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Today is my 33rd birthday.
Earlier this week I found out that my grandmama (whom'st've has always been very dear to me) was diagnosed with late-stage cancer and the thought of her potentially passing away any day now has been haunting me ever since. S-so much for having a happy birthday...
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This is also true heh
>Fenbendazole is dog dewormer

Cancer comes from parasites. Inflammation from wrigglin', jigglin' wormoids!


The answer to cancer is TOTAL WORMOID DEATH!


>total wormoid death

i fucks with this sentiment


How's gram-gram, lad?

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*dies of alcoholism*

So this is the power of Now... heh
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I like him tbh. His stuff is pretty good and I don't see why someone having some health problem means they're wrong about everything. He was genuinely pretty good on topics like zen. everyone is addicted to something and it is at least kinda cool he was such a dyonisian fellow

Plus I remember reading he addressed his alcoholism by saying that he is a drunkard in a zen type of way way which is pretty funny. The whole idea of someone being an enlightened master beyond any problems is bs by ppl trying to sell so.ething. even in the literature of the ancient aryan mystics in India they usually aren't some perfect holy man beyond all wrong behavior. Plenty of time they have very eccentric personalities and can be very impetuous, as is the price of wisdom


thats exactly the reason why i drink piss instead


From what i heard of him he was a gigantic grifting psued, a cult-like leader and speaker who never said anything of substance.


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I've not once heard his voice or encountered anything he produced, but alcoholism doesn't invalidate a person. The old Zen monk Ikkyu used to visit brothels in his black robes. Lots of substance usage in Buddhism, Daoism, Hinduism
>be lump of sentient dust in infinite maelstrom of samsara
>*nooo you can't drink alcohol*
Pathetic moralfags afraid of living, like crabs in a bucket, trying to stop others from enjoying the brief dream of life. Fuck the chains of your mental slavery


This is him sampled at the end of the song, right?


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>Gangsters came to his house and killed him, despite the fact that this singer among criminals and mafia he was in authority.
They didn't like wine and singing or what?


The gangsters just wanted to rob him, but the robbery didn't go according to plan, the singer was shot dead. Although many criminal bosses/mafia Dons of the post-Soviet Soviet Union loved the songs of this criminal chansonnier, he was killed.


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yawn, boring shit, i fell asleep reading this


doubt country music would take a root in a place where the procurer/supplier/le inventory-man (THE THIEF, w/ the capitals) is the most sought after role in the soyciety (and often the staunchest defender of the soycalist system for that)

>want dem roofing sheets or dem wallpapers from finland? depends on hwat you can carry away from the depot in exchange

>wanna go to the new york and see the time square and get cultureshock of the 1980s 'negro' ghettos? we'll see, will put will put a good word bout u wit the kgb

(racketeering had began in the late 80s with the cooperatives)


although it became a thing where schlager was already popular

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The husband is even a ZOGbot. A former US Air Force pilot, and the courts still decided to look the other way at his wife's murder attempt of him lmao



yo the shit is basically free in portland,or,america


computer pull up gross pay of liberal states and discount california


Makes her a hero


i smell of piss


why did He do it?
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oh my g_d, so true based black bestie


is that a le heckin token niggerino?! basedpilled!


civic-nationalism is the most powerful ideology on the planet.


because you dont control the clothing industry?


I think Jehovah did it because according to the religious law of Moses god cannot be depicted, and the crucifixion with Jehovah is a depiction of him, apparently Jehovah wanted it.
Maybe it is connected with the fact that in the Milky Way galaxy there are many planets inhabited by intelligent beings, and the image of god in humanoid form makes god sympathise with mankind.


So I was with a family member and she made me eggs with "Cajun seasoning". It tasted pretty good. I went to each of my grocery stores and couldn't find specifically Cajun seasoning. I did find creole, seafood seasoning, seafood spice that looked kinda like it. Are they all the same?

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Then don't, you paranoid delinquent


A supermarket here (Coles) delivers for $2 (like 3-4 American, its nothing). I buy like once every 2 weeks or more sometimes. I need to partly so I can get soda water (I drink 2 or 3 1.25L daily) which I can't carry home (I'm NEET and don't have a car, though my mum/family does...).

Plus its lazy and kinda fun to make an order online. To easily compare prices online etc.


No, it's not just 13 dollars a month, you are also paying more for the products. Don't be daft. You really think you are paying just 13 dollars more a month than going to the store and getting it yourself? Get real.


>fun to compare prices
Yeah, if you accept the fact you are paying more for every damned item.


>You really think you are paying just 13 dollars more a month than going to the store and getting it yourself?
I know for certain that I am. Either that or the difference is so small it's unnoticeable.

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I've been made aware of two things since my release from prison a fortnight back.

1) the existence of this site
2) that I am being impersonated by homosexuals

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Ah nevermind, the schizo kike mod is still at it lol

He censored my post in this thread and anchored/locked the thread right afterwards. I wanted to post a bort suggestion in there right now when i noticed this

No wonder the site is as dead as it is, this kind of modcuckery always kills off altchans. Sad!


Nope. Altboards die because the userbase gets older and has better things to do with their life. That's an inevitability, while it's hard to attract a steady flow of new users. The reason this board is as dead as it is though, is because some of the Internet's biggest retards, primarily yourself, made it unbearable to even lurk, scaring away most of the people who only came here for nostalgia's sake, the only niche this board had. You should have been banned from day 1. Don't you get tired of ruining things for others out of your own pettiness?


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Smiley demanded to have all his threads removed or he'd floodspam the board (which he did soon after), I compromised with him by anchoring his threads. That's one thread I forgot to anchor.


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roast me
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addresses the mistake in the post yet not the other part where their faggotry is explained in detail

lol coward


It's unnecessary to, autistic faggot retard. It's clearly projection once you slipped.


whats this then if not projection


let me guess faggot, only other people are capable of projection

inb4 more homosexual projection


It's calling you what you are: a faggot. Sorry you slipped up and confirmed it, better luck next time faggot.


shut up gayboy


What's with the incessant fearmongering that's going on lately? I'm sick of it.
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The billboard is about right, but they're pretending such temperatures are unusual. The east coast isn't exactly suffering. Have these people in the south-west considered the fact that it's really hot because they live in a fucking desert?


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Last time I was in that region this time of the year was late June, 2006 and it was 99º or 98º every day.


yet now they're saying its 'hotter than ever'


Thank you nexrad stations


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Kennedy space center sits at sea level and NASA is currently expanding it massively.
At the same time NASA is also screeching about global warming making sea level rise by 2-4 meters by the end of the century. NASA has no plans to develop an alternative launch site thats further above sea level than Kennedy space center is.
So they pretty much know that they're lying about global warming.

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>Barbieland is a saccharine shithole where no one can have any emotions
>There is no purpose, no one ever does anything fun, no one strives for anything, they're all like cows chewing cud
>Men are treated so poorly that even just acknowledging they exist brings them to tears in the real world
>Women have more fun under the 'patriarchy' when Ken instates it
>Women desire control and power, and to take it back, they are emotionally abusive to men, they are manipulative to them and just all around unpleasant
>Women literally force men to fight in wars to instate their supremacy
>Woke people give speeches on how depressed and miserable they are, they are just generally angry and unpleasant people to be around
>The movie ends with admitting that bullshit utopias (let's face it, in this case a left wing one) are not possible and you need to live in the real world
>And with men being at their strongest by feeling purpose, and by supporting men, and for not being subservient to women, especially toxic women

They accidentally made an anti-woke movie
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>would probably
Did somebody let in a draft?


Alternatively, vidya and tv and movies becomes near impossible to enjoy because the entire time my SUPREME ARYAN MENTAL DEFENSES are hitting me with intrusive thoughts on how the thing I'm trying to enjoy is a kike tool. So I spend the entire time analyzing how it's damaging to the human psyche instead of vegging out like any other filthy prole.
>You really do just start wanting more out of life despite it all.
Whenever you want to start the chon compound, I'll be ready.


I'll fink you under the table, pig sucker.


what does fink mean


have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want him to do you so much you could do anything?

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Official genders of my characters.
Im in the process of making the visual novel series
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That picture is real





OK foky

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 No.47159[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I turn 33 today, and I am drinking cheap wine and eating knock-off lunchables alone. I believe it was around MLK day when /new/ got deleted, so I've been posting on 4chon since I was 19. Pretty pathetic. I wonder what some of the tripniggers are doing now. I wish LF would give us one more update about his guinea pigs at least.
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I can't wait till that chonner posts your degenerate list smilesperg.


Yes, we are degenerate kindred in this tainted world.


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She's going to be okay. Somebody order her- a box of sex toys, wine, cats, cocai-OOPs


That webm is jokes

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>>At that time Jesus said to the crowd, “Have you come out with swords and clubs to arrest Me as you would an outlaw? Every day I sat teaching in the temple courts, and you did not arrest Me." (Christ Jesus our Lord, Matthew 26:55)

>"Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by." (John 8:59)

>but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple
>Jesus hid himself
>and went out of the temple
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That doesn't work in text when you can see the grammatic difference between "your" and "you're" though.


I was going to bring that up myself, missed opportunity I guess heh


You wouldn't be able to tell if it had been spoken.


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Christianity in a nutshell


hiding this trash

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need me a south korean bitch

they pussy taste like pepsi
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@HDV make pepsussy flag


drank a pepsi today... got a boner


dubsi cola


They look incredibly high maintenance and useless for everything


ok but hear me out... pepsi


ok which one of you little fucking FAGGOTS had the waybackmachine scrub 4chon.net
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i bet it was the shrimp dick manlet foky


2024 kill stee


kill yourself


hi stee! we gon getcha


not stee
take meds

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