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what happens after you die and why is it reincarnation?
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>>88833 (checked)
dubs confirm christianity is a false religion


only true idol is bbc


>>88844 (checked)
dubs confirm avid is the prophet of esoteric BBCism


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numbers confirm fuck you


>worship this j*w and do what we say, or burn in lava forever, g*y
Obvious scam


would you drink the orange soda?
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ream your nan


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is this just cause 2?


I don't drink soda.


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thats not soda

its orange soda

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I started having girlfriends at 14 and now I'm mid 30s. Is it abnormal for people to start dating this early now? Is this the effect of the zoomer sex apocalypse? I notice this all the time on /pol/ now, Americans have no idea thats its normal for women to have breasts at 12 or 13, letalone 15. So they call this "early puberty". The "she was 17 years old you mother fucker" meme is real in America it seems.
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I have stories but they are very tame, I didn't have sex or more than foreplay until 19

Just funny stories like how I saw a girl that I worked with on that particular excursion, and she walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek, and all the Arabs thought I was some slayer and started shaking my hand every morning at school from that day on... LOL!

And the same thing happened when I went on a movie date with a girl, except she decided to bring 3-4 of her friends, so I was at the movies with these 4-5 girls and guys from school see me and thought I was real cool. Meanwhile during the movie I was too scared to even hold the girls hand. I put my hand on the armrest in the theatre, kinda saddled it up next to her so that it was barely touching and wanted to hold it but was too nervous heh


Cute story heh


In my country if you have sex at 14 your woman goes to jail.
Actually being married at 16-18 is good biologically, but you have to supply your family with resources and you usually don't know how to do anything at 16 years old, so most people put off getting married until later.


i saw my first pussy at 2nd year of first school, didnt know what sex was so i just lay on top of the girl, we kissed with a ton of tongue, it was sloppy and looking back quite hilarious at how inept we both were, teacher caught us but luckily didnt see shit, took us back to class, it was one of my first days there


to add, year 2 is 6-7 years old


what do hindus mean by this?
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prolly smth liek "do teh needful and shit in the ganges"


Kali is the feminine counterpart to Shiva and is part of him. She was created as a last resort to kill a bunch of demons that had been granted unstoppable power by their spiritual feats and aceticism. She is fierce in nature and kills those things which stop her followers from their goals as far as I know. The fierceness is also a means of ensuring ppl treat this seriously and don't fool around with the divine. This is all my interpretation, take it with grain of salt.


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Shiva is the still, motionless consciousness that serves as the ground essence of the universe. Shakti is active, dynamic energy and represents all things within the universe that unfold on the screen of consciousness. It's why she stands on his dead body

There's a saying in some sects of Hinduism- "Shiva without Shakti is shava (corpse)"

It's basically a protest against many different sects and religions that think sitting around, doing nothing, experiencing nothing, and withdrawing from life is the highest good we can achieve. Buddhists for example want to meditate all day and delete themselves from existence

To a Shaiva or Shakta, the universe is a divine expression of god-consciousness, not something to escape


I've seen blue-skinned people like that, but they had two hands each, in the US, Kentucky. It's the Fugate family, you can Google it.


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shut up retard

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Look at that gigantic manjaw. This bitch is not beautiful. If you took the top half of your head off, you could then use that to make a good looking face, but the bottom half with that HUGE jaw is hideous. Honestly it looks like a tranny almost were the upper half not feminine looking.
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>that gigantic manjaw
Features like that indicate a womans' genetic propensity to higher testosterone, which means a higher sex drive. While your pic is cherry picked, other women like Jessica Simpson also have similar "manly" jaws.

Point is that if you find one that has a jaw like that she'll want to screw more than one with a delicate jaw. Also, probably more likely to give you "chad" sons.


Get a load of this gay retard
>yeah bro you need to find a woman with a male hormone imbalance, trust me I read on pol it akshually means she's a keking chad fuckmachine and totally won't go bald in her 40s


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Now for the important questions. Do these hips look narrow or androgynous to you? I'm a bit undecided



>>This bitch is not beautiful.
considering that most of the human population are ugly blacks and Asians whose narrow eyes make them ugly, this woman is quite fit to marry.


There's this trashy energy radiating off this website. Why is that?
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I'm still jackin 2 it tho



It's the resident goblin dogisaga



Well done, Asian girl, doing a good job.

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gay loser


Meds, now.



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Why isn't she regularly fined by the US for that tattoo? Don't Americans know the difference between allowing everything and freedom?


redpill me on the origin of our species
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shut up sociopath


what about mexicans




No one knows for sure. There were no historians then, and myths and legends about the origin of people were often exterminated in the religious struggle.
It is possible that different groups of aliens from other planets with their genetic engineering took part in the creation of different groups of people.
Maybe humans were genetically engineered from apes to work in the mines.
By the way, nothing prevents some groups of people from living for five hundred years like Greenland sharks do. It's possible with a good human genetic code.
It's not done en masse because slave miners didn't need to be given such a gift, the aliens thought


nah, ur mum fucked a nigger

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Varg declares total war against all niggers kikes and shitskins
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The problem is that thinking race is skin-deep. It's not. You could also argue that class matters, and it does, but it needs to be considered that Europe developed a much higher culture within a smaller span than Africa did with a presumably massive head-start. Lots of (((historians))) complain that colonialism fucked niggers over, yet niggers didn't have shit prior to colonialism.


Curious how he's going to get rid of the 1.5 billion Asians in China?
Actually having only one child by a European family is more harmful to the European race than anything else.


Frankly speaking, Kenyans of the Kalenjin ethnos are the best runners on the planet. Perhaps the development of genetic engineering will help to transfer this ability to some members of the European race, without the nasty interracial mixing.
The loss of the Kalenjin would be sad for humanity.


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That's Africa over there, Blacks people walked around without hats, their heads overheated in the Sun, so their heads didn't work well.


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I'm stunted.


avid triggered by women lmao

all based shitposters are, my duder


that post wasnt made by me


Sure it wasn't, just like all the BBC love letters aren't.


those arent written by me either, i can promise you that, although i doubt youd believe this


I am asexual, intelligence agencies. I am asexual because it isn't worth it. Most of the sex of this sedentary era is literally about having the capacity to have an erection at all. I don't care. My identity is not based on physical sexual potential, and I am not sick enough to crave the forms of other people.

At this point, perhaps I am not human. And indeed, I have no inclination to be tied to reproduction.

I crave nothing of the human physical form. I am indeed asexual that far. I yearn for no youth nor any sexual power.

There used to be forms that died slowly. Indeed, I would find the slow aging Oracles of Delphi quite beautiful. Something something drug users.(USER WENT TO CVS FOR THIS POST)
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Don't eat anything for a day, bud.


oh sammy! I'm such a big fan of your subversive right wing comedy! I'd absolutely love to service your circumcised penis!!!! I'd skip a week of meals to please you!



Are you sure? That means skipping a whole week of swallowing semen and I'm not sure you can manage that avid.


prove youre avid, post a timestamped pic



Brother N once again pulls the curtains back on the jew's disgusting evil habits and practices
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Why did you delete your rant on Trump and company wanting to bring Indians in legally?


Damn, what's the time limit for deleting posts? Just tried barely an hour later, meant for a different thread.


cuz tldr, it doesnt matter what anyone thinks (not my problem what frogs in a boiling pot or lambs to the slaughter do), and who cares


>and who cares
The guy who asked why it was deleted, and you, the guy who felt strongly enough about it that you had to go and delete it.


deleted my post cuz it's nothing new and wastes everyone's time

i will refer to 4chon philosopher [REDACTED]'s quote >>88085

this is one of those things not to dwell on as you have no control over it. politics is another spectator sport. just figure out how best to look after your own wellbeing in the present and the future. resources are zero-sum. time is zero-sum. attention is zero-sum. life is zero-sum.

if i left that long post then i'd have wasted more people's time, which would be malicious on my part, and i am conscious about what i post

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 No.31969[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Liru is a miracle of the universe! ✨ 🙏
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Niggers niggers niggers kikes kikes kikes
Shit and cum and shit and cum


Niggers niggers niggers kikes kikes kikes
Shit and cum and shit and cum


Niggers niggers niggers kikes kikes kikes
Shit and cum and shit and cum


Niggers niggers niggers kikes kikes kikes
Shit and cum and shit and cum


Niggers niggers niggers kikes kikes kikes
Shit and cum and shit and cum

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 No.85933[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Things you may not have yet realized about JD Vance:
He was born in 1984, you're older than him.
He was 15 years old when 4chan was founded.
He first heard about 4chan when he was a college freshman.
He is an oldfag and knows more memes than you do.
He started the first habbo hotel raid
He painted the n world on drawball
He got the 42m GET on /b/, but it was nothing special to him since he always gets doubles
His posts on /n/ were why the FBI (at the direction of the Obama administration) told moot to shut the board down
He is the author of the Ken-sama copypasta
If elected his first act will be to bring back snacks
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meatcanyon was my nickname in secondary school

that orange geezer has no taste


trying to beat my 3 cocks in 1 anus record tonight, wish me luck faggots


fake avid! my record is 5 in the anus and 3 in the mouth with one in my right hand and two in my left!




orange man GOOD!


I will post podcasts I listen to or will or might etc, ITT.
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grow a bigger dick, microfaggot

you just know fagvid is using these games to meet underage boys


I don't believe that. Everyone have some amount of value. Though it's hard to figure out what that value is exactly... I don't want to genocide anyone. Jews have made important contributions to human history. Just as others have. Genocidal notions are disturbing to me and I think people generally.


You're right. Jews' remains probably make for decent compost.


get gassed, KIKE!



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