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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1718208958119.jpg 1.26 MB, 2464x3128, volkischpilled fitmaxxed gi….jpg


Cast him in his biokinomatographique


...so is this how you spend your time in summer school?


I posed for this drawing


>circumcised pen0r
He was so close to perfection bros...


File: 1718441370214.jpeg 35.43 KB, 554x554, images - 2024-06-15T184743….jpeg

>you wanna explain your little drawing to the rest of the class, anon?


File: 1718612151954.png 1.22 MB, 1080x1920, stinky (absolutely).png

reminded me of this time back in primary school year 2001
we had a class imac with a simple painting program on it called kidpix delux
one feature of it was the ability to make a simple slideshow of backgrounds and basically animated sprites

well the premade sprites were kinda boring so i edited them into characters fucking and also being killed with blood and such spurting out
i assembled this into a slideshow with music and a story it took several weeks, for the boys

anyone this other tard in the class made some inappropriate image about another student and had to show the teacher during a quiet reading time in class
so of course to deflect trouble from himself he snitched on my work and the teacher played it right there

i just kept my head down as i heard the music playing and avoided the look of disgust he was giving me
a letter was sent home saying i made an obscene slideshow

wish i had kept a copy of the kidpix file

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Do the owners of this website advertise its existence? I've been coming here for a few months now and the threads never move. This can't be fun for you guys.
16 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I couldn't find any 3hopcp on the whole of asapmarket (darknet). Not sure if I searched for pcp itself but I'm not really interested in it. Not that I'd risk an international import anyway. Now THAT is SAD!



I meant Archetyp. I think asap shut down a while ago. The markets are always in flux but Archetyp has been going a while, 4 years now I think, and I think it's the most popular. I've never not recieved anything. Not that I've bought drugs online or anything, that would be ILLEGAL!


I don't do illegal stuff. I've never done drugs in my life. I don't even know what drugs are.


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 No.51512[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a real candid video of smileys biological mother.
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File: 1717469720246.webp 142.64 KB, 1439x1666, Screenshot_20240603-215410.webp


Can confirm, I grew up broke, am broke and love booba


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Truth is, everybody loves boobies. There's no one on planet earth that doesn't love boobies!


File: 1717635551962.webp Spoiler Image, 103.14 KB, 1440x1684, Screenshot_20240605-195830.webp


Trips are a paddlin'

File: 1686017757497.webp 45.97 KB, 1080x1304, Screenshot_20230605_221041….webp

 No.57994[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

meta thread
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Thank you


File: 1717609257792.webp 201.61 KB, 1439x2155, Screenshot_20240605-123918.webp


Please take more dxm. I care about (you).


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Have a (you).

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 No.68686[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm beginning to warm up to the idea of nothing being posted on here at all rather than the ESL schizo word salad nonsense that there has been, so please do report it when you see it. I will now be administering bans for 7 days at a time for any such infractions; the only reason they're not permanent is because of the chance of a human being caught in the crossfire. See something, say something: 10/27/23, this is the day that 4chon says "No" to retards.
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File: 1717531446072.webp 83.03 KB, 1440x1401, Screenshot_20240604-150306.webp

My trips confirm that I know what I'm talking about. I'm an expert. I should know I've done it befor-AAHH 666 TRIPS!


1. There should be a 7-day grace period (meaning the VPS is shut down but not deleted) if your cloud credit drops to $0 if I understand your host's ToS correctly.
2. Your host accepts Bitcoin payments too. If you don't get your credit card by the last day then just paste your wallet address here and I can wire you $3 in Bitcoin.
3. Check cards (more commonly known as debit cards) are cancerous and you should never leave those in your wallet, I always leave them hidden deep in a drawer. Carrying a debit card is like carrying a huge stack of cash compressed into the size of a card. While you're probably only liable for a small amount if reported ASAP (less than $100 IIRC) it's still a much bigger PITA than losing a credit card.


That sounds very optimistic. I doubt it will go that smoothly.


File: 1717544663404.png 123.19 KB, 970x545, product-ap-everyday-masterc….png

I have prepaid debit/cred cards. Meaning, they have to be loaded for them to work/pay.


Got my credit card in the mail first so I'm just going to pay for everything with this thing now I guess lol heh

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this explains smiley
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File: 1717555026391.gif 2.18 MB, 326x408, 171755498463590997.gif

Oh. Okay. (you) just wanted to post it because.


File: 1717556183384.mp4 38.81 KB, 640x360, Bruh.mp4


File: 1717556695404.mp4 29 KB, 640x360, THAT'S RACIST.mp4


File: 1717556769597.webp 58.49 KB, 1335x1945, Screenshot_20240604-220539.webp

When you binge you drink duck fat and it makes purging easier? Is that H'what are (you) saying?


File: 1717556903531.webp 131.36 KB, 1428x2195, Screenshot_20240604-220754.webp

I hate niggers.

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look at this ugly retard wearing the same shitty striped longsleeve she wore years ago

stupid ugly tramp weeb scum
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Thanks jew! I ate them all!


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 No.41962[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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File: 1717279278684.webp 471.18 KB, 1440x2318, Screenshot_20240601-170045.webp


Beautiful /fit/ white monogamous married couple with children together.

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That's all awful and weird. The lip fillers, tan, whatever it is that she's putting into herself. I guess (?) these people unironically think what they're doing is healthy?


File: 1717435943808.webp 70.98 KB, 1159x651, Screenshot_1.webp

I was watching this recently/yesterday. I guess it's inspiring to some but it's really pretty cringe.

Roids... For what? And if you know what drugs do then you know its all drugs. There are so many other things they could do, some of which they still seem to do (hiking/camping/urban exploration), but still. And the girl (Abigail White) broke off with her "Christian"... (hmm) boyfriend Alex Eubank and a few months later had some colon inflammation (iirc) emergency which almost killed her.




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Remembering TZIF
He was An Hero to Us All


Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


File: 1717378280601.webp 41.44 KB, 1440x1067, Screenshot_20240602-203006.webp

 No.62881[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

nu thread

last >>19612
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Dragon Maid was pretty good though ngl


File: 1717344881187.webm 270.28 KB, 640x360, peep (online-video-cutter.….webm

Thanks for the update!





Ke$ha's released a new song independently under her own label.

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here 4chon you need these


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Absolutely delicious! Thanks op!

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I want to feed her


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wtf i love cow udders now


vikki loves burgers, she would turn vegan, but only for the twitter posts she could make to virtue signal


File: 1686915122589-0.webp 61.51 KB, 640x480, Chrischan.webp


Chonpill me on this guy, who is he and why is he famous? I don't want to watch a 76 part, 40 minute video on him (wtf? why would people go to such lengths?). Isn't he literally just a tranny who did tranny stuff?
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I'd rather hit a nigger erection!

was it a nigger? did CWC lick his erection?


Degenerate fuck


hes famous because like all other lolcows/horrorcows they cant not respond to trolls, its simple supply and demand, i really am not a fan of chris chan, his latest skitzo narc arc of beliving himself to be christ reborn disgusts me


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you are ugly


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how do you go from this…
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Free Palestine


Ugly Jewish women are HOT! Retard!




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To this


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to this

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