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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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why should I shut up? you gettin too horny?


no, why have you been harassing me with this for years now?


I don't think thats "memory", water doesn't have a mind. Sounds like quackery.


Japanese Masaru Emoto has written a book about water memory. It has been subjected to a certain amount of criticism.


>my impact of the world is negligible, i cannot one up my predecessors while living in a marshmallow bubble, but wut if
>water was not a parasitic amoeba, minerals and sewage and roadside pollutant soup but a being that loves me
>wilderness is not a cold damp place for most of the year that eventually induces bronchitis and scurvy
>industrial processes are bad instead of maxxxing out human lifespan, iq and height by dozens of % within a few decades
>tribalism isnt extremely savage and violent dogpack rapey form of existence but a happy psytrance shrooms soycialist commune
>thirdie dictatorships of jewish mischlings strongman ruling over damaged bugman societies with gypsie thief tendencies are cool and admirable

ppl to retain their sanity and self-worth need to believe in a simplified, more positive, vastly less hostile bubble model of the world


I know someone that spends 800 dollars on Gaia and he baught a bunch of expensive esoteric magical things like some fancy pendulum and some weird geometric shape and meditation music tracks and now he wants to buy a 4000 dollar course run buy a guy that use to be a drug dealer that commited banking fraud.

Its great that his happy and everything but cant that just be acheived without spending huge amounts of money??? Advertising has squeezed its way into something thats supposed to be free or low cost
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Smiley has really let himself go


you're one to talk you lard infested retarded cunt


look at this shit

funbags btw

more like deflated shitty chest lumps


There are books and video courses on occult practices, and many of them can be downloaded for free or for a small fee on the internet

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 No.79801[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

338 posts and 122 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Haven't been kind to this thread
You don't have any kindness within you but continue to power trip.


I'm not a mod and you're a lost cause.


Keep power tripping. Hit that pipe harder.


there must be some logic error on this line of conditional statements before calling bumpThread function, don't know why else bump limit isn't working as normal


the variable $config['reply_limit'] is set to 300

maybe i should ask chatgpt to see if it's capable of catching a logic error after explaining each variable, i dont have time to factor out and parse this line myself


Here, test. Didn't seem to bump the previous time I asked. It's not really a problem to set it higher, unless it's how you said earlier in comforting some old 4reddit cross-posting retards.


whats the difference between doomer and far right?

its seems to be the exact same, far rights have no hope
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i aas asking of the distinction or lack thereof

doomer is essentially the same as far right and vice versa


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quandale dingle


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google drive easy to use interface
download the whole blob or pick and choose


make sure to sign into your david.boomer@gmail account before visiting this link and remmebr isreal is our most kosherest ally


one is gay, the other is a fag

 No.51298[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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So this is weird. I randomly Googled "4chon" after about 12 years of not thinking about this (that?) site. Anyone from the OG site still post here? Old mods, tripfags? Anyone who would have been in the IRC regularly? Seisatsu, ferus, sti, Liberal Feline, stal, raldakejla, xqks, tzif (lol nope)....

I lost all my saved stuff in an entropy-related incident. But, I remember most fondly the /r9k/ family portrait, the coining of the term /new/ggers, that song sharing site with the little ghost icons, IRC, Jim Profit drama, >>>/care/, STI vs "stee" and h.
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This man is a pussy slayer. I can't believe I didn't see it till now.



Avids theme song.


no thats your theme song hahalol


No this is your theme song

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B& AGAIN by the Tranny Jannies at 4Troons.
I just can't eeben into why OC creators are B& left and right-- *(Other than the obvious HunnyP0T reasons)
Anyone else been B& and then seen some anon poasting your OC and using your usual poast style??
I suspect I've become a "Training Anon" for shills, since I SEEM to have actually forged some protocols for real Anons-I.E. Telling Shills"No moar (you)s for you" and some of the REALInfo™ I post has been clearly picked up and run with.
I'm not so foolish as to think I'm causing any REAL change, but I'd like to think my TruePoasting has rubbed off on some other anons and some of the "Summerfags" and "Newfags" as well.
You may know me..
>pic rel
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>Bouncing along every crack
Your crack bouncing to bbc.




Your theme song.


no thats your theme song hahalol


No this is your theme song


This is a friendly reminder that noncery in all its forms (AI generated or not) is not tolerated on 4chon.

I am going to leave that waste of oxygen's thread up for a day to reinforce this message. Your thread will not be 'nuked'. Your files will be deleted, and you won't be allowed to post here. There are several different mods under several different timezones, and half of them are NEETs that don't sleep.

You're not welcome here.
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Correction*: I'm not from there. I can't go. Can't travel, don't have the funds collectively in general and this guy doesn't make me laugh. Even if I could go, I wouldn't... I'd have to be strongly convinced. Anyway. I hope anyone who goes, enjoys. You're welcome.


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I'd like to add in-that all I have to say-about nick thune-is that, he seems like a nice guy.


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you could always just click [-] on the post if the sexy man is too distracting for you


We've all been spoiled by HDVs captivating beauty. That man is unsightly and you're a liar if you say otherwise.


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dead fag lol

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I live in a crazy liberal town and sh!t seems to be going downhill fast. it used to be rare to see niggers in town and now they are everywhere. they don't live here because it's too expensive for them but they must take the bus from nearby hoods.

also there are a lot of fvcking bums, both nigger and human. sleeping on benches, taking up the sidewalks, asking for money.

what are some legal ways to get rid of/chase off bums?
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There is no legal solution. They're intentionally flooding white areas with blacks and browns. I live in a deep red area and the local sheriff and his boys protect these massive greyhound style busses entirely jammed full of central/southern american "migrants" that get delivered to the area

They print the money

They give it to NGOs

The NGOs then bribe local officials to destroy their communities

At the very least I'm glad they're flooding my area with brown 4 foot catholic hobbits instead of nogs


goddamn. tragic.

this... also tragic.

I live in the most liberal town of its size in the US according to wikipaedia. kind of weird that I ended up living here now that I think about it.

I'm a lover not a fighter.
which is to say that I'm a giant pu55y who doesn't know how to fight. I do occasionally get aggressive with bums when I'm in town and drunk. one day I'm probably going to say the wrong thing to the wrong bum and get beat up. it's also true that the cops are on their side, especially in this area.

gas the kikes


Please leave the mentally ill homeless alone. Seriously. All you need to do is trigger the wrong one on the wrong day and get murdered. Just stay away from them, if possible.



 No.81361[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Blog thread
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Try to be like HDV, everyday if your life.




Love and honor HDV.


stop sucking up to him because you want mod you cringe fuck

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Why would I ever come back? I can’t do better than what I got from you guys lol. Also I was gonna compliment you for being cool but… apparently not. So be it. Farewell.
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Fake girl
Obviously fake, stupid situation
Obvious troll
You fell for it which wasn’t even the point
Also the funniest thing was the pic was up for so long
I am told the pic is so clearly offensive
Ok fine so why keep it up for so long and then say oh it will be up for ANOTHER day!
You mods are obviously free to run this place as you wish
I was just having a bit of fun


commit suicide


u can't post realistic depictions of the underage in risque ways or worse ("fake cp") or the web host will kick out hdv its dat simple. i told u dis b4. how cum the other (gay) pedo on the site "redx" >>85352 can grasp dat but u cant

>I was just having a bit of fun

ya but uve done dis b4, i kno who u r. dont act like u dont kno wats allowed especially on wat u call de "clearnet", i remember u explaining to us bout bbs and tor. u hav a dangerous addiction and lack of self-control dat will get u in a lot of trouble one day. and ur not part of de mega rich or powerful men (epstein flight log etc) only dey get away wit child trafficking/prostitution scot free, u wud end in prison


Omg guys
I apologize
I have autism
You guys are normies
Please don’t claim to have autism
You don’t know how bad it is
You don’t know the pain of true autism
What I found funny, you found offensive
“How dare you do that???”
Yes you are right
But You don’t get it
We experience different realities
What you see and what I see are different
Anyway, farewell
I will try to control my autism


i can believe ur probly autistic cuz of ur love doll collection, liruposting and weird posting style but dont use that as an excuse for ur fucked up fetish/addiction (the worst kind thats illegal and unethical) and posting stuff that cud get us all in trouble. so no don't "control your autism", that's not the problem at all, go get rid of illegal shit u hav and stay away from it forever. if u dont do this u will end up in prison eventually cuz of ur moronic actions. go do other things that autists do like playing pokemon go or something

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Guys, this girl is at my door and it’s late. Do I let her in?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
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I'd expect it to happen at least once. Not the big troll you were hoping for and I'm sure you didn't get the replies you desired. :)


You guys are lucky. There’s another Chan I troll several times a day with my nonsense.


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The big troll I was hoping for? Actually it was. I only hope to get a nasty reply or two before my threads get nuked. Not all this. This has been great.


Okay, now you should definitely commit suicide.


Yes feel the HATE flow THROUGH YOU…
Oh well since the thread will get nuked now, I’ll post a bikini one(If you weren't on a dynamic IP there would be a wood chipper with your name on it. )


dressed in fitness gear with a rachel green haircut and still got moggee
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This haircut looks like shit. Girl in OP is a hard 5/10


seething goblinsaga


Quite a lot of celebrities are mogged hard by random females encountered in public. Waiting behind cash registers, waiting tables, buying groceries. Pretty much any public space anywhere will contain far better looking females than the one in OP, assuming that OP is actually a female at all


Jennifer Aniston is getting shitted on hard.


nice samefag response to yourself, very mentally competent behavior 👍


shit site
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kill yourself


this site gay where are all the tits


people were mean to dogi so she stopped posting her juicy funbags


nobody wants to see those disgusting bags of shit she calls tits lets be honest

pic related is what actual tits look like

inb4 lookslet cope and seethe


why the site gay i mean it is gayer than shit

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 No.80149[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is the /comf-v/ vidya thread #4

>Low bit
>High bit

OST's welcome.

Wrap up and post some nostalgia based or comfy based video game materials ITT.
299 posts and 68 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I don't think I'd call the frog event a "fan favorite". I have so many of those worthless tokens. I wish they had a way to block one or two events from ever spawning on you. That would be my first choice. I'd rather get the retarded Jekyll event.


runescape is cringe shit and you are a retard


You being a whiny little nigger-fucking faggot and perpetually complaining like a girlbrain bitch about the interests of others and about a bunch of people who made you butthurt in the past on dead boards is cringe retard shit and you should suffocate honestly. Dumb little fucking gay mongrel sperg.


lol seethe more


That's what you do all day every day, desperately crying for your boogeymen to post on your dead offshoot so you can ban them. You're so fucking pathetic lol.

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