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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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look at this ugly cunt lol
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I saw you on your youtube channel and you really needed to get a haircut because of your hairline. Did you finally get a haircut (or better yet learn to cut/trim your own hair)?


Dog wishes she could pull as much cock as avid does LOL


tf you talking about, link the vid retard


ok you're not dogi, she can spell

I don't think any woman could have the amount of cock avid takes tbqh


Thought this was dwarfcunty all these years LOL

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the real 4chon never had these gay poster flags
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i fard n it smekll of shit


im right though


>*furls brow in irritation*
>*struggles to remove bbc from mouth due to its girth and the suction of his lips*
>"erm ackychually i am right tho!!!11"
>*resumes throating bbc*


you're using the whole "avid is gay" shit to vent about your own racemixing fantasies


>i am not sharing any of my precious bbcs with you, i am married to every subsaharan african man on the planet so just back off already!!!
Absolutely deranged. No one cares about licking nigger erections besides you. Die of sepsis already, you supreme faggot.

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Blimey mate, it's hard to care about anything other than throbbing black willies! Giving New Britons a right proper gobber is all I can ever think about...


cringe samefagging


lmao classic avid! shine on, you crazy gay diamond!

seethe harder, FoKvid! avid will continue to express himself!



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Really hope we aren't dealing with prions. That's full scale ragnarok tier

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 No.81004[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Attention all anti-Zog Gardners, I have tons of blackberries growing in my yard. They're not ripe yet, but there are hundreds of fruits already.
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mmmmm I bet her pussy is as sweet as honey

you are gay


Based skinwalker impregnator, for whom the uncanny valley is just another kind of cleavage


hes gay because he doesnt find some bitch who looks 10 attractive?



youre gay tho

*tips fedora* hello, my fellow patricians

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Impressive bix noodism
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this bitch an undiscovered species! she gonna be in pokemon ketchup and mustard, pass


I'm racist but I would cum inside that quadroon


this is you


that woman doesn't have a cock to penetrate quadroon pussy, nor does she have balls to house the hot spunk which a man such as myself would shoot inside her

dogi has a pussy and I would fuck it for meme value if nothing else (she's probably tight af tbqh)


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imagine thinking nobody can recognise your obvious samefagging, fucking yikes goblin, you need serious help

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imagine the smell
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I would but I don't want to launch you into a 10 hour meth filled fapsturbest

Also im up the coast away from my pc

Also up already know what my beautiful body looks like

Women = gods gift to men/me

I love women ♥️ so much


Excuse me, um gay???

I did not have sexual relations with those women


>Which retarded yoga slut would you fug?

Remember dat scene when arnie is in the gun shop and the guy asks him which gun he's going buy?


Some Japanese guy on /pol/ said that some yoga studios in Japan are banning vaxxoids. Yoga studios may be the place to find tradwives


Oriental women can be just as attractive as White women, but I'd never want to mix with one since they can't bear White children. Funnily enough, a Japanese guy is credited as one of two people to have discovered ivermectin. Far as I know, Japanese medical authorities didn't immediately denounce it in favor of the clotshot racketeers.

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>Thot article about hair removal
>Turns out shes a hairy Middle Eastern
>Google her name, as you do
>She's dating a decent looking White guy



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Byt seriously though kill me


I made this thread didn't I? But I somehow forgot about it lol

I mean it was prolly me because I use lightshot which names things screenshot_x number


Hairy big nosed Brown women are HOT retards! That's so hot here comment implying her public hair turns into thigh hair seamlessly lol. I want to neg brown women about this irl


Negging. Y'all pick up artists were lied to and for good reason. Nobody likes to be insulted. In fact, it's straight up PREDATORY.


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This board used to create memes that swayed elections, now it spends all day gossiping about egirls.

What a sorry state of affairs.
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you talk about male penis and also suck it



That's Raoh from FOTNS in the op he's kino


As opposed to female penises? And why tf does penises autocorrect to Denise's


I'm 100% straight actually


Food is always supposed to be dense and full of fat.
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Impressive. Nauseating yes, but these hallucinations have come a long way in a short time. Pretty soon they'll be like the star trek holodeck.


Unimaginable horrors beyond our comprehension. No thanks.



speaking of nauseating


Chinky MRE looks a bit better (god knows what it's made of). Don't know why he made a slop taco with the (latin) American one.

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Alex Jones to officially become jewish property
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whatever, youre a gay retard




Alex Jew-owed


Nothings changed. They think we're stupid.


he wuzz


What’s in the box?
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try not spamming your lust for BBC you kike




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shed make dat face if she seen my pp no cap


Holding your ball.



 No.89397[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Pic related & [redacted] romance thread.
The chon never gets in the way of true love & romance.
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>you will never lick trevor moore's brown chocolately nipples


He was married.


so? like that ever stopped me


>>90511 (checked)
notice fagvid always crops out the juicy funbags


Wyatt Mann sings a song
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I love latina pussy which is halaal
you love nigger erections which is haraam
don't twist my words, kafir!


shut up retard, even bringing up penises is haram, find another grift


I am performing a deen by admonishing your haraam thoughts and actions


shut the fuck up retard

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how's you guys' sex life?
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I learned it by watching you! okay?


just creampied a thicc latina

chudcels could never


noone cares incel

bbc's where it's at


avid falls down his own butthole and wakes up in bbcland


I would read this manga

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I'm looking to get a projector for my living room instead of a television. I have done a little bit of research (I don't know much about this topic) and apparently it needs to be above 3000 lumens to be watched in the day time. I'm not really fussed about using it for regular free to air digital TV (though I guess I can get a set top box for that) and would like it to be able to project to 100" and have at least 4k resolution; I'm planning on using it to watch stuff off my laptop and/or any streaming platforms.

Do you guys have any recommendations as to the best kind of projector for this purpose? I have a large wall I can project it over, at least 5 m, but I can have a shade installed.
17 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


projectors can be noisy. Also pay attention to the image resolution.


It's dangerous, the rain can ruin the machinery.


thats why you dont set it up while its raining you stupid fucking retard


The rain can come suddenly


shut up retard

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