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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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>tfw you drive around delivering food for six hours for a 20 dollar profit
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If the employer provides you with a vehicle, it's a little less shit. Still pretty shit if you don't live near a lot of fair tippers (which is a non-factor in civilized countries I suppose). Stuff like Uber seems like a big scam because of the toll it takes on your vehicle.


it depends on the hours but traffic is also a nightmare where I live. But this is not an issue if you're on a moped or scooter.


in the UK that is where theres lots of overpopulation in the southeast where I do my bits


I made $46/hour at the most lucrative delivering pizza in a tourist area in 2019. Was worth the car damage. Wouldn't want to deliver anymore because I don't think boomers have mentally adjusted tips to match inflation


That's still a decent income today, in spite of inflation. In 2019 it was crazy good.


but i still cant see it. i still cant. zakir would just go "see toldja, i dont even know how to hold pencil, ha! now will you mualaf"
and then for the priest "well who tol- oh wait that was the photographer. hes bald. old. neglected. kinda"

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Well, 4chon?
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So it seems so it seems.


oh yeah baby just keep on rollin'


ur as honest as a kike or indian
also min number 1 is incorrect so u automatically get 80-84, no refunds


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Rude and gay.



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Hey guys old user from the early 10s here. I only just discovered this place exists. If any of you are the lads from back in the day I hope you've done well in the time we had. I for one never truly believed the world would become this evil and insane yet here we are and its only getting crazier. I hope you're all safe and in good health despite it all. I wish I could go back and do it all again so I could make the most of the comparative innocence of those times. But I wouldn't take back those hours I wasted arguing pointless bullshit with any of you. What I learned from you guys has guided my life to a much happier place than I'd otherwise have ended up. Instead of remaining a nihilistic leftist narc I got my head straight, married a good girl and now we have a beautiful baby together. We are hoping for more. We got out of the cities and are dug in deep. It isn't a perfect life but it is good enough for us.

I came here to ask a question. There was a tripfag on old 4chon called diplomacy. He had a seed or a mega of a huge number of rare books on a huge variety of subjects. Is he still around? If not does anyone still have it? I had it on a USB drive but it got thrown out by accident. I really want it back, I hadnt read even a fraction of them and now I finally have time during baby watching duty. If not all good. I'll be content with having touched base with you all even if its anonymously. Never lose hope lads and remember the time we have is short. Blink and we will all be young fools who somehow grew old. Make the most of it.
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Generally speaking they are kept in this area via redlining. The Hispanics are in Central Omaha


My parents live in that subdivision, I saw that article too so I may be very very close to where be lived


They should put up Negroes Need Not Apply signs in Old Market to make it more authentic.


most faggots move torrenting to telegram which is annoying as hell.

i dont know, torrenting is fucking literally dead now.


don't tell me all of you are terrorgramshit cult or something. why are you all "dying"


12% is pretty low for a state's biggest city


I have a really big secret to share with (you) 4chon.

The big secret reveal:

I am smart.
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ok, magic man, if you're so smart then tell me how to cure autism in a span of 12 minutes NOW ass


Kys. Problem solved. You're welcome.



An autismo that doesn't know how to load a gun. That checks out.


You know all about loads, Avid

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what's some alternative method to employ sprite rotation without too much coding? like i can use objects to specific number 1 to 10 as sprite direction but then other object wont work as well like turning directions
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>Feels like Python and Rust have taken everything over-and I have never heard anything positive about the latter tbh

Rust is popular because certain kinds of people find memory management in C++ scary. From what I understand from a rather brief dive into it years ago rust is essentially C++ with a whole bunch of you-can't-do-that's built in for "memory safety" and a garbage collector constantly running to ensure that every program written in the language runs like absolute crap (much like java). A soy language if there ever was one.

The kind of people who enjoy it are the same kind of people who constantly tell you it's very very important to download security updates for your computer, but can't explain why.


>rust is essentially C++ with a whole bunch of you-can't-do-that's built in for "memory safety" and a garbage collector constantly running to ensure that every program written in the language runs like absolute crap (much like java).
Rust does not have a garbage collector, its runtime performance is equal to C and C++.

I'd actually be happy if companies switched to Rust away from JavaScript (Node/Electron), which is what they're using now and turning everything into complete shit. It's the reason why basic applications today take at least hundreds of MBs of RAM and load more slowly instead of a few MBs that their equivalents in the late 90s and 2000s took. They're not going to switch to Rust though, because Rust lacks an established GUI software framework to Node and Electron, corporations do not like to take such risks. The Rust faggots are instead too busy antagonizing C and C++ developers, telling them that they must all be replaced, that all their programs they worked hard on are "unsafe" and therefore they must all be "re-written in Rust" (which would have absolutely no perceivable benefit to the users of these programs unlike the slow shitty bloated Node/Electron apps).

The problem with Rust and C++ is their compilation times. Rust has something called "monomorphization of generics", and C++ has something called "templatization of generics." These fundamental features alone cause compilation of Rust or C++ source code to take several times longer to compile than equivalent C source code. And this has been getting exponentially worse for every single new C++ version released (e.g. C++98, C++11, C++17, C++ 23, etc.), specifically their standard libraries, that compilers have to support. If you're an employee of a corporation than yeah you probably wouldn't give a shit because your employer is paying to you sit around twiddle your thumbs while you wait for your C++ source code to compile. This is terrible for productivity. Rust is apparently even worse than C++ with this. This is why I don't use C++ for personal projects, I'm not going to buy the latest i9-12900K or whatever every time just so C++ compilation is barely tolerable. Did you know that compilation of the "Chromium" web browser (written in C++) is frequently used as a CPU benchmark in CPU reviews, because it takes several hours to compile tPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


those are abit too much code.

also how to make reflection/inversion(of line(form)) more correctly to its base


Why is everything you post upside down?


He's posting from the southern hemisphere I think.

 No.38724[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is there anywhere people post relics from the OG chon here?

Screenshots, threads, memes?
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your trolls are shit


those are screen caps of someone who was stupid enough to become a 4chon mod, a very gullible and low iq individual, they could never even figure out when I was ban evading. thats why it was so easy for steesatsu to trick them into believing that 'STI' was a real person not just a new nickname. steesatsu invented the STI character because he stupidly dox'd himself shortly before 4chon formally opened for business (because he thought he was going to open a software business selling imageboard software lmoao) and so he did want it to seem like he was personally responsible for 4chon, so he invented "STI" to lay the blame on.


>they could never even figure out when I was ban evading
Heh is that you imageboard terrorist?


so much nostalgia in this thread. fug


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Happy new years eve!
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My parents want me to go over for lunch, but I don't want to. I'm sick of leaving the house already.


if dubs then nuclear armageddon happens this year


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let's flippin go



I aint watching that shit.

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>laptop charger doesn't charge unless it is plugged in at a slight angle and even then you have to fiddle with it a little bit for the charge indicator to light up
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I cant believe someone glued a concrete paving slab to his back


>>95500 (checked)
now avid is gonna try to suck your charger


this is my whole life. When you life in small apartment, you can't..

uh, it's totally my fault. I can probably stick the cables in some place insetad of constantly touching them and pushing them for bed....

I will say one thing though, using charges on a bus is so awkward.


it's funny how conivnient I found such thread.
My PC starts making weird noises now, probably from videocard, I think it might be related to not getting enough power, however it started rather abruptly so most unlikely.

I want to send it but i have 4080... so, this shit is heavy to take with yourself....
I wonder how I should go about that shit.

I need some kind of cart wheel, my progress has been deleted TWICE already because for some reason it would crash or when i put it to sleep mode die off.
And of course, yyes, I am using Intel! How did you figure out?!!!! :F


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lol wtf are you saying


no, it was you who ate a shit-colored dick, kikevid! stop imagining yourself as other people's mothers!

he and smiley should both die on the front lines in ukraine


you are gay
>he and smiley should both die on the front lines in ukraine
damn that was heckin edgy dude


yea, I bet you were edging while you read it, fag.


you wish faggot

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Calling an escort is so much cheaper compared to having a relationship.
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I, at this moment, endorse escort usage.


>My point was simply twofold-
>1. Reproduction is not required to be of genuine value
>2. If reproduction is not obtainable to the extent and quality desired, then it may make more sense to get rid of this desire rather than strive to obtain it

Fair enough.

>Anyone who wants to reproduce now in 2024 has their values ass-backwards. Wait until after 2030 and collect warbrides.

It is unlikely that there's going to be any sort of definitive collapse until we're all long dead. Maybe we'll live to see it when we're old as shit, which brings me to one of the reasons that I do think it's important to breed, a classic one. Who's going to take care of you when you are old? I don't want to be tortured by shitskins at some old folk's home, I'll tell you that much. Secondly, I want people with better sensibilities to inherit post-America. It is an ideal time to supplant the "elites" after they have effectively killed themselves.


>Who's going to take care of you when you are old?
As someone with children I intend to sudoku when I become a senile burden. The childless should act similarly dignified methinks

>Secondly, I want people with better sensibilities to inherit post-America



definitely cheaper these days to hire an escort than a quality chick. women are demanding more than ever these days. fucking cant keep up


sounds like a you problem, I fuck constantly a fresh bitch every night


opne request. have at me alot of things you wanna see drawn.
or post a whole listography or paste bin. or ai reference whatever.
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pigsaga trying to normalise ugliness will never not be hilarious


if you think these are wall hags you need your eyes tested



At least half of them are hags coated in makeup. Even this pic looks like some sort of weird fashion model. Anorexic, scraggly hair, aging.

You're extremely gay and fucking creepy too. It's like watching an alien pretend to be human.


you're just gay


fuck u all

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Delete this shithole of a site, go to skibidifarms.st




eat shit and die


>>96666 (checked)
that's a gay porn site


Perfect for avid. Off you go then, homo.


i think it's more your thing tbh

 No.51512[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a real candid video of smileys biological mother.
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Nevar 4get his moms gigantic milkers


she has bif tits wow that's rare


yes, we know you prefer big willies


the fuck are you talking about


I'm talking about how gay you are, FoKvidtasm

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 No.92008[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Mummy Milkers Edition
You may live to see shitty remakes beyond your comprehension.

Previous thread: >>>/lounge/85648
Archive: https://archive.is/hiK2N
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Did they remove gender dysphoria from the DSM V or something?


Gender variations in Pokemon debuted in gen 4.


Windows 11 is janker than linux now. You need to do a similar amount of arcane bullshit to accomplish a task.

Thanks jeets.


Gen one last good gen fite me

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