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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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21 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


utter kino



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88 times total now
Never played any of the FF games


Old classic



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>tfw only 114 IQ
16 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


I think I've been called short exactly once in my life. Can't remember how she said it. Maybe it was "a bit short". But I remember she was a lefty uni girl, the short cropped dyed hair lebso type. Idk if she was trying it on, on me. But she was oddly persistent. Maybe just a brain fart that wafted too long in the air. She was angsty and annoying, muh feminism, maybe trying to bother me. Can't remember her name or I'd try and profile her


Oh and FWIW I am really attracted to tall women and/or women 5'10"+. *Gulp-in-mouth*-tier.

The way they stand there with their big space-taking-upsome fleshy soft mass. Hnng!


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Given your extremely short stature, you narurally see yourself in the position of a young child, and are attracted to taller women who remind you of your mother.


>who remind of your mother
He lives with his mother and I highly doubt that she's a tall exotic woman.



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A.I versions of your fave celebs. Post em.
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dont care had sex


How much did the boys pay you?


we need to bump this chemo thread to make goblinsaga depressed


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>wake up
>see this

what do


wake up again heh

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played some hypnospace, might play some smt3 or hmm3 later
ranma, votoms, galaxy express
my dehumidifier humming nonstop
stupid nigger posts on stupid nigger websites
fried rice


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you retards are NEL legion, and 82260 is the commander


I bought Mullet Madjack for a hyperactive zoomer friend of mine and he 100% it in two days heh. I knew he'd like it because he was an Ultrakill fan


Good lord

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friendly reminder
17 posts omitted. Click reply to view.




so his butt got gaped out or what?


fight me nigger


Where can I purchase one of those chairs?


wide ass

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You'll never get taken seriously with a face like this. Imagine getting mogged that hard by Shapiro - he looks like a hawk compared to him. He (first guy) looks like he'd get knocked out with a light punch. He needs to lie in some kind of face pulling contraption for a few week.
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1st is Sophie who I linked above, 2nd is Diana Conforti, 3rd is Abigail White


They get butthurt when you tell them that. I remember some e-thot blocked me back in the day just because I told her she looked ideal as-is and it would be retarded to get facial surgery, and now she looks like an alien.


I guess she's getting high off attention and keeps seeking more. Like a DRUG ADDICT! A damn drug addict!



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blue-eyed aryan kween BTFOs white moids

take notes sisters



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 No.65630[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread #1
188 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


how long before cobes' gf ruins his life?


New jupiter the hybrid fuckery featuring jupiter being trolled without their autistic brain realising it, includes cringe lel and smh



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how long until this nigga gets v&?


his life was ruined long before she showed up

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I juest fartreted


Fart one more time and you're a dead ringo, go back to your cage and cry m0ore you JEW



guys i have once again farted




>avid thread
that's an automatic sage from me

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The mainstream media is now talking about people dying from the covid vaccine:



wrong board retard



OP will die of AIDS even if he is unvaxxed

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what is love?
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I have no idea who you think you are but to taint Nihilus with your faggotry will absolutely and crucially come to bite you in the ass




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Americans didn't elect THIS?!


death to the two of them



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This is the comfy ASMR thread
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>crt monitors were kind of ewaste and weren't so common anymore with pcs in '03 that ran xp, were they?
No, because flatscreen monitors were still like 500+ dollars.
>90s and 2000s software still works in one form or another on current computers.
For a lot of old software it's rough. Better to use a VM if it comes to that though. Outside of making your own software as a hobby targeted at these platforms, really old hardware is useless, slow, power-consuming shit. Any quirky thing you could think to use them for could be done better by a micro-controller. Hardware from the late 2000s-early 2010s are still worth keeping though, because they're still functional and free of "smart" bullshit.


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it seems so easy and accessible it's right there just use it but the intended audience of these vids with some exceptions is probably is not going to go
- type something in search engine [0] and download some audio files [1] on their second/thirdhand 2014 win10 ltsc laptop [2] given by a family member and winamp 2.x [3] from some software archive [4] in like the 2nd google result [5] and click the exe [6] and click around and be reminded how janky and poorly made the ui actually is and maybe stare at the milkdrop visualisations for 10 minutes
- or get the Grand.Theft.Auto.San.Andreas-HOODLUM.iso [7] that 1.0 release specifically [8] with all the original audio included after finding out steam version has it cut [9] from archive.org[10] or rutracker [11] and widescreen & gui fixes[12] patch[13] from gtaforums [14] and replace [15] these files [16] (same with needforspeed2 and basically every other game unless it's something older or dos based or has a sourceport [17])

counting how many things may be beyond their attention span

they probly don't even want the real thing, but more 30s to 8 minute video essays on frutytuttybisexaero v.s. climatechange alt history by mr aestehticswiki youtube tranny. they aint going to play postal2


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tldr drugoid rambles

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why did He do it?
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Why is this negro dressed like an anime character?


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oh my g_d, so true based black bestie


is that a le heckin token niggerino?! basedpilled!


civic-nationalism is the most powerful ideology on the planet.


because you dont control the clothing industry?

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>The komodo dragon
>Giant squid
>even Kangaroos

Which other cryptids are likely actual creatures that will be discovered?
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NELviding much?


you seem upset


its a cool occult site where we worship dogi's fat milkers


drop a link, duder

I wanna tribute my queen



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Trans rights you bigots


gay thread lol


The right for sickos to abuse children and autistics?




You have the right to let me shoot you


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>trans rights

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Cast him in his biokinomatographique


...so is this how you spend your time in summer school?


I posed for this drawing


>circumcised pen0r
He was so close to perfection bros...


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>you wanna explain your little drawing to the rest of the class, anon?


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reminded me of this time back in primary school year 2001
we had a class imac with a simple painting program on it called kidpix delux
one feature of it was the ability to make a simple slideshow of backgrounds and basically animated sprites

well the premade sprites were kinda boring so i edited them into characters fucking and also being killed with blood and such spurting out
i assembled this into a slideshow with music and a story it took several weeks, for the boys

anyone this other tard in the class made some inappropriate image about another student and had to show the teacher during a quiet reading time in class
so of course to deflect trouble from himself he snitched on my work and the teacher played it right there

i just kept my head down as i heard the music playing and avoided the look of disgust he was giving me
a letter was sent home saying i made an obscene slideshow

wish i had kept a copy of the kidpix file

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