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anyone here knows cool artbook? from movies, or comic, maybe even game, illustrators?? maybe a site layouted like https://www.wikiart.org/en/jules-cheret so i dont need to browse tiny pictures
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sorry thats a lady
but your concern noted. im just very easily bored of little things or concerned of many things at once.
so i need something that i can look at for practice...but like, a title or something. games, art idk/


https://www.creativeuncut.com/ This one doesn't have books so much as isolated game art which is pretty nice. Some of this stuff is paywalled though which is retarded


https://scribd.vdownloaders.com/ Here's a site a friend showed me you can use to download books from scribd; there's a decent amount of art books on there


>>94358 oh yeah I know this one. Any is your favorite? Or you consider best? Or worst.
>>94360 hmmm problem is not how but which


his six figures will always be a curse


this fucking retard here SMH

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says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


Bit aggressive meme pic. He's off the rails but I wouldn't call him a fag retard. The world needs more people obsessed with something to the point of mental illness, and otherwise those people are always, or at least often, pretty cool or interesting


Nearly an hour of cope. Not sure if scammer or scammed.


Dude has really nailed the vampire look.


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were you popular in high school?
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Oh so maybe u just mean "as a teenager"? I went through/oscillated thru periods of lobelinwss and popularity, it's really interesting and I wonder how common it was. One of the first periods I was on zoloft/serialine tho which was fisinhibiting


I pray redx gets murdered


Yes, I went to high school with your mother and we had sex.


I'll murder myself when the time is right.


Same but I can't remember how I made any of my friends beyond coming from needed a place to sit during lunch. There was this mousy girl I was friends with, who before the school day I'd sit in her car with her other two friends. 10th grade, I was friends with the druggies I sat with during lunch. 11th grade into 12th I sat with the same few people and the gf I ended up never really doing anything with. I never actually hung out with these peoples outside of school, though. I went in, left, went home and watched anime. This changed during 12th grade and after high school, but not in the greatest of directions. I sort of wish I had applied myself a bit more.

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Low effort thread but feel free to post anything ur getting or even just w/e u have ur eyes on.

I'm coming to like Bose audio products honestly. Got the Ultra Earbuds recently and have only had them for a week or so, so can't really review them properly but I QUITE like them so far. At the very least I have use for wireless/bluetooth earbuds (as opposed to bluetooth over-ear headphones), they are a game-changer for working out, and it seems they have real utility out of the house e.g. I was walking around a shopping centre and the noise-cancelling was awesome. So great how they are so much more portable and compact etc than my over-ears (bose qcii). Make sure u google/gpt the release year because the Bose site doesn't seem to list the release year very clearly, and u prolly want something newer release as it generally seems better (maybe not necessarily but I think its particular so for Bose cos they specialize in noise cancelling and some newfangled and techy options).

The earbuds' noise-cancellation honestly floored me when I turned it on. Legit felt high (not that I wasn't high already but u know). Felt lightheaded.

Tho idk when these sales are gonna end I guess I should've asked earlier, maybe I'll check kc and /g/ or some other site.
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says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less

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 No.83088[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed...

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

2 star Marine general found dead:

Sheriff policeman died from medical emergency:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:
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It's important to treat yourself. Anon. Any anon reading this right now. You deserve good things. 🌟✨💥❤️💯


Think that guy had to deal with family more than he expected to. Haven't heard anything more. Fine with me since that means I don't have to shower or spend money. Started brining a steak early this morning in case I didn't hear anything back. Can just have that with some spicy noodles or soup and toasted bread.




vaxxoids are fucked

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KeK it's kino
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shoop dildoes onto the lights and it works


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The gayest thing about this is somebody left their @ on the image.

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Considering how fat dogisaga is
And knowing fat chicks suck good dick because they hungry
I bet dogisaga gives good head
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ugly cunt I hope she dies




you must be one of those groypers that pretends to be christian but really loves nigger erections

>>93700 (checked)
she could bring pleasure to any man of any race



holy shit! fucking gross



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New AIslop just dropped
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I don't know how those people are able to resist committing suicide.


Wagecucks don't feel anything anymore. Totally buck broken and domesticated.

Do not pity the wagecuck. He did it to himself. He could have chosen a different path, but he took the easy way out.


They're poisoned, debilitated, mutilated on their very first day of life. Poisoned regularly for many years that follow. Then placed into a prison system designed to break and mold them into perfect slaves


Dismissed, rejected, publicly humiliated. Why, it's more than they can bare.


>this is annual turnover btw, so even people in cushy government jobs are lasting like 5 years tops
This might be because they're old as fuck and retiring. Almost everyone I work with at the census is in their 60s and none are younger than 50. Younger people don't even think about applying to these kinds of jobs, because they have no way of knowing they even exist. usajobs.gov advertisements aren't shoved in their face constantly like indeed or linkedin is. It's not something they're likely going to hear about from word of mouth within their demographic either.


Can someone slide me $2500 for my wedding? Financially struggling a lot, can't wait to get married.

I can only say that, If I don't marry her asap, I will have to lose her which I can't tolerate in my entire lifetime.

Not making up any stories or something like that. If possible to help me out, please send me an email to anon33001@gmail.com

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I'm workin' on it!


You're gonna make me puke from laughter.






signing him up for gay porn news letters rn


guys i cant stop punching lampposts and my hand hurts so much
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If anything he should touch it more often to stave off his crippling obsession with gay hookups.


I know. The lab boys lent some brainwave-scanning tech to ASIO so they could monitor your subconscious behavior. They also lent the same (and similar) technology to NCA so as to monitor NELvid and then run a test trial on weaponizing his Down syndrome via a common post-aggression subroutine. Might I say, very interesting stuff in both of your heads. Freud would have had a field day with you two.


I would pay a couple bitcoin to witness you experience a legume induced anaphylaxis based death


Too bad the budget is far larger than your impotent wishes, goy. Polish a knob, nerd.


ask your whores why whenever I'm outside they drive past

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postulating period cramps


master chief ate aids?




I hope he's still alive


he could dry-jack his heart back to life if it ever stopped


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lazare is dead newfig


Coast to Coast was pretty funny sometimes.


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>anime flag



>avid crying tfw no nigger erection to lick





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Did he? I thought he was still making music.

Foids are demonic entities that seek only to destroy men's joy and passion.


Last commercial project he worked on was in 2019 and that's the same year accusations were made against him. The bitch who accused him is some "game designer" and I've never heard of a single "game" (walking simulator) of hers.


A real shame. Jeremy is one of the best in the industry.



I had an idea in my head about what this cunt would look like before I even looked her up, and it was pretty much spot on. Typical frumpy problem glasses femcel. Disgusting subhuman.

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grok knows a surprising amount about us.. no mention of this place though.

4chon was an imageboard website that gained some notoriety in the early 2010s, particularly among internet subcultures. Here's what is known about it from various sources and general internet lore:

Origin and Purpose:
4chon was created around the time when 4chan, another infamous imageboard, was experiencing significant changes like the removal of certain boards. This led to the creation of 4chon as an alternative by users who were dissatisfied with the direction 4chan was taking. It was particularly popular among users from boards like /r9k/ and /new/ which were deleted from 4chan around 2011 by its founder Christopher "moot" Poole.
Content and Culture:
The site was known for its lack of moderation, which led to a free-wheeling environment where users could post memes, engage in discussion, and share content that might be too controversial or off-topic for other platforms.
It had a reputation for fostering highly political, often right-wing discussions, along with a range of other topics from video games to anime.
Community and Impact:
4chon had a small but dedicated community. It's remembered for being a hub where internet culture, memes, and political discussions intertwined, sometimes contributing to the spread of certain internet memes and ideologies.
The site was also known for its influence on internet culture, contributing to the spread of certain memes and the development of online anonymity culture.
Technical Aspects:
It was built using a software called Tinyboard, which was also used in other imageboards, including the later creation of 8chan (now known as 8kun).
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Literally me, except for the "successful" part depending on your definition


4chon is a place for scholars and intellectuals. In fact I've literally been writing a political philosophy work which will change the world. Well, it will if I so care to grace the world with my explosive talent.


Post it and we can make a collaborative effort to refine it, like a modern Mein Kampf.


Maybe. My writing will have to be on hiatus for a while I think, as I've gotta sort some financial matters and move out and find a girl or three.


karma chameleon llama

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the white man walks alone
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that's where milk comes from



roids make your nipples erect


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