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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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>>At that time Jesus said to the crowd, “Have you come out with swords and clubs to arrest Me as you would an outlaw? Every day I sat teaching in the temple courts, and you did not arrest Me." (Christ Jesus our Lord, Matthew 26:55)

>"Then took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by." (John 8:59)

>but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple
>Jesus hid himself
>and went out of the temple
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I was going to bring that up myself, missed opportunity I guess heh


You wouldn't be able to tell if it had been spoken.


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Christianity in a nutshell


hiding this trash


lol neko arc, whatever

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need me a south korean bitch

they pussy taste like pepsi
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drank a pepsi today... got a boner


dubsi cola


They look incredibly high maintenance and useless for everything


ok but hear me out... pepsi


You want Pepsiman?


ok which one of you little fucking FAGGOTS had the waybackmachine scrub 4chon.net
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i bet it was the shrimp dick manlet foky


2024 kill stee


kill yourself


hi stee! we gon getcha


not stee
take meds


I know someone who got the vaccine twice and she says "i won't get the computer chip in my body! its the mark of the beast!".
She doesn't understand that the vaccine was the mark of the beast, we couldn't buy things if we were unvaccinated, just like the bible said...
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Rent free.


secure enough that youre crippled by paranoid delusions you couldnt brush off even if you tried




ok skitzo


gay thread


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Its a fitting name for the midget hambeast we call dwarf. Compared to smiley's impressive stature and erect posture you must seem like a mouse.


Have you seen smiley's chin before the surgery?


You have terrible english.


Smiley wishes this guy was him.


What a weirdo.


>permabanned from 4chan for posting a pic that has the n word on it
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lol, lamo even


whats the gayest shit youve ever done?

do you love being reamed by BBC?


>do you love being reamed by BBC?
And how!




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Mine's not as bad but still gay and retarded because the thread regularly has /pol/cucks, schizoposts, foot posters, and made up lolcows. People were joking that the janny is a tranny, but I think it's actually true.
Especially when it would've made more sense to ban my post for trolling, or just deleting it.
I can't even post on fucking /o/ without getting banned for retarded bullshit.
At least this chan seems cool, but a lot of the others are just flooded with /pol/cucks who want to post about shit like operation paperclip


Didn't watch all this (watched it 3 days ago) but it was illuminating. If this is accurate it sounds depressing to live somewhere like that. Though I'm kinda confused as to whether he's talking about cities or suburbs, a lot of the places he shows seem to be in-between. The anecdote starting from the 4min mark was great.
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like i'm not against remodeling cities to be less shitty, but i think there is a more important agenda against decentralization, private transportation and private property within the elaborate propaganda.

due to wfh having taken off i have no necessity to dwell for prolonged time in a city at all. it's where u go get your driver's license (even that can be mostly arranged through online lessons and private instructors though). everything is delivered already.


so i assume that the new economically-optimized soycialism urban communalism they want in the west takes no civil defense and event of nuclear war or similar catastrophe in the account, that there is no enemy, as per 'end of the history world peace democracy' 1980s imaginations. the rural areas then are for industrial scale farming only. i want to be a distance away from the multistory commieblocks and the surrounding 'critical infrastructure' when the drones and rockets begin to fly around, not in an ikea pod with no electricity, central heating and with overflowing plumbing.


Even though I hate needing a car, It's just pod-life propaganda pretty much.


The WEF wants to first depopulate the planet and then funnel the survivors into Judge Dredd style city hives heh


There's a reason commies always use something banal like a toothbrush with regards to their distinction between what personal property (stuff you're allowed to have) and private property (which they seek to abolish) is, because stuff on that level is all they think you should deserve. Computers, cars, hand tools, all of these things could be employed by normal people to sow and reap beyond their state-approved "needs", contributing to a "counter-revolutionary" "Second Economy"


how did he manage to get un-cancelled?
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Respect your elders!



he's right tho


shut up, nigger, avid doesn't need your agreement- he'll lick your erection no matter what


you wish


70 dollars for a little over a pound of meat! You'd think buying shitty freeze-dried meat in a can would be cheaper, but it's a total rip-off! "Emergency food" is a total scam, just buy chef boyardee or something!
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As long as it's not rice and beans. Imagine being the loser who eats rice and beans everyday. I'd sooner take a page from Alex Jones and eat my neighbors.

I don't know. Serving size is 39g, so probably like 2 pounds.

With some salt and ketchup I could eat it by itself. Taco seasoning just ruins perfectly good ground beef.


I just pan seared a steak the night before yesterday and I really want to do it again. I can get a whole ass pound of steak for the same price or cheaper than I can get a <4 ounce burger for so wtf am I doing not cooking every night huh? heh


Good point. I just hate the cleaning.


I think it might be a good idea to make a ton of burgers and freeze them. The Hispanic lady that used to live next door to me would spend a whole day making tamales to shove in her chest freezer. Maybe that's the best way.


takes less than a minute to clean your stainless steel pan with a stainless steel scrubber and hot water. you rack disciprine


Besides 4chon are you using any other altchans? If so, which ones?
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>mfw its better than here


still not clicking lol


oh no whatever will we do


hiding this shitty goblin thread now


muh goblogna

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this explains smiley
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Oh. Okay. (you) just wanted to post it because.


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When you binge you drink duck fat and it makes purging easier? Is that H'what are (you) saying?


I hate niggers.

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Because Krillin is kind hearted, strong and pure.
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based pubber



I pity the Japanese woman. She must be tormented by the fact that the law does not allow her to slightly change the genetic code of a Japanese and give birth to a daughter with natural blonde hair and wide eyes.
She probably spends a fortune on hair dye in her lifetime.


nah, her android genes are that GOATed

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What are the political implications of BWC reigning supreme forevermore?
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>first 30 seconds
>white women


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BWC chads... We won


This can be summarized as black up, yellow down


Anti-riceplowers have been thoroughly pwned. One of their favorite statistics has betrayed them.





>no dude dont unceremoniously kill me right here on the spot its le funny heckerino qweefarms prank ok just a little libertarian principles firstamendment freedom of speech trollign

i fucking hope that happens
on camera

it would be SOOOOO funny
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What are you crying about this time?



Yeah i don't know the context of this, why the woman was on the road etc. But the dash cam owner should not have escalated.


Had she used the starfire before popping me off on the highway, then wouldn't this be my heavenly pleasure today?


how did she escalate? she just kind of honked her horn at the woman


how cruel:'(

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not a bellend


literally sexual harassment, leave me alone.


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where pedophile idiots with dying parents come to die with their parents. based. thats the tagline

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