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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Check em and welcome your new overlord
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Who're you?


whenever I look at porn I can sense someone or something behind me

every time

what is this shit like nigger leave me the fuck alone


Make sure your back is facing a wall. You're welcome!


it doesn't matter, the entity occupies any free space near me, I'd have to stand in a cupboard or some shit


Wood fuque


how do you think you'll die /b/ros?
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Is that dog Travis Barkers


I'll die the same as everyone in 2028 when the comet apophis hits earth just off the Swedish coast





Chicken romance is just the same as in humans
10/10 Gigachad rooster doesn't do courtship dances or rape, females just drop before them
8-9/10 usually dances, sometimes rapes
6-7 roosters are half dance, half rape
5 and below are damned to the rape zone

The one broodcock kills all rival males. He breeds all of the females of the tribe. All of them. Even his own mother, sisters, daughters and granddaughters

This cycle of extreme incest continues for generations until one of the male chicks hits puberty and successfully murders his own father
-and then the cycle begins anew

Pic semi-related
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You VILL get vaccinated, chicken raper boy!


Do you just use them for eggs? It sounds way too bothersome to eat them - defeathering etc. That big alpha bird is living out my dreams. I always rape in my dreams, the womans consent is a total non issue.

I WILL own something
I will NOT be happy!!!


Mostly just eggs
I haven't ate a bird in forever but fate will force my hand soon
20+ new roosters on the way


That's gonna take forever. You gotta shove them in boiling water just to make them pluckable.


I can rip feathers out pretty easy. Honesty I've never understood the problem people have with murdering and butchering chickens


You have to be masculine, but not overly masculine that it's toxic. And you can never say you want to be manly. You have to say that you embrace your feminine side which is just as powerful... but you still have to be manly. You have to have money, but you can't ask for money because that's pitiful. You have to be a boss, but you must never tell a woman what to do. You have to make the decisions but you also have to listen to what women want, which they don't know, before you make a decision that will always be wrong. You're supposed to make time for your wife and kids or you're a cold and distant father, but not so much time that it hurts your career, or you're a failure of a provider. You have to be unselfish and think of others, but you can't be too selfless or people will see you as weak. You have to tolerate women's bad behavior, which is insane, but if you point that out, you're accused of being whiny and told to man up. You have to be chivalrous but not so much that it's chauvinistic. You have to be kind to women but not so kind that you're creepy or boring. You're supposed to be strong and confident for women, but not so strong and confident that they feel oppressed or that you make other men angry at you. You have to be romantic and spontaneous but not naive and cringeworthy. You have to take the initiative and make a move without being told to, unless of course your attention is unwanted. Always be grateful for your privilege and feel passively aware that being a man is easier than being a woman. Remember that this is the 21st century and it is time to think of women as equals but also remember that women are oppressed and dis-empowered, so do not think of them as equals. You have to never be too weak or too strong, never be too kind or too cruel, never be afraid or cocky, never be too quiet or too loud. And you must never, ever complain. Because you are a man, everything is easy for you and everything that goes wrong is your fault.
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>you have to be a cuck




humiliation ritual?


Anything is possible.

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>tfw only 114 IQ
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I think I've been called short exactly once in my life. Can't remember how she said it. Maybe it was "a bit short". But I remember she was a lefty uni girl, the short cropped dyed hair lebso type. Idk if she was trying it on, on me. But she was oddly persistent. Maybe just a brain fart that wafted too long in the air. She was angsty and annoying, muh feminism, maybe trying to bother me. Can't remember her name or I'd try and profile her


Oh and FWIW I am really attracted to tall women and/or women 5'10"+. *Gulp-in-mouth*-tier.

The way they stand there with their big space-taking-upsome fleshy soft mass. Hnng!


Given your extremely short stature, you narurally see yourself in the position of a young child, and are attracted to taller women who remind you of your mother.


>who remind of your mother
He lives with his mother and I highly doubt that she's a tall exotic woman.



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Utena's feet.
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Second from left.

>approximately 2,000 Jews were shot


far left




>if like the metal is magnetic and plastic isn't magnetic can u like bool invert metal in proximity of plastic to be not magnetic and the plastic to be magnetic and suck up all microplastics

sleep and water deprivation brain is like the nigger weed intellectual brain whomagavehawedtoudought

smoke the nigger weed yo 420 bake yo


Well, as you know the the problem for us gay guys is that when you wipe the ass pieces of the toilet paper often gets stuck down there. The opening is so out of normal bounds now that the paper gets pushed IN there and then it clenches shut, so within the motion of a wipe, a piece tears off and you got to really dig into there with your fingers to get those remaining pieces out.


would poop be allowed in a /lounge/ nationalist society?
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Would horse auctions be allowed?



this shit belongs in the /v/ thread


yes but any horse poop must be sold to iraq war veterans at a discount

we say poop in this thread, bucko!

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forums, imageboards, social media, chat groups...all of them are so fucking boring now. They're either dead or full with terminally online retards. The only place I still find good is my private discord server. Also the only place I still post at (besides 4chan and YouTube comments).
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Normal men are masturbating to whatever those things goblinsaga has.


>>77533 (checked)
dogi has some of the juiciest funbags I have ever seen, my big fat cock is leaking just thinking about them


goblinsaga, nobody here likes you, you're ugly as fuck, stupid and you should leave this fucking website


I'm not dogi... if I was I'd spend all my time masturbating in front of a mirror while sucking my juicy funbags


shut up you fat cunt

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 No.27380[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Cast the jakkers in their inevitable biokinematographique
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Is there a problem with on-topic posts? Every foky thread isn't a real thread. It's just a foky thread.


at least he's not licking nigger erections like you, avid


>foky this
>foky that

literally obsessed


I want to sleep like this cade. Goodnight 4chon.


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Seeing cute 3D females pains me because I know I will never marry one. Does anyone relate?
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You should appreciate containment threads. It's kept in one thread and the whole board isn't being spammed. They're ideal and you can hide it and ignore the thread if you want.


Trips of truth.




Farts of smell

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why do you care?
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i've pretty much given up on caring. there's nothing left to care about


The care question was vague af and could be about absolutely anything tbqh. Care? Care about H'what exactly?



I don't have a car because I hate driving in Sydney with all the wogs and Asians. Though I do also hate my commute to the city which is about an hour. A 30 minute commute would be decent, I used to live in the inner west and my commute was about 10 mins or less it was kino


based non car haver


he was 100% a homosexual

just listen to his gay shitty diary ramblings

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the fuck are you talking about?


who? take your meds


He's cute but he fell for the brain poison of the foid.


nah, he was an ugly cunt


he would have been very popular with gay/bi men if he had trapped out, he could have skipped the HRT with those lips

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There are 13 lunar cycles in one year. The moon and the sun are the perfectly sized for eclipse.
I'm not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim, but I believe someone (god, aliens, misc) did this so we would put together the pieces.
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[holds up spork]


Idk lol


Omg. You're not a normie. Thanks for identifying yourself. You're free to go now. I promise that I won't call the cyber police on (you)!


I'm in the proccess of doing so.
1. Go to doctor and say you have autism.
2. Now you're diagnosed, get lawyer and tell them you want autism bux.


It doesn't work that way and I hope you die in minecraft- very soon.

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Finally got around to playing the Final Fantasy VII remake (sorry for spoilering it years ago HDV heh)

I know I'm a few years too late to this, but just what exactly was Nomura thinking with the Time Jannies? It may be quite literally the stupidest plot choice I've ever seen in an otherwise competent game.

It's just fucking unbelievable how they take away all agency from the characters and tension from the major turning points in the story. What's even more bewildering is when I sought out user reactions, the frickwits on reddit and other forums praised their inclusion and looked forward to seeing their role in the story. During pivotal moments ghosts just flood in and rearrange the characters to fit the scene like they're dolls. CLEAN IT UP TIME JANNIES!

I have mixed feelings about Nomura. He has a certain anime style that people like and can be quite tasteful when done, tasteful in the sense that 14 year old boys will find it cool. He reminds me of Tim Burton in that he has got a bit too far up his own ass as he's aged and needs some producer to tardwrangle him back in a bit.

The game is otherwise really good. It's pure nostalgia bait, the over-the-top extra stuff added in is Nomura, like the weird motorcycle theatricals ripped right out of Advent Children, but the beats from the original are all there. There's so much effort and talent that's gone into balancing realism, anime combat and the feel of the OG game. The combat system is fun and a nice twist on ABT. Zoomers are apparently a bit confused by the game, seeing the story as nothing special. And they're right, you just sort of had to be there as a 13 year old boy in front of a CRT playing it on the original playstation. I think by the time they've finished with the story, after like 4 episodes, we'll be approaching 40 kek.
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da SFM pr0n aloen wuz jutsify it


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That horny Jap that animated Scarlet in such vivid detail should get promoted.



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Lel heh


This, I've always thought final fantasy was a cringe franchise, turn based shit music gay anime retard characters and a fan base of anime loving mongs is essentially what it is

There's better TBRPG's out there, most of them indie developed

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