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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.8633[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

requesting a hide ([ - ]) flag
295 posts and 77 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


A new era has begun




I have been SERIOUSLY lacking on sunlight, like I haven't even been in the sun enough to turn red in the past I want to say 20 years, I've just been holed in the house or avoidant of going outside in that time, lately I've been going out with the sole intention of getting a suntan and honestly the exposure has been a godsend, I never thought lack on sunlight was my problem but now I know and I feel great.




I didn't even realise, based

 No.52236[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

washed out samuel hydesteen puts a bunch of cringy imageboard/kiwifarms users like yourself together in one room, closest thing to a live-action 4chon i guess

(use one of those temp throwaway emails)
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Come back



You can run but you can't hide


I'm hiding right now, nigger.


Scambo sucks these days.

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 No.23368[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

we're back bros

elon buying twitter

kanye tweeting extremely anti jewish stuff and ranting about israeli money jews on fox News

elon defending kanyes free speech (hopefully he doesn't cuck out)
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Milo is a faggot rapist


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you guys love me dont lie
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ALL my freinds ar MANLY MEN, buckow!!



All my female friends are getting fucked by hdv. Omg watch out. Hdv is fucking your moms friend right now. This is crazy. Wtf.


dat HDV schwong got dem bitch's bootys poppin


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When u try and play fartnight with smiley but he is actually really mean and verbally abusive tho.



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I discovered the cure to inceldom, lads! It's gay sex!!!!

Later, virgins!
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youre missin out... PEwds got a house tere



I know



dose HONEYZ got me HORNEY

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hi i want new friends 19f us : )
kik: sweetoddity
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I farted



mmmmm this therad vot me HORNEY


Well, what does it smell like?


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i think i might be hooked on cocaine
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what jedi is THIS??


Terminator 5 xbox 360 editio


kewl B)


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Are you happy?
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dude weed lohl


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Are you feeling




Me and a female friend watched Mudvayne live at the bdo 2006 and we both cried during Happy heh. We asked each other after wards if we cried


ebin ecks dee

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What would you do if you were the boyfriend in this scenario?

Keep in mind if you're having difficulty just pretend you're HDV
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Nu marriage / long-term relationship blackpills goyim


forget the relationship angle; the first one is a terrible fucking mom
>yea you'll never get over that guy who just dumped you, you'll miss him every day for the rest of your life


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Top stories from business insider goyim

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Please explain yourselves, humans.
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Bitsch on right from that equals position tinychat?


I remember they started the wave of romanesque aesthetical nazi wave or at the least they were a part of it

There was a chan too for third position or not?


is that wings of redemptiosn


I want free weed

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Is Cairo a "Walkable City"? Look at all those heckin' epic buserinos!
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So is your mind


Ah, who could forget, the infamously h'wite city: Cairo.
Surely a perfect example of what would be achieved in a walkable European city.


I don't think so.


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 No.41724[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

blog thread
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I just remembered that I'm here, forever.



Cia glow niggers.

Apparently saying the word nigger is considered "racebating".


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How ironic, or maybe not. These KIKES put green tea extract in some Mentos sugarfree gum and luckily I only had the 1 or 2 that didn't have the green tea in it, and so I didn't have caffeine (unless it does indeed have it and its just not listed). WHY would you need caffeine in gum? Getting sick of the tribe Jewing me over
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What's the problem with caffeine, anony?


I'm a drug free junkie


I just got done drinking a gallon of DXM


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Not him but here mine


Wow. This is where all the magic happens, huh?

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Anyone hungry for moar?
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I farted


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What are some stupid things you believed or misunderstandings you had as a child? I used to think spinning around like the Tasmanian devil was an effective fighting tactic and it really confused my karate teacher.
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2015 was just yesterday.


Yesterday was 650,000 years ago


650,000 years ago was 65,000,000 years ago


Never gets easier nigga


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