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🎃 Halloween thread 🎃

🎃 Happy holiday! 🎃

🎃 PLEASE keep it Halloween-on-topic&friendly! 🎃

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Ready for all of the fake semitic/consoomeristic holidays to die so real culture can begin manifesting again



With half the scant amount of Halloween candy remaining by the end being Haribo, I've actually come around to liking these. They're a lot better than other gummy candies I've had.


They're decent yeah.

I was left with a bunch of lolipops and hard candies, predictably. I don't mind them but I'd rather have some gummy bears.


>I was left with a bunch of lolipops and hard candies
Always liked chewing those up when I was a kid. Took awhile to appreciate savoring them. Wonder how much tootsie pops ruined rock candy for kids, since you're always expected to chew part of it.


Do not be like this.
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The taste is like clams and salt water. I had one in China.


Sounds decent.


you prefer going down on other men, eh?


too late


post ur gf's ass

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 No.89101[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Nu Blarg, soyboys
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I honestly don't know what would be worse in practice. I still have some lingering affection for "right wing" retards even if I'd like to claim otherwise. Seeing the unwarranted Trump worship is going to be bitter. The goyim have been bamboozled yet again.


I don't really know either. It's shocking Trump still has the wide support from rightoids that he does after he had thousands of his supporters thrown in prison.

The same could be said about Harris. Black people form a large part of the democrat voting base, and KKKamala was behind throwing plenty of them in prison.


>The same could be said about Harris. Black people form a large part of the democrat voting base, and KKKamala was behind throwing plenty of them in prison.
The so called "left" is a coalition of "people" who have a poor nature. They're severally tainted by modernity and simply hate anything perceived as "normal". I no longer put any thought into their motives, they're just pests, an unthinking swarm. For the most part I still see the "right" as people who are merely extremely naive. Every election feels like I'm watching bullies rob a retard's lunch money. It's just sad. They need a good shepherd, but such a thing can't exist in this system.

That said, I do think maybe it's worth it if you want to go vote on ballot measures or what not, but I digress. Don't put your faith in any politician, and don't legitimize the red team just because you're scared of the blue team. No matter who wins the trajectory we're on isn't going to be altered, and I'm sure HDV knows that.


Voting is fake and gay. Vote for pro-immigration pro-Israel nigger-indian hybrid married to a jew or vote for a jew's pro-immigration pro-Israel best friend with jewish in-laws and his sidekick Mr. Curryfucker.


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Blog thread is autosaging. It's over.


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Anything is possible but not my problem.


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They fake seizures, their tantrums, their genders. For many retards, their subconscious doesn't have a collective aspect that is filled with inherited archetypes from their ancestors.




Are you saying she has a big fat willie???


I hate people who can't draw


What did you guys wear for halloween? I wore a 12 inch bbc dildo so my 11 months old son can feel more enjoyment when i rape his tight butthole
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It was chill, we had a fire going, too. How was yours?


>Drank a litre of whiskey
Did the same lol.


Sounds like a nice evening!


there's no way OP *isn't* avid


it's not me, I dont care if you don't believe me

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 No.83317[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Personally I think if he wins people (and even blue state govs) will simply refuse to acknowledge him as president. They'll say he's ineligible because he's a traitor or that he stole the election.

Same thing if harris wins, but from the other side.

I could easily see this farce being the last US election. People don't seem to have faith in the system anymore.


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>I could easily see this farce being the last US election. People don't seem to have faith in the system anymore.
The problem here is you think that nigger-cattle are people, when they are in fact live-stock. They'll do whatever their appointed daddy tells them to do. Whether that's daddy Trump, daddy Musk, or a new daddy. You know, I think I am actually becoming a misanthrope. The more I think about it, the more I just want to see everyone suffer. I want to see Trump enthusiasts beaten by a pack of wild Pajeets on the designated shitting-street approved by JD Vance, while they whisper to themselves:
>at least they're here legally, and we stopped Bill Gates depopulation agenda with all these wonderful immigrants.


People already have lost faith in the system and it changes nothing. The 2020 election was stolen and people didn't do anything. They're a disorganised majority and they'll lose everytime against an organised minority (the system).
I think there will always be elections but whether they won't cheat again and respect the system is a different story. Russia has elections but of course Putin will win it may become similar in America too, their system isn't well.

And of course the vast majority of people are hardwired to comply with society and whats popular, they are literally sheep, finding comfort in the majority. It's simply a fact of life and any action needs to take that into account.


I had the misfortune of stumbling upon Twitter politics recently and the thing that's garnering more outrage than ever in US politics is a dead squirrel.



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Post baby cat torture i need something i can masturbate to
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kill yourself




I'm not whoever that faggot is


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look at this fat ugly retard
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lmao avid hates my funbag posts because he prefers little boys


I don't, I prefer women who are actually attractive


So why were you being a weird asshole and accusing me of advocating shit I hate yesterday, then?


shut up retard


sexiest 10/10 white men thread
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You don't have to pretend avid, we know you like black guys more.




he's branching out, it's personal growth and it's healthy


Are you tired of seeing...

>dwarf bad
>smiley gay



NARCBEGONE Is that latest line of products from the elusive NobodyCares enterprises!

And I'm gonna fill you in on how you can use this top of the line Technology!

Cost? How much? Monthly what!?

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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shut up egglet


I got your egg carton right here.


no eggs lol


Suck on these eggs, homo.


with pleasure


You may think this picture was taken in india or somewhere in the middle east
But this is actually spain, """"white"""" people aren't white lole
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Maybe try to make an argument that can disprove what i said?


Why would I? Your statement is largely correct. Meds are browner than afghans and turks.


Oh never mind, i thought you were talking about those


An understandable mistake. I should have specified southern europeans.


You thought that because you're a semitic ESL shitskin retard.


Losing my mind on nofap, been like 6 days, feel like I'm going to spontaneously jerk off, what do I do

I will pray at some point, gotta leave the house sometime soon for an appointment

It's been like 5-6 days.
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Don't hump my leg plz.


Who was the clown that wrote that comment "no one cares about your masturbation habits" lol what an absolute fool. Lowest IQ comment of the decade award. I think it got deleted. "Sex doesn't matter" lol.


? here: >>91960

Didn't make that post, though I don't entirely disagree with the sentiment. My first posts in this thread were telling you what the other anime elf flag is from and about closing the thread. I don't think anyone said that sex doesn't matter. At most, I implicitly voiced that I dislike the sexual depravity of humans, but I didn't make "no one cares" posts. That was probably avid being too autistic to ignore things he doesn't like, per usual.


narc is stunned someone finds something they said shit


Your IQ is sitting somewhere at the bottom of the Mariana trench.

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Can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that we altcucks will never have real culture and 4chad would still mog us to the ground no matter what?
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recognition is for faggots and attention whores


>soyteen attempts to stammer out a comeback while gargling cock
Sorry, what was that?


Are you fantasizing about that?


>reddit frog
>"n-no u"
soycuck brownoid low IQ on full display


n-no u

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 No.85648[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Gamescon 2024 Edition
Day 1 drinking game: take a shot every time you see a nigger.
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I literally coomed balls deep in a black woman the first night I installed tinder


>I think I'm honestly one of the most important White men alive.
While believing this yourself may be a prerequisite for it to be true, I don't think it's true of anyone who says it aloud.


Oh. Locknar. I love reading your blogs man. I'm a fan. I'd love to get your autograph some day. :^)


>I think I'm honestly one of the most important White men alive.

narc faggot


>I think I'm honestly one of the most important White men alive.
Do you rank yourself lower or higher than JD Vance?

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do you retards have a discord? i want to join it to bully you
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>thinks everyone is a porn addict

no i don't


I'm glad the therapy is working, have you stopped eating your own shit?


I never have

you still having sex with your newcastle body pillow?


my body pillow is teh rei but yes we make love



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