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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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i have cracked the key to the 'childhood happiness'

the end of which coincides with teenage 'progression' and a desire to be seen as cool

to increase happiness = stop trying to be cool

just look at supermodels and 2cool4u celebrities, they never smile
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JIDF detected. Keep LARPING.


judaii goblin malcontent

spit in your face you vinegar freak


>Vinegar freak
Okay. Retard.


judaii nothing


No boobs open & vageen

 No.58228[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm living at a recovery house atm.
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Avid is straight. Avid is the straightest man on planet earth to ever exist.


He's so straight he looped back around to being unimaginably gay.


Damn. That's magical.


youre both gay



So they don't want to call the cops because they can't handle Autistics fairly or some bullshit.

Can't wait till this violent animal grows bigger and does real damage, like break arms. What will they do then?
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take your meds troon


Is this your relative? A friends blog? Nobody you know but are lurking for tea? Acquaintance? Who is this op?


Someone from Reddit.





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would fuck


I want to fuck a coal black apefrican NIGGER again and again and knock her up with some half nigger babies.


can i borrow a meme?



One a' dose black jobs


I want to completely detach myself from every social construct and create a vision of reality that is mine and mine alone, different from that of the rest of the normies, how do I achieve this? I'm being serious.
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you overestimate your abilities


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my piss is dark brown and its epic


Holy shit. You're going to die.


File: 1725762166999.png 905.77 KB, 932x1246, oie_NO3VSp4r4tcZ.png

its the price i pay for epic piss


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the greynch


I used to watch the grinch almost every night when i was younger


me when i shit and piss my pants on the bus


HWHAT IS ET?!?!?!?

im going to watch the grinch tonight


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hey guys,

I am going to do a shameless shill and i want NONE of you to be mad at me okay?

Join my server :)

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shut up you ugly cunt


funbagphobic queer


im going to stop responding to you



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check em
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Lol you made the BBC sissy avid blush too hard and now she's too embarrassed to continue using her primary lover's name.


youre a retard


yeaumad af ong fr fr hold this ohio L son




 No.9107[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

reminder to drink water 👍🙂🔥🔥🔥💯
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water is good yknow








whats is water

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I can't find the thread because someone slid all of the threads around, but magic anime land is majority poisoned unfortunately
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Why is this so common now?


Internet scammers? Phishers?


>buys house somewhere
>doesn't check for radon
>fucking dies



>yea maybe the city officials allowed them to dump nuclear or chemical factory waste in the forest nearby illegally in the 70s but it was such a good deal and the view...


Taking ibuprofen occasionally for 2-3 years?


it's that special time again...

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Hdv good




Need a place to put this before it vanishes into the void.Screenshot related looks interesting. Posting it here. Will anyone (myself included) from 4chon ever use it? Who knows?


would /lounge/ let HDV schlap their bum bums?

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Tell me your thoughts and feelings about Gavin McInnes
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>the horse meme


well, what is the most Aryan dildo shvpe?


because when i visit a congregation where mentally underdeveloped angry young men put themselves directly under the law enforcement microscope, get corny tattoos, make themselves unemployable, while surrounded by ex-cons and show off who is the most aryanest beefiest and stretch half naked in front of each other as a part of the "training" i need to know what bsdm gear they prefer

there is no way it isn't some drug trafficking operation


also having to commit shit like light vandalism, graffiti, arson as part of the initiation may be a standard practice as the beginning of collection of dirt on a FOOL a PUNK


you can pick up druggies and make em do increasingly worse shit

but that's just my speculation


got permab& from 4chumps for "racism"
does that make me the most powerful racist of all time?
never seen longer than a 3 day for racism before
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good thing I have like a billion IPs to work with


wow you are so badass!!!


It's sad that the term racism has become a scold word. Humanity is divided into races, therefore there must be experts of races helping races to become better version of themselves, and how should we call them if not racists?


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the negro problem


hello glowie


can someone post those taylor swift ai noods
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hueh the walrus


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neat, an AI thread.


It's a terrible mess, no girl would want to live in a mess like that.


shut all the way the fuck up


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why should I shut up? you gettin too horny?


no, why have you been harassing me with this for years now?


I don't think thats "memory", water doesn't have a mind. Sounds like quackery.


Japanese Masaru Emoto has written a book about water memory. It has been subjected to a certain amount of criticism.


>my impact of the world is negligible, i cannot one up my predecessors while living in a marshmallow bubble, but wut if
>water was not a parasitic amoeba, minerals and sewage and roadside pollutant soup but a being that loves me
>wilderness is not a cold damp place for most of the year that eventually induces bronchitis and scurvy
>industrial processes are bad instead of maxxxing out human lifespan, iq and height by dozens of % within a few decades
>tribalism isnt extremely savage and violent dogpack rapey form of existence but a happy psytrance shrooms soycialist commune
>thirdie dictatorships of jewish mischlings strongman ruling over damaged bugman societies with gypsie thief tendencies are cool and admirable

ppl to retain their sanity and self-worth need to believe in a simplified, more positive, vastly less hostile bubble model of the world

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