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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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forums, imageboards, social media, chat groups...all of them are so fucking boring now. They're either dead or full with terminally online retards. The only place I still find good is my private discord server. Also the only place I still post at (besides 4chan and YouTube comments).
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Normal men are masturbating to whatever those things goblinsaga has.


>>77533 (checked)
dogi has some of the juiciest funbags I have ever seen, my big fat cock is leaking just thinking about them


goblinsaga, nobody here likes you, you're ugly as fuck, stupid and you should leave this fucking website


I'm not dogi... if I was I'd spend all my time masturbating in front of a mirror while sucking my juicy funbags


shut up you fat cunt

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what was the name of that nigger that used to post on oldchon? he went to anime conventions on the east coast and did an incredibly lame panel talk on 4chan at one, he had his own website for a while too.
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Or this


>Since Early Summer of 2011, savetheinternet and his cyberyob crew “Leetchan” has been harassing me and Yotsuba Society almost the last two years. With him and along with leetchan, he has been doing a racially and ablest motivated hate campaign against me. The types of harassments including prank calls, spambombing of chans, zero-day hacks, defamation slam sites, irc harassment and flooding, and using a fake website (shotgunhost) to steal 72 GB of content of a potential fuuka archive for /cgl/.
What a hero.






Will Smith, it was fucking definitely Will Smith.

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>muh 800 million
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I'm betin you're not


El Sobrante is a SF suburb


the city of faggots


muh 600 trillion


never 5git the ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞

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Bongtse buntreza


haha the man of shit I wonder if he ated shits


he probably ate less shit than avid


Oooooo sick burn


avid here imagine not eating poo

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Another childhood ruined by a whore. rip




dubs check them

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Trumps social media stock just went through the roof.
How many billions of dollars did you make today?
Probably zero lmao
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shut up pony fag, go clop you degenerate


I'd ask if these were satisfied customers but most of them are women... or are they? you suckin troon cock, fella?


The only payment I require is globs of cum in all my orifaces.




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are there any tech channels that aren't ran by soyboy faggots?
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what is the most


car ?

( "the hubby's transportation appliance :)" )


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but i need to know the vehicle of choice of androgynous husbands


Electric cars.


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Et tu?


4 me?


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For free.


Y-you too!



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Rare candid video of red-madge the flag-poster partying!
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Red mages wife. Pic related.


Is that rhe woman who did the thing


I'll take her.


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this fucker has brain damage for sure, you can't be doing those movements for hours on end and stay the same

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me cry
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look how they've massacred my boy

this is a result of hamplanet women getting hired at companies producing cartoons
their formula is as such
>normalise ugliness
they think if they normalise it men won't feel disgusted when thinking about the prospect of fucking them, it's actually a form of brainwashing


Imagine having the means to kill somebody by touch alone and you choose to let some cripple in a floating wheelchair convince you to wear skintight spandex.


That would be a great wkuk sketch.

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the white man walks alone
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I see those retard eyes follow me around. Need a break, kikes?




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Does that make all of your many exes sexual predators?


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Did they make you wear that in remedial classes?


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wew lad

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Palestinians killed Jesus
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From what I gather Jesus was basically a stoic. He didn't get into arguments or tell people what to do. He was able to get followers through living by example. When people asked him questions he'd use his high verbal IQ to dazzle the goyim with a metaphor and they could take it or leave it.


Jesus was a hard-core gamer/weedsmoking shitposter, he used to trip fag on /z/ back on stonechat, way back when we used to use roosters to clean our back


Sounds legit.


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steel beams made the frogs gay

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how do you think you'll die /b/ros?
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Is that dog Travis Barkers


I'll die the same as everyone in 2028 when the comet apophis hits earth just off the Swedish coast




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is this just 4chan with slighty more features and less boards
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put a bag over that head and enjoy the juicy funbags


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est shit goblin


We say nigger.


kill yourself you ugly fucking monster

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