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 No.80149[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is the /comf-v/ vidya thread #4

>Low bit
>High bit

OST's welcome.

Wrap up and post some nostalgia based or comfy based video game materials ITT.
299 posts and 68 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I don't think I'd call the frog event a "fan favorite". I have so many of those worthless tokens. I wish they had a way to block one or two events from ever spawning on you. That would be my first choice. I'd rather get the retarded Jekyll event.


runescape is cringe shit and you are a retard


You being a whiny little nigger-fucking faggot and perpetually complaining like a girlbrain bitch about the interests of others and about a bunch of people who made you butthurt in the past on dead boards is cringe retard shit and you should suffocate honestly. Dumb little fucking gay mongrel sperg.


lol seethe more


That's what you do all day every day, desperately crying for your boogeymen to post on your dead offshoot so you can ban them. You're so fucking pathetic lol.

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friendly reminder
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fight me nigger


Where can I purchase one of those chairs?


wide ass




fake avid prays for this to happen

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>come to 4chon
>hide every thread
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what the doctor said when you were born


good one, how long did it take you to think of that one?


0 out of 10 seconds





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The official redpanels site seems to have been taken down, but there is still archives of those comics floating around


as much as i hate amazing gaytheist, i am not seeing the contradiction here. believing morality is subjective does not magically disqualify you from criticizing the logic of others' worldviews.


>I believe morality is subjective
>Look at these HECKIN' racists tho, Reddit army assemble! The narwhal beckons at midnight xD


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he only proves the point by conflating intimacy with sexuality


shut up you whiny cunt, youre just as bad as the LGBTQ retards

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do i passm


I'll pass my next kidney stone down your throat.


kill yourself retard


you look so manly that my bussy twitched!


goblinsaga youre trying too hard

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a new hybrid board! check it out:


No thanks, not interested in using a board endorsed by a fat jewish pedophile manchild.


kill yourself


but goblin says theyre a xhe though


the site gave my pc aids

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basedjaks must be in every reply, disscussion of the soysphere is also allowed.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
14 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>Sorry, fag. Only uncut hetero BWC here.


kill yourself you fat cunt


the sharty is currently down


BWC will always be a 'em.



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 No.16611[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

dogisaga thread v1

why is xhe so
>1. disgusting
>2. fat
>3. ugly

also discuss her rotten tits and wooden brain spelling errors ITT

bonus points for curses against the dog grem
118 posts and 31 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


good, i hope they doxx swat and kill the cunt


dogisaga is a brainlet




Rancid sow bitch


i hope goblinsaga gets ran over

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 No.75142[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Piggie wants someone to pay her to get fucked
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^ holy shit look guys, its a talking pig!


goblinsaga is legitimately the ugliest 'female' i have ever seen
>beyond negative KT
>mentally ill
>gross mishapen tits

lost the genetic lottery so bad lmao


Literally retarded too

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is this app good?


fuck off


Do you notice how mad the atheists sound when they try to debunk spiritual people?
They know they have to use peer pressure to convince people to stay atheist because its actually amazing once you realise our full interdomensional reality and that we have souls and that magic is real, no reason to be scared of anything cuz we all get to live forever AND WE ARE IMPORTANT! WE ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THINGS IN ALL OF EXISTENCE


The guy's physiognomy tells me he has nothing of value to say


Debating retards is a sure path to frustration.


imagine thinking you're not important and celebrating that


For that reason Christians are better than atheists. All atheists should be executed and thrown into a ditch with jews and a lot of muslims. Most subhuman creatures to ever walk on this beatiful planet.

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"Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and make thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord." (Obadiah 1:4)


shut up faggot

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Does anyone else find the intergalactic obsession annoying because they are all described the same by everyone?
>they wanna help us raise ur vibrations
>they are helping us reach 5d
Like thats all i hear, what the fuck are they actualy doing? and why focus on boring aliens like space-white-peopleTM or lion people, thats booooooring. It feels like the people that channel these aliens are only able to pick up a limited version of interdimensional aliens? Dude folklore was way more diverse, and the fae actually had personalities.
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sent = scent
and a bunch of other words i can't think of right now, but did you know, the serbian word for old is "stari/star" THE SAME AS THE STARS IN THE SKY, STARS ARE WHITE, OLD PEOPLE HAVE WHITE HAIR


I like Rick and Morty lol



>real eyes realize real lies
beaner women are into retarded shit like this. and dopey crap like "angel numbers".

>oh i checked my phone and it's 11:11 ohhh my angel numbers wow :)

funny how that whole "if you sneeze that means someone is talking about you" superstition is universal among various populations of mongoloid women. clearly untrue or public figures would be sneezing nonstop.

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rec me some documentaries or some shit
80 posts and 16 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


you spelled probably wrong


new explore with us


Microcosmos is a very good (mostly) unnarrated documentary about small arthropods. One of my favorite memories was watching it on a heroic dose of LSD.



fuck off pedo

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Flat Earth tier psyop designed to make conspiracytards look like idiots who will believe anything.

It's working, as usual.


OP video sounded tongue-in-cheek


its never happened


no responses from OP to this, typical, the post doesnt support their skitzo retard views so they just flat out ignore it lol


A two sentence blurb from google isn't proof of anything. Might as well use a ouija board and ask Satan

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