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Can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that we altcucks will never have real culture and 4chad would still mog us to the ground no matter what?
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recognition is for faggots and attention whores


>soyteen attempts to stammer out a comeback while gargling cock
Sorry, what was that?


Are you fantasizing about that?


>reddit frog
>"n-no u"
soycuck brownoid low IQ on full display


n-no u

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 No.85648[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Gamescon 2024 Edition
Day 1 drinking game: take a shot every time you see a nigger.
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>I think I'm honestly one of the most important White men alive.
While believing this yourself may be a prerequisite for it to be true, I don't think it's true of anyone who says it aloud.


Oh. Locknar. I love reading your blogs man. I'm a fan. I'd love to get your autograph some day. :^)


>I think I'm honestly one of the most important White men alive.

narc faggot


>I think I'm honestly one of the most important White men alive.
Do you rank yourself lower or higher than JD Vance?


gross thumbnail

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do you retards have a discord? i want to join it to bully you
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>thinks everyone is a porn addict

no i don't


I'm glad the therapy is working, have you stopped eating your own shit?


I never have

you still having sex with your newcastle body pillow?


my body pillow is teh rei but yes we make love



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What a old, dusty, dead nigger of a website
Might aswell just make it a redirect to chud.win at this point
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>visit site
>anime catgirl porn
>fat anime character porn
>wojaks everywhere

no thanks faggot


Based. It's been a while since we've had a cross board spammer.

Probably, feels like they can pass through just about any countermeasures these days though



post catgirl porn


redirect a cock up your arse op


embrace your homosexuality already

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jewiest jew that ever jew'd
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Why do you have to stretch the truth? Just the fact he consumed CP is already bad enough.


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the editor who cropped out the inevitable hand rubbing attacked to that face made a bad mistake. or is that an AI pic generated based on the merchant meme


He looks like the pizza guy from TCAP


the fuck are you on about?


When I search for this guy, it says he was caught with CP, not for raping babies. Granted, having CP is terrible, but it's not in the same ballpark as raping babies.

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Bruh how do I hide threads, I'm on another possibly legendary nofap streak again.


Click the [–], dingdong.




nobody cares gayboy

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the soysinger sounds noticeably less of an wimp in 2007 ~ era of obongo or whenever this came out than in the 2018 postdrumf twitter soy era huh


*2014 twitter male feminism soy era


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Pretty cool and otherwise sounds like a good idea...


butthurt loser

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i went to the cinema alone yesterday and saw smile 2 and terrifier 3 and ate 2 beers, 2 large popcorns, 2 bags of nerds clusters, and a hot dog
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I just flipped thru the first one and was grossed out by the racemixing, idk how I didn't turn it off the first time I watched it





go back to the nigger erection forums, fagvid!


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shut up jake you ugly retarded manlet goblin

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is internet piracy immoral?

pic unrelated
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>Sigma male
Sigma male.


It's not theft when you are taking something that is freely reproducible with virtually no time or effort involved. Plenty of people are willing to finance the production of new electronic media as evidenced by crowdfunding platforms, too, so "piracy" isn't remotely affecting anything meaningful.


Creating software is labor, but software isn't a product. Since physical media is no longer a practical necessity, software is intrinsically a service. So even if it's in the most kiked manner possible, modern companies are being a lot more honest when they say that they're only giving you a license to play their games, as opposed to you actually buying anything. When you pay for digital media, you do so to support the on-going efforts of its creator, but you're not actually paying for an existing product. When you pirate software you aren't stealing anything, because there is nothing to steal. In practice it means you don't care enough about continued support or new software from said creator. Even if you did care, if it's evident they're already making a lot of money then why would you feel obligated to chip in? At the end of the day, the people making digital media are practically pan-handlers. Even major studios are no better than a youtuber begging for super-chats. The difference is they're supported by a legal apparatus and have a lot more unwarranted indignation.


Well said.


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>Well said

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>when its indigenous people's day, but the stores are all closed for the holiday so you can't buy anything with which to celebrate the occasion
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I thought u were joking wtf but its becoming my real life. Holy moly wtf bruh this is legendary


Not that I don't want to bang a billion bitches, of course I do, but I gotta plan how.


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(((They))) push porn on us, but in their secret texts they repeat again and again the extreme power of retention. Your confidence and charisma will greatly grow the longer you retain, along with many other powers
>If one can retain for a week he becomes a human being
>If one can retain for a month, he becomes a man
>If one can retain for a season, he becomes a great hero or sage in whatever field he desires
>If one can retain for a year he attains enlightenment


Feeling like a million bucks rite now watch out worlrd!


I think I need a black gf. The darkness inside me is rising. Abandon all hope ye who enter here


Last thred got mysteriously suddenly disappeared somehow.

How many of these do you watch? ARE YOU EMBARASSED to watch them??

Starting off with hot Turk med girl with conservative dad edition
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How do I get this level of self-control


Here's another, she has this sexy 20yo-approx-etc fat distribution


I don't know. I want to say my libido might finally be failing, but I still wake up with wood all the time (almost never have remotely sexual dreams) and I haven't ever been ultra turned-on by interacting with women before or after the scamdemic (only worth noting because I used it as an excuse to retire from traditional work early and subsequently don't go to public spaces much anymore).

Maybe you think women are less stupid than they actually are. I don't hate them by any means and I do think they can be nice to look at, but they never evoke strong feelings for me. I might be schizoid or something like that, however.


vlogging your own and family life at like 18 or 24 with no regards of privacy as a theatric spectacle for thirdworlders (w/ somebody pro-editing the videos and adding thumbnail images) is completely sane and normal and dignified (like lip injections), which only leaves one question unanswered

which one of these broads is



be the WHALE sending them $100k

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Hello, it's me, Jon Lovitz! I'm just hear to remind you that there are good Jews out there who hate niggers and faggots and that I'm one of them! Don't support those cringe Palestinians, support based Jews like me!
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>Both parties in both debates would be dead long before spouting their shit opinions in a just world.
we live in a JUST world



>I consider any debate between Assmongoloid and Hasan to be extremely ill-informed and not worth watching at all.
No shit. You'd find a more enlightened discussion between retards at a special needs hospital.



Chat, is this real? Chat??

 No.23493[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

You know what the most disheartening realization of all is? that no matter how hard you try, how many old games, movies, shows or old "culture" you immerse yourself in, the feeling of inner warmth, of inner security you used to have in the 90's will never come back. It's gone forever, along with that society that made you feel secure and hopeful for the future, that our lovely boomers strived so hard to decimate. Ever since 9/11/2001, if you've lived long enough to tell the difference between then and now and you're not some zoomer, you've felt like something was gone and not quite right. No, it's not some weird disease, that discomfort is something every person has felt at some point or another but they just can't pinpoint why they have it. Well, it's obvious why; our society is destroyed beyond recovery, you can see it everywhere you go. Corruption ridden people everywhere, people are only motivated by fetishes, the desire of feeling their bodies with food or of satisfying addictions, since they feel empty and desperate inside. You see it even by not even leaving your house. Remember fansites? that long gone time when the internet wasn't corporate or run by private companies and filled to the brim with spyware, tracking services, paywalls and although fansites were festering with inaccurate information sometimes, you could feel that the people behind them were passionate about the topics they wrote about. They enjoyed what they were doing and weren't motivated by economic gain, like nowadays that people even make Patreon accounts to sell their own drawings. I think I made my point. This society needs to collapse and the sooner it happens, the better.
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Lmao super sick burn lmao


It's funny to think that 4chon probably has one of the highest ratios of female posters.


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Haha sick burn




handsome men, they're just better, the patrician's taste, mmmm...

no nudity, bears, fatties, oldies, uglies or pedo shit
must show face
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>everyone, collaborate and listen
BBC slut is speaking >>91063


imagine him leaning over to you to kiss you with those lush lips


>post same images of boogeyman over and over
>"omfg how could u delet my posts omg omg omg im hyperventilating need bbc to calm down"
>thing posted once
>"erm ackychually it is spam because erm uh file format erm erm erm!!!!11111111"
Cute meth delusions, faggot.


Only hot guy posted in this whole thread.


You're the one always talking about licking nigger erections.


Good new surf vid. Also there was quite a bit of good surf on the east coast of oz in the last 2 weeks.
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Not disabling this >>83392 is like putting the whole stick in your mouth, dork.


Idk how experienced these guys are but they have balls, or guts, and athleticism.




It sorta kills me, but even after 10y surfing I think I'll try a board that/this big to get some more experience with catching waves. Those boards are SO easily to catch waves on its ridiculous it's like turning on schlomo's cheat codes (bro cmon, give sum challenge m8)


I wonder if I missed that comment but thats what happens to literally everyone heh

His comment is sorta retarded because it's obvious

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