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Dwarf, why do you enter into every single thread just to spread negativity?
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it wasnt me you skitzo mong


dwarf should post n00dz


Please no


please YES


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No timestamp. No proof. You're pissing into the wind.
Fictional character that doesn't exist should post noodz.
Oh. No. Please don't post noodz invisible character that isn't real!

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If everyone grew Ch*nese yams we could all walk freely in nature, eating the plentiful food that grows everywhere
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>hates yams
>hates nature
(you) are the only KIKE here


im a kike because i think your thread is shit? but your thread is genuinely shit though.


>hates yams
>hates nature


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The city has twisted your soul into a mirror image of Smeagol, Dwarf. Hatred has consumed you


this thread is GOOD, redart!

yams are good with or without sauce

nice cock, bro

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If there's a moment this solar storm hits its zenith I could ask my future wife out right then


why? if its the end then i cant do anything to stop it right, what would preparation entail?


So nothing even happened, did it. Sad!


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Year 2021. Vaxx craze begins. World class renowned chemist German Andreas Noack goes live on video and shows there's graphene in the vaccines. He's one of the few people actually having equipment to check for this, as it was his speciality.
On November 23, 2021, Andreas Noack posted on his Telegram account a video lasting about 17 minutes, in which he claims the alleged existence of graphene hydroxide in vaccines against Covid-19 manufactured by Pfizer/BioNTech.
During the video literal german S.W.A.T. takes him in handcuffs.
4 days later: Andreas Noack is dead.
Bunch of researchers found it extremely sus.
>they did test to vaxx to check for mRNA
>mRNA not found, only shitton of graphene
>LaquintaColumna researches started to check other injectables
>Painkillers: shitton of graphene
>All 'normal' childhood vaccines: shitton of graphene
They started to check vaxxed people's blood
>shitton of graphene

Andreas Noack:
>It's graphene hydroxide in form of a nano-razors. These will shred you. Extremely thin, extremely sharp. Your blood vessels, capillaries, slowly people will die from multi organ failures etc.
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A friend of mine's uncle had a heart attack at their family function this weekend h-...heh

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The husband is even a ZOGbot. A former US Air Force pilot, and the courts still decided to look the other way at his wife's murder attempt of him lmao



yo the shit is basically free in portland,or,america


computer pull up gross pay of liberal states and discount california


Makes her a hero


i smell of piss

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Today is my 33rd birthday.
Earlier this week I found out that my grandmama (whom'st've has always been very dear to me) was diagnosed with late-stage cancer and the thought of her potentially passing away any day now has been haunting me ever since. S-so much for having a happy birthday...
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This is also true heh
>Fenbendazole is dog dewormer

Cancer comes from parasites. Inflammation from wrigglin', jigglin' wormoids!


The answer to cancer is TOTAL WORMOID DEATH!


>total wormoid death

i fucks with this sentiment


How's gram-gram, lad?

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 No.77266[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I have a degree in electronics and I got fired from the only semi-related job I had since graduating 4 months ago. Now I mow grass at a gator farm for 12 dollars an hour LOL!
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Of course. Whites are the global minority.


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Would be sweet if there were an uber eats for drugs. The way you go through the dnm it's like you're leaking military docs. Excuse me but NO, I just want to get high!


This guy is genuinely entertaining


So posting after 300 posts doesn't bump the thread? Testing

Honestly I've never been completely sure what "bump limit" meant or referred to.


Last one hit bump limit and nobody told me if they had played pokemon unbound or not.
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It's unfortunate he wasted years on this. Nintendo is not an open platform and they are notoriously litigious, I don't know what he was expecting. He could've made his own game for Windows in that time. It probably wouldn't have gotten him hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube but assuming he's any good at game design it would've paid far more than the meager $400/mo he's currently getting on Patreon (not that he needs the money since he's been earning 6 figures in his current software engineer job he's had since before he started N64 game dev stuff in his off-work time). Even if money is no object to him, time is still valuable and he lost it all for practically nothing.


That's a shame. I had been following him on and off for awhile. Seemed like a very interesting passion project.


nintendo is a joke


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*dies of alcoholism*

So this is the power of Now... heh
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I like him tbh. His stuff is pretty good and I don't see why someone having some health problem means they're wrong about everything. He was genuinely pretty good on topics like zen. everyone is addicted to something and it is at least kinda cool he was such a dyonisian fellow

Plus I remember reading he addressed his alcoholism by saying that he is a drunkard in a zen type of way way which is pretty funny. The whole idea of someone being an enlightened master beyond any problems is bs by ppl trying to sell so.ething. even in the literature of the ancient aryan mystics in India they usually aren't some perfect holy man beyond all wrong behavior. Plenty of time they have very eccentric personalities and can be very impetuous, as is the price of wisdom


thats exactly the reason why i drink piss instead


From what i heard of him he was a gigantic grifting psued, a cult-like leader and speaker who never said anything of substance.


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I've not once heard his voice or encountered anything he produced, but alcoholism doesn't invalidate a person. The old Zen monk Ikkyu used to visit brothels in his black robes. Lots of substance usage in Buddhism, Daoism, Hinduism
>be lump of sentient dust in infinite maelstrom of samsara
>*nooo you can't drink alcohol*
Pathetic moralfags afraid of living, like crabs in a bucket, trying to stop others from enjoying the brief dream of life. Fuck the chains of your mental slavery


This is him sampled at the end of the song, right?

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come victorypost @ threech.top


initially that this website is a grapper for IP address and a hobeyspot


it has an onion for schizophrenics


initially i have and puke


oh man! they have a thread for avid's gaping anus pics!



What is UP with this guy's language?

"We are... about to headed... (?) up a mountain, or sud (?) I say Volcano hike"

"Actually could have done with a little more sleep but... we keep it MOO-VING!"

"It's all mental at the end of the day"

"Your mindset you're out (??) of most things including a lack of sleep (??)"

Cool travel vlog and all, and health stuff is interesting, but why upload such gibberish speech? It's almost word-salad.

People should SPEAK CLEARLY AND COHERENTLY if they are going to upload things to YouTube! We should always TRY whenever we talk - to talk properly - but ESPECIALLY if we are going to make a VIDEO with our FACE in it, SPEAKING!
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And then a minute later he talks about being at peace with nature when he's exercising and how it quietens the mind... while his SPEECH is all jumbled and the tense is all off.


vid is gay


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Oh yeah and WTF was that scribbling on the tablet?


>What is UP with this guy's language?
brown people are dumb

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ban dogisaga, I'm sick of the sight of the fat stupid cunt, samefagging and shitting up this place all the fucking time

HDV grow some balls and kick this fat fucking cunt to the curb
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>spams ban dogisaga several times a day on a dead board
>demands "free speech" and that no one gets banned >>76197
>demands he himself gets banned >>51539

avid can't you channel your autism or whatever mental illness you have to something more productive? richard stallman used his autism to create the GNU Project and Free Software Foundation.


HDV isnotrael


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>le related image


shut up retard

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What do you think we should do to pedos such as this guy who goes by the name of Triagonal? https://archive.is/Ybi1c

He is not only a confirmed pedophile who lusts over a 14 year old boy, but he has a small, cult-like following of white-knights and are known for doxing, stalking and impersonation too. Also a genuinely bizarre individual in general who has lied about every aspect of himself. Claims to be from Pitcairn, claims to be a woman, and pretends to have DID as well.
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How old was Alexander the great when he conquered Iran? 9?


some believe so but others say he was much older than that! personally I think his real age was....

over 9000 XD


obvious samefag




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imagine still posting here when

https://endchan.org/4chon/ exists


I got banned from there for being straight


>pony flag

h'ok buddy

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dogisaga is a disgusting skitzo freak who deserves to die


HDV wont ban goblinsaga because it send its tits to him on discord


>fagvid seething because he never gets dick pics from any of us

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