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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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what's some alternative method to employ sprite rotation without too much coding? like i can use objects to specific number 1 to 10 as sprite direction but then other object wont work as well like turning directions
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You clearly didn't pay attention in Indonesian sharia faggot class, so I'm not going to waste my time deciphering your retarded brown scribbles. Learn English or kill yourself, preferably the latter.


Whats a sharia? Are you some, uh, dates? Kurma? Bad valentine? That explains a lot.
This is boring. Please hug a c4 maybe. It's my only suggestion.


>incoherent monkey shrieking
Your country should be bombed to dust and a parking lot should be paved above a mass grave with your remains in it.


it's really not that deep, why are so invested and subsequently angered this much by posts here?


It's not normal to casually mention fucking kids in a White nation. I'm sure that comes as a shock to a shitskin pedophile like you. You should be tortured to death.


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Let him keep going.


let him know, although I suspect he won't listen


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Grab your popcorn everyone.


Cringewiz and his telekinesis community.


why are you so intent on bullying smiley anyway?


opne request. have at me alot of things you wanna see drawn.
or post a whole listography or paste bin. or ai reference whatever.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


obviously. next


Draw me being penetrated in all my holes by big black penises!


draw something that doesn't look like shit drawn by a complete retard


Who's me
Be more elaborate


Draw "Handsome Squidward" heh

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 No.90262[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

new /meta/ thread
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Get new material. Your constant projection is beyond stale.


says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less


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There's a ton of Maple Story flags. Can we get a Maple Story chicken flag?


the black one is lovely


They're unironically superior


cringe thread
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Avid's sister?




This woman gets piped by black men every friday while avid watches.


guys like the gypsy crusader literally do the thing she's making fun of

to 12yos on omegle


Nerve gas

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They're doing this to me tomorrow.
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you coon nigger



Beautiful White Women thread #3
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It's a tranny.


how do you know?


Masculine looking body and face, fake tits.


to be fair alot of actual women look like that though


y'all have tiny ass penises

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 No.92008[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Mummy Milkers Edition
You may live to see shitty remakes beyond your comprehension.

Previous thread: >>>/lounge/85648
Archive: https://archive.is/hiK2N
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Artsy walking simulator. Only a few hours of "gameplay", but it's free on Steam. Some parts are really trippy, so might be fun if you're really high on psychedelics or dissociatives. Worth a playthrough.


>implying I care about other people



absolute garbage


Cool heh


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 No.92661[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Nu blog soyim

Prev: >>89101
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crack, weed, alcohol, cocaine, MDMA, speed, spice, mushrooms, salvia


Damn no wonder you're so fucked in the head LOL


The bad: My supervisor has gotten it into his head that the warehouse might be switching to a new site sometime next year and we could be out of our jobs, but it's all based on his "truly expert" investigation skills. Still, the chances of him being right are enough to worry. Every flippin time things go right aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

The good: A qt trad natsoc Youtuber I used to watch has come back to the platform. She can't do politics anymore but has been rambling on about esoteric stuff. Still cute. Still looks like an elf.

>kratom, used for fun regularly for a few months
<Involved feeling like death and vomiting for 24 hours
Sounds like a real blast. Why don't more people make themselves wish they were dead for fun.


frieren is bretty cute heh


I was specifically talking about what withdrawal was like


Got any big personal goals or challenges planned for 2025? Let's think about what we'd done right and where we'd gone wrong in 2024-and how to make 2025 our Best Year Ever!

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I hate weebs and anime so fucking much


Need nigger gf.




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>It doesn't fucking matter
so it doesn't matter that I've made positive posts
>shit this place up
and just what do you think youre doing right now?
>I don't give a fuck if you're all sunshine and rainbows on your dead bunker, stupid nigger.
of course you dont, because that would conflict with the narrative you're trying to spin
>You're going to cherrypick posts not made by me or made by me to mock your nasty proclivities. Not an argument.
I'm not, I'm going to link you all of the posts made with that godawful flag
>Not an argument.
literally how not?
>It's making fun of you and what you do, you braindead crackbaby.
what i do? what would that be?
>you braindead crackbaby.
strawmanning again here
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>autistic wall of text denial
>b-b-but ur replying to me its ur fault too...!!1
Yeah, I'm done babysitting your faggot ass for the evening. Going to do something more fun with my night. Have fun pretending that being perpetually bitchy and cynical is having a real personality. You are the posterboy for euthanizing retards.


>autistic wall of text denial
I'm sensing that you're copping out
>b-b-but ur replying to me its ur fault too...!!1
it literally is, I take responsibility, seemingly you cannot
>Yeah, I'm done babysitting your faggot ass for the evening. Going to do something more fun with my night.
good, don't come back
>Have fun pretending that being perpetually bitchy and cynical is having a real personality.
when did i say that?
>You are the posterboy for euthanizing retards.
you always end your posts with a cringe sentence in that same tone



I like how almost all of these are just calling you autistic and telling you to die. Moving goalposts. Thanks for playing retard, better luck next time.

 No.75838[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

retard nigger spic tranny faggot kike spammed first one well past bump limit
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why are you always caught up between penetrating little baby, penetrating lil childrens, or penetrating teenagers? what are you? cantina sized rice ball?

heres your your... (what was it?...) pornhub group screenshot? damn i had something funnier but you beat me wih your retarded second man joke being a penneprator


>erm strawman means when i dont like you pointing out my freudian slips
Hey look, it's your fellow ESL shitskin pedophile who also randomly brings up minors unprompted. You retards need a suicide pact.


look retard
this post is worded immaturely
that's it, there's nothing more to it than that, it's pointed it out, the end, you went and accused me of being a pedophile for pointing out that a post was worded immaturely
>Hey look, it's your fellow ESL shitskin pedophile who also randomly brings up minors unprompted. You retards need a suicide pact.
that's not my friend at all, damn you really are NEL aren't you


>avid mentions minors because she has them on the brain
>damn you really are NEL aren't you

Good job derailing another thread because you got triggered over a video of a retard singing a shitty song, by the way. Dipshit.


that's literally what you did though
it's true though, you're the one telling me to kill myself over and over
>Good job derailing another thread because you got triggered over a video of a retard singing a shitty song, by the way. Dipshit.
yes, I derailed it all by myself didn't I, that one post derailed the entire thread, if you didn't respond to me it would have just been another post in the thread

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 No.87023[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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dey look like bughumanoids whose beady-eyed perpetually smiling humanfaces are only a facade for the prey and pointy long spiderlegs dripping in sticky acid are to pop out of their mouths


big if tru


they loudly shriek and projectile vomit acid all over to blind and paralyze you


fucking hell.. why aren't more people talking about this


i'm 2 sips into today's second serving of acrid cafe bustelo coffee mellowed by organic Kalona low temp vat pasteruized, non homogenized whipping cream

gf is napping last i checked. i am probably going to wake her in the next half hour. but first i have to write up a coffee tier list.

top tier: Death wish

good tier: Peets, black rifle reble motorcycle coffee company

meh tier: starbucks, mcdonalds, dunkin donuts, seattles best, Kroger store brand

bad tier: YUBAN, Folgers, Maxwell house, Doller General store brand, STOK

what i'm not sure of is where in this tier list to put Cafe bustelo. It tastes pretty bad but in a nice way like a cigar or something

it snowed here last night and I shoveled and sweeped a bit this morning while wearing socks and flip flops. My retard boomer neighbor Terry was using a wheeled snow blower on his steps. imagine how bad your OCD would have to be to use a wheeled snow blower on steps. Terry also mows his hill using a rope to pull a push mower up and down the hill while standing at the top of the hill.


I like Bustelo and also this brand, Cafe Caribe. ARE coffee


Listen Chad. I hope you and your gf wind up as gore spam on /b/.


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I have been drinking tea for a couple of months now. It's superior to coffee imo


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I just now drank some coffee now

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 No.66696[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Let's learn how to draw, m'fellas.

Drawing is a meditative, cathartic activity in which we attempt to interpret the world around us, or create a world our very own with every line and every page.

Give it a try, it's never too late to learn something new!


Drawing Software:

Drawing Tablet:
Ebay, Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or any regional facsimile

Look for
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She should have got thumb extension surgery in her teens.


so basically shes .... mentally backwards?


wahhhhhh-wahhhh whaaaaahhhhh h-He" "she" "i KNOW KAKa! SHE SAID Dora, dora, DORA Gong, Dora ane Gonggg waAAAAAAA" and everyone became mexican. cuban. uh. or is it spanish?


man if I were a celebrity or wealthy and in contact with a plastic surgeon I'd get every stupid retarded operation there is, id get two noses and fucking have my ears put on the front of my face, I'd really push the boundaries and freak people out, get right in their faces with it

red carpet walk with all of my what-the-fuck, moonwalk even


>>95781 ...what does that even fucking mean? how can you be wealthy and not incontact with plastic surgen??? are you fucking retarded? maybe before adding "details"or extend thumb you should just, add brain curvatures.. extend IQ... or in generally try getting a hi from megan. or kelly. that's if you can tell outside a jpg.
please just get the fuck out of 4chon or this thread mayb, in case you seriously mean to do serious questions. lel

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