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 No.79414[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

They're doing this to me tomorrow.
117 posts and 49 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.







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devcuck's father dies of lung cancer
devcuck and the rest of the discord chomos on this empty husk die of AIDS along with avid
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He is butthurt because he cares about this site. I have sympathy for him, but I hope he isn’t too attached to whatever other forum he uses, because clearly the good image he has of a community in his mind is easily shattered. Despite jumping through hurdles to stop CP spam, despite nobody posting loli or anything like that, despite even rarely coming up as a subject we're "chomos" for ragging on him for overreacting to some chink thot's tiktok.
I also did think he was avid at first, because I've only ever seen britcucks use terms like "nonce" and "chomo". if frieren poster is also an anglo his oversensitivity on this matter makes a lot of sense.


He posted a bunch of voice clips a couple months ago tormenting avid (which was pretty funny at the time tbh) and he had a very American voice. His histrionic behavior certainly mirrors avid's though.


You know what this reminds me of? When Tristan would go on rants about how he lost faith in us, because people wouldn't stop making Ben Garrison edits. I wonder what he's doing now.


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I suffer every day without a qt elf gf.

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Where do I find a collection of all the smuggies?
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Does CNN model their content on smuggies?


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found another


several classics right here


Anyone have one going
>Yeah well, Europeans are immigrants and colonisers therefore that makes filling your country with a radically different culture and people okay!
>No I don't view that as a punishment, diversity is our strength

Because low IQ people with no critical thinking are bandying that one around a lot lately


found a smuggy on krautchan

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Whatever you want. Find something interesting? Post it.
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I AM NOT a bot....


Autism girls are pretty cute.


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Yeah, that's pretty fucked.


This is how urbanoids should live.

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 No.98972[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

It's that time again. Fug. 8-D
Previous: >>>/lounge/95935
Archive: https://archive.ph/N9v7R
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Ai somehow manages to be a bigger scam than blockchain.


Feels like they did it intentionally to flex on Americans heh.


Thank you. Already using this information to harass boomers


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McDonald's dethroned by Chinese Restaurant

>Mixue Bingcheng is a Chinese bubble tea and ice cream chain with more than 45,000 restaurants worldwide as of September 2024, while the number of McDonald’s restaurants all over the world is around 41,800, according to Statista via Chowhound.

>The Asia-based fast-food chain is known for selling soft-serve ice cream cones for one yuan (15 cents) and drinks ranging from between 2 to 8 yuan (30 cents to $1.20).


Tired of gas station pajeets not putting prices on anything in their store. They're probably ripping people off.

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 No.90573[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Post about autists, retards, trannies, pedophiles, drug addicts and/or grifters lacking the sense not to constantly air their dirty laundry online. Also post about the chronically online autistic, retarded, transgender, pedophilic, drug-addicted grifters whomst stalk them.

Previous thread: >>>/lounge/65630
Archive: https://archive.is/nD6mO
292 posts and 115 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I'm sure Indians still use your normalfag app despite the ban, autismo.


I think culturally they tend to gravitate toward any platform that has a monetization scheme. Indians are obsessed with the grindset and constantly trying new schemes to make a few rupees. The only reason they use facebook is to post ai generated shrimp jesus pictures to make a few cents when it trends with boomers.


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>Unfortunately, they are going to make us go extinct.

so i aint replying to him. i just wanted to post something. but i am not really into political guy thing
i really like that song and dont know many places where I nomad, i dont like pedokultur or whatever but dont want to wait 800 fucking seconds each time i open 4chan with vpn... oh wait vpn is banned, i do not trust the site though i like some of the posters sadly. anyway here is song listen and enjoy while you can because gooning kills your soul instead.
>maximum file size is xx
nevermind, sorry. i guess you cant have music either.


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>Ramsey's (Johnny Somali's) first day of trial just concluded, he was 1 hour late and came in with his roommate Hank. Both Ramsey's lawyer and Ramsey had no idea about the new charges so they pushed the next trial date for 3 weeks from today, April 9th.

>Ramsey faces a total of 4 charges, 2 counts of obstruction of business and 2 violations of the minor crimes act. Today, he pled GUILTY to 1 count of obstruction (convenience store) and 2 counts of the minor crimes act (dead fish harassment & disrupting subway / bus)



>Is Johnny Somali (Ramsey Khalid Ismael) going to receive a fifth charge? Well, through a drunken daze, it looked like #johnnysomali confirmed it. Legal Mindset gives an explanation about this new charge... You shouldn't have used those deepfakes, Johnny, but thank you! #deepfake

>Once formally indicted by prosecutors, this new charge will likely be a separate case in the Eastern District. Many other uncharged crimes occurred in this District as it is Johnny Somali's residence (Hank Yoo's officetel apartment in Jamsil).

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 No.99647[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

trannys have once again decided that they're going to kill 4chan
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that frieren cosplayer sure does got a purdy mouth


If this guy grew a long beard he'd look like a comical gnome instead of a creeper


Looks like a downie to me.

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 No.96105[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Prev: >>87023
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 No.96744[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

new /meta/ thread
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I think the crazies scare off the normal people.


You are probably abnormal if you're still using backwater imageboards in 2025


normies don't even use 4channel- they hear about how ebil it is from true-crime youtubers and wonder why it isn't shut down by the FBI


False. 4chan is reddit 2.0. Only prime nigger-cattle could post through that captcha or actually pay for 4CHAN GOLD.


A surprising number of facebook normies use the site. It's one of the hotspots for qtard boomer types.

 No.38724[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Is there anywhere people post relics from the OG chon here?

Screenshots, threads, memes?
287 posts and 213 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I figured as much. In the same vein, I used to have a screencap of right before Stormchan went down and Dievas was asking for money for a trip with his sick mom. Some kind of kickstarter. But that seems to be completely lost now.


>Even smiley's face is in poor taste


Giraffe was supposed to dig up smileys list off his hard drive but now....


Isn't he dead?


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 No.96470[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


Previous thread: >>>/lounge/92008
Archive: https://archive.ph/dqNN7
261 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I honestly can't imagine speed running without trannies, they seem to be ubiquitous to the hobby.


Probably some Korean MMO
Crazy to think that a decade ago the trannyism cult had barely just started taking off.


Crysis still looks amazing to this day. I think in terms of design Skyrim is probably near the top as well. Despite the actual technology being pretty rough, the map designers did a great job at making a realistic feeling world.



Probably going to pick this up, it's $3 right now. Feels like this is maybe one of the few RTS games that slid past me back in the day heh


It's a good game. The best of the stronghold series.

 No.88474[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

/ck/ thread.
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That's an expensive meal now.


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>mmm, yummy


>eating eggshells like some kind of weirdo


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Haha, I am such a first-world civilized white collar citizen-cosmopolite - I don't do heavy labor, so I have more time and the hygiene and cleanliness is my top priority. I do have to emphasize that I shower, it's not just about a basic comfort. There is nothing like a shower in the morning, every morning. I take a shower every day, to be clean. 2 times a day at least, but normally 3 or 4 times a day. Hot shower. I need to remind you that I am taking a quick shower. I am beautiful. Cold shower. Quick shower. You know where you can find me. Exactly. I don't do anything else really, but shower, dry and and change. Always in a towel or bathrobe. I haven't showered for 4 hours, you know what that means - time for a quick shower. I need to be moist again. I need to be clean. So clean, such a first world white collar social classfsdfafsdfsdf
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Having a bath every other day or so is one of lifes sweetest luxuries. It's really good.


Just took a shower after sweating my balls off on an exercise bike(That I got for free, because someone put it on the curb for trash day).


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but I already do own house although I'd preffered it not being de goddamn Ruzzia.


i own it already doe


replied to ancient thread award
flood detected award

 No.55578[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Comfy Vidya Spin-Off Thread: OSTs

In this ITT thread we post video game OST songs that stick in our head and are kino

I'll start

Katana Zero
>Sneaky Driver
174 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Is this the same guy who made the (excellent) ragnarok ost?


(It's actually a team of a few people but yeah, same guys)

Probably the best ost to a game I never played lol heh


Thought it seemed familiar. A shame that mmos are garbage skinner boxes disguised as games.


I would have given this game a try if I knew it existed lol.



Anyone understands how is this done or made like the theory of it? Also I want it to have the hands move too, how do you do so
31 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>schizo delusion in r/greentext_story format
>hurr ur here forever hurr i said the line mama!1
Nah, not here for much longer. Cliche-poisoned pedophile nigger. Not going to start using avid's dead board either.



This bitch is as plastic as your soul.


Getting tired of this nonsense.


>>99655 (dragon dub Z)
hey, santa, why don't we flip the script? leave your sack on the sleigh and come empty out mine

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