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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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hey guys,

I am going to do a shameless shill and i want NONE of you to be mad at me okay?

Join my server :)

62 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


bumping so someone can post vag00's titty gifs again


shut up you ugly cunt


funbagphobic queer


im going to stop responding to you


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anyone here good with CSS? trying to make my endchan board look based

specifically I want the following
>remove time and date on posts
>remove image filenames on posts
>remove image dimensions on posts with images attached
if at all possible to be able to do this I'd appreciate the codes

also would maybe like to tweak the board colours (post background, post text colour, main board background, borders)

thanks in advance
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fagvid failing at basic gay porn forum maintenance lmao


fight me retard


ok but don't get a boner


..but that's exactly why they want to fight. You want that though.


id knock the absolute piss out of you

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 No.63367[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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File: 1714036621440.webp 141.39 KB, 1440x1007, Screenshot_20240425-040533.webp


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not funny, stop shitting up the site with your pointless garbage


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i used to piss the bed when i was younger and i was always surprised that by bedtime my bed would be dry as a bone because when i pissed the bed i used to piss a lot
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Your piss soaked mattress and unchanged clothing of the past, tells a completely different tale.


does it, elaborate


File: 1713899101198.webp 204.66 KB, 1440x2045, Screenshot_20240423-140411.webp



this doesnt explain anything



File: 1713618876403.mp4 1.3 MB, 640x360, adolf takes the stage.mp4


Happy Uncle Adolf Day.
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>im white (quarter, if that)


Congratulations on your genes being colonized!


fuck off kike


Don't have even a hint of a crook in my nose and my eye color is top-tier Aryan. Keep projecting mudfag.

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milf thread, because theyre just better
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File: 1704046165198.webp 120.54 KB, 1439x2316, Screenshot_20231231-120807.webp

My neck is a vortex and it's consuming my whole body. It's some kind of portal. I can't even pass as human.


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Holy cinnamon toast crunch! Only two fingers!


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god tier cereal right there


you hate to see it
poor one out for grandma

File: 1691864067202.png 36 KB, 114x118, 27 years old.png


This is all western music is;
>"niqqa niqqa niqqa shawdy shawdy shawdy"
>*the same instrumental from the "lean on" song*
>*sounds off loads of people in a concert hall saying "OH OH OH OHHH OH OH OOH OH" over a guitar

It has to stop
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why are you posting pearl a rightoid retard
shes a fucking moron


post all avid memes


File: 1713674064968-0.jpg 104.68 KB, 734x500, avid meme2947.jpg

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literally impossible
too many


i highly doubt its 'literally impossible'


File: 1713684880963-0.jpg 92.12 KB, 569x499, avid meme 244.jpg

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I may have exaggerated a bit but it would be extremely painful

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would you drink the orange soda?
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what are you talking about non sequitoretard


Follow your dreams!


ream your nan


File: 1713595874147.jpg 1.17 MB, 2550x3300, 1586180960100.jpg


is this just cause 2?

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If it wasn't made by Blizzard North then it's not Diablo, dumb slut.


women are black




I disagree strongly.


she's earning that handbag

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Check em and welcome your new overlord
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Who're you?


whenever I look at porn I can sense someone or something behind me

every time

what is this shit like nigger leave me the fuck alone


Make sure your back is facing a wall. You're welcome!


it doesn't matter, the entity occupies any free space near me, I'd have to stand in a cupboard or some shit


Wood fuque

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>no social media (besides twitter I only use as a lurker for art)
>no r*ddit, TikTok etc
>no posting at forums
>only posting at dicord (only to my own small servers) and 4chan
>still terminally online
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Discord and 4chan are social media.


File: 1713507906021.jpg 267.32 KB, 1280x800, oblaka-devochka-knigi-komna….jpg

>no social media, tick tok, gram
>one reddit account that was shadowbanned after first post so only browse
>dont use any forums
>only post on 2 imageboards, sometimes look at others
>dont use 4chan
>not logged into youtube
>dont watch tubers
>not a cordnorm


Image boards are the only "social media" I use.
Sounds about right.


Wtf is cordnorm?


Condoms go over hard benus.

File: 1710770801243.jpg 2.24 MB, 1280x1856, lolibooru 713507 ai-generat….jpg


have sex losers
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File: 1713475583343.jpg 169.55 KB, 640x427, borg.jpg

i see this


my hatred grow stronger


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it come from woman


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then I see all


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my answer is this

File: 1711187612204.webm 614.6 KB, 460x816, aRERxQ7_460svvp9.webm


Do you eat the estrogenic legume
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Unable to right now thanks though! I have almost 100k so I’m sure I’ll be able to buy something decent. Just don’t have the stats to equip it

Are two hand swords worth it? They seem cool


i always used scimmies for farming combat xp but up to you on what you want to use


Any reason in particular you opt for scimitar?


felt faster/more consistent


Those warriors from Hammerfell have curved swords. Curved. Swords.

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well well well i see ive returned. where is smiley, steadmen, and tiktok? rip whatever his name is that blew his head off. good times playing gw2.
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i fart n it smell of shit


wew lad teach me these methods


Sure let me just go ahead and mail them to you over the astral sea.




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>CP gets posted around the same time goblinsaga posts
>every time

3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


eat shit CPsaga


the agents are close to getting a location for the fat putrid retard, it won't be long before goblinsaga meets their fate


these "agents" need to find dogi and send her to avid's house with a big bag of dragon dildoes


agents from bbc lmao



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