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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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The US is going to do 'diversity initiatives' to make sure more POCs appraise homes, and they're definitely doing this to avoid a housing market crash and disguising it as woke crap.
It's so fucking transparent; they hire some 'diversity' who will then appraise homes higher and artificially inflate the costs to avoid a depression and recession. It's genuinely socialist crap, a bullet on a bandaid sound to 'fix' the economy.
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You and your WIFE visited the states.

Did you both get along with the americans, okay?!


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Please internalize this. It's not in the president's power to do much even if they wanted to. A lot of people claim to recognize this, but then a switch flips in their brain every election.


This thread is only tangentially related to electoral politics, but yes, I am personally sick of the impotent raging, which is why I never talk about the news anymore. The news exists only to plant seeds in your mind for what they want you to think about. If you can do something about it, then you should do something about it. If you can't do anything about it, then it's best left ignored so that you can keep your thoughts as organic as possible. When your head is filled with external narratives they consume other ideas that you might have had otherwise.
Also don't copy me, fag!


The fuck are you talking about? Whats a news?


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Lauren Witzke
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God damn she looks like a fucking demon.


Who is this?


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Wait nevermind its the same woman but only her eyes cropped into a new picture.

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Hi I'm new here? is this place better than youarenowbannedfor3daysfornoreasonChan?
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post address and I will


I feel lonely, I feel as though I will never find love and I have no way to combat this thought


H'whats that? You want anal sex?.


Love is just a meme. It isn't real.

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How do you reconcile your belief in the afterlife if human consciousness can be distilled so easily to a set of easily definable attributes? For example, this person is so common, so definable that they appear to be a set of deterministic neural processes, repeatable across many other individuals like her. How then, could she live on after death?

Does everyone die, and then live on as the same archetype?
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genocide abos


I think I'd rather live on the res than in victoria/melbourne, where the cops break down your door if you don't post a selfie every 20 minutes to prove you've locked yourself in your house.


Camera holder is cucked. The correct response to the question of whether genocide is good is that it depends entirely upon whether it's good for the people who are doing it.

E.g. if colonising Australia was good for the Brits (future Aussies) then it was good for them. Colonisation and genocide and slavery being similar stuff ofcourse.

Basically cultural relativism or maybe perspectivism


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How does this shit not terrify you people

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My nephew just turned 16 and has become an absolute Chad - great fuckin bone structure, huge jaw and developed cheekbones, hunter eyes etc. I'm so envious of him. But he's dating a mystery meat hapa - half Maltease half Asian or something. I'm gonna give him a talking-to. He must not be political. I haven't had much involvement in his life because his mother is a whore who had 3 other kids from a different man, a mutt.
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Ahh, the big thing i forgot is whether he is vaxxed. Going to find that out discreetly


Also, you niggers better not doxx me but are you aware ive been posting on /fa/?


Kinda realising now he'll see this thread eventually if i bring him around. It's cool.

Also i can approach with this 99.85% White black nigger king Chad. The dynamics would be so interesting I want to see how many iois he gets from girls.


And I'm not keen dding about thr white thing btw I'll post my 23andme if U guys want


I am not gay. I am absolutely not a homosexual man. I am a straight heterosexual man.

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Fucking love this body type. Skinny, tall, sometimes with a relatively higher waist to hip ratio which makes their silhouette from the front or back look flat or rectangular. Hot. Cara Delevigne has an exaggerated version of this which is too much but still hot
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lol jew


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Girl drew herself with the body I like


I hate that fucker. Fuck you smiley.

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Capeshit is starting to be not as profitable so the new cash cow will be adapting cutscenes into feature length films, probably live action like The Last Of Us.

How do you feel about this?
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I stopped watching TLOU show after I heard theres homosex in the 3rd episode or something. I only watched the first ep but I thought it was okay, good production value. Did I make a mistake by stopping?


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>watching any jewish entertainment


Time to grow tomatoes and defeat the zog.


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Okay, retard.


Im not retarded


Yes, you are.


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My Aryan wife when she find out shes pregnant
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Me in the center


You spoiled the film bro, kind of


I'm sorry for everyone who doesn't know what that movie is about. That other person kinda ruined it. R.I.P

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 No.50876[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

My father...

She could get a job being a jeweler or putting together watches maybe as a caregiver at visiting angels on the phone to someone and I flipped tf out.

He's like...

Worst case scenario is...

I give her a backpack


Other day to my brother...

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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stop talking to me please


>hurr durr being a celebrity shitfuck


Trust me when I say this i could score multiples over you all


You said that you were avid, with no proof and now you're saying that your levakama.
Wat dis mean?!




Former President Donald J. Trump: 'It will be worse than losing a war if America loses its currency standard to China'

Is he right, 4chon?
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Rough years ahead, brehs
How much longer before le chickens come home to le roost?


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Higher-ups are letting...

The TV-surveillance-show BURGERLAND..

- float cuz they are entertained by the amerilards and all the bullshittery&drama.

They don't want to ruin a good thing tbqh.



>It will be worse than losing a war if America loses its currency standard to China
jekyll island stockholm syndrome. current year currency standard not doing anyone any favors.

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Brittany Venti has uncovered that George Soros actually issues report cards to how 'woke' companies are and pays them to have quotas as to how often they shill for sex reassignment surgerys and transsexual rights.

Why would he do this?
Skip to 1 hr 10 mins in this video
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>Think Before You Sleep
Octaroon went for a white man. Based?


>be an alienated loser
>consume youtubers
I may be a shy bitch but you are downright homosexual


this nigger gene bitch


Bro I have to act friendly to literally thousands of people a year, excuse me if I want to alienate at home


Your fat rotting carcass does nothing but dildo dildo obsessing about men online and it fart and it amells

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 No.15345[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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see me in the outside



Stained sucks.


Git redy


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I am so sick of outrage viral marketing.
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>you are supposed to put the lunchables pizza in the microwave
not true, the dough is pre-baked


also did u check ur settings for that JPG screenshot option?


That's a good movie. Watched it a few dozen times at this point.


Not him, but my phone doesn't have such a feature as far as I can tell.


it's an option on some samsung galaxy phones & tablets, and based on the 2960x1440 resolution she almost certainly has a samsung galaxy tablet


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I'm sitting at the same table I used to browse 4chon on back in 2011 to procrastinate in one of my alma mater's libraries at university (I'm doing extra training/specialisation for my job), only now I'm a jaded 30 year old that works full time.

I never thought I'd get older and get everything I'd ever wanted and still not feel fulfilled and happy. I guess that's part of the grindset fams. Everything changes as we get older and 4chon remains our only constant. That and HDV's erectile dysfunction.
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This is literally me right now


>I never thought I'd get older and get everything I'd ever wanted and still not feel fulfilled and happy.


Madness and intelligence are often two sides of the same coin. Rest in peace, Terry.


>Sam Hyde on ending it and happiness


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you probably wanted the wrong things.

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