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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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A 34 year old 'h99.7%White man lusts after a pure White vaxxinated possibly unvirgin woman who looks like prime Dakota Fanning. Posts about her for over a year on an internet board for pedo manchildren. Gets paralysed by her beauty and needs to take Ketamine before he can mumble out a word to her, but once he flirted with her and she blushed very hard. Now he's just been told he's been making excuses by his ex thru Facebook Messenger, so he must ask her out tomorrow night.

62 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I can think of 4 virgin first year girls I met at uni. Of course those are just the ones for which I inquired about who told me they were virgin's. This was about 2012-2014


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Still a better story than twilight.


nice meme, upvoted


In 2 years I'm gonna open board for harem in doublechan. It start with /a

 No.55578[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Comfy Vidya Spin-Off Thread: OSTs

In this ITT thread we post video game OST songs that stick in our head and are kino

I'll start

Katana Zero
>Sneaky Driver
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You bought it for him? Are you going to fuck his ass for compensation?


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Right, Avid, he's going to fuck your ass instead. I see.


like tears in the rain, bubs

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Whats the skinny of KC being down today?
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That website had a surprising amount of brazilian monkeys on it last I was there.


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NOOOOOOOOOOO how will I learn about the industrial output of the Ottoman Empire in 1896 now?!?!! NOOOOOOO


Roy is better than you




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is not

cringe is good, idiot..

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 No.56160[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

On May 17th, much-beloved 4chon alum Giraf had passed away after having suffered a stroke on the 8th the week prior. He was 29.

I believe he'd spent more of his recent years on Kohlchan and the 4chon Telegram group-but those who'd known him know well what a good fella he was-far better than most-and gone far too soon.

The 4chon Telegram group chat (which he'd founded along with Dynd and some others) will be streaming a film in his honor at an as-of-yet undetermined date and time in the near future.

For further details, please see the venerable 4chon Steam group page.
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im shit with names, which nigga was giraf? was he in the tinychat?


I think he was just in /r9k/, didn't (openly) use /new/, the irc or tinychat as far as I recall


Yes. He was just giraf


shut up newfag


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mentally deranged irish femcel spits on and assaults random people in the street, says the gamer word and doesnt afraid of anything



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seems as though somebody is paying her to spit on people kek


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ok shes based


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my little pony thread #1


Why is tworlite wearing panties to begin with? It's like she put them on specifically to allow herself to be teased this way.


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Found a perfect gf to make wife for you


waxed and ready


honestly it'd be cool to meet up with a chick like this, listen to her rant about dumb conspiracy stuff for a while, throatfuck her and then tell her everything she said was retarded



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gay loser


Meds, now.



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>beady eyes with mongrel coloring
>massive semite nose
>rat mouth
>hands clasped together
This is the most Jewish face I've ever seen
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nah, THIS is what a kike looks like


Arabs and Jews are the same.






S H A N E????

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Avid attempting to proposition chocolate men for a steamy night of NELing.


is it?


Hwhite boy down BAD for summa dat dere N.E.L. AKA the quintessential reddit post by the penultimate redditor AKA kill all enemies of White Aryan peoples today

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I used to think that soy boys, simps etc are the most embarrassing thing ever. I was wrong: being an internet janny for free is even more embarrassing.
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xhe licketh thine neger erection?


>>82599 (checked)
avid onna left
phantasm onna right




me on the left

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 No.51780[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Dear levakama,

I am not dogisaga and not attracted to you. I don't know anything about you. I am not your wife and never was. You and I never had an e-relationship. Please get over your delusions of grandeur. I don't belong in a mental institution and you're an asshole.

to be continued...
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the only person who cares about this nobody is you


He didn't give (you) trauma. So, obviously... you don't care.


We should start a gofundme to buy Avid a really beefy PC so he can finally finish his house and become the next big minecraft YouTuber!!!
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when I die expect to find him laughing


post bellend resting atop some bands





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 No.13191[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What are some urban legends you follow?
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I'm guessing they're not little smartly dressed wise-cracking manlets like in the Lord of dem Rangs so idk tbqph


they're probably just tiny abo's


me getting suck


would you an elf (person with williams syndrome)?


fart decay

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I have a really big secret to share with (you) 4chon.

The big secret reveal:

I am smart.


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Thanks for reading my confession.

Don't tell anyone.

Got to keep the secrets SECRET or else it won't be secret!!


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SSSHHHH don't tell anyone!!!


I'm tellin fukken errybody


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