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Would Tim B^Uckley be allowed in a /lounge/ nationalist society?
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Why not? Does he instantiate an archetype which is disagreeable to you?


Yeah, he sucks.


So when someone draws succulently with the mouth, that offends you? You feel as though they shouldn't have done this?


>So when someone draws succulently with the mouth, that offends you?
>You feel as though they shouldn't have done this?
Also yes.


This information has the meaning.
That meaning is you won't find me a job?





consoom, goy

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I'll believe it.


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less




That's the bloody thing about gay shit... it has to be brought up unprompted and in disgusting detail.

He's licking them up in heaven now. I could imagine him ski-poling MLK and Malcolm X while Obama's dad sits in the watching chair.

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4chon had this kind of influence at one point in time ages ago.
Then seisatsu killed it because he is jewish


seisatsu is worse than a jew
he's a tranny


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Steesetsu didn't make /pol/ on 4chan.


more like


the number of dicks that stee has sucked is very high
I believe it might be

over 9000 XD

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how to code/develop something like bimini run? like it has 3d to it, but not entirely polygonal and stuff... also very neatly. almost like it's two dimensional entirely. also i am using tululoo, so it could be like, object based programming strictly or triggers than code strictly.


just sprites repeated in a pattern horizontally that change to the next "frame" (different sets of sprites) relative to the velocity of the boat
ask deepseek and copilot


yes, i understand that part. but it is a full environment, so it spins in 360 degree. the "change" triggerer event is the one that seems hard to do, nor do i saw any tutorial alike
i used chat and it had no image and it got it mixed up to other tools, or just plain confusing.


>>98651 well in tululoo you only have the 2d plane. i have done the 2.5 d projection, but it's not similar still. so i need something else more similar.


need to learn to code and use something with more control than tululoo



>>98654 hmmm, i dont have the picture with me but it'm pretty far ahead using various examples like http://www.extentofthejam.com/pseudo/ but it's just not v similar. im really kinda lost, like, for the first time after coding so many stuff too, around this thing. for starter, this "change to next frame" thing, is not exactly common anymore.

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 No.80543[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is the comfy ASMR thread
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It's not gay if you're on top anon.


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It's not gay at all, because overrepresentation of women in the media is a serious threat to equality among the sexes and breeds mentally ill cumbrains. For every male, there must be a female. For every female, there must be a male. That applies to media too. Just as nature intended.


It's not gay as long as the balls don't touch.


Another good female uploader. Her Russian videos are brain-melting (for me anyway, since I can't understand the language).


goofy ahh

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is watching the same movie over and over again a symptom of otism?
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How many times we talkin'


I do this. It's called liking a movie.


I have watched Step Brothers over a hundred times.


I love comic sans and I want HDV to make this board a comic sans board

okay, autismo

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Where do I find a collection of all the smuggies?
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found another smiggy


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Does CNN model their content on smuggies?


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found another


several classics right here


Anyone have one going
>Yeah well, Europeans are immigrants and colonisers therefore that makes filling your country with a radically different culture and people okay!
>No I don't view that as a punishment, diversity is our strength

Because low IQ people with no critical thinking are bandying that one around a lot lately

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What was it?
Nominate your nomination in this ITT thread
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Kamala Harris


this pmt


Kamala is out there slaying and living her best life, unlike (you), FoKvid!

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Homo Nigerius Africans - known in the west as the common nigger. Popularly purported to be as smart and capable as most of the rest of Earth's population, however plagued by societal discrimination and internal community struggles due to the function of which, they are said to fail to amount to their true potential. The specimens are easily recognized by darker skin tones, flat nose with enlarged nostrils and stupid looking mug that will remind you of monkeys.

Potency of philosophical insight - 4.6/10
Scientific achievement 3.4/10
Cultural significance 4/10
Musical significance 8.2/10
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H3LLoo00000 AvaD!!!!!!!!!


I wanted to be friends with you, but you are the lamest group of altchan folks I've ever seen. Fuck this.



Don't think that's Avid the Nigger Erection Licker, she loves the dramafagging over namefags and appears to have left (at least for awhile) around late December. I assumed it was her at first, too, but it seems like a newnigger for even complaining about it. I wonder what the average age of 4chon users is at this point. I would guess somewhere between 30-40.


>appears to have left (at least for awhile) around late December
maybe the AIDS finally killed they/them

>I wonder what the average age of 4chon users is at this point. I would guess somewhere between 30-40.

we definitely have at least a few in the late 20s but they're the young ones

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Christianity is really just a 2000 year old game of Lava Run. Think about it
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the phallus is the source of all the world's power

embrace your lingam and know purpose


Thanks, men and their penises, for ultimately creating this current nightmare world.


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I hate lust. I don't feel any kind of sexual urges, most of them are psychological resistance not lies like that.


we have to channel our penile energies to change things, anon!




What's Smileburg been up to? Minecraft, of course.
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Implying he ever left.


He comes and goes. He's bored of us lol.


He's busy smoking meth and doing all the drugs, playing Minecraft, fucking geriatric women and whatever else.


The drugs won't do themselves!


Smileys dick won't suck itself either. Go to Canada and be a good boi.


>it fits
>guess the old man go
>your finger dont feel
>and you already prayed 10
> and wise goes with evils
>so on.
>oh hi, old man night beater!
i could be satan by costume, so i think i fixed some brush by wetting and using fingers to straighten it, while remember BOILInG em for almost an hour and gets, no effect. it evens dent. is this a thing?
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this as in OP?


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it the thing in it do. that sound about huh wait it huh no it like more, think. probably more srengrh to see on it? i am what.


..you, you drop your certs *used shoes to poke the underwearbathed paper" h, here. also i stillcant upside down.


Damn bruh. Pls stop. I have to stop laughing your hurting me.


yea i bet you didnt do that in the end.


dogisager is posting selfies on mintboard
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He should kill himself.


He will, on purpose or accidentally in a very darwin way. He literally removed his ribs. Us humans...kinda need them.


Even worse than the deranged trannies are the doctors who do shit like this. It goes beyond merely unethical. It's like the stories of Dr Mengele recreated in real life.



>A 27-year-old trans woman who spent ₹14 lakh to remove six ribs revealed she has to wear a corset around the clock due to swelling after the surgery.

He needs to wear a corset to keep his guts from spilling out. He was also considering eating his own ribs which tells you a lot about the mental state of trannies.


>Do no harm

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basically it's ten bucks here but it sells almost three times where i look around and i seem to have missed the preorder,,,quite abit.

so..what's most decent way to expect this thing to be, priced lower? because other than its sweeet sweet color (and your ever dwindling inheritances), i honestly do not have trade off spending that much on a simpler kit with less stuffs too.

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