>>96424>rust is essentially C++ with a whole bunch of you-can't-do-that's built in for "memory safety" and a garbage collector constantly running to ensure that every program written in the language runs like absolute crap (much like java).Rust does not have a garbage collector, its runtime performance is equal to C and C++.
I'd actually be happy if companies switched to Rust away from JavaScript (Node/Electron), which is what they're using now and turning everything into complete shit. It's the reason why basic applications today take at least hundreds of MBs of RAM and load more slowly instead of a few MBs that their equivalents in the late 90s and 2000s took. They're not going to switch to Rust though, because Rust lacks an established GUI software framework to Node and Electron, corporations do not like to take such risks. The Rust faggots are instead too busy antagonizing C and C++ developers, telling them that they must all be replaced, that all their programs they worked hard on are "unsafe" and therefore they must all be "re-written in Rust" (which would have absolutely no perceivable benefit to the users of these programs unlike the slow shitty bloated Node/Electron apps).
The problem with Rust and C++ is their compilation times. Rust has something called "monomorphization of generics", and C++ has something called "templatization of generics." These fundamental features alone cause compilation of Rust or C++ source code to take several times longer to compile than equivalent C source code. And this has been getting exponentially worse for every single new C++ version released (e.g. C++98, C++11, C++17, C++ 23, etc.), specifically their standard libraries, that compilers have to support. If you're an employee of a corporation than yeah you probably wouldn't give a shit because your employer is paying to you sit around twiddle your thumbs while you wait for your C++ source code to compile. This is terrible for productivity. Rust is apparently even worse than C++ with this. This is why I don't use C++ for personal projects, I'm not going to buy the latest i9-12900K or whatever every time just so C++ compilation is barely tolerable. Did you know that compilation of the "Chromium" web browser (written in C++) is frequently used as a CPU benchmark in CPU reviews, because it takes several hours to compile t
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