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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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>"jump off Neo its like minecraft with the water bucket thing" - norph, the mattress
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we call you gay because you don't play minecraft anymore


i do i just dont upload videos of it


minecraft vids or dildo vids



sexual harassment


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>Hey, you guys, no shitting in the streets.


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>income range: $0-10,000
>unaware of most advertising



>exploit loneliness to sell escapist fantasies
They actively try to make you feel bad to sell you products. Absolutely evil.


It's a merchantbot, programmed to sell products and nothing more



rec me some documentaries or some shit
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fuck off pedo






Are there actually only two English dubs of NGE and End of Evangelion? As I've started marathonning them and the whole Asuka death sequence thingy is different from how I thought I remembered it when I first watched it 20 years ago or w/e.

Also who is best girl? I can't decide. I think it's down between Asuka/Rei/Misato. They're all so HOT!!! XD
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kino more like gayno


Me in the cockpit.


God the first 2 eps of NGE are absolute kino.




Read the top comment heh

 No.83937[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This video is shadow-banned on google and youtube. It's actually worth a watch. I never paid attention to this guy, but ever since the tranny incident he's finally getting some well-deserved flack.
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The DOJ is paying Mr.Beast and other "influencers" to shill the military. They literally refer to it as a "psyop".




H'what mr beast future holds.



Vid related.


why do compulsive liars always make up an illness that centers around preventing others from using the airconditioner?
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I farted and some shit came out


wicked sick


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does she not believe in high blood pressure, clogged arteries, heart attacks, strokes, fatty liver, etc.?



sex havers please answer sex Q's.
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for the first time in my life, I'm attracted to a woman!!!!


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Imagine taking the effort to get yourself in good physical condition only to ruin it by going to a tattoo parlor for this. Tattoo artists are almost as sadistic as plastic surgeons, how can you let people do this to themselves?


Much like with plastic surgeons and doctors in general, the ones with any professional integrity are simply weeded out of the ecosystem. Dude goes to the tattoo place and wants a really godawful tat like that, artist tells him no, what's he going to do? Give up? No. He's going to shop around and go to another tattoo place until he finds someone who will do it. The unscrupulous tat place will end up getting more customers, and the the moralfag will go out of business or be pressured into not being a moralfag.

Same thing happens to people who go fishing for prescription meds like xanax.

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What's your opnion on Haiku OS?





Whatever this is it will bend the knee to GabeOS; desktop SteamOS may actually start putting a dent in Microdick and crApple's market share


steamerOS is frozen archlinux as custom firmware specifically for steamerDeck portable interactive video experience appliance, not a general purpose pc operating system

KDE project doesn't even need jeets to make buggy software for decades, it's probaby some kraut boomer's feature creep bloatware hobby project, implementing every pattern and trend simultaneously and every feature and gimmick from every other OS, kind of unfinished always, forever


Is it like popos? Looks like a beta so it's probably unstable.

 No.50550[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

vaporwave, retrowave, j-pop, k-pop, canto-pop, anime ost/bgm, japanese shoegaze, j-rock, 80s/90s pop, lo-fi, chillwave, classic hip-hop, chillhop, jazzhop, vgm music thread

plz include artist name & song title or no one will click your embed. spam gets deleted

previous threads:
>>22879 https://web.archive.org/web/20230326173628/https://4chon.me/lounge/res/22879.html

>Sola OP (結城アイラ - colorless wind)
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Inuyasha still unmatched for best anime opening/closing songs.

It's worth it. Or read the manga, because iirc the anime just terminates suddenly halfway through the story.





>vgh things from 3 years ago
>vgh lcd panel at the grocery store or bus station looping powerpoint slides right now
>vgh chinese tv box firmware or something
>vgh shampoo commercial

zoomers are fried man

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Never goon before you jelq!
Always jelq before you goon!
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thats you though you deranged cunt
your posts here are shit, im the most famous person here, who the fuck are you?
you wish you were me you little retard




are these culture commentator youtube gen-xers completely out of touch about the existence of internet gooner subcultures


no one has an excuse of not having awareness of some sort of bbs/usenet/deviantart/twitter/discord/roblox/kiwifarms anti-social gooner lore in 2024

they must be pretending

still mentally in 2002 where their stupid moralistic republican parents where all wrong about everything and not cool like limp bizkit


im gonna go goon now real quick

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Has anyone here even felt the touch of a woman?
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CWC is a world famous outsider artist that has only had three sexual partners; a hooker, his mother and a midget


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How much are the "met in a bar or restaurant" just people too retarded to understand the question-i.e. they literally met through an online service but they actually "met" in person at a restaurant?


I was wondering the same thing. Weird that it's trending up.


>>97522 (checked)
urban hipsters love bars


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another RETARDED thing about this is that sunlight always bleaches everything blue. so whatever colour something is if it is left on the roof it will turn blue under sunlight.

leave a can of soda out in the sun for several years and youll see what I mean


from like a 1920s modernist book on typographic grids - the only inks that matter in print are black and red on a white substrate because everything else fades, yellows and gets bleached to unrecognizable shit by sunlight

either TheNewTypography - Tschichold Jan .pdf , Typography, Emil Ruder_S .pdf or Grid Systems In Graphic Designs, Josef Müller-Brockmann .pdf


Literally the other day I took down a poster from my room because it was getting direct sunlight every morning for the last 4 years and it had turned completely blue as all other colours faded


That's what happened to VHS and DVD covers at Blockbuster and other rental places with lots of windows.




>tfw you drive around delivering food for six hours for a 20 dollar profit
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If the employer provides you with a vehicle, it's a little less shit. Still pretty shit if you don't live near a lot of fair tippers (which is a non-factor in civilized countries I suppose). Stuff like Uber seems like a big scam because of the toll it takes on your vehicle.


it depends on the hours but traffic is also a nightmare where I live. But this is not an issue if you're on a moped or scooter.


in the UK that is where theres lots of overpopulation in the southeast where I do my bits


I made $46/hour at the most lucrative delivering pizza in a tourist area in 2019. Was worth the car damage. Wouldn't want to deliver anymore because I don't think boomers have mentally adjusted tips to match inflation


That's still a decent income today, in spite of inflation. In 2019 it was crazy good.


but i still cant see it. i still cant. zakir would just go "see toldja, i dont even know how to hold pencil, ha! now will you mualaf"
and then for the priest "well who tol- oh wait that was the photographer. hes bald. old. neglected. kinda"

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Hey guys old user from the early 10s here. I only just discovered this place exists. If any of you are the lads from back in the day I hope you've done well in the time we had. I for one never truly believed the world would become this evil and insane yet here we are and its only getting crazier. I hope you're all safe and in good health despite it all. I wish I could go back and do it all again so I could make the most of the comparative innocence of those times. But I wouldn't take back those hours I wasted arguing pointless bullshit with any of you. What I learned from you guys has guided my life to a much happier place than I'd otherwise have ended up. Instead of remaining a nihilistic leftist narc I got my head straight, married a good girl and now we have a beautiful baby together. We are hoping for more. We got out of the cities and are dug in deep. It isn't a perfect life but it is good enough for us.

I came here to ask a question. There was a tripfag on old 4chon called diplomacy. He had a seed or a mega of a huge number of rare books on a huge variety of subjects. Is he still around? If not does anyone still have it? I had it on a USB drive but it got thrown out by accident. I really want it back, I hadnt read even a fraction of them and now I finally have time during baby watching duty. If not all good. I'll be content with having touched base with you all even if its anonymously. Never lose hope lads and remember the time we have is short. Blink and we will all be young fools who somehow grew old. Make the most of it.
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Generally speaking they are kept in this area via redlining. The Hispanics are in Central Omaha


My parents live in that subdivision, I saw that article too so I may be very very close to where be lived


They should put up Negroes Need Not Apply signs in Old Market to make it more authentic.


most faggots move torrenting to telegram which is annoying as hell.

i dont know, torrenting is fucking literally dead now.


don't tell me all of you are terrorgramshit cult or something. why are you all "dying"


12% is pretty low for a state's biggest city

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