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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Is it truly our species' fate to forever have indelible lines drawn between animalistic hylics and ourselves, the noble internet schizos who see the world for how it truly is and wisely ruin our own potential for conventional success and chances at what's considered a normal life by opting out of participating in any meaningful way entirely?
10 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



kys avid

jyoti hates niggers



yes, we know- you lick all the nigger erections because the indian women refuse to


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oh ok


Seems like there's been an uptick in Gundam model building and model building in general. Any idea where this came from? heh


Zoomer weebs need to consume product and stick it on a shelf.

Most of them don't even watch gundam.


I haven't noticed that so I'm not sure what you mean.


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 No.64679[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

what is happening is the vaxxed are finally dying off and the governments will simply claim their deaths are because of a "new covid variant". It is the vaccine that is killing people. And they will enforce new lockdowns, and more vaccines, which will kill even more people.

The vaccine is what is killing people. This new "covid variant" is simply to cover up the vax deaths and instead blame them on this fake new covid wave.

The next lockdowns won't end, since the vax deaths will continue increasing. The end of the modern world is coming. The new world order awaits.

If you took the vaccine already, then get right with God, now.
113 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


you called?


Is that a woman or a troon?



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Remember when internet politics enthusiasts were shilling this nigger, claiming Texas was going to secede under his leadership? Here we are 4 years later, and that didn't happen. Are they not ashamed of being so gullible?


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 No.50003[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

beautiful white women
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 No.54453[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Good morning,

White women are worthless nigger whores.
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Is she sexually harassing that nigger?


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Stonetoss has one again brutally eviscerated lolbergarians
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stop licking nigger erections

you WILL get AIDS


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can this website loan me money for bus pleas
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File: 1708053638895.jpg 146.18 KB, 1115x1690, giving-money-14440549.jpg

Here (you) go! It is more blessed to give than to receive!


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Here op. Poo in loo & gib dis to (you)!


Wow. This thread is amazing. Look at all the people receiving money. What a christmas miracle!


it made me cum


To each their own!

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Is there a safe cutoff year and/or features to avoid if you don't want to be sent into the side of an underpass at 80 mph for Googling the wrong name?
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dont save it youre not allowed


you should buy a 1992 volkswagen scirocco


commercial grade vehicle made in japan
right hand drive only


True tbqph


1980s Mercedes 900 series diesel is the king of all automobiles, but if you can't manage to get one the Volvo 200 series is a fine substitute. Both options have the benefit of being simple enough that you can work on them yourself and they will both accrue value as long as you maintain them. With the Volvos the main thing that seems to wear out is the interior upholstery. The 700 & 900 series Volvos are also excellent.

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How long has it been
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jump off a bridge faggot


Are you still playing harmonica?


write that on your bellend and I will


eat shit you fat nosed sunken eyed cunt


Have sex and you won't have to beg online for dick picks goblinsaga

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What makes YOU, a filthy gentile, think you're worthy of puckering those goy lips on Goddess Jessica Yaniv's TIGHT starfish and taking a huge, life-affirming GULP of freshest goddess gas?!?!?! Heh... didn't think so... goy... Now why don't you crawl back into your little pod, grab a nice handful or two of some of the finest grubworms us Superior BEINGS have to offer you, and fire up more of them AI bots to talk to you!?!?!! hehehehe Janet Yellen RULEZ
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What am I, a clown? I make you laugh! Funny how? How am I FUNNY


i was actually thinking about that line an hour or two ago lol


Such a quotable movie lol


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Kike demons infest my body as the meth kicks in, an orgiastic delight for the senses as the sex demons torment me with reckless GLEE and ABANDON, I give myself over to Goddess Jessie as she lowers the pressed hams onto my goyische face in 3... 2... 1... SNUFFED OUT!



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>true sex
As opposed to false sex?


quick hes looking too based fuck with his shit


Jealous little morons




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is this 4chan
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what the heck is a 4chan?


This is 4chon.

___ O _

...with an "O"


what the hell is that supposed to mean


the O stands for wombO



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HDV why havent you banned this obvious pedo?


Yo, codefella, any way to improve the post edit moderation tool to edit out embeds?


Just delete his posts. It's not like anything of value is lost.



Maybe Red X means fatherly love

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hello fellow whites
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I love this subversive stock art style. I remember an artist that called themselves "hehesilly" or something like that who'd make similar stuff in a sort of calarts/"precious moments" aesthetic.


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ALL kikes must die


>You're telling me that you already treated yourself for tapeworms 109 times? And you still have them?


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access granted
secondary connect

third level
10 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


I mean whatever ... should we just kill discord at this point ?






File: 1707402469173.jpg Spoiler Image, 467.41 KB, 1920x2065, Stop following me.jpg

leave them be,
they are in the wrong.

We are in the true.

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