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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.73764[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Comfy Vidya thread #3: RIP Xbox?

Xbox rumored to go the way of Sega after one final Xbox Series X refresh end of this year, though they may continue the Xbox brand and go a "Steam Machine" route where they have third-party hardware vendors configure small form factor PCs (with no Blu-Ray drive) and install some kind of Xbox OS centered around Xbox Game Pass
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Pokemon Prism had the same thing.
Everyone tried shilling it to me, I didn't even bother once I saw the elite four was the devs' friends, with troonshit to boot.


For a romhack that does weird shit like changing types, I like Fool's Gold because it changes every single pokemon's type and gives them new sprites to help convey what type they are. Some of the new sprites are pretty good and others are fuck-ugly. Cool hack anyway.


I may be a manchild, but I'm not a literal child, thus I can't play a game where I just press "a" to win. Even radical red can be trivialized with a lot of teams on normal difficulty. If you're autistic enough, you git too gud, and then you can't go back to the way things were. Games in general have things stacked way in favor of the player, even though the player already has the insane benefit of foresight. They can always retry with more knowledge of what will happen. You already have a huge advantage, so the game needs all the help it can get. It's the same principle that games like dark souls and cup head capitalize on. Suffice to say, in a game where I never lose, I'm not having fun.


Have you tried unbound? It's only about as hard as radical red on higher difficulties, and I like the original music. they also rewrote the script to make it less cringe years ago and I don't think it feels too out of place.


I downloaded fool's gold. Check out my shiny potato

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for camping, hiking and other outdoor activities
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Buy a titanium spork.


then dont do it, but the science is there


Interesting idea. There's a park fairly close to me but it's kinda boring. I've been there twice in the last few months, once listening to limp bizkit xd. I do also surf but that's a different "biome" obviously and I imagine somewhere with trees would be better for your oxygen idea


i dont think i will, for its use stainless steel is more than enough, titanium would be useful if i were i guess in the marines hiking through fuck knows what


it works, at least for me it does, its great, the breathing technique you employ during is very important though, at least in my opinion, i have a few places near me that have trees, but sadly its been raining quite a lot here as of late and the paths tend to get muddy, muddy enough that its precarious to walk on them

 No.36358[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This being normalised to this degree is the indication of a society on its death throes.
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>"society is getting le worse"

how many times are you going to make these fucking threads

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Soon ill be kickass at the guitar and will be on my way to be a musician. My singing voice has improved so much recently too. Ive only been practicing for a year continuously and ive gotten so good without singing lessons, just by listening to my singing by ear from recordings and training my pitch on my own
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Cringestralia's thread shan't die



I'll be your first groupie... I love musician cock!


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>bought guitar because i remembered how funny it used to be to play my acoustic
>never play it.

why am i like this


Are chonners watching the glasses tech scene as closely as I am? I've been watching it for the past 2 months at least.

I'm tempted to drop $1300 AUD on these, but it seems no seller is offering refunds. I would definitely try them if there were local sellers with refund options.

This one basically just offers a screen in front of you, showing you whatever is on your device (phone, maybe PC or steam deck etc). Apparently there is wow factor with an up to "330 inch" display in front of you. It isn't both AR and VR (or "mixed reality) like the AVP (Apple Vision Pro) so you can't e.g. tap a virtual keyboard in front of you, you'll have to use the control device of whatever you normally use.

I think one of the problems with marketing this stuff is showing or capturing what it looks like. The guy here at around 30 secs does a good job:


Otherwise the OP video is the best most neutral breakdown and review that I've seen of the XReal Air 2. The major con is that it's Chinese so I'm suspicious of what the build quality and overall quality would be. Though I'm also wary of possible eye strain or other eye issues - from having a screen so close to your eyes.
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fucking hell nigger what the fuck are you doing


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I'm looking at Samsung phones to pair with the XReal Air 2. Input is welcome but I'll probs buy over the next few days.


i havent tried AI glasses or goggles, i would as a lark but i couldnt see myself being one of those people walking around in public wearing them, it gives off a cringe vibe of internet addiction and FOMO that im not willing to be a part of, they are also very expensive for something id probably just use to watch porn or movies, although im not sure how or even if that works, in terms of AI glasses/goggles im less interested in what browsing facebook is like with it and more interested in the potential industrial applications of them, id guess there could be a use made from them by people who are laying down building foundation markers or even used as a tool by an architect or event organiser (stage planning, light positioning)

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ban goblinsaga
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ban niggers and anyone who licks their erections


youll never be happy goblinsaga, me and a few pals are currently in the planning stages of a nasty cocktail of hexes/curses, trust me, you have no idea whats headed your way lmao


I'm rubber and youre covered in nigger cum


just you wait


is that dog? when did she gain 100 lbs?


Does thinking bad/evil/shitposting things all day make you ugly? Is there any articles or books that explain this or even highlight this?

I read somewhere that thinking about lifting increases muscle mass by up to 15%

Id like to know if this would work for other things

Smiley if youre there you probably know some shit about what im mentioning if you could drop a .pdf that would be based
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helpful answers thankyou for replying


it goes like this
>think too much about random shit
>can't then focus on breathing
>breathing gets staggard and shallow
>solution is breathing focus comes before anything and everything you might want to work out in your head


halle berry is hot


I think therefore I yam


I think therefore I am, how true is this? how would the science behind this look? does the brain form the body? vice versa?

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Why can't we all just, get along?
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moderate pissed undergarments


because niggers, kikes, queers and mormons exist


you are all 3 of those things


so butthurt by trufax you can't even count


Boredom, frustration, lack of vitD, lack of Oxygen due to improper breathing techniques, mild dehydration, poor diet, consumption of doomer-esque materials

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 No.63367[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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not funny, stop shitting up the site with your pointless garbage


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i used to piss the bed when i was younger and i was always surprised that by bedtime my bed would be dry as a bone because when i pissed the bed i used to piss a lot
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Your piss soaked mattress and unchanged clothing of the past, tells a completely different tale.


does it, elaborate




this doesnt explain anything




Happy Uncle Adolf Day.
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>im white (quarter, if that)


Congratulations on your genes being colonized!


fuck off kike


Don't have even a hint of a crook in my nose and my eye color is top-tier Aryan. Keep projecting mudfag.

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This is all western music is;
>"niqqa niqqa niqqa shawdy shawdy shawdy"
>*the same instrumental from the "lean on" song*
>*sounds off loads of people in a concert hall saying "OH OH OH OHHH OH OH OOH OH" over a guitar

It has to stop
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why are you posting pearl a rightoid retard
shes a fucking moron


post all avid memes


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literally impossible
too many


i highly doubt its 'literally impossible'


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I may have exaggerated a bit but it would be extremely painful


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If it wasn't made by Blizzard North then it's not Diablo, dumb slut.


women are black




I disagree strongly.


she's earning that handbag

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>no social media (besides twitter I only use as a lurker for art)
>no r*ddit, TikTok etc
>no posting at forums
>only posting at dicord (only to my own small servers) and 4chan
>still terminally online
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Discord and 4chan are social media.


>no social media, tick tok, gram
>one reddit account that was shadowbanned after first post so only browse
>dont use any forums
>only post on 2 imageboards, sometimes look at others
>dont use 4chan
>not logged into youtube
>dont watch tubers
>not a cordnorm


Image boards are the only "social media" I use.
Sounds about right.


Wtf is cordnorm?


Condoms go over hard benus.

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Do you eat the estrogenic legume
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Unable to right now thanks though! I have almost 100k so I’m sure I’ll be able to buy something decent. Just don’t have the stats to equip it

Are two hand swords worth it? They seem cool


i always used scimmies for farming combat xp but up to you on what you want to use


Any reason in particular you opt for scimitar?


felt faster/more consistent


Those warriors from Hammerfell have curved swords. Curved. Swords.

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