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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.80596[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


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Isekai was a mistake. Never let kids near it.


Christianity is an isekai


This is why kikes want to slander salt, probably.



Those are both cool names


Why does everything have to be rebooted into an amorphous, formless, raceless, androgynous blob?
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Fimally a show with badass masculine characters for us male gym sweaty crotch sniffing sneaker pissing enthusiasts


Shut the hell up dogcunt





Me on the left!!!!

 No.58490[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Decided to remake 4chon.me/new on a h'whim ama
143 posts and 80 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Disturbing how much he resembles Ben Franklin now.


He's not a wizard. He lost his v-card to a prostitute.




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almost funny?

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are there any tech channels that aren't ran by soyboy faggots?
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what is the most


car ?

( "the hubby's transportation appliance :)" )




but i need to know the vehicle of choice of androgynous husbands


Electric cars.


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As an obese abbo you should be huffing petrol

Otherwise you are a fraud

You all ready are a fake boi, why not be a real abbo you sow bitch
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I wouldn't assume your gender, maybe a little reconstructive surgery


That's a male tranny pretending to be a woman while saying they are an actual woman-they will never be a real woman. They are trying to do this to try and cover up the fact that they are a biological male by saying that they are an actual female that is larping or trying to be a male. It's supposed to be some sort of mind fuck reverse psychology trick to coverup the fact that they've a biological male and it's not working.


I see. There's a fly in your cream-of-mushroom soup. And there's shit caked on your feet, as you've printed in tracks across all the way from the door.


dogisaga should kill themselves because they are fat and ugly


wow nasty tranny shite

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Why aren't you starting your day with 60 pills and a cup of seed oil? Followed by a "green giant" (don't forget the sperminide)
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youre obsessed with that shitty meme arent you

imagine posting memes anymore



u hav smol cok


avid and FoKy flirting before gay sex

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Would you have done it all over again?
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ItÂŽs not too late for you to install a webfilter and find a proper place in assisted living


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Please someone tell my Zim has a DICK
I think he does because in one scene Dib kicks him there and he is hunched over in pain

I wanna fugg the alien
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I have NEVER clopped in my life


Not even once aha



clopvid always lyin


Shit cartoon died after hot topic, sorry bro


Zim is shite


Domestication is the process of increasing neotony in a species. In other words, to increasingly retain juvenile traits into adulthood, while adult (sexually mature) traits are erased

In other words, domestication is the process of separating a species from it's Jungian Shadow

Christianity destroyed my tribe by calling the Shadow "the Devil"

They domesticated us like animals

When Saul created a theological system that divorced man from the seat of his power, he neutered us profoundly and changed us from wolves into dogs. We are now an entire race and continent of labrador retrievers, pugs and boston terriers

Wolves are dangerous because God made them perfect, and they are complete as they are, for they are one with their Shadow already. Dogs on the other hand, well, I'm sure you already understand

The white race is a collection of karens, wageslave shabbos goyim, and zogbots. The jews are unironically right when they call us animals, or rather they're wrong because we are far less than any wild animal I know of. The squirrels and rats on my farm don't sabotage and betray their own kind

If any man here gives a damn about his eternal soul, I sincerely recommend that you immerse yourself totally in a nondualistic religion that doesn't neuter it's followers. Anything with a Devil figure that says desire is evil is attempting to cripple you on a deep psychological level
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>and also that there is no escape. Not even at home
Slow progress is being made on this front, while employers are naturally fighting back tooth and nail. (I couldn't be bothered to hunt for better sources.)

> The 'Right to Disconnect' From Work Email May Soon Be Enshrined in French Law https://www.vice.com/en/article/zm753j/the-right-to-disconnect-from-work-email-may-soon-be-enshrined-in-french-law

> Workers of the World, Unplug: The Fight for the ‘Right to Disconnect’ -- France, Luxembourg, Spain, and the Philippines have already taken steps to legislate a cap on the 8-hour work day. Will other countries follow suit? https://www.vice.com/en/article/evjk4w/right-to-disconnect-legislation-labor-movement

> The legal right to disconnect could become the norm in Europe https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/22/right-to-disconnect-could-become-the-norm-in-europe.html

> France and Spain: Right to Disconnect Spreads https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/legal-and-compliance/employment-law/pages/global-france-spain-right-to-disconnect.aspx

>Once you can kill your own blood for eugenic purposes

This would be a terrible idea for humanity's rate of technological and scientific rogress. It is precisely the outliers, especially on neurodivergence and social conformance, that make the leaps. You would lose Newton, Gauss, Euler, Archimedes, Maxwell, Turing and so on.


>This would be a terrible idea for humanity's rate of technological and scientific rogress. It is precisely the outliers, especially on neurodivergence and social conformance, that make the leaps. You would lose Newton, Gauss, Euler, Archimedes, Maxwell, Turing and so on
My chickens only kill the babies that are sickly and they're very picky about it, like Spartans. I doubt many geniuses are born with dysfunctional bodies

I have around 60 babies outside right now, but I only expect half at best to survive to adulthood. Their mothers are constantly pushing them at all times and they don't slow down for the weak

However even my plainest hen will attack a fox 20 times her size to protect a single one of her chicks. They are cruel, but also noble


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I'm gonna have the first words of 300 running thru my head whne I have my first boy

>When the boy was born
 like all Spartans, he was inspected.


Never forget that while Sparta fought against Persia at the Hot Gates in 480, by 405 they were winning the battle of Aegospotami and the Second Peloponnesian War against the Delian League with a fresh navy built entirely on Persian money, after having fought most of the war using Persian funding.

"This is Sparta."


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Do this but with a swastika

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Fuck, marry, kill
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muck, karry, fill


stubby legs


I am sick of niggers.


triggered beta


Just watched this. Looks heated. Full thing will be interesting
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>Can't answer the question 'do you believe in God' without filibustering like a psued about what 'do', 'believe', 'in' and 'God' mean
>Would immediately be able to answer whether he supports Israel


Too bad that alt-med treatment his daughter had him take didn't kill him.


My motto: if you are brown, I will frown.



why does this exist...?

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what is love?
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I have no idea who you think you are but to taint Nihilus with your faggotry will absolutely and crucially come to bite you in the ass




Americans didn't elect THIS?!


death to the two of them



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Rest in piss, your last earthly act was to fail at suicide baiting a gossip website during a quarter-life crisis.
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Rumor has it, he faked his death.


Part 2

Shortly after June 27, 2021, a 'suicide note' is posted on Telegram along with a single page of Japanese statistics of foreigners dying. These 'sources' wouldn't qualify for my 12th grade english class but are immediately accepted as proof.

2021-4/4/2024 : Byuu is retconned as a martyr (for...what?) who was harassed/bullied/driven to suicide (he wasn't, his thread was lamesauce and had no contact/personal info posted) .

His repeated prior drama and taking do-it-yourself HRT is completely ignored in the process of making an autistic vidya-game expert into a murder victim.

/end hyper-TLDR


admitting that feeding into tranny delusions doesn't actually help them get better mentally goes against the narrative, chud


Another brave trans martryr. Autogynephile sisters, I kneel...
She's playing with big NEL's with the angels now lads...

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While attending a fan event in Kent, Ohio over the weekend, prominent twitch streamer Kai Cenat was "caught lackin'" by colleague Fanum. For those not in the know, the Fanum tax refers to the eponymous streamer eccentrically demanding a bite of any and all food being consumed by other streamers in his vicinity. Mr Cenat made the mistake of eating his entire Subway sweet onion chicken teriyaki footlong sandwich before the Fanum tax could be paid and was forced to pay with the only "foodstuff" he had; his 5 star gyatt, Fanum, an avid rizzler, gladly accepted and ate the nigga's ass skibidi style. They are now gay and so are (you), the reader.
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we all know you wanked to this, fagvid

he wishes


i dont have to wank i have my gf to do that


*hand, black, male

FTFY thank me later


post a pic of her bellend or it didn't happen

top zozzle


da fuck?


Old thread was nuked

darkwave encouraged
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Anything beyond $200 seems unnecessary decadent


do you need steel toe boots?


anyone know where i could cop pants the same as these?


I use insulated belleville 880ST and abuse the shit out of them for at least a year (kicking metal, exposed to sparks, water, snow, mud, and oil), idk how rough on them you are. They're over 200 but they do have a few tropical or hot ones for under that which are probably just as tough but not waterproof.


Ugly "merch"

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