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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Is Cairo a "Walkable City"? Look at all those heckin' epic buserinos!
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So is your mind


Ah, who could forget, the infamously h'wite city: Cairo.
Surely a perfect example of what would be achieved in a walkable European city.


I don't think so.


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 No.41724[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

blog thread
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I just remembered that I'm here, forever.



Cia glow niggers.

Apparently saying the word nigger is considered "racebating".


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How ironic, or maybe not. These KIKES put green tea extract in some Mentos sugarfree gum and luckily I only had the 1 or 2 that didn't have the green tea in it, and so I didn't have caffeine (unless it does indeed have it and its just not listed). WHY would you need caffeine in gum? Getting sick of the tribe Jewing me over
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What's the problem with caffeine, anony?


I'm a drug free junkie


I just got done drinking a gallon of DXM


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Not him but here mine


Wow. This is where all the magic happens, huh?

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Anyone hungry for moar?
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I farted


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What are some stupid things you believed or misunderstandings you had as a child? I used to think spinning around like the Tasmanian devil was an effective fighting tactic and it really confused my karate teacher.
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2015 was just yesterday.


Yesterday was 650,000 years ago


650,000 years ago was 65,000,000 years ago


Never gets easier nigga


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 No.47159[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I turn 33 today, and I am drinking cheap wine and eating knock-off lunchables alone. I believe it was around MLK day when /new/ got deleted, so I've been posting on 4chon since I was 19. Pretty pathetic. I wonder what some of the tripniggers are doing now. I wish LF would give us one more update about his guinea pigs at least.
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I can't wait till that chonner posts your degenerate list smilesperg.


Yes, we are degenerate kindred in this tainted world.


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She's going to be okay. Somebody order her- a box of sex toys, wine, cats, cocai-OOPs


That webm is jokes

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Welcome to the only page on the internet
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Separation of church and state is what neutered Christianity and watered it down into a sports team or cosplay. Today's so-called Christians all oppose verses like Timothy 2:12, Leviticus 17–26 and Leviticus 20 for example.


I agree with separation of church and state. In god we trust, amen.


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Okay goy. Now time to swear on the bible in court. Put your hand on top of the bible, goy. Great job. Good goy. Top kek.


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Do you want to deep throat my cock?


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Ow dude n-not cool that w-was a hard boop


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Ouch, anon. That hurt my 2D vagina.

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There are 13 lunar cycles in one year. The moon and the sun are the perfectly sized for eclipse.
I'm not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim, but I believe someone (god, aliens, misc) did this so we would put together the pieces.
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[holds up spork]


Idk lol


Omg. You're not a normie. Thanks for identifying yourself. You're free to go now. I promise that I won't call the cyber police on (you)!


I'm in the proccess of doing so.
1. Go to doctor and say you have autism.
2. Now you're diagnosed, get lawyer and tell them you want autism bux.


It doesn't work that way and I hope you die in minecraft- very soon.

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All of these people have one very glaring, very obvious thing in common once you point it out.

I shall reveal after ten unsuccessful guesses.
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Avid had a gf retard


>>39512 us v. them huh aaaayea hea we go ageeein yea i know wat u be sayin its be like..

top top has decadent universal literacy, geneva convention, electricity and paved roads for the most part that the "trans-kids" and jewish bankers can safely ride their electric "bi-cycles" on to the "liberal-conservative" instagram-furbaby-owner-couple vegan novelty gourmet cafes powered by solar and wind power generators. below mostly exports malaria, pollution, antibiotics resistant illnesses, strong immune systems, softcore and hardcore cp (trad, ok), natural resources, ladyboys, death and a variety of drugs, in a trad and redpilled, ok way.

how did poles upset the twitter xir though?
also twitter users are outwardly more deranged than even imageboard users, like that's not a person but randomized collection of badges, sort of like religious icon/idol worship voodoo of the now with socially externalized element. it is also outright expresses of unfulfillable of desire for being validated as a perfecthuman, i want to see them progress in that for fun, what will they come up by the next year.


>tfw your country is among the bad guys



>Whose opinion matters the most?
Top middle!

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Why does everything have to be rebooted into an amorphous, formless, raceless, androgynous blob?
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Fimally a show with badass masculine characters for us male gym sweaty crotch sniffing sneaker pissing enthusiasts


Shut the hell up dogcunt




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Me on the left!!!!

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What's changed on 4chon? I haven't been around since 2010 and the /new/ exodus from 4chan. In 2014 I ended up on krautchan and after that died, kohlchan. Jews keep razing my fucking villages. Whats stee doing these days? Does anyone have the birth copypasta about newsmen and robots?
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Liberal feline transitioned and is now a woman, bigot.


The only thing he transitioned into was guinea pig food.


That's amazing. I remember when he named one of his hamsters smiley and ate it.


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We never got to VR with him in a totally non-erp way. What a sad timeline.


I never desired to hang out with that gerbal eating tranny but to each their own.

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 No.48392[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Dear 4chon,

My father is moving into an independent living facility and now I'll have to call up social services or whatever to find out what they're going to be able to do for my ass. I have to get my shit figured out in the next 2-3 months before my father and I part ways.


Thanks for reading my blog.

Please like, subscribe and upvote.
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i can fix them


God damn you're retarded.


Avid is getting gang banged 24/7 like sasha grey in those porn movies. Ending up like avid is a dream to some and avid has followed his dreams. How dare you try and use avid as some sort of example of what not to be. Everyone should follow their dreams. You should be proud of avid and not be a sad sack of shit.


Telling mentally ill people not to medicate. Kys.


I believe you.


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Can you do the ear rumbling thing?


I can do it but can't remember if I could do it before Is started doing DXM
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This shit is a backdoor for Communism but with a corporatist veneer.


I hear the rumbling in the morning, sounds like a plane but dont think it is



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Yes I can do it at will heh

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Does straight horror just suck? This was so boring
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>gay horror
I will not Google that CUZ I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!


What does he mean by "straight horror" though? I'm serious. I can't answer this question until I figure that out.


... probably straight sex missionary solely for procreation.



Probably thinking supernatural horror mostly. Best examples would be the Conjuring films. Maybe slashers too but they seem too obviously bad to even watch at all. I find a lot of Carpenter films to be really boring too with the obvious except of The Thing. Carpenter films are often really slow and boring. Ghost of Mars is an exception, and its sci-fi horror/thriller/action.

The boomer films I've watched recently have been very hit or miss but I think I'm understanding why, its because supernatural horror is mostly just boring to me. Carrie was bad, I only started watching it because it starts with a nude scene of a dozen schoolgirls in a locker room, obviously played by older women.

Black Sunday (1960) was really really good - it has some supernatural but its also Italian, drama and black and white so its flavoured in a really distinct way. All the Body Snatchers films are good with the first being by far the best.

The Cabin in the Woods (2011/2012) was good because it was satirical, same with M3gan. The other regular films about scary dolls like Annabelle just put me to sleep.

Maybe these films are for women.


by the time i was old enough to hire movies myself id basically lost interest in them
was deep into movies, especially horror as a tween/early teens and well we didnt hire videos very often and always at my parents discretion and we only had 3 tv channels so i had this big mental catalog of all the films i was gonna watch
used to read empire magazine and home theater magazines thinking of the big setup id eventually have
only later to find i didnt care about them..
ended up getting into more art type and alternative flicks and then basically nothing
was such an autistic tard

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