai.
>2-4 years in the video, media, and/or entertainment industry working with agencies, creators, or digital media companies.
>yeah besides the disability i've been working for a few years with major creators on twitch like asmrslut18 and penismangamer, youve probably heard of them, with 16 million views/mo avg, creating those PNG overlays and cropping emotes in GIMP, they found me on discord
>>5997they should be encouraged do it more and often, this shit tends to end up with a corporate or political party issued apology, sometimes after treats of legal action, which is funny
>>6002they first trial it with some middle manager, then eventually outsource a proper retard
it's also funny when it's a "popular" youtuber or a streamer used for a promotion having an autistic meltdown that they then have to apologize for