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 No.95935[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Ey, uh, heh-heh just, uh startin' uh, 'nother thread, y'know? Heh-heh...
Previous: >>>/lounge/92661
Archive: https://archive.is/U6or6
More Previous: >>>/lounge/89101
More Archive: https://archive.is/mwjOu
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I think most forums and imageboards are suffering, although the retard invasion definitely accelerated 4chon's death.

But it might have been inevitable. I use other boards other than this one and they've all been on the decline. The internet as a whole is pretty dead now.


Outside of shitboards or everything? I had a MySpace for a moment like 20+ years ago and then I checked out of all that crap. Guessing Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok are all pretty similar.


I use a couple ancient phpbb forums. They've weathered the enshittification of the internet better than imageboards honestly. Still fairly active, or at least comparable to a website like zzzchan.

As far as imageboards go, zzzchan seems like one of the faster altchans I've been on recently and even it is pretty damn slow. 2016 era 4chon, after HDV took it over, was faster.

Facebook, reddit, twitter etc are absolutely flooded with bots. Probably 60% or more of all posts are just bots now. Hard to say how many real human beans use those platforms.


>I use a couple ancient phpbb forums
Not gonna ask which, used to sign up for a lot of those, but don't care to see which ones are still alive in any sense. I use zzzchan, too, but it's not a great board. Not one of the many schizo retards complaining about deserved bans all the time, but the place certainly is ban-happy. I am banned until two days from now over a word filter and I have absolutely no idea what word it was. I reposted 3/4 of what I initially meant to say on another connection and it went through fine. It certainly wasn't anything like promoting soyjaks or other obvious 4chan terminology.

I don't think I can use any other shit besides imageboards now, even if there are still traditional php boards up. I like lengthy discussions, but I also like engaging with sudden shit-talk, which isn't an endearing characteristic.


phpbb boards are really locked down. Some of them have less modfaggotry than others but you still don't have a lot of freedom to express your opinions. They're nice places to discuss extremely specific topics but you don't dare go outside of that.

Given the state of a lot of imageboards now, 4chan and zzzchan included, it's probably about the same though. You can and will get banned for literally anything on most ibs. Jim Profit was right about mods, it seems.


dogisager is posting selfies on mintboard
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you're disgusted by heterosexual sex? are you one of those avids I've heard so much about?


What do you think dogi's juicy cunny smells like?


Mule genitalia, feces produced from McDonald's fries and sandwiches


Stop I can only get so erect...





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 No.3337[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

In this thread we will talk about anything related to sleep, dreams, nighttime, etc
271 posts and 53 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I h-h-hope so, anon


Fell asleep at work and dreamt that I was hired to work security at a mall restaurant by Douglas from Silent Hill 3. My job was me doing absolutely nothing but sitting in the back room staring at a screen. At one point the restaurant got overfilled so they had to bring a large family to use a table that basically used the whole room and I had to try to stay out of the way. It was too hectic so I went out the rear door for some fresh air, which is when Douglas showed up down at the gates by the sitting area, whistling at me to join him. When I did, I woke up.


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You get to sleep at work?


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Two dreams during the same sleep: First one, I killed myself by jumping off a building I initially parkoured my way up to. Second one, I was back in high school. Sweet eighteen all over again, final day of school. Class is told that we absolutely need to have our lockers cleared out by today or everything will get tossed. Realize that I procrastinated way too long and my locker is stuffed with school books and personal books. Entire dream is me taking out and separating them, then taking the school books to where they belong. At the end of the day, the teacher is handing out final reviews with parents in attendance. Get called up, teacher and principal show me all the negative written remarks my teachers ever made of me, I say "well it could have been worse", my parents and the teacher and the principal laugh, and then my mom makes this remark about how I pinched pennies by not spending money on lunch so I could instead spend it on books. In wondering how she could possibly know I was doing that, I then realize that I'm not eighteen, that I already graduated, and the dream collapses in on itself right as I start thinking of all the things I could do differently.

Brother, I do jack shit at work. I'm the only one there and don't have to worry about seeing anybody until maybe the last hour. It's kinda cash money.

 No.84440[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

cringe thread
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good thing you're posting all these half-baked or outright retarded opinions in the cringe thread, makes sense


every thread on 4chon.me is a cringe thread full of unsolicited opinions


Damn Avid, you're pms'ing like a real woman.


not your boogeyman + no argument. maybe cherrypick a better screenshot to make your stupid case next time, sport.


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y u mad tho

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 No.96105[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Prev: >>87023
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wtf I hate trump now!?


>fake eyebrows
Yep, that's a Hispanic. Send her back and take away her magic marker. It's probably stolen.


>sucking jew cock was fine
>deporting a few baddies is the line
priorities, nigga


I can fix her.

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 No.96470[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Previous thread: >>>/lounge/92008
Archive: https://archive.ph/dqNN7
102 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Pretty good heh. What's your character name? I'm scaaarvy joe.



a lot of these kids don't seem to know about the hold left-click charge attack
or how it acts as a way to sprint through the map if you spam it,
giving you an advantage in collecting coins sooner than others


Pretty sure they're playing on their phones. It must be a huge disadvantage.

I've been chasing after people and they just swing in the air facing away from me, so I think it's some kid hammering on his phone in panic. When there's only two of us left, I like to sit in the centre of the circle while the poison slowly creeps in, and wait for my last foe to come to his death.


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shrek'd a nazi chud @ 0:38
dis k-hive land now bitch


If you get a pet you'll heal by running into it or standing still. Can be useful if you get an unlucky hit at the beginning.

Game is good but once you reach a certain size it's all over. Pretty hard for smaller players to make a comeback. Also noticing that at aztec and beyond you're obviously running into a lot more computer users rather than phone kids. One guy's name was "CNCOwner" heh.

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 No.90573[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Post about autists, retards, trannies, pedophiles, drug addicts and/or grifters lacking the sense not to constantly air their dirty laundry online. Also post about the chronically online autistic, retarded, transgender, pedophilic, drug-addicted grifters whomst stalk them.

Previous thread: >>>/lounge/65630
Archive: https://archive.is/nD6mO
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You can hate the brown footmen in addition to the kikes and their shabbos collaborators.


It's easy to be right every once in awhile when you change your stance on things every other week.


True. A broken clock is right, twice a day.



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Post all of your black history month posts in this thread

The first black history month thread on /his/ was doubles
black history month bros, we are winning




How to invest money?
What is a wise investment in 2025?
All of my money is slowly dying in a bank account right now
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Why would she take her clothes off to keep him warm? Seems counterintuitive.


Probably the best animated hentai I've ever seen.

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Whatever you want. Find something interesting? Post it.
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Uh... gay?



das it

ZOMG just like skyrim!!!!!!


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Where do I find a collection of all the smuggies?
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Before this thread I didn't realize how widespread the smuggy phenomenon was and what a vast variety of smuggies existed


Smuggies were great, a million times better than soyjaks. There is one I used to have and can't find. It was a muslim ranting about anti-immigration. One of the things he said was "THAT SOUNDS A LITTLE LIKE A GUY I KNOW CALLED ADOLF SHITLER".



Heh that's a great and useful one on /pol/. It gets tiring just quoting the actual Bible


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found another smiggy


What's Smileburg been up to? Minecraft, of course.
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That merely set the stage


Smiley is an ass wipe and blames everyone else for the dumb shit he does. I bet learningcode actually did nothing. Vid related as smiley with the gun.


>>98222 (checked)
I hear that learningcode died from one of those birth defects that jews get from inbreeding




If only.


How to weld mica sheets


>also if you made too often a fault you d need to do alof of correct to, rewire your head?

i was told we need to 'visualize' what we need to draw, but while that worked drawing usual way, it domt work upsidedown. i do not visualize it upside down tho. but it shd have worked as easily.

how do i fix it? the general pose is form is right, but i cant get the pose.
also thtas not a kick
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>>97899 mhmmm maybe later. i am almost making a breakthrough

other than that, its not even 6 digit minus brush thickness
>you need to, memorize it.


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> 6 digit minus brush thickness
Are you trying to tell us the size of your cock?




You never answered the question.


What question

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