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>Kenneth "Smiley" Schueler has made a new post on 4chon dot me
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Non binary aka poser tranny


Smiley wishes that he was his little sister.


i thought she was older than him?



Kenneth Schueler can suck my balls!

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I do.



This is why we need lolbertarianism


no, male unemployment spiked those years, 70% of those suicides are males and majority are aged 20-44
cant bring dishonor to soyciety and your famiry, shamefur dispray
divorce rates also spiked those same years. women are evolutionarily programmed to monkey-branch especially if things start to get a bit tougher


This sounds stupid but I would have tried harder in my life if I realized how retarded and materialistic normies (particularly women) are. I never understood that n-word posturing about their (often jew-derived) material wealth is just a base expression of other more intelligent human groups' subconscious


hello and greetings i am life75 I will be here for you to talk to and ask me quests and the picture isnt me
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hello, I'm well, how are you?


Why did you bump this weird spam thread?


Just for fun idk lol


do you like waffles?


muh structure muh intellectual musing


why is the internet different now? everything change since the plandemic
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search engines are shit. it's harder to find copacetic pornography than ever


the world doesn't revolve around you, deal with it


But the world revolves around the minority of costal faggots that force all of us to go along with whatever they want, right?


Uh hello, based department?


yes, get used to it goy

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does this place even still exist?
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youre a closeted homosexual
you are a ugly woman


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No. You're in a coma. Wake up!


phantasm? what happened to you


>>93144 (checked)
he went too long without a willie in his bum


Wow. Finally real candid footage of phantasm. Amazing.


Who was dat dere fool who was yapping on about how men should not go down on women? I really think all things relating to morality, and even perhaps so (if possible? but maybe this is the same thing) "sexual" morality are decided by the organism in question.

Who are YOU to deny me the pleasures of the caves? The deep, wet, succulent, mysterious, enigmatic caverns? The dark, bewildering, fantastical, possibly monstrous (one could even say) adventurous place? I shall go there if I please, with no regards to YOUR unimportant opinion!
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All zoomers and newer generations in developed world are vaccinated with the multivalent HPV vaccine. Well I guess except for homeschooled kids and the kids of anti-vaxxers.


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>All zoomers and newer generations in developed world are vaccinated with the multivalent HPV vaccine
Vaccines are an entirely fraudulent scam that cause countless health issues. All dogs receive rabies vaccines but if a rabid animal bites a dog they tell you to take the dog to the vet immediately for treatment


I think I know women. I think I know they want to be dominated. I think we've been over this stuff, men who have an IQ >120 figure out the evo psych pretty quickly, and learn how absolutely rancid and filthy women are when it comes to being dominated and that sorta thing. Dominance can't be pinned down to a particular action, it's a thing in itself. So a man can go down on a woman in a dominant way. Damn I need a woman soon tho. I'll get one.


>a man can go down on a woman in a dominant way
Possible but probably rare in practice


i can go down in a dominant way, try me

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This thread be dripping rizz yo. Y'all know OP got some serious schmeat. I'mma like, subscribe and hawk tua on dis biatch!







warosu.org merorin.com/jp


I am new in here, what are the rules? I do not see any NSFW content.
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There's rules?


This is a gentlemans site. We have quality discussions here, no gay bbc tranny sissy hypno here.


We follow Brule's Rules around here, dummy.


the only rule is that you have to hate jews


You must be good looking and own Chainlink.

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what happened to olm, omran, greenpurplepill, locknar and liberal feline?
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So you admit you wallow in shit. Avid please, have some self respect.


OG 4chon was only good in 2010-2011. The 8chan versions were pretty much perfect in terms of speed and content.


the state of this post


I wish Liberal Feline would return. The chon hasn't been the same since our resident twink left.


He's busy taking it down the throat and up the ass. Be happy for him. His roosters eat his shit and he names gunnie pigs after namefag,tripfag,flagfags and then he slaughters them.. enjoying a beautiful feast...whitchwh-wgutcgeadt CRAFT he'd never with those guinne pigs or whatever he ritual sacrifices... BE HAPPY FOR HIM! HE'S LIVING HIS BEST LIFE!


Divorce thread.
Why did you get divorced/dumped anon?
My case was alcohol abuse and lack of interest on my side.
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White bitches don't get abortions because they don't have kids.


True, true.


Young white women are 'Not in My Backyard: The Demographic'. They'll vote for shit they typically won't do, and yasslight those who do do it. Take Taytay: she's currently shacked up with King Chad, she'll have a couple cute kids with him, and good luck to her, honestly. They seem happy.

But will she want that for others? No. On a subconscious level, white women know that what they promote is bad for people in general when it comes to policies; the smart ones get married, have children, live happy lives, and want to get rid of their competition.

Same logic when it comes to transitioning gender, or promoting 'body positivity'.


The dude might indeed be a retard, but overall, Japanese women have the tendency to choose Japanese over white dudes, in terms of marriage. Casual fuck-wise, white men tend to be advantageous. This doesn't quite apply in rural Japan.


Just looked it up, and it's more like 40% negro and 30% White at this point LOL. Still this spared us 400K niglets last year.

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Will you spend Christmas alone, anon?
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now ask me if I care


I am positive that the OP used the word 'alone' positively.


If I had my little way, I'd eat peaches every day.


Peaches come from a can.


They were put there by a man in a factory downtown.

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good thred


I know right!


Epic thread op.


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>"guys I got a post combo on a dead imageboard!"

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If everyone grew Ch*nese yams we could all walk freely in nature, eating the plentiful food that grows everywhere
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>hates yams
>hates nature


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The city has twisted your soul into a mirror image of Smeagol, Dwarf. Hatred has consumed you


this thread is GOOD, redart!

yams are good with or without sauce

nice cock, bro


Yams doin pretty good ngl



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What's this website and what's its history?
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you can embed shorts now numbnuts


Didn't know



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Saving throw.


oh look it's exhibitionism porn disguised as a creepshot


🎃 Halloween thread 🎃

🎃 Happy holiday! 🎃

🎃 PLEASE keep it Halloween-on-topic&friendly! 🎃

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Ready for all of the fake semitic/consoomeristic holidays to die so real culture can begin manifesting again



With half the scant amount of Halloween candy remaining by the end being Haribo, I've actually come around to liking these. They're a lot better than other gummy candies I've had.


They're decent yeah.

I was left with a bunch of lolipops and hard candies, predictably. I don't mind them but I'd rather have some gummy bears.


>I was left with a bunch of lolipops and hard candies
Always liked chewing those up when I was a kid. Took awhile to appreciate savoring them. Wonder how much tootsie pops ruined rock candy for kids, since you're always expected to chew part of it.

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